Here is the original from HPost with HTML tags left intact. Below are additional comments which I originally typed on a different public-access internet website topic-discussion-forum.

Yes? You think you should just feign ignorance when enemies pick-off your 'family' by ones and twos? Just 'pretend' it isn't happening? And blame those whom had enough and attempt to defend themselves?
Should that 'standard' be applied to starvation/nurture? Is it 'not your problem' when your 'family' hungers? Is cold? Miserable?
Don't go 'chicken-before-the-egg' mentality, here. Hamas/Hezbollah has launched a 'sympathy-campaign' globally, by setting-up rockets/mortars in public places, to murder people, THEN calling the cameras to 'photo-op' when Defensive Services DEFENDS HERSELF FROM OFFENSIVE ATTACKS.
Have you seen it? As soon as the camera-crew arrives, men rush up and grab the blood of the children they hid behind, rub the blood on their clothes and faces, wail and moan and scream in FAKE 'agony,' in HOPE the unawares pity the terrorist group they represent and send more money to make a bio-weapon to "cleanse the 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' from the face of the Earth."
It's a GLOBAL DEFENSIVE ACTION AGAINST HatefulReligiousSupremacy -- not just 'palestinians' or 'Islamic-only-militants' or any other specific peoples.
Kind Regards,
About Palestinian Territories
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
MY WORDS as follows, talking about the above, originally typed at a different public-access internet-website topic-discussion-forum (note, I said "Internet," -- I did NOT say "intrAnet" which is a closed-system, and if anybody has any information to the contrary, you are obligated by law to inform me, thank you.)
I have difficulty with your writing-style, as I'm not sure what you wish to discuss via what I've just read.
Please clarify.
As for the only comment given after your original-post, it's just yet another 'hate Israel the great satan' mindset which offers ZERO other than an example in indoctrinated narrow-mindedness.
I mention that because that is the only 'support' we see in the news, especially on the so-called 'family-channel,' the American Broadcasting Company and it's thousands of affilliates. Support, that is, geared-towards those whom side with sociopathic HatefulReligiousSupremacist, President Ahmedi-Nijad of Iran's call to 'cleanse the infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' from the face of Earth' which hateful 'christians' love the idea, brainwashed since birth to think mass-murder is a 'positive-godly-good-plan,' as long as it's a total global extinction event and mass-murders all the people they HATE disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's HATE.
That is exactly why I always say my 'church' has been MOLESTED, be it a temple, a synogogue, a mosque, a chapel, a cathedral, a hall, an ashram or whatever, because the ThoughtVirus of a 'total-global-extinction-event' ignoring the inherent WARNINGS of 'how-NOT-to-be' in every version of every 'scripture' known, therefore blatant anti-christ messaging, has become the 'norm' as presented the MOST today, undermining governments globally.
It's a Global_Crisis -- a REAL CRISIS -- not a FAKE 'crisis'.
Congress did it -- Legislative Branches did it, conspiring with other Legislative Branch counterparts, globally, infiltrated and infected by HatefulReligiousSupremacy, institutionalized and disguised, unawares against the people they've formulated the 'plan' to HOLOCAUST.
There are ZERO current 'math-models' or 'speculate-models' (social or otherwise) even considered as 'viable' by any of the 'credentialing-systems' these hateful Legislative Branches currently fund.
It's TREASON by (definition.)
OnEdit: fixed typo in spelling of the word 'defintion' which s/b "definition" OBVIOUSLY -- I should have left it mis-spelled as those with zero self-esteem pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving stupid-s**t 'flaws' -- real or imagined -- in OTHERS nonstop, in the hateful attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ZERO self-esteem, ZERO forgiveness, ZERO integrity, ZERO compassion, therefore ZERO justice, which always proves ZERO EQUALITY, all of which they hypocritically DEMAND for their own selfish selves.
CitizenSmith wrote:
We certainly seem to use the language in very different ways.
I don't think we use the language stolen from England and molested, differently at all. The sky is up, where birds fly and clouds float; the ground is down, where our feet walk. Any questions? Then we're on the same planet. Same reality. Same language used in the same way.
Now, I normally don't point-out things like 'typos' or 'spellings' or 'mis-phrases' or 'word-skips' or 'misplaced nouns/pronounce' or 'adjective-substitutions' any more than dipthongs or ****. Because you're obviously smart enough to figure-out a mis-spelled word, or word-substitution, or 'bad-conjugate' or mis-wording, typo or whatever.
Who isn't? Those whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving it -- proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving their 'credentialing-system' is entirely ridiculous/invalid, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero justice therefore, which always proves zero EQUALITY -- because they always demand all of that (especially forgiveness) for their own selfish-selves.
