Thursday, November 01, 2007

ORCH_Day797 Water Wars

Water Resource-wars ...

It's all FAKE 'crisis.'

The unsuspecting general public waged subtle war against, psychological-warfare, by 'genius-experts' concocting FAKE 'crisis' for selfish attention-getting/photo-op'g.

Real Estate Agents sold 'high water marks' as 'normal-water-levels,' encouraging homeowners and property purchasers to think it's feasible to build small docks and boat-houses at the 'normal-access-level,' which is during high-water, leaving docks and boathouses high-and-dry during REGULAR, real 'normal' water levels.

The only excuse by Realtors is, "It's not our fault there's a drought."


Engineers sold 'high water marks' as 'normal-water-levels' to metropolitan water suppliers and utility distributors. Entire regulatory agencies based their 'normal water levels' on what the engineers SOLD them, in order to BUY their SERVICES from them, as a 'selling-point,' during the job-pitch where they described how 'vital' their services are to the FUTURE of entire regions, states, counties and cities.

Now, we have nuclear power plants using 'normal water levels' to calculate cooling needs, into that ellusve 'future' where the 'genius-experts' certified their lack of importance and propensity to exaggerate.

Because in REAL terms, water-levels of all waterways, be it lakes, ponds, rivers, streams or swamps, have BOTH a 'normal high water' level AND a 'normal low water' level. And every year is UNIQUE. Taking 'trends' from such short histories as decades is IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE on a so-called 'professional-level.'


Errosion eats-away islands and continents. The tide eats chunks from the landscape. Run-off carries cubic-miles of dirt into the seas. Moment-by-moment. Eventually, all land will be under water. FACT.

So, we have too much water. Obviously.

So, what so-called 'solution' are photo-op'g FAKE 'crisis' promoting hateful Legislators -- LegisHaters -- punishing WeThePeople with today?

You see, the REAL solution to oil-addiction is beneath our feet: geothermal, to heat water to turn turbines and produce electricity. All it takes is a big drill. An 'oil-rig,' to be EXACT.

Go figure.

Meanwhile, the 'genius-experts' claim we should forget about it until they can SIT and TALK about HYDROGEN-power for the next SIX DECADES or so, holding very expensive catered-lunch FAKE 'crisis-meetings' along the way for the photo-op, of course.

Meanwhile, the only REAL solution to 'global-warming' is the FACT that we consume 4-billion trees annually, which are the ONLY NATURAL DEFENSE against CO2 emissions, but now there aren't that many trees to consume CO2, so the CO2-levels keep rising. And full-sized, large trees, consume many times more CO2 than small, young trees. A tree is solidified CO2 from the atmosphere.

'Genius-experts' don't want you to know that. Can't hold a FAKE 'crisis' meeting that consumes those resources they are claiming should be conserved, after all. They all live in glass houses or what? Don't use TREES in their hateful religious HOLY-i-DAY as an IDOL to WORSHIP, adding to the problem? Wrapping FAKE 'presents' with long 'strings' attached to BRIBE favors and EXPECT a 'return' on their 'present investment'? How 'bout cards and boxes? One of those four-billion trees consumed annually, that could have SAVED us FROM global-warming, was KILLED instead, turned into an IDOL to WORSHIP and HATE all whom do NOT. That makes it a day of HATE, not 'peace.' Not 'love.' Not 'family.' Not 'business-friendly,' but a setup for ECONOMIC FAILURE. And only hemp is a viable alternative to housing, home and industrial construction, and was used as such for millennia. They don't want you talkin' about that, either, or their FAKING would be less subtle.

Meanwhile, these same 'genius-expert' mentalities, claim 'hydrogen-power' is a 'solution,' without even thinking it would DROWN THE PLANET IN WATER.

-- like BEFORE? Perhaps? Huh?

And just asking a question of WONDER is sufficient excuse for these 'genius-expert' mentalities to IGNORE the message and HATE the messenger, cast-out as 'heretical/heretic.' Is WONDER ALLOWED BACK IN HELL, YET?

Obviously, the ONLY SOLUTION is desalinate sea-water for metropolitan areas. An 'oil-rig' equipment can drill a hole, inject sea-water and condense the steam to produce a RIVER of FRESH WATER.

It's very simple. Did you know that water is pressed deep into the ground by gravity? If there is a sea, it sits in a geological 'bowl.' Beneath it is heat. Heated water, steam, pumps itself.

Ever been to Yellowstone? Witness it for yourself.

Meanwhile, it's NORMAL for ENTIRE LAKES AND RIVERS TO GO DRY. Later, they may fill back up again to UNORMAL 'normal-average-high-water-levels,' whateverthefuckthatmeans.

'Genius-expert' mentalities only tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in PESSIMISM, perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imaged -- in YOU and YOUR environment -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/deserving/indispensible/POSITIVE, and all others, 'NEGATIVE/undeserving/INFERIOR.' Your censored opinions are the first casualty in this water-resource-war waged against WeThePeople.

Meanwhile, if my 21-billion-dollar UpliftOrleans (New Orleans) economic recovery package had been followed, there would be an OPERATIONAL PUMP-FACTORY IN NEW ORLEANS to uplift the water to TEMPORARY de-salination portable facilities wherever WeThePeople NEED water.

-- which is currently off-planet, for REAL.

-- but in the meantime, made drinkable, and used to supplement resevoirs during NORMAL dry-periods.

STOP SENSATIONALIZING -- (words are NOT 'attacks,' whimps!) -- STOP TALKING AND START DOING! (just like they've taken to saying in advertisements recently, and 'bout time, long overdue).

Kind Regards,

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