Sunday, March 05, 2006

DayNow - JudgmentDay2

Note2: Note: ignore typos/misspellings/sentence-structure/word-usage, as these are EXCUSES by the HATEFUL to IGNORE messages and HATE messengers in their so-called 'positive-goodness.' I do not use spell-checkers to FAKE perfection for this EXACT REASON.


Note1: IndyMedia, claiming free-speech, CENSORS all MY WORDS, concocting nonstop EXCUSES to HATE messengers and IGNORE messages. They have offensive, racist, obscene material on their FRONT-PAGE, but MY WORDS of PeaceOnEarth are CENSORED in order to DISCRIMIN_HATE against my Civil Liberties, punishment for advocating PEACE. What's that tell you?

I am protected by ALL LAWS OF MAN, all the ones you know and even the ones you don't.

Please view this:

The following article will be CENSORED in HATE too, ruthlessly hammering me to the MercilessCrossOfShame, AGAIN, in their so-called 'goodness':


Sir Mountain Man

... Mounts the StairWay this Judgment Day, as HFA.

All things in existence EXPERIENCE my words:

To the churches I say to you, your oganizations by any name are franchises of love, not terror, thus currently institutions of deception. Hammering a person, either figuratively or literally -- nailing a person to planks -- is shameful, and born of hate. What does that make you?

Your studies are founded on the criminal molestation of mind, a focused examination of body parts and perversley examined crotches, transforming love into hatred, to manipulate the masses, teaching figurative carpentry, hammering ruthlessly any and all to the merciless CrossOfShame. Any excuse will do. What's that make you?

Even your taxes, tithes and offerings are born of extortion, strings attached with all gifts to the poor and needy. False expectations against all persons is used to shame them, lofting your fence-men on self-made 'victim-stages' in a frenzy of figurative carpentry, teaching nothing but DeathWorship, which is majestic supremacy. Any excuse will do. What's that make you?

In front of all existence, you profit from misery and babble away all day only to demonstrate a yearning to say "death to all we hate." Your hope is for finality. Your prayers for gain. Doom and gloom is the shame you project in your black-light of 'negative/positive' babblized extinction events. That's called hate. What's that make you?

The only evil on the land since the beginning of time is the division of tribes, and your organizations, by any name, separates differences in your despising of uniqueness, therefore a LegacyOfShame. Do you not make the obvious implications of MY WORDS?

-- (more will be on the way, as I WaveOnHumantiy.)

I have charged your religious institutions, of any name, any religion, with crimes against humanity. FIX IT.


To the religious, I say to you, life takes zero belief. Only fiction requires faith. Your opinions are evolutionary, all facts and figures are updates to your internal knowledge-base, never to be stagnated nor denied. All 'New' information to you is 'hoped-for' until validated with your 5-senses to prove truth. Assumptive-living, religion, is an concocted excuse to hate those whom have not closed their minds with you. Any excuse will do. What's that make you?

The DECEPTION is the FACT that 'negative' and 'positive' is HATE. You have claimed an self-made PositiveKingdom, majestically declaring yourselves 'positives' from which to label all others 'negatives,' and have proved nothing but HATRED for them. In your blindness, your minds are closed tightly to the entire universe, denying yourselves the capacity to view outside of the (- +)HATE microcosm of seemingly infinite-gravity. Any excuse will do. What's that make you?

The MeaningOfLife is NURTURE, obviously, and always has been. There can be no life without economy. Your hate for differences has undermined and bankrupted WeThePeoples' Treasuries and robbed life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from all others, yourselves included. For 'negative/positivism' equals NOTHING, perpetual HATE. What's that make you?

The invasion of other peoples' anatomy, either physically or mentally is more perverse than what you have constantly damned others for having done in the exploration of your own inner-most fantasies. The constant accussations and pervasive fearmongering is the molestation of the same principles you claim to uphold. Lofted on self-made 'victim-stages,' you voodoo-project your own inner-hatred for yourselves upon all others, doing figurative carpentry, all day, every day, hating differences, ruthlessly hammering others to the merciless CrossOfShame, by any name. What's that make you?

Your family is ROOTED on those you've never met. We are the HumanityFamily for that EXACT REASON. In your jeans are the genes of all others, even the animals, the fish, the insects, the birds, and things you know not. This domain you will SERVE AND PROTECT. This domain you will not HATE. This domain you will repair. This domain we MUST fix together. All of you, all of them, all of us, even beyond -- even the shit you currently hate.

