Sunday, May 27, 2007

ORCH_Day636 Free Gas

Every 'person' in existence, experience MY WORDS:

Family Gas-Subsidy Proposal

You know how much it costs. If you are on a fixed-income, a single-parent, a single person, low-wage worker, retired or disabled or self-employed, your annual cost-of-living 'increase' was instantly consumed with the purchase of half-a-tank of gas.

Real people are starving now, unable to properly nurture their families, be it large families or single-occupancy families. Never before has the malnutrition levels been this high in 'modern society.' And in today's self-esteem deficient 'climate' where people are subtly trained to pessimistically tunnel-vision their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, real or imagined, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and proving zero integrity, those whom are malnourished remain silent until all-to-often, they perish.

Signs of malnutrition include confusion, poor memory, low-energy, drowsiness, twitches and muscle-spasms, hollow cheeks, slurred speech or stuttering-like speech, poor vision and/or confusion identifying what is being seen, and wide-ranging mood-swings.

Go to the 'experts' and they'll concoct endless appointments to pay a psychiatrist or psycho-analyst, ignoring the root of the issue entirely, while spending far more real dollars on talking about nothing, babbling-at-the-air, instead of buying food and feeding real hungry people.

Families are held hostages in their homes now, due to the cost of fuel. Furnace-oil heated homes use hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars worth of fuel, monthly, from Fall through Winter, into the Spring and a few weeks during Summer in Northern climates. Even the cost of propane has risen dramatically, including natural gas heated homes, often-times costing more per house to heat than oil-furnace heated homes.

All the money that used to be spent at bars, restaurants, race-tracks, sports and music centers, halls, theaters, clubs, specialty shops and hobby/craft stores, amusement parks and convention centers, travel, hotels and motels and so many other family-oriented events, all that money is consumed in gas-tanks, now. The bankruptcy ratio among those types of businesses has never been higher.

Far more single-parents drive without insurance, now more unaffordable than ever, even if required by law. These people are made to feel as though war has been declared against their families from every conceivable angle, endless complications holding-back any efforts to thrive, be fruitful, prosperous, and pursuitful of life, liberty and happiness, all equal-access to opportunities denied -- penalty for breathing, each and every breath. And we haven't even discussed medical insurance, or home/rental insurance, or seeing a dentist, whom are some of the hardest-hit, most severely punished businesses in existence, today, due to the fact that 'disposable income' no longer exists for MOST people.

Do you think that was Dick Cheney's 'brilliant' so-called 'secret energy summit' goals?

Do you think the Vice President hates single people? Single moms? Dads? Low-wage laborers, whom have the hardest, most difficult REAL WORK and yet are the most cast-out, ridiculed, and punished demographic in existence, doing the MOST REAL WORK yet being penalized the MOST and paid the LEAST.

Do you think the Bush Administration declared war against the poor?

Do you think Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Bush intentionally and deliberately, callously disregarded compassion for the cast-outs, the dispossessed, the downtrodden, the miserable? -- perhaps in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR due to severe lack of self-esteem?

It makes one wonder, doesn't it?

Yup. It sure does. And wonder is HEALTHY, so don't let anybody ridicule you for exercising your open-mindedness.

So, now we I have a gas-subsidy proposal, but before I tell you how it's paid for, let me estimate the disbursement of funds: Firstly, the gas-subsidy is fully re-imbursed, instantly, from a specified trust-fund, with maxums and miniums absolutely 'lock-boxed,' to borrow a term from Al Gore. That means no self-important 'genius-expert' in Congress can tinker with the pay-outs for their own selfish agenda of concocting fake 'paperwork crisis' to fear the public into voting for them. We want Legislators working on REAL issues, afterall, not FAKE ones. Enough is enough.

