Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A lot of heroic defenders, be they uniform-wearing or NOT, went out on disability on 9/11/2001. The hateful rumormongered 'snippets' of illegally stolen personal medical files, which are theories and opinions and assumptions, not factual diagnosis, and those stolen 'snippets' of personal medical histories have been used against those heroic defenders, by hateful self-appointed RIGHTeous folks, proving their entire existence and their religion is HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE.

Not one put their arms around those in need, during the long, painful healing-process. Not one defended them. Not one helped them. Only concocted scenarios to hurt them, hold-them-back further, complicate their healing, make it worse, rub figurative salt into their wounds, like poking caged-animals with sticks merely to provoke, harrass and antagonize -- antAGONIZE a panic-reaction -- a SCREAM in PAIN -- then used sharper pointed figurative sticks to sadistically hear louder whimpers, moans and SCREAMS, all in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence and their religion is COMPASSIONLESS HATRED and their god is FALSE/FAKE/SADISM.


Congress does it, too. Especially. Actually promoting it. Encourages it in subtle ways. Meanwhile, they concoct more excuses to live in FAKE MAJESTY while concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/antAGONIZE/harrass/fine/tax/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and GRIEF -- their so-called 'shining-example.' And YOU? "Oh! We did it out of concern! Out of love!" Sure ya' do.

Meanwhile, they ignore previous FEDERAL LAW prohibiting such terrorizing sadism, protecting privacy. Meanwhile, they ignore rising-costs which make life for heroic defenders, the poor, single people, single parents and low-wage earners, the elderly, the retired and the disabled on fixed-incomes MALNOURISHED, forced to eat the worst, cheapest 'foods' in existence, leading to obvious signs of malnourishment, such as skin lesions and erruptions, hollow-cheecks, confusion, balance-issues, slurred speach or 'thick tongue,' and, lack of motivation, further complicating healing. "Oh! A drug-addict! A drunk! A faggot! A thief! A villain! A violent, angry person! Set 'em up for failure! We know everything! CAST HIM/HER OUT! We're so positive!"

Meanwhile, they sadistically point long-accusatory fingers at those SUFFERING, violating anything, compassionless subtle hatreds their only 'help,' hateful rumormongering the obvious signs of lack-of-nurture, claiming, "drug addiction" and "irresponsibility" and "fraud," while they themselves, living in FAKE MAJESTY in their COMPASSIONLESS HATEFUL concocted ChurchOfHate, promote reduction of NURTURE to the NEEDY, proving their entire existence is the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, all HATE.

What so-called 'shining-example' are YOU following? Lock-step in goose-step with compassionless HATE because you have ZERO integrity and ZERO self-esteem? Jumping on a hate-campaign to goose-step in lock-step with the FIRST HATEFUL THEORY you hear in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, assuming guilt until concocting others GUILTIER? "Oh! A drug-addict! A drunk! A faggot! A hater! An atheist! A psychotic! A retard! A thief! A villain! A violent, angry person! Set 'em up for failure! We know everything! CAST HIM/HER OUT! We're so positive!"

We have so many far more important issues, and Congress does nothing but concoct FAKE photo-op 'crisis-talks' to IGNORE the SUFFERING and make life HELLISH for the NEEDY and those attempting to HEAL.

They THRIVE ON GENOCIDE. ChurchOfHate, indeed, apparently with 666-million members and counting -- whom will do anything, violate anything and SAY ANYTHING in the pathetic attmept to 'justify' the MEANness.

Now they want to re-ARM the aggressive Iraqi Army to go GENOCIDE IRANIANS ONCE AGAIN, just like BEFORE. That's their so-called 'shining-example,' their so-called 'unconditional love,' proving their entire existence and their religion is COMPASSIONLESS HATE and their god is FALSE/FAKE. And you?

Not me! It's a violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE, just as we saw with the GENOCIDE of the OriginalPeople (Native Americans).


OnTime, RU?

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123


Originally I typed MY DISSENTING OPINIONS to be posted at the following internet-address, in REAL TIME, but I revised some wording for clarity before posting to my blog. Here's the original without edits or spell-checkers or use of thesauruses to FAKE SUPERIORITY like most people whom prove zero self-esteem and zero integrity in so doing. Here's where the original is posted:

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