Sunday, November 18, 2007

ORCH_Day817 Oops! Woops! Uh-oh!

Every entity in existence, please EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

"Oops! Woops! Uh-oh!"



On a perilous trail. Steep terrain. Footing was 'by the seat of your pants.'

I used full-body control, my feet and knees moving like pistons, with precision and well-practiced expertise, each foot sliding narrowly close to slipping over the edge, into the abyss. Mastering my center-of-gravity, I negotiated my way down the treachorous mountain-side, feet moving more rapidly to innovate a moments traction to push-off, to expertly correct center-of-gravity, anticipating that next 'less-than-eye-blink' moment in time, where my feet would stop sliding and I could push-off again to correct center-of-gravity, a life-long-earned-skill-set, that takes practice. Twice, with the precision of champion figure-skater recovering from a fall during World Champions, mid-performance, I bounced off one knee and my hip, and without losing timing, expertly overcame the urge to loose center-of-gravity, catching myself with tiny 'pushes' as my feet slid beneath me. The gravity-control-recoveries were better than in movies -- this was real, not fake. Zero rehearsals. There should be trophies for such martialed-discipline over body, mind and gravity.

There should be the world's largest trophy-prize given annually, globally, for such skilled happenstance footage. Instead, society taught the young women I was with to use such footage and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus one's entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, real or imagined 'flaws,' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity. A hateful society like hers teaches people to regard pain and suffering of others as 'funny,' 'amusing,' 'amusement,' the trained-behavior of laughing at others' misery. Other peoples' misery is the only thing rewarded with 'trophies,' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity, a setup for failure. The skill of innovating solutions is ignored, punished, while being hateful is rewarded with prizes.

Up the side of the moutain, was the young woman I was putting my 'best foot forward' for. I thought she'd be impressed. With every tiny slip, even under such controlled expertise, she exclaimed, "Oops! Woops! Uh-oh!"

It took her seemingly forever to come down that mountainside. Every slip -- every normal human experience while negotiating perilous paths, was a 'mistake' to her. "Uh-oh! Woops! Oops!" proving her self-esteem had been stolen from her. That's how she treats herself, every normal human innovation a 'mistake.' That's what she'll teach her future kids and so-called 'loved-ones,' her fellow-citizens, her so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' how to hate yourself.

"Oops! Woops! Uh-oh! Are you okay?"

I MUST be gay.

Obviously. There's no 'satisfying' THAT. Every woman I know or meet has been acting that way. Men, too. A ThoughtVirus infecting society, molesting my BelovedNeighbors minds. It's not just about her, personally, it's about all of us, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily. Of course, if it were mentioned to her, she's been trained to loft herself on a self-made 'victim-stage' and voodoo-project that brainwashed inner-hatred for herself, outward, claiming FAKE 'victimhood' over WORDS, conveniently forgeting 'sticks and stones' entirely.

Ignoring the problem, she'll never look in the PacifyingMirror at herself, as trained, but memorize instead, cleverly-worded excuses, such as, "It's genetic!" or, "Wicked!" to blame her victims, as brainwashed.

When you are trained to yearn for something that does not exist, is humanly impossible, one surrounds themselves with the familiar.

A perilous-path, indeed.


Did you learn something? It's not about me. It's about us -- all of us -- AllThings.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton -- HFA

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