Secondly, the gas-subsidy proposal gives money to some much-needed infrustructure improvements, starting with Human Services, to help hungry people now, not 'later,' after endless concocted catered-lunch 'crisis talks' by self-important hateful Legislators/Congress, profiting from atop the rising number of casualties in a war of their own concoction. That's what Congress has become, the ultimate 'war profiteers,' concocting one group after another to PUNISH, cast-out, harrass, deny equality and services until they perish, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves, hateful Congress, out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. Enough is enough.

Within those Human Services are addiction and behavior treatments and educational services. This isn't a 'new beauracrazy' with ever-increasing costs. This is a SUBSIDY ONLY to EXISTING services.

Included in those Human Services subsidies, are new funds to boost the Agriculture Department's Food Stamp program, reducing complications (concocted 'requirements') for eligibility, thereby also CAPPING the ever-growing bureau-crazy that is consuming all the Food-Bank/Food-Stamp money leaving no REAL FOOD to FEED HUNGRY PEOPLE. I mean, the cost to supposedly 'administer' feeding hungry people is forty-times the cost of actually feeding hungry people. Enough is enough and then some.

Included in those Human Services are funds to Education, to purge HatefulReligiousSupremacy from the textbooks, and ensure at least a daily observance of Jefferson'sPROMISE, as a daily-reminder of what being a citizen and BelovedNeighbor, globally, is all about. Extra attention and credit is given to any student that participates in feeding hungry people at least one hour, weekly. Not talking about hungry people, which is FAKE 'care,' but actually preparing, storing, transporting, packaging or literally shoveling food onto tables or into mouths, whatever it takes.

Included in those Human Service subsidies are Public Service announcements, reminding citizens of what BelovedNeighbors, globally, are all about, and why Human Services are so important to Jefferson'sPROMISE in this land of opportunity, and equal access to those opportunities. I know just the person to be the spokeswoman for those Public Service Announcements, Bobi Pearson, or whatever her name is today. This has the added bonus of providing much-needed economic stimulus to the broadcasting and advertising industries.

So, where does the money come from? New taxes to PUNISH business and labor, as usual? NO. More deficit-spending? NO. Massive job-cuts, layoffs and terminations? NO.

The critical needs are for new funds, proving great-american innovation, once again, a true 'shining-example' of compassion, justice, equality and liberty. You see, people have been prescribed a 100% NATURAL PLANT as an ancient herbal remedy for yearning since the dawn of man. Yearning for what? Food, for one. Equal opportunities for another. A happier, freer, more meaningful existence. To feel as a 'key-contributor' in a vital function of society.

Everybody yearns for that, some more than others. Many experience a whole lot of grief as a result, knowing fully-well that the slogan 'be all that you can be' is entirely meaningless in their own environments, an insult to their very existence. That frustration is all part of the grief-cycle involved with yearning. A non-addictive, totally natural plant, provides temporary relief, an instant 'attitude-adjustment.' Like all 'medicines,' results may vary per person, and some people are allergic or intolerant to it. Like all 'medicines,' caution is always prudent and recommended, but no prescription needs be required at all for anything that is 100% NATURAL, like air, water or plants. Merely a label, just like everything else, if packaged, sold and TAXED as a product.

You know which plant I'm talking about. It would eliminate billions in unnecessary persecutions, while generating hundreds-of-billions in critically needed Human Services funds, generate 4-million jobs, feed REAL hungry people, and, provide GAS-SUBSIDIES TO FAMILIES, IMMEDIATELY, right NOW, to HEAL THE YEARNING.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HFA
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

Friday, May 18, 2007

ORCH_Day626 Defending McCain

Friday, May 18th, 2007

Defending McCain

It's a difficult thing for me to do, defend a Senator, a HighPriest in the ChurchOfHate, concocting endless excuses to live in FAKE MAJESTY while concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/cast-out/fine/tax/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.

In the news today, it was reported that Senator McCain missed 40 votes in the Senate.