We're in this together, and we MUST fix it together. What kind of 'heaven' has no differences? What BLANDNESS KING would be served in such a place? By whom? We build an 'heaven' by any name here on earth, not off, not off in some fictional location, but this earth; not during a fictional life, but during this life, for you, and them, and all others, to PROTECT AND SERVE, equally.

Together, we are the MANNA MACHINE. It's broken. We MUST FIX IT NOW. Therefore, I say to you, FIX IT, and start with yourself, and your immediate-families, I COMMAND YOU: STOP the hateful relgious supremacy.

As I told the churches/mosques/synogogues/temples/halls/etc., the only evil on the land since the beginning of time is the division of the HumanityFamily into tribes, and your organizations, by any name, separates differences in your despising of uniqueness, therefore a LegacyOfShame. Do you not make the obvious implications of MY WORDS?

-- (more will be on the way, as I WaveOnHumanity.)

I have charged you individuals, of any name, any religion, TheoryWorshipers inclusive, with crimes against humanity. FIX IT.


To the legislators, Senators and high-rollers, I say to you: you have been DECEIVED. Religion is the DECEPTION, an concocted excuse to HATE. Even spiritualism is an concocted excuse to HATE 'those not spiritual enough for you.' Living in MAJESTY, you have lofted yourselves on self-made 'victim-stages,' inside self-made PositiveKingdoms from where to project HATE against 'not your kind of people,' labeling all others 'negative,' in your so-called goodness. One by one and two by two, off to the dungeon they go. What's that make you?

With the police in the middle, those whom SERVE AND PROTECT, you have put them in the impossible situation of declaring nonstop WarAgainstThePeople. These are the dedicated professionals you blame and shame, and hammer ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame to divert attention from your own complicity and guilt. Any excuse will do. What's that make you?

You care for none but yourself, and only accept friendship with money and those whom posses it. You care not for the poor unless you get a photo-op to your own benefit, profiting from the ever-rising pile of bloated corpses, rubble and misery. You hate words and those whom speak, unless spoken goose-step in lock-step with your own hatreds for differences and all things UNIQUE. What's that make you?

Under the guise of 'freedom,' you have concocted Amendments to Constitutions to protect the failed ThoughtSchool of 'negative/positive,' the defintion of HatefulReligiousSupremacy, as all religion is. You are a mirror-image of that exact hate, nothingness, DeathWorship. Using that false protection, you have deliberately censored and discriminated against speech and those whom speak, clothes, music, video, education, science, dance, art, age, gender, medical, financial, jobs, business, industry, skin, looks, an seemingly endless list of concocted excuses to discriminHATE all things different from yourselves. Since all life is unique, that makes you guilty of the criminal act of conspiratorial DeathWorship, the ultimate crime against all Humanity, the entire HumanityFamily. Billions have died, suffered and are grieving. For that I have arrested you. What's that make you?

I have commanded you to FIX IT. I have begged, I have pleaded, I have asked, I have forgiven. You have done nothing but continue nonstop IRSSS (InfiniteReasonableSoundingStupidShit) EXCUSES to continue being HATEFUL, dividing instead of Uniting, undermining the Union and genociding all others. For my efforts, you only retaliate in the same manner as all HatefulReligiousSupremacist's 'eye-for-an-eye' vindictiveness. What's that make you?

Your own 'too-busy' ever-growing self-importance cares not for complaints, choosing instead to remain inside of your own self-made BellChambers, patting yourselves on the back in self-righteousness, hating differences and ignoring those whose lives you have deliberately complicated, thereby ruined. Too 'good' to listen -- too 'good' to care -- too 'positive' to address the EndlessSuffrage you have endorsed yourselves, in your DeathWorship, hating, blaming, shaming, and accepting no responsbility, not even LISTENING, refusing to HEAR, refusing to SEE, refusing to SMELL, refusing to TASTE, refusing to TOUCH that which you have DEMOLISHED in your so-called 'positive-goodness.' What's that make you?

I say it again: "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

As I told the churches/mosques/synogogues/temples/halls/etc., the only evil on the land since the beginning of time is the division of the HumanityFamily into tribes, and your organizations, by any name, separates differences in your despising of uniqueness, therefore a LegacyOfShame. Do you not make the obvious implications of MY WORDS?

-- (more will be on the way, as I WaveOnHumanity.)

I have charged you Legislators, Senators and high-rollers, of any name, religious or NOT, TheoryWorshipers inclusive, with crimes against humanity, DeathWorship. FIX IT.


