Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Day42-ResusCitateHumanity (PyschoSociety)


I'm watching CNN Headline Prime, with Erika Hill and Mike Galanos.
I ran into Mike at the gas station once. I don't 'celebrity-worship' so I just minded my own business, as usual.

This is an interesting broadcast this evening.

1) A sports-segment shows a football game where one player punched another player in the testicles. Intentionally. He should have been arrested right then, on the spot. Had it been you or me, we'd be in jail in a heartbeat, and STILL BE THERE.

This actually happened to me once. Everybody laughed. They thought it was funny. Not ONE person even helped ... they goose-stepped off, in their 'goodness.' PsychoSociety, no doubt about it.

2) Rosa Parks, the woman that started the bus-boycott, which finally got the Supreme9 Majesty to end segregation after their usual long-delayed, very-expensive, pomp, excuses and royalty, died today -- maybe yesterday. The end of segregation got the ChristianHaters to enact a different form of segregation:
-- "GreatWhiteFlight," where whites evacuated cities and left no jobs nor economy for blacks.
-- StateSponsoredNarcoTerrorism, where 'entertainments,' such as cocaine being cooked into crack and distributed to those 'evacuated' inner-city communitees. PUBLIC RECORDS PROVE CIA involvement.
-- WarOnBlackBehavior, where the use of the 'entertainments' introduced were declared illegal, and the war-on-the-streets has put millions behind bars and slaughtered hundreds-of-thousands in the streets and the very homes where they live.
-- DeathWorshipConversion, where a CHOSEN FEW were put on a brightly lit stage, spouting the same ReligiousDiscriminHate that kidnapped, genocided, enslaved, tortured, and segregated blacks to begin with; TWISTING the previous NonBeliefSystems of kidnapped Africans into the same BeliefSystem of the kidnappers, enslaving them further, and concocting a scheme where they actually PAY and SUPPORT the methodology/ideology used to oppress them in the first place.

FIRST there was Christianity;
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to expose any portion of their skin to the sunlight.
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to LEARN how to READ;
-- WOMEN HAD TO FIGHT to be able to VOTE;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against SEGREGATION;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT for EQUAL PAY;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against BOOB_WORSHIP;

... and they are ENSLAVED more NOW than EVER, promoting BoobWorship and the SAME BeliefSystem that has oppressed them since CHURCH was conCOCted to begin with.

... same with BLACKS.
... same with INDIANS.
... same with MEXICANS.
... same with CUBANS.
... same with ASIANS.
... same with SEX (those ReligiousDiscriminHaters are ALWAYS perversley engrossed with what a person does with their CROTCH!)

And the CHURCHES conspire to hold up miniscule EXAMPLES, usually on TV, as the 'shining-light' of their perverted, offensive and obscene 'progress.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, and preventing YOU from ever being ONE of those 'examples.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by highlighting stupid 'examples' over REAL LIFE.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by covering up the past, by pretending those 'examples' are YOUR life.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, while conCOCting excuses to for false-hope, wishful-thinking 'equality.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by power-lobbying government, illegally, and FORCING their DISCRIMINHATE into LAW.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by HAMMERING you ruthlessly to their damnable CrossOfShame for having FLESH.

Meanwhile, they babble shit at the air, while DeathWorshiping, drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a corpse, in elaborate ceremonies to DECEIVE you into PAYING for it and PROMOTING more DeathWorship to DiscriminHate against 'not their kinds of people,' literally praying for FinalBattles and TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENTS, under the guise of 'peace' and 'love.'

And that IS religion. All of them. And they work TOGETHER, conspiring to make LAWS that support their DeathWorship, and promote their DiscriminHate, while promoting the ArmsIndustry and oppression, mass-murder, genocide and HATE -- while 'spinning' a side-message of 'peace/love/tranquility' and it's ALL DECEPTION.

Religion IS the DECEPTION. DiscriminHate, that's all it is, to promote battles of intolerance.

-- now, this ThoughtVirus, 'religion,' has re-infected:
-- -- Science: 'intelligent-design' (same thing!)
-- -- Spiritualism: to DiscriminHate against 'those not spiritual enough for me.' (same thing!)

PeaceOnEarth is IMPOSSIBLE with RELIGION. IMPOSSIBLE. Religion IS the DECEPTION. It is ALL HATE in disguise, to discriminate against 'not our kind of people' and 'worship' a FICTIONAL LIFE that has NOTHING TO DO WITH SURVIVING THIS ONE.

After LIFE? AFTER 'life?' What happens when you drown? Your LIFE is OVER. Therefore, what is AFTER life? DEATH! Period.

Only flawed-logic, "BeliefSystems," could conCOCt an reason to IGNORE YOUR LIFE, blame others, and pretend that after DEATH you go to a 'place' that DiscriminHates against 'not your kind of people.'

How flippin' convenient! 'Heaven' is a physical PLACE ON EARTH, we BUILD TOGETHER IN PEACE. AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings. Heaven does NOT DiscriminHate. YOU DO.

Christianity is all about the GlassHalfEmpty pessimissm of how AWFUL THIS LIFE IS, and therefore you make up a fairy-tale, fictional one, false-hopes for when YOUR LIFE IS OVER. If you can be convinced that 'REAL LIFE is HORRIBLE,' then CHURCH just made a PROFIT.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY the ArmsIndustry and Religion go hand-in-hand.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY religion CUTS HUMAN SERVICES and attempts to MONOPOLIZE it by LAW.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY oppression and DiscriminHatian MUTATES -- by design.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY this GenesisDeception is TERRORISM, globally.

1 comment:

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