In defense of McCain, all I can say is, why vote on yet another hateful PUNISHMENT of WeThePeople?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

ORCH_Day625 National Self-Esteem CRISIS

From my post at the following public-access internet website discussion forum:

From: 3Ons

Forum-user named, "?Icév??é?™?" -- I can't read your name as the font-interpreter CENSORS my ability to do so. Whatever name you use, you asked why I turned this topic-thread into a 'preaching-session,' which is an interesting choice of words considering I am defending AGAINST religion's hatred for DISSENTING OPINION. Nice attempt at twisting MY WORDS, however.

Secondly, hateful religionists have always been the premiere special-interest group, always voodoo-projecting their subtly-brainwashed inner-hatred for themselves outward, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing on nothing but perceived 'flaws' in others in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to be SUPERIOR and lofting themselves on self-made 'victim-stages' to boo-hoo for sympathy/pity/money/attention, like this: "Oh! We're so oppressed! My right to perversely sniff crotches (figuratively) like DOGS -- illegally ANALyzing PRIVATES -- to concoct an excuse to put CONDITIONS on MY 'love' for my BelovedNeighbors is being questioned! I'm a victim! Waaaaaahhhh! There oughta be a law!"

That's what HatefulReligiousSupremacists did by infiltrating and infecting government, 20-years after Declaration of Independence FROM their hatefulness, concoct a law to protect their special-interest selfish selves, in the pathetic attempt at hiding their nonstop subtle WITCH-HUNTS and hate-campaigns to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED, proving their entire existence and their religion is HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE and that they are anti-constitutionalists, anti-free-speech, anti-free-expression, anti-woman's-rights, anti-art/creativity and anti-unionists, and anti-equal-rights/civil-rights/human-rights.

These are the same people that declared war against the Constitution, Jefferson'sPROMISE and the UNION for LIBERATING the SlavePeople. These are the same groups that then turned around and revised history, claiming, "we had nothing to do with slavery." These are the same groups that fought WeThePeoples' government for attempting to provide equality and services to the OriginalPeople (Native Americans), then infiltrated and infected governments to GENOCIDE them all, then hold them in CAGES forevermore, after stealing their resources and hiding their culture and histories. These are the same groups that fought WeThePeoples' governments for LIBERATING WOMEN to own property and pursue equal opportunities, including divorcing abusive husbands, going to school and obtaining degrees to WORK and earn a living for THEMSELVES, and prevented women from VOTING TO CHANGE IT, and some STILL DO, such as Jehovah's Witnesses.

To this day, these hateful religious groups promote woman domination and diminish a womans' self-esteem to such a degree that they are subtly-brainwashed to think they simply cannot do what men can do and 'need help' doing EVERYTHING, and that their NATURAL BEINGS are 'enhanced' by slathering chemical-soup on their faces to HIDE IT, and covering their 'hideous inherent foulness,' relentlessly and mercilessly ridiculing each other and everybody else in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving they have ZERO self-esteem; and removing their bodily hair as 'normal' to PROMOTE PEDOPHILLIA SOCIETY.

Britney Spears taught us that women are HATED in subtle ways, directly or indirectly, for HAVING HAIR, every strand of it on their heads; and after removing her hair, she was ridiculed, antagonized, harassed and CAST-OUT as 'not their kind of people' for having NO HAIR AT ALL; hated/harrassed/ridiculed/antagonized/provoked for having hair and hated/harrassed/ridiculed/antagonized/provoked for NOT. That's EXACTLY the so-called 'shining-example' of how women are subtly-brainwashed to treat each other, proving zero self-esteem, a NATIONAL CRISIS and a global crisis too, and it concocts endless 'Eves' to be BLAMED for BREATHING, hated every breath they take in subtle insiduous ways, which they take out on EVERYBODY ELSE.

Islamicist females HIDE their entire bodies FROM that HATEFULNESS. And the males are just as hateful as the females here, 'Christdom,' ridiculing/harrassing/antagonizing/provoking/casting-out women for their CLOTHES -- hated for breathing over a stupid PIECE OF CLOTH, just another concocted IDOL TO WORSHIP in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence and their religion is HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE, be it 'christdom' or 'islamdom' -- 'dom' and 'dommer' and vice versa.

It's a vast, 'multi-faceted' GLOBAL_CRISIS for that EXACT REASON, because that self-esteem deficiency is KILLING US, rotting all human society from the inside-out, and it's spread like wildfire BY religions, conspiring one 'version' with another, infiltrating and infecting societies and governments and concocting excuses to DIVIDE and PUNISH each other over stupid material 'stuff' -- like a PIECE OF CLOTH.

That's a HATE CRIME.

And WeThePeople, regardless of possessing a PIECE OF CLOTH or NOT, need PROTECTION FROM IT.

Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A lot of heroic defenders, be they uniform-wearing or NOT, went out on disability on 9/11/2001. The hateful rumormongered 'snippets' of illegally stolen personal medical files, which are theories and opinions and assumptions, not factual diagnosis, and those stolen 'snippets' of personal medical histories have been used against those heroic defenders, by hateful self-appointed RIGHTeous folks, proving their entire existence and their religion is HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE.

Not one put their arms around those in need, during the long, painful healing-process. Not one defended them. Not one helped them. Only concocted scenarios to hurt them, hold-them-back further, complicate their healing, make it worse, rub figurative salt into their wounds, like poking caged-animals with sticks merely to provoke, harrass and antagonize -- antAGONIZE a panic-reaction -- a SCREAM in PAIN -- then used sharper pointed figurative sticks to sadistically hear louder whimpers, moans and SCREAMS, all in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence and their religion is COMPASSIONLESS HATRED and their god is FALSE/FAKE/SADISM.


Congress does it, too. Especially. Actually promoting it. Encourages it in subtle ways. Meanwhile, they concoct more excuses to live in FAKE MAJESTY while concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/antAGONIZE/harrass/fine/tax/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and GRIEF -- their so-called 'shining-example.' And YOU? "Oh! We did it out of concern! Out of love!" Sure ya' do.

Meanwhile, they ignore previous FEDERAL LAW prohibiting such terrorizing sadism, protecting privacy. Meanwhile, they ignore rising-costs which make life for heroic defenders, the poor, single people, single parents and low-wage earners, the elderly, the retired and the disabled on fixed-incomes MALNOURISHED, forced to eat the worst, cheapest 'foods' in existence, leading to obvious signs of malnourishment, such as skin lesions and erruptions, hollow-cheecks, confusion, balance-issues, slurred speach or 'thick tongue,' and, lack of motivation, further complicating healing. "Oh! A drug-addict! A drunk! A faggot! A thief! A villain! A violent, angry person! Set 'em up for failure! We know everything! CAST HIM/HER OUT! We're so positive!"

Meanwhile, they sadistically point long-accusatory fingers at those SUFFERING, violating anything, compassionless subtle hatreds their only 'help,' hateful rumormongering the obvious signs of lack-of-nurture, claiming, "drug addiction" and "irresponsibility" and "fraud," while they themselves, living in FAKE MAJESTY in their COMPASSIONLESS HATEFUL concocted ChurchOfHate, promote reduction of NURTURE to the NEEDY, proving their entire existence is the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, all HATE.

What so-called 'shining-example' are YOU following? Lock-step in goose-step with compassionless HATE because you have ZERO integrity and ZERO self-esteem? Jumping on a hate-campaign to goose-step in lock-step with the FIRST HATEFUL THEORY you hear in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, assuming guilt until concocting others GUILTIER? "Oh! A drug-addict! A drunk! A faggot! A hater! An atheist! A psychotic! A retard! A thief! A villain! A violent, angry person! Set 'em up for failure! We know everything! CAST HIM/HER OUT! We're so positive!"

We have so many far more important issues, and Congress does nothing but concoct FAKE photo-op 'crisis-talks' to IGNORE the SUFFERING and make life HELLISH for the NEEDY and those attempting to HEAL.

They THRIVE ON GENOCIDE. ChurchOfHate, indeed, apparently with 666-million members and counting -- whom will do anything, violate anything and SAY ANYTHING in the pathetic attmept to 'justify' the MEANness.

Now they want to re-ARM the aggressive Iraqi Army to go GENOCIDE IRANIANS ONCE AGAIN, just like BEFORE. That's their so-called 'shining-example,' their so-called 'unconditional love,' proving their entire existence and their religion is COMPASSIONLESS HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE. And you?

Not me! It's a violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE, just as we saw with the GENOCIDE of the OriginalPeople (Native Americans).


OnTime, RU?

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123


Originally I typed MY DISSENTING OPINIONS to be posted at the following internet-address, in REAL TIME, but I revised some wording for clarity before posting to my blog. Here's the original without edits or spell-checkers or use of thesauruses to FAKE SUPERIORITY like most people whom prove zero self-esteem and zero integrity in so doing. Here's where the original is posted:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ORCH_Day622 You are NOT a Christian

I have been writing on various internet website discussion forums, titling my posts "You are NOT a Christian." Here is ONE such post, where I rather hastily freely-expressed my DISSENTING OPINIONS, those which the hateful have used against me, to CAST-ME-OUT as 'not their kind of people' and DENY EQUALITY, equal access to goods and services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, in violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.

(originally typed by me, my own unique thoughts and opinions, no plaigairizing here, just myself, Clayton Winton, at the following address:

A copy was emailed to me by the public-access internet website discussion forum Administrator, after reviewing it for 'appropriatness' before publishing MY WORDS. You may view it yourself at the above internet address.)

"You are NOT a Christian" -- (prove me wrong!)

Subject: Re: What the Hate Crimes Law Would Do
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:23:27 -0700

From: 3Ons (Me, Clayton Winton)

I would like to respond to this.

Firstly, if this article is SCRIBED truthfully, the following quote from the article needs be rebutted:

"If this dangerous law passes, pastors who preach sermons giving the biblical view of homosexuality could be prosecuted."

You see, we are not talking about WHOLE 'biblical view,' here. We are talking about concocting CONDITIONS on one's so-called 'love' for one's BelovedNeighbors, to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, a 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSE to build an IDOL TO WORSHIP of perversely sniffing crotches, figuratively obviously, like DOGS -- ANALyzing PRIVATES -- then, having the AUDACITY to BLAME one's VICTIM.

Which IDOL TO WORSHIP? A HATEFUL TORTURE DEVICE, one's self-made, MERCILESS, positive-cross-sign, built atop the concocted EXCUSE of the perverse 'doggy-styled' sniff-test, a 'litmus-test,' of hatefully ANALyzing PRIVATES, where one ruthlessly hammers all those BelovedNeighbors hatefully labeled 'negative' in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of HATE, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

THEN, blaming one's VICTIM, claiming, "Oh, how sad, you have a christ-complex/martyr-complex!" in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of concocting excuses to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES and casting-out BelovedNeighbors as 'not your kind of people.' It's hateful regurgitated soundbite, programmed to repeat in subtle-brainwashing, a concocted excuse to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, divide communities, deny equal access to goods, services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, then blame one's VICTIM.

The one commonly referred to as 'jesus' IN THIS LANGUAGE (it is not spelled nor pronounced that way, therefore a name of convenience in English ONLY) -- taught NOT TO BE THAT WAY.

That is what being a TRUE Christian is all about.

Therefore, a cleric/clergy of any religion that engages in a hate-campaign against peoples' PRIVATES is NOT covered by their licensing/franchising agreement, having strayed so far from their CLAIMED 'religion' that it is NOT COVERED UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT AT ALL.

