Sunday, May 27, 2007

ORCH_Day636 Free Gas

Every 'person' in existence, experience MY WORDS:

Family Gas-Subsidy Proposal

You know how much it costs. If you are on a fixed-income, a single-parent, a single person, low-wage worker, retired or disabled or self-employed, your annual cost-of-living 'increase' was instantly consumed with the purchase of half-a-tank of gas.

Real people are starving now, unable to properly nurture their families, be it large families or single-occupancy families. Never before has the malnutrition levels been this high in 'modern society.' And in today's self-esteem deficient 'climate' where people are subtly trained to pessimistically tunnel-vision their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, real or imagined, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and proving zero integrity, those whom are malnourished remain silent until all-to-often, they perish.

Signs of malnutrition include confusion, poor memory, low-energy, drowsiness, twitches and muscle-spasms, hollow cheeks, slurred speech or stuttering-like speech, poor vision and/or confusion identifying what is being seen, and wide-ranging mood-swings.

Go to the 'experts' and they'll concoct endless appointments to pay a psychiatrist or psycho-analyst, ignoring the root of the issue entirely, while spending far more real dollars on talking about nothing, babbling-at-the-air, instead of buying food and feeding real hungry people.

Families are held hostages in their homes now, due to the cost of fuel. Furnace-oil heated homes use hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars worth of fuel, monthly, from Fall through Winter, into the Spring and a few weeks during Summer in Northern climates. Even the cost of propane has risen dramatically, including natural gas heated homes, often-times costing more per house to heat than oil-furnace heated homes.

All the money that used to be spent at bars, restaurants, race-tracks, sports and music centers, halls, theaters, clubs, specialty shops and hobby/craft stores, amusement parks and convention centers, travel, hotels and motels and so many other family-oriented events, all that money is consumed in gas-tanks, now. The bankruptcy ratio among those types of businesses has never been higher.

Far more single-parents drive without insurance, now more unaffordable than ever, even if required by law. These people are made to feel as though war has been declared against their families from every conceivable angle, endless complications holding-back any efforts to thrive, be fruitful, prosperous, and pursuitful of life, liberty and happiness, all equal-access to opportunities denied -- penalty for breathing, each and every breath. And we haven't even discussed medical insurance, or home/rental insurance, or seeing a dentist, whom are some of the hardest-hit, most severely punished businesses in existence, today, due to the fact that 'disposable income' no longer exists for MOST people.

Do you think that was Dick Cheney's 'brilliant' so-called 'secret energy summit' goals?

Do you think the Vice President hates single people? Single moms? Dads? Low-wage laborers, whom have the hardest, most difficult REAL WORK and yet are the most cast-out, ridiculed, and punished demographic in existence, doing the MOST REAL WORK yet being penalized the MOST and paid the LEAST.

Do you think the Bush Administration declared war against the poor?

Do you think Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Bush intentionally and deliberately, callously disregarded compassion for the cast-outs, the dispossessed, the downtrodden, the miserable? -- perhaps in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR due to severe lack of self-esteem?

It makes one wonder, doesn't it?

Yup. It sure does. And wonder is HEALTHY, so don't let anybody ridicule you for exercising your open-mindedness.

So, now we I have a gas-subsidy proposal, but before I tell you how it's paid for, let me estimate the disbursement of funds: Firstly, the gas-subsidy is fully re-imbursed, instantly, from a specified trust-fund, with maxums and miniums absolutely 'lock-boxed,' to borrow a term from Al Gore. That means no self-important 'genius-expert' in Congress can tinker with the pay-outs for their own selfish agenda of concocting fake 'paperwork crisis' to fear the public into voting for them. We want Legislators working on REAL issues, afterall, not FAKE ones. Enough is enough.

Secondly, the gas-subsidy proposal gives money to some much-needed infrustructure improvements, starting with Human Services, to help hungry people now, not 'later,' after endless concocted catered-lunch 'crisis talks' by self-important hateful Legislators/Congress, profiting from atop the rising number of casualties in a war of their own concoction. That's what Congress has become, the ultimate 'war profiteers,' concocting one group after another to PUNISH, cast-out, harrass, deny equality and services until they perish, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves, hateful Congress, out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. Enough is enough.

Within those Human Services are addiction and behavior treatments and educational services. This isn't a 'new beauracrazy' with ever-increasing costs. This is a SUBSIDY ONLY to EXISTING services.

Included in those Human Services subsidies, are new funds to boost the Agriculture Department's Food Stamp program, reducing complications (concocted 'requirements') for eligibility, thereby also CAPPING the ever-growing bureau-crazy that is consuming all the Food-Bank/Food-Stamp money leaving no REAL FOOD to FEED HUNGRY PEOPLE. I mean, the cost to supposedly 'administer' feeding hungry people is forty-times the cost of actually feeding hungry people. Enough is enough and then some.

Included in those Human Services are funds to Education, to purge HatefulReligiousSupremacy from the textbooks, and ensure at least a daily observance of Jefferson'sPROMISE, as a daily-reminder of what being a citizen and BelovedNeighbor, globally, is all about. Extra attention and credit is given to any student that participates in feeding hungry people at least one hour, weekly. Not talking about hungry people, which is FAKE 'care,' but actually preparing, storing, transporting, packaging or literally shoveling food onto tables or into mouths, whatever it takes.

Included in those Human Service subsidies are Public Service announcements, reminding citizens of what BelovedNeighbors, globally, are all about, and why Human Services are so important to Jefferson'sPROMISE in this land of opportunity, and equal access to those opportunities. I know just the person to be the spokeswoman for those Public Service Announcements, Bobi Pearson, or whatever her name is today. This has the added bonus of providing much-needed economic stimulus to the broadcasting and advertising industries.

So, where does the money come from? New taxes to PUNISH business and labor, as usual? NO. More deficit-spending? NO. Massive job-cuts, layoffs and terminations? NO.

The critical needs are for new funds, proving great-american innovation, once again, a true 'shining-example' of compassion, justice, equality and liberty. You see, people have been prescribed a 100% NATURAL PLANT as an ancient herbal remedy for yearning since the dawn of man. Yearning for what? Food, for one. Equal opportunities for another. A happier, freer, more meaningful existence. To feel as a 'key-contributor' in a vital function of society.

Everybody yearns for that, some more than others. Many experience a whole lot of grief as a result, knowing fully-well that the slogan 'be all that you can be' is entirely meaningless in their own environments, an insult to their very existence. That frustration is all part of the grief-cycle involved with yearning. A non-addictive, totally natural plant, provides temporary relief, an instant 'attitude-adjustment.' Like all 'medicines,' results may vary per person, and some people are allergic or intolerant to it. Like all 'medicines,' caution is always prudent and recommended, but no prescription needs be required at all for anything that is 100% NATURAL, like air, water or plants. Merely a label, just like everything else, if packaged, sold and TAXED as a product.

You know which plant I'm talking about. It would eliminate billions in unnecessary persecutions, while generating hundreds-of-billions in critically needed Human Services funds, generate 4-million jobs, feed REAL hungry people, and, provide GAS-SUBSIDIES TO FAMILIES, IMMEDIATELY, right NOW, to HEAL THE YEARNING.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HFA
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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