Friday, November 02, 2007

ORCH_Day798 "The Pelosi Arrest"

The Pelosi ARREST.

This is all related ... read carefully:

Sniffin' Britney's PRIVATES

Now it's her personal spending, PRIVATES again.

That's why financial information is called "PRIVATE."

Just like what's in your crotch or what you do with it. Nobody has the 'right' to perversely sniff it, figuratively obviously, like DOGS, in order to concoct an excuse to place CONDITIONS on their own so-called 'love' for their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' because, regardless of what they sniff-out by concocting a perverse doggy-styled-crotch-sniff-litmus-test, they have the AUDACITY to claim their VICTIMS are 'indecent,' proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of it all. These are NAILS, figurative, from the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues, used to hammer 'negatives' ruthlessly against their self-made, merciless hateful torture devices, positive-cross-signs of terror, ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," it's not REAL carpentry -- it's FAKE carpentry. Mention it to them, and they FAKE 'victimhood,' claiming they were 'attacked' by WORDS, not sticks nor stones. Whimps. A whole nation of whimps, now.

They do it in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, a National Crisis, not a FAKE 'crisis,' a REAL National_Crisis. It's the pessimistic tunnel-vision focusing of one's entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or IMAGINED -- in others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/deserving/positive and everybody ELSE out to be INFERIOR/undeserving/negative. Any excuse will do, including the perverse sniffing of PRIVATES like DOGS, proving zero integrity.

To think that the 'source' of this information, as broadcast by all the news programs as 'normal' to VIOLATE PRIVACY AND ENCOURAGE IT, INCLUDING CALL-IN DISCUSSION ABOUT PRIVATES -- to think that this information comes from one of WeThePeoples' courthouses, is scary. Privacy is what government liberated WeThePeople FROM, because in the past, hateful religionists made it clear they are only interested in VIOLATING PRIVATES in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, while hypocritically DENYING not only that, but having their own privates ANALyzed.

-- as I said, " ... using the POINTS of their own hypocritical FORKED-TONGUES as NAILS.

-- that's why the Ancient Egyptians called 'em "SNAKES," immortalized in heiroglyphics.

-- and that's why 'they' misinterpret those same OBVIOUS artistic graphical representations, twisting meanings in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness.

I'm watching CNN Headline News, and it's being encouraged that PRIVATE checking, savings, banking-account information be publicly discussed, claiming it's 'normal.'

And the professionals that work there, reading those scripts, DO NOT DESERVE THE DISRESPECT OF THEIR PERSONS, MINDS AND PROFESSIONS.

They have people, whining, calling-in, proving how JEALOUS and ENVIOUS they are, tunnel-vision focusing their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in Britney Spears by perversely sniffing her PRIVATES like DOGS, proving zero self-esteem and zero INTEGRITY. Sniffing' her crotch, her financial transactions, her medical files ... ANY EXCUSE WILL DO FOR POSITIVE_PEOPLE TO HATE YOU and selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES in violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.

Did CNN allow their excellent broadcasters to discuss that aspect of it? To discourage such anti-constitutional, unpatriotic activities that subtly encourage the exact ROOT-ideology of all TERROR?

Not yet ...

Meanwhile, one of our own hateful Legislators in our very own hateful Congress -- LegisHaters one and all -- concocting endless excuses to live in FAKE 'majesty' while concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/fine/tax/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD ...

... Nancy Pelosi and the PelosiTrojanPony, are starting yet another hate-campaign against the head of the Consumer Product Safety Department. Our own hateful Congress negotiated every aspect of trade with China and every other country. Our own hateful Congress setup the oversight department, wrote every rule, law and bullshit manual for it, approved it, approved every dime for it, encouraged as much international cooperation as possible, wrote every rule/law/nonsense to PUNISH toy manufacturers until they EVACUATED to Mexico or China or wherever, only now to culminate in yet another HATE-CAMPAIGN against that which Hateful Congress SETUP THEMSELVES.

-- to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle encouragement/instigation/HOPE.

-- proving their FAITH is in DIVIDES, 'parties' that thrive on HATING each other and setting each other up for FAILURE in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- not the country, not Jefferson'sPROMISE, not the Constitution, not their OathsOfOffice, not WeThePeople and certainly not Economy to NURTURE families.

-- proving they have ESTABLISHED A RELIGION: The ChurchOfHate.

The head of products opens markets. She establishes new 'marketable-territories.' She must meet, often, with those she negotiates with in order to make INFORMED DECISIONS on behalf of her President and WeThePeople. She has done an outstanding job, and needs be PRAISED, not hated in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero INTEGRITY.


The head of products informed manufacturers that somehow lead-levels were reaching or exceeding national product safety standards, as soon as her excellent investigative team learned of the issue and VERIFIED it. It took a whole lot of work for herself and her counterparts in other countries, including China, to get to the bottom of the matter. It's a criminal-investigation, on multiple continents, because it's wide-scale international product-tampering. They haven't caught all those involved, yet. Setups for FAILURE, to make others look 'negative' by 'positive-people' ruthlessly setting-up others to be hammered mercilessly against their hateful terror-devices, their positive-cross-signs, in hateful FigurativeCarpentry, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- which is FAKE 'heroics' -- just like the type of carpentry they do nonstop -- FAKE carpentry -- FigurativeCarpentry -- being productive at NOTHING.

Need more proof? Just ask one of those hateful LegisHaters, ask Nancy Pelosi herself for example, what she thinks about citizen Spears' PRIVATES.

Then ARREST her.

Britney Spears, hammered ruthlessly against the merciless CrossOfShame/Hate today. How, errrr, 'productive.' Feel better? *eye-roll emoticon goes here*

Set a REAL 'shining-example' for ONCE. I didn't say ANYTHING ABOUT 'taking her into custody.' But I bet YOU ASSumed it, in your 'positive-goodness' which by now should be abudently clear is all subtle HATE. I said, "ARREST HER." Any citizen can do it. And I'm beginning to think some 'genius-expert' mentalities have infiltrated and infected CNN's outstanding news-service to set it up for FAILURE and should be ARRESTED live, on-air, for PAYING employees to hatefully ANALyze PRIVATES on-air, promoting it as 'normal' for the express purposes of inspiring HATE. There are people that want to KILL BRITNEY SPEARS now because of that illegal irresponsible broadcasting.

Meanwhile, staff at the Headline facility are too distracted by the perverse PRIVATES ANALysis, that Chuck Roberts has to queue the 'team' as to when to do their WORK, live, on-air. Not even management was 'on-the-ball' about that one -- probably having company-paid coffee and treats while sniffing and scorning Britney's PRIVATES, instead of WORKING.

That's how DISRUPTIVE this irresponsible broadcasting and the infiltration and infection of PERVERTS in the workforce/institutions/governmental-departments has become. Perversely sniffing crotches/PRIVATEs like DOGS to INSPIRE HATE, to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED -- instead of being PRODUCTIVE.


Kind Regards,

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