They said they followed and promote and teach and STRIVE to set a 'real shining-example' promoting the teachings of 'jesus.' THEY ARE NOT, they are concocting 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSES to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, concocting CONDITIONS on THEIR OWN 'love' for BelovedNeighbors, to TERRORIZE people and PUNISH, and DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, using concocted Infinite_Reasonable-Sounding_Stupid_Sh*t (IRSSS) EXCUSES for doing so, which is EXACTLY WHAT JESUS TAUGHT: HowNotToBe. Not 'how to be,' but HowNOTtoBe, which their sermons intentionally and deliberately IGNORE, therefore in violation of their licensing agreements.

Which government is OBLIGATED to PROTECT WeThePeople FROM.

Because it always results in HATE -- hate-crimes, REAL TERRORISM -- real denial of life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, which is Jefferson'sPROMISE, and the duty of every citizen and government official, protecting the people FROM such mind-molesting excuses which DIVIDE.

Secondly, let's look at the TIMELESS MESSAGE itself a moment. The one referred to as 'jesus,' the message taught by that religious character in a religious story, is all about unconditional love, acceptance and EQUALITY, equal access and equal treatment. He was HATED for his DISSENTING OPINIONS. He was DENIED EQUALITY and SERVICES, cast-out as 'not your kind of people,' hatefully rumor-mongered so that he could not work to prevent STARVATION. He was therefore malnourished. He RAILED AGAINST treating people that way, with CONVICTION, PASSIONATE speaking, vociferously stating his position to any and all that would LISTEN.


All the positive-people concocted excuses to say hateful things about him, mercilessly hammering him against their hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign, ANY EXCUSE WOULD DO.

And all he did was say "DO NOT BE THAT WAY." Do NOT declare yourself 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label your BelovedNeighbors 'negative,' over stupid words, typos, spelling, clothes, music, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), opinions, entertainments, jobs, education, money, possessions, advertisements, businesses, company-kept, even love itself -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- because it is a hateful IDOL TO WORSHIP, where one uses the points of one's hypocritical forked-tongue as figurative NAILS to ruthlessly HAMMER all those one has hatefully labeled 'negative,' against that CrossOfShame/Hate in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of hate, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

You are NOT a 'christian' unless you fully comprehend that TIMELESS MESSAGE.

It's HatefulReligiousSupremacy, otherwise. This is why Mormon's do not have the SYMBOL of that IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign,' on ANY of their churches or temples. This is EXACTLY why the Jews do not and the Islamic do not, nor the Buddists, nor the Jehovah's Witnesses and so many others. It's the basis of ALL RELIGIONS, see, and everybody FORGOT.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856

And I repeat this, the TIMELESS MESSAGE, as HFA. OnTime, RU?

Meanwhile, WHERE IS MARCUS MCKIBBEN? WHERE? Missing since approx 9/11/2001 -- why do you all PUNISH ME WITH WORRY? WHY?!

Monday, May 07, 2007

RCH_Day614 "Bad Presidents"

I typed the following topic-thread forum discussion response on the public-access internet website, "DemocraticUnderground." The link above takes you to the page. It was CENSORED.

I was, therefore, cast-out as a HERETIC, a very typical 'american-shining-example' in the so-called 'land-of-the-free,' and the so-called 'land-of-free-speech' and the so-called 'land-of-celebrated-diversity' and the so-called 'land-of-guaranteed-dissenting-opinions-are-not-excuses-to-discriminate -- to DiscriminHATE-you.'

This is what I've been talking about for most of my life, but most especially ministering nonstop for 493 DAYS -- (correction, 614_DAYS), and for DEFENDING, for PROTECTING AND SERVING Jefferson'sPROMISE, I am cast-out as a HERETIC, denied EQUALITY AND SERVICES, with what has become the so-called 'shining-example' of 'democratic HOPE.' PUNISHED, as usual, cast-out until I PERISH, true 'democratic HOPE.'

It's not funny. It hurts, and they laugh at my pain, and your pain, and HOPE for it. Here is the so-called 'offense' :



I've most often voted Democrat when voting for President.

I did not vote for Mr. Bush.

But I didn't vote against him, either.

There is no 'sign-up-sheet' in this state, Idaho, which is most often used to hatefully LABEL and DISCRIMINATE and DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES based on political affiliations.