Because there is no such thing as 'perfect words' nor 'perfect-wording' nor 'perfect language.' And if one tunnel-vision focuses perceiving 'flaws' in language, other peoples' words, then it proves the above -- that they are truly dumbed-down by their own 'credentialing-systems' to such a degree that they can't FOCUS on TOPICS/CONCEPTS, (it's been literally 'educated-out-of-them') -- yet those are the so-called 'shining-examples' running our Legislative Branches and Educational Institutions and entrusted to 'manage' at mid-management-level, our banks and vital resources -- they all hide behind the SAME 'credentialing-system' --
-- I'll get back to that in a moment -- hold that thought --
Case in point about language-use:
CitizenSmith wrote:
" ... They have always dismissed criticism of Israel is being partisan at best, ..."
That's how you chose to use the language. Depending on the professor you'd ask, they'll tell you 'as being' is correct, and then give a rather long-winded dialogue about how the sentence was poorly constructed to begin with so it's really an exercise in futility.
Personally, I don't give a s**t. I understood it just fine. This is about sharing opinions here -- and how it's spelled or worded isn't as important as the FREEDOM TO SHARE IT.
Now, there are those that are pushing for EXCUSES to whittle-away at the 2nd-Amendment, claiming 'not-their-kinds-of-people' should not be allowed to keep and bear arms, and they'll concoct any excuse to VIOLATE PERSONAL PROTECTED PRIVATE INFORMATION, be it financial, or job-releated, or medical or whatever, to DISENFRANCHISE yet another segment of WeThePeople as 'inferior/negative,' therefore on a CRUSADE to ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs in blatant anti-christ messaging, claiming how 'positive' they (themselves) are and all.
There are those that are attempting to DENY YOUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS as well -- any excuse will do -- including a INTERNET-REQUIREMENT that unless you have obtained a certain type of 'degree' or 'pedigree' or 'license' or 'credential' or BUY some type of PRIVATE-PRODUCT mandated by law (which is an unrepresented/misrepresented 'tax' regardless of what it's called), THEN YOU CANNOT SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS/OPINIONS ON THE INTERNET --
-- unless it's an 'audience' within 'x-miles' of your log-on location;
-- unless you are of 'x-years' of age;
-- unless you have 'such-and-such' pedigree/credential;
-- unless you pay 'x-dollars' to ...;
-- unless you possess on your person xyz;
-- unless you have a 'doctors-note';
-- unless it's between the hours of xyz;
-- unless it's not infringing on the marketing-territory of professional-opinion-givers spoon-feeding which pro and con opinion you must goose-step in lock-step with;
DEMOCRATS ARE DOING IT RIGHT NOW, new 'proposals' and 'legislation' ALL 'ready-to-wear' -- prêt-à-porter.
Peddling a failed credentialing-system, as always.
Now, do you think it makes sense to taken-on half-a-lifetime of debt to attend a college/university to receive a degree in Locamotive Engines? Would that make sense to you? How about managing a Dodge distributorship or auto-factory? How about banking?
Yet our hateful Legislators have just bilked the tax-payer into funding credentialing-systems that cultivate minds to HARVEST mindsets of the 'same-old-thing' endlessly -- endlessly OUTSOURCING INOVATION, thereby investing only in STAGNATION --
-- which is why those credentialed in it pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in everybody ELSE in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- because they themselves are already OBSOLETE. Further, they think they 'deserve' the MOST compensation, but stifle PRODUCTIVITY just in their very 'existence.'
The Biden FRAUD, his FAKE 'economic-stimulus' is all about investing more of FUTURE GENERATIONS EARNINGS into the SAME FAILED CREDENTIALING SYSTEMS, thereby OUTSOURCING INNOVATION ...
Short-term, it will most-likely give a FEW a 'sense' of 'recovery' and 'achievement' and 'accomplishment' and 'success' -- but long-term it will KILL OUR COUNTRY from the INSIDE-OUT.
And even if he's re-elected, the Obama/Biden ticket, that short-term TIME-BOMB UNDER THE WHITE HOUSE, with a time-delay FUSE, will setup-for-failure ANY FUTURE ADMINISTRATION.
