Friday, March 03, 2006

Day200-RCH (Healing The Ill)

I am about to HEAL 'miraculously.' PAY ATTENTION.

What is 'TheoryWorship' PART-II

"ReverseTunedMassDamperSystem - Revisited"

-- Jet-Stream.
-- Direction of Rotation.
-- anti-podial water-flow.
-- Tides not caused by Moon AT ALL, but by the WOBBLES.
-- Is North 'south' and East 'west'?
-- What are Moon-shadows and eclipses?
-- Legends of Hollow and Middle Earth

In many of my public statements, usually in online internet website discussion forum-threads, I have explained my invention and design of an ReverseTunedMassDamperSystem. Before summarizing here, let's talk about the direction the planet spins and the resultant jet-stream.

As stated above, assuming the planet is a sphere or ball-shaped, then it spins inside of the atmosphere, the denser air at the surface following along, but the higher the elevation, the thinner air is 'time-delayed,' or 'bending-backwards.' Think of a column of air. As the 'ball' spins, the colum 'bends.' This is the jet-stream. So, if the sun rises in the 'East,' then a 'ball-shaped' planet MUST spin TOWARD the rising sun. That means, the jet-stream MUST flow from East to West.

Does it? What graphical representations have you EVER seen in your ENTIRE LIFE in weather-reports, on the news, or in science text-books?

Now, what about the direction of water-flow. All rivers flow from the North to the South, eventually (although portions differ) in the 'northern' hemisphere. All rivers flow South to North in the 'southern hemisphere.' Again, portions and segments differ. According to all current physics, the reason toilets, when flushed, swirl water to the RIGHT in the Northern Hemisphere and to the LEFT in the Southern Hemisphere is because of the direction the planet spins.

We just reviewed that the planet MUST spin TOWARD the sunrise according to the current representation of Earth. So, why does draining water swirl to the right in the North and the left in the South? It's impossible, unless 'north' is really 'south,' and 'east' is really 'west.' Does that mean the poles are reversed?

This brings up the issue of tides. We are taught to TheoryWorship the THEORY that the Moon's gravitational-pull lifts oceans. This is ridiculous. The planet has wobbles, as explained. The planet BULGES as a result, displacing BOTH atmosphere AND water. Think of a bowl of water, with you walking around trying not to spill it as it sloshes. Also, if you then spun around in a chair, the water would be pushed to the OUTSIDE of the bowl. Same thing with oceans, hence the TIDE.

Now, the ReverseTunedMassDamper is made easier to conceptualize by visualizing a 'ball on string.' If you whirl a ball around on a string, what happens? Well, if the planet is 'ball-shaped,' and you attach a 'string' with a weight on the end to the surface, that weight, the ReverseTunedMassDamper, is flung around in the same manner as a 'ball on string,' only in space. By TUNING the mass on the end of the string -- adding or subtracting mass as necessary -- the line or 'string' is kept taught, and there is no 're-entry' burn-up because it's in practically motionless atmosphere. Wind is practically irrelevant. The 'bend' in the 'string' from high-wind is eliminated with additional 'tethers' and more mass-adjustment on the end of the 'string.' This obviously would NOT work from the equator, as the 'string' would wrap itself around the planet, if the planet is 'ball' shaped.

The reason I do not claim outright that the planet is factually 'ball-shaped,' is because I have not verified it with my 5-senses. Have you? Or, are you repeating a THEORY and worshipping that THEORY thereby HATING those whom do not goose-step in lock-step with your hateful religious supremacy? We've also seen many pictures of Elvis taken in recent years, proving pictures are worthless as 'proof' of ANYTHING. They are only considered 'evidence' in a court of law, so why would anyone say they are 'facts' in text-books?

So, we MUST, as open-minded explorers of thought and reality, examine other 'possible-answers' as all theories are. Again, all theories are merely 'possible answers,' not facts, and no theory has EVER been proved accurate, although certain elements may be close to being 'factual,' the overall theory is merely an 'possible answer' that is ALWAYS discounted when the facts become known. That's why they are called 'theories' to begin with.