To The People, their loved ones, their families, their co-workers, their associates, their pets, and even the creatures that grow and roam freely in the soil, on the land, in the waters and above the dirt, you have been held to impossible standards, made to bow-down before false perfections, forced to pretend to be that which you are NOT, hiding whom you are in protection of yourselves and that which you love, living in fear of those whom have been deceived by DeathWorship, terrorized.

These are strange circumstances, false, deceptive, an concocted intolerance to peace. In weird situations people do weird things. You have been forced to suffer for being ALIVE, and being naturally living under the failed ThoughtSchool system of 'negative/positive.' Very few things in the entire universe have properties of 'negative/positive.' Nothing else does. There is nothing wrong with YOU. The circumstances must evolve and grow HEALTHIER.

Harm nothing and FIX that which has been harmed. I forgive you and your reactions to trespasses concocted against you and yours. Protect and Serve each other, and all that is in your world, above, below and BEYOND, the entire UNIVERSE. Remain curious. Speculation is healthy. It is okay to tell each other, especially children, "we do not know, but here are some possible answers called 'theories,' why don't you study them and help us figure it out?" No theory is truth nor fact, and all must be discarded before being proved valid or invalid. Do not TheoryWorship and use possible-answers as an concocted excuse to HATE those whom do not goose-step in lock-step with your HOLY EDICT based on those same 'possible answers,' theories, in order to make falsely present yourselves as 'smart.'

Intelligence has NOTHING TO DO with knowledge. It has nothing to do with memorized sound-bites. It has nothing to do with spelling. It has nothing to do with how much math you can or cannot do. It has nothing to do with how many books you have read, or how much education you may or may not have. It has nothing to do with how much money you earn or do not earn, what you own, or do not, where you live, how you look, your size, shape, color, gender or what you do with your crotch. These are the excuses concocted by HatefulReligiousSupremacists to HATE you and yours. Remain detached from their concocted EndlessSuffrage and retain INTEGRITY while those DeathWorshipers and TheoryWorshipers prove NONE.

You have been DECEIVED into behaving as the 'antithesis-example' in order for DeathWorshipers, TheoryWorshipers inclusive, acting as HatefulReligiousSupremacists, point fingers at you and laugh, scornfully, sucking your life-blood as vampires and profiting from your misery, shaming and blaming and hammering you ruthlessly to their MercilessCrossOfShame in so-called 'goodness.'

For that, you have often over-reacted, returning that which you were TRAINED, deceptively.

I forgive.

We are in this together and we must fix it together, all of us, all of you, all of them, even that which you have been brainwashed into hating. Put your hatreds aside. Put your discriminations away. You are not 'better' in hate, nor in the exercise of hateful religious 'eye-for-an-eye' vindictiveness.


All things in existence EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

To the Fathers and Mothers I say to you, give daily nurture to one another, without strings attached, devoid of expectations, then, to all others. Honor those who have less and help them in the same manner. You can nuruture none if you are not nurtured. Forgive those whom perform figurative-carpentry against you, hammering you and yours ruthlessly to their hateful MercilessCrossOfShame, and learn HowNotToLive by the hateful examples of others, the VulgarLessons in LIVING.

There are those with no place to lie down in safety, to rest, to sleep, to be nurtured, in warmth and comfort. Help them whenever and wherever they are and do not turn a blind-eye to them. They are everywhere. Give food and sustainance, a blanket, a jacket, a pair of pants, a morsal or crumb, anything you can, when you can, as long as it does not put your family at risk; therefore, balance your inconveniences.

The MeaningOfLife is nurture from FIRST BREATH. Treasure uniqueness and differences and do not expect goose-step compliance with your opinions, all opinions being evolutionary. UPLIFT the water, the life-blood of all things, figuratively and literally, nurturing even that which you have been deceived into hating, and hate no more. Only the self-proclaimed 'righteous' insist they be bowed-down before, and from that learn and prove INTEGRITY as they prove NONE.

The only thing after life is DEATH, and all valleys are made infertile through lack of nurture, the most healthy green pastures turned to brown in death. These things are OBVIOUS. They are hard-coded to the CORE of your BEINGS. Even rivers run dry, and where water does not flow, all life ends, proving DEATH. From this learn to nurture and treasure the living, without fear, but with respect of needs, distancing yourselves from trespass against others, sowing seeds of mind and life, free of blame and shame, where it will be carefully nurtured so as to THRIVE.