Because it's FAKE 'recovery' -- after a concocted economic failure. These same people conspired with Legislative-Branch counterparters globally to spike the cost of oil, depleting 'spending-cash' for every family, who then had to put it in their gas-tanks just to drive to work, so they had no money to travel, killing the travel industry requiring 'bail-outs' for airlines and trains and hotel/motels and all types of TRAVEL INDUSTRY RELATED businesses, and so that families had no money to go out on the town, killing restaurants one after another, and bars and taverns and adult-entertainment, and reducing ticket-sales to football games, basket-ball games, sporting-events, music events, even kids concerts, and killing the budgets of schools so that there was no money left-over to do 'field-trips' or enroll more kids in athletic-programs, including skiing, ice-skating, cultural-exchange activities, drum corps, marching band, youth orchestra, -- and slowly but all too-quickly, our country's economy was setup-for-failure, to the point where businesses could no longer pay creditors and home-owners pay mortgages and rentors pay landlords, leading to the collapse of the Financial Industry, and more bail-outs.
FAKE 'collapse' (real to 'you' and 'me' and 'joe average') AT THE COST OF WeThePeple merely to FAKE 'the-worlds-greatest-recovery' LATER, and claim "just like FDR!", after claiming "just like Lincoln!" today.
If you don't think all that is related to Israel's plight, and the 'plight-of-Palestinians' as well, THINK AGAIN.
OnEdit: fixed BBcode for quote;
-- adding: see, when you seek to delimit (limit) other peoples' rights, especially civil/human/constitutional, including Amendments such as the examples I used, the 1st and 2nd, then you are not limiting other peoples' rights, you are demanding MORE EQUALITY (no such thing) for your own selfish self. When you censor someone, you are not censoring that individual, you are censoring the world FROM that individual. You don't take-away 2ndAmend rights from an individual, you are demanding the 2ndAmendment only applies to 'your kinds of people,' therefore, "your superior types of people" -- therefore others are 'inferior/negative' to YOUR 'superiority' -- which is demanding 'more equality' and there's no such thing as 'more-equality.' Either we're all equal, or NONE ARE.
Israel respects that. You can do/be/act/say/wear/love/worship whatever you want in Israel. But HatefulReligiousSupremacists, including the 'christian' version, thinks the 'islamic' version is 'right' in DENYING those rights of equality due to 'religious beliefs,' which is the ABUSE of 1st Amendment protections of religious-freedom to ABUSE the free-expressions/speech of others.
See how that works? THEN, they FAKE 'victimhood' from WORDS pointing-out the obvious, like this: "Oh we are so wounded! How dare you! Our blood is running-out all over the ground from our wounds from your (WORDS!) You're so hateful! Why are you oppressing us!" -- but it's FAKE 'wounds' with FAKE 'pain' and FAKE 'suffering' from FAKE 'attacks' IMAGINED to have been 'sustained' from FAKE 'weapons' of WORDS -- IT'S ALL IN THEIR HEADS -- they concocted it, as an EXCUSE to be HATEFUL and CRUCIFY 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, be they religious or NOT, and thereby inspire someone/anyone to spill REAL BLOOD FOR REAL -- it all stems from HatefulReligiousSupremacy, a GLOBAL_CRISIS -- a REAL CRISIS -- not a FAKE 'crisis'.
Israel knows that. We here in the U.S. are being CENSORED FROM THE OBVIOUS. The American Broadcasting Company is helping that hateful censorship in subtle ways. WHY IS THAT?
On2ndEdit: 'word-substitution' from my quick typing fixed 'wounds' s/b 'WORDS' in parens "(_)" ABOVE -- other 'flaws' too, (ignored), so crucify me. Wink
On3rdEdit: (themselves) added in parens above for clarity about mid-way through my quickly typed post.
See, there are aspects of this discussion which always go IGNORED -- like those whom hide behind credentials to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in others as an EXCUSE to IGNORE other people 'not-positive-enough-for-them' -- see how that works?
Because a typo/mis-wording has ZERO TO DO WITH THE PERSON, yet today's credentialing-systems have dumed-down harvested-mindsets to such a degree that that's all they do -- IGNORING TOPICS/CONCEPTS, thereby KILLING INNOVATION, stagnating economy, stagnating human-development.
Because all educational-credentialing-systems are oversighted by Senators, in an antiquated system modeled after religion, and they can't do s**t without holding numerous photo-ops, endless TALKS, endlessly patting themselves on the backs claiming they've 'accomplished something' but have never done REAL WORK a single day of their lives -- and if they have, so little, they've forgotten, yet claim they 'know everything' because their 'credentials' 'tell-them-so' -- therefore WORSHIP MANUALS/CREDENTIALS as FalseGods before thee. A very hateful religion indeed -- the ChurchOfHate.
And they have usurped control of every aspect of pursuits of life, liberty and happiness. THE SLOWER THE BETTER, so they can concoct yet another photo-op about themