Monday, May 07, 2007

RCH_Day614 "Bad Presidents"

I typed the following topic-thread forum discussion response on the public-access internet website, "DemocraticUnderground." The link above takes you to the page. It was CENSORED.

I was, therefore, cast-out as a HERETIC, a very typical 'american-shining-example' in the so-called 'land-of-the-free,' and the so-called 'land-of-free-speech' and the so-called 'land-of-celebrated-diversity' and the so-called 'land-of-guaranteed-dissenting-opinions-are-not-excuses-to-discriminate -- to DiscriminHATE-you.'

This is what I've been talking about for most of my life, but most especially ministering nonstop for 493 DAYS -- (correction, 614_DAYS), and for DEFENDING, for PROTECTING AND SERVING Jefferson'sPROMISE, I am cast-out as a HERETIC, denied EQUALITY AND SERVICES, with what has become the so-called 'shining-example' of 'democratic HOPE.' PUNISHED, as usual, cast-out until I PERISH, true 'democratic HOPE.'

It's not funny. It hurts, and they laugh at my pain, and your pain, and HOPE for it. Here is the so-called 'offense' :



I've most often voted Democrat when voting for President.

I did not vote for Mr. Bush.

But I didn't vote against him, either.

There is no 'sign-up-sheet' in this state, Idaho, which is most often used to hatefully LABEL and DISCRIMINATE and DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES based on political affiliations.

You all don't do that here, do you? It's anti-constitutional, a violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.

How can we make the democratic portion of Congress more 'user-friendly'? I can't tell them apart, for it appears they've all conspired against every President in existence, and WeThePeople, too, the constitution (remember that?), making promises to foreign powers, doing anything, violating anything and saying anything in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, like terrorists, selling-out to that root-ideology of terrorism, above-and-beyond their OathsOfOffice, the UNION, WeThePeople, the Constitution, and our beloved Jefferson'sPROMISE, which is our GUARANTEE to be LIBERATED FROM that HatefulReligiousSupremacy, be it declared as a 'state-church' OR NOT.

Just because it's not declared as being a 'state-church,' is NO warranty against it sharing the root-ideology which declared war against us and all governments, globally, to divide communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.

Muslim-extremists concoct the same hateful crap against others as christian-extremists, and these days, everybody's self-esteem is so diminished that any excuse will do, such as DISSENTING OPINION, spelling, grammar, typing, or size, shape, color, looks, money or lack thereof, education or lack thereof, jobs or lack thereof, homes or lack thereof, life-styles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), even love itself -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO to cast-out fellow citizens, so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' and deny equality and services, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity, and total disregard for Jefferson'sPROMISE -- 'christdom' or 'islamdom' -- therefore, 'dom' and 'dommer' and vice versa, where the so-called 'extremists' do/say what the 'moderates' do/say but aren't as SUBTLE.

Some people claim President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and did nothing, concocting that theory as an IDOL TO WORSHIP to HATE in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, while ignoring the OBVIOUS: 5th-grade civics-class (social-studies/social-sciences) where we are ALL GUARANTEED INNOCENSE until PROVEN guilty in an IMPARTIAL court of law, before an IMPARTIAL judge and IMPARTIAL jury, DEFENDED and ADVOCATED for, whether one may afford it or not.

So, following their so-called 'shining-example' of 'justice,' all people are GUILTY UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER.

Is that DEMOCRACY? Is that what being a 'DEMOCRAT' is all about?

It appears so. Obviously, it's TIME TO FIX IT.

Perhaps that's why Congress is so poisonous? They've sold-out to the hateful ideology of NegativePositive-ism, becoming infected by that hateful ThoughtVirus, encouraging terrorism and hating those whom are actively engaged in defending Jefferson'sPROMISE AGAINST IT, globally.

Is that the so-called 'shining-example' YOU are mimmicking in subtle ways, perhaps unknowingly? See, nobody 'walks on water' -- humans DROWN IN WATER -- and we don't need another Hurricane Katrina to remind us all of that FACT -- and nobody walks 'perfectly' from first step to last, we learn, and when we slip, stumble or fall, we get up, dust-off, and walk again, helping each other to do BETTER.

THAT IS what living in DEMOCRACY is ALL ABOUT.

It appears everybody FORGOT, and nobody has the COURAGE to be a good coach/LEADER and SCOLD CONGRESS ACCORDINGLY, so that we defeat that hateful ThoughtVirus which they are currently, subtly, promoting themselves, and UNITE in PeaceOnEarth in a LegacyOfLiberation, instead of the current Congress' PROMISED LegacyOfShame. WE ARE BETTER THAN ENDLESS SQUABBLING. PERIOD. ALWAYS WERE AND ALWAYS WILL BE.

We're all in it together, and MUST FIX IT TOGETHER, -- stop talking and start DOING.

Try encouraging the Executive Branch instead of spending your entire existence HATING it in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR in a QUAGMIRE of disgruntled whining.

Democracy is BETTER than that nonstop hatefulness -- so are 'democratics,' -- so are YOU.

Kind Regards,
(-)And(+)Equals Nothing/Hate/Death/DeathWorship - so don't be that way

Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
OnTime, RU?

OnEdit: corrected above OnEdit, modified title to correct OnDay :) (I fucked up!)

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