You know how gravity works. You have personal experience with it. You knew the moment you were first cradled, rocked, learned to overcome it and raise an arm, learned to crawl, fell down while trying to walk. And nobody has ever walked perfectly, stumbling, tripping, slipping from time-to-time right up until the very last step in their lives. When we fall down, we get up, dust off and walk again as best we can, but never 'perfectly.'

You CREATE gravity with acceleration or deceleration ONLY. Under an CONSTANT velocity, such as an centrifuge, just like the Tilt-O-Whirl at a carnival or country fair, you are plastered against the inner-wall of a spinning object. If you put water on a ball, and spin it, the water if FLUNG OFF. If you sit in the middle of a merry-go-round, you turn around in circles SLOWLY. But if you walk to the edge of the spinning merry-go-round, you are FLUNG OFF.

This is factual in atmosphere or out of atmosphere. Some will say this is not gravity at all, but something else. They are TheoryWorshippers, HATING all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with their ChurchOfShame, hammering any/all ruthlessly to the MercilessCrossOfShame for 'blasphemey' against their HOLY EDICTS. Therefore, they have abandoned science, for it is no longer science AT ALL, but HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

Magnetism is also considered to be the CAUSE of gravity. You've probably seen desktop golf-balls that float in the air due to magnetic forces, defying gravity. You are also aware of 'MagLev' trains that float above tracks. Also, you've probably experimented with magnets, putting like-poles together and they repel. These are ERRONEOUSLY termed 'negative/positive' poles, reinforcing the failed ThoughtSchool of 'negative/positivism.' OBVIOUSLY, gravity is something ELSE entirely, and only OVERCOME with magnetic forces.

So, now we're back to CRADLES and the very concept of 'CradleOfHumanity.' At amusement parks, there are swinging boats. Have you ridden one? Also, think of the tilt-o-whirl, where you stand in a large ring, like a ring-shaped cage, that spins at high-speed, and the bottom falls out, leaving you pressed against the inner-wall, motionless. I rode one once with a friend. There was another person on the opposite side. After about two-minutes, their cheecks started bulging, as they were holding back gags. We yelled and the ride was slowed just in time to miss a shower of vomit. Possibly. Perhaps the person was just playing with our minds? A 'sick-joke,' literally.

You see, I want you thinking, not TheoryWorshiping ("theory worshipping").

What if Earth is on a giant ring? This would explain moonshadows, especially eclipses, better than the current 'ball-shaped' THEORY. The Wobbles are still possible and FIXABLE, the ReverseTunedMassDamperSystem still possible. And all kinds of Legends become explainable regarding 'Middle' and 'Hollow,' etc. Don't forget 'anti-podial' water flushes and drains, and, the jet-stream. With a Ring visualization, the odd naval observations regarding Antarctica are also explainable. You see, when you navigate around Antarctica, you've travelled the same distance as 'circumnavigating' the entire Earth. Fascinating, isn't it? Yup. Sure is.

Also, lets examine the old 'flat-earth' visualization just for 'shits and giggles,' as the saying goes. Using Einstein's Theory of Relativity, we MIGHT be BRAKING. That means, under decceleration, we are HELD DOWN. This would explain what is known as the Van Alden Radiation Belts, because we would be ENTERING the radiation of the braking device at all times. We might also be ACCELERATING, which means we are also 'held down.' This is indeed fascinating to think about. Under acceleration, we would be subjected to constant bombardment from debris in space. Due to the age of Earth and all the fact that water and debris are entering the atmosphere in the form of ice and rock, molecule by molecule, moment by moment at all times, adding MASS, the Theory of Relativity in this context implies RETURN VOYAGE, a concave CRADLE that moves FROM Point-A to Point-B and RETURNS.

Always catch yourself from here on out regarding TheoryWorship. Keep your natural scientific curiosity and wonder available and encouraged. The very first human endeavore was the RESULT of open-minded WONDER and SPECULATION. Only religion HATES it. You've now been HEALED of TheoryWorship and know how to FIX IT when it rears it's ugly head, infecting your life with needless complications and expensive stagnation.

Kind Regards,
3Ons -- HFA

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