You all don't do that here, do you? It's anti-constitutional, a violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.

How can we make the democratic portion of Congress more 'user-friendly'? I can't tell them apart, for it appears they've all conspired against every President in existence, and WeThePeople, too, the constitution (remember that?), making promises to foreign powers, doing anything, violating anything and saying anything in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, like terrorists, selling-out to that root-ideology of terrorism, above-and-beyond their OathsOfOffice, the UNION, WeThePeople, the Constitution, and our beloved Jefferson'sPROMISE, which is our GUARANTEE to be LIBERATED FROM that HatefulReligiousSupremacy, be it declared as a 'state-church' OR NOT.

Just because it's not declared as being a 'state-church,' is NO warranty against it sharing the root-ideology which declared war against us and all governments, globally, to divide communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.

Muslim-extremists concoct the same hateful crap against others as christian-extremists, and these days, everybody's self-esteem is so diminished that any excuse will do, such as DISSENTING OPINION, spelling, grammar, typing, or size, shape, color, looks, money or lack thereof, education or lack thereof, jobs or lack thereof, homes or lack thereof, life-styles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), even love itself -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO to cast-out fellow citizens, so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' and deny equality and services, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity, and total disregard for Jefferson'sPROMISE -- 'christdom' or 'islamdom' -- therefore, 'dom' and 'dommer' and vice versa, where the so-called 'extremists' do/say what the 'moderates' do/say but aren't as SUBTLE.

Some people claim President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and did nothing, concocting that theory as an IDOL TO WORSHIP to HATE in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, while ignoring the OBVIOUS: 5th-grade civics-class (social-studies/social-sciences) where we are ALL GUARANTEED INNOCENSE until PROVEN guilty in an IMPARTIAL court of law, before an IMPARTIAL judge and IMPARTIAL jury, DEFENDED and ADVOCATED for, whether one may afford it or not.

So, following their so-called 'shining-example' of 'justice,' all people are GUILTY UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER.

Is that DEMOCRACY? Is that what being a 'DEMOCRAT' is all about?

It appears so. Obviously, it's TIME TO FIX IT.

Perhaps that's why Congress is so poisonous? They've sold-out to the hateful ideology of NegativePositive-ism, becoming infected by that hateful ThoughtVirus, encouraging terrorism and hating those whom are actively engaged in defending Jefferson'sPROMISE AGAINST IT, globally.

Is that the so-called 'shining-example' YOU are mimmicking in subtle ways, perhaps unknowingly? See, nobody 'walks on water' -- humans DROWN IN WATER -- and we don't need another Hurricane Katrina to remind us all of that FACT -- and nobody walks 'perfectly' from first step to last, we learn, and when we slip, stumble or fall, we get up, dust-off, and walk again, helping each other to do BETTER.

THAT IS what living in DEMOCRACY is ALL ABOUT.

It appears everybody FORGOT, and nobody has the COURAGE to be a good coach/LEADER and SCOLD CONGRESS ACCORDINGLY, so that we defeat that hateful ThoughtVirus which they are currently, subtly, promoting themselves, and UNITE in PeaceOnEarth in a LegacyOfLiberation, instead of the current Congress' PROMISED LegacyOfShame. WE ARE BETTER THAN ENDLESS SQUABBLING. PERIOD. ALWAYS WERE AND ALWAYS WILL BE.

We're all in it together, and MUST FIX IT TOGETHER, -- stop talking and start DOING.

Try encouraging the Executive Branch instead of spending your entire existence HATING it in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR in a QUAGMIRE of disgruntled whining.

Democracy is BETTER than that nonstop hatefulness -- so are 'democratics,' -- so are YOU.

Kind Regards,
(-)And(+)Equals Nothing/Hate/Death/DeathWorship - so don't be that way

Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
OnTime, RU?

OnEdit: corrected above OnEdit, modified title to correct OnDay :) (I fucked up!)