The examples of hate are abundant, an horrible deception, fooling those whom close their eyes, ears, senses and minds to the treasure of UNIQUENESS. It comes in any form, any excuse will do: looks, books, knowledge, thoughts, ideas, money, possessions, locations, businesses, jobs, entertainments, gender, anatomical-differences, artistic expressions, education, natural wonder and speculation, evolutionary opinions, size, shape, color. Only those with repressed inner-fantasies perversley examine crotches and hate those whom use them in 'not their own approved fashion,' therefore, without their 'permission,' a voodoo-projection of jealous hatred to peversley examine and DOMINATE you, which is HatefulReligiousSupremacy, the terrorization of others through criminal TRESPASS of MIND.

Never expect forgiveness; you PROVE it yourself through your own actions. You give it and be especially thankful to those whom forgive you. Make no excuses; prove integrity through those VulgarLessons learned. Ask those you love and even those whom hate you, "what are your needs?" Forgive them, and thereby learn not to so hateful. Never abandon the quest for experience and knowledge.

To the children I say to you: learn. We all make mistakes and everyone must learn to walk. Nobody has ever walked perfectly. When we fall down we get up, dust off, and walk again. We do this until our very last step. Make no excuses and be AMUSED by those whom say your 'slips' and 'trips' and 'stumbles' are 'mistakes,' for they are NONE OF THAT, merely life-experiences, your speculative thoughts healthy, as your ability to continue ON is unique and, is what we as a species, like all others, have always TREASURED.

To the workers I say to you: be productive. It is hateful for others to say your complaints are disgruntled unless you know how to solve all problems yourself, without knowing the ins-and-outs of all aspects of your employers' business. Without expressing your concerns, all suffer from your self-censorship. Express your differences kindly and do not give in to hateful rumormongering, which is another deceptive-inversion used to blame and shame you, by OTHERS.

Same words apply to owners and supervisors. An employee that does not know something, is not 'stupid' -- they are a 'blank-page' awaiting your mentoring and nurture. Even those whom 'know,' will still have to learn how to adapt to your environment.

Life requires ZERO BELIEF. It takes zero belief to know that fire is hot, that ice is cold, that hate is hurtful, and that humans do not walk on water, they drown in it. Only FICTION requires belief, living does not. Believes are concocted excuses to DOMINATE and DISCRIMIN_HATE others.

PeaceOnEarth, not off -- not off earth in some fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but THIS LIFE ON THIS EARTH, PeaceOnEarth. We make Heaven here, not in some fictional, undisclosed location, during a fictional life, but THIS LIFE ON THIS EARTH, HeavenOnEarth, by any name. I chose 'heaven' because it's 'HeaveOn': pulling the ropes of misery and suffering by all whom care, with compassion, so that life will thrive with NURTURE. Call it what you will, I choose "HeavenOnEarth."

I have spoken my mind. I have shared my thoughts. All you haters stop your criminal trespasses and forgive; I would prefer you hated me, as hurtful as that is, then continue one more moment at concocting divisions amongst yourselves. We are in this together, one race, the human race, the entire HumanityFamily, and our home is the same, EARTH, the MANNA MACHINE, AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings.

FIX IT, Treasure it and NURTURE.

We will prevail. Have COURAGE.


Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?

OnEdit: I made a very rare edit on this post, and the previous JudgementDay "DayNow" post. These are the ONLY TWO EDITS in ANY of my blogs relating to the UniversalTheorem. The current edit was to update the links and change the title from "Judgments2" to "JudgmentDay2".

As for IndyMedia's CENSORSHIP, they have BURIED all my articles under the guise of 'policy violations.' I have downloaded and carefully analyzed those 'policies,' and am NOT violating anything AT ALL, therefore, this is a personal HATE campaign by an individual against ME and MY WORDS and my non-violent advocacy of PeaceOnEarth. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO by so-called 'positive-people' to CENSOR, DISCRIMINATE and HATE.

I have authorized ZERO persons to speak on my behalf; to sign anything on my behalf; to make decisions in any way, shape or form in my behalf. If anybody at all has knowledge of someone fraudulently claiming personal information about me, or, 'authority' to make decisions for me, INFORM LAW ENFORCEMENT AT ONCE OR BE COMPLICIT IN FELONIOUS ACTIVITY.

OnEdit, second time: INFORM ME TOO, IMMEDIATELY. Kind Regards.
OnEdit: third time: added typo/spelling/FAKE_PERFECTION disclaimer for I am NONE OF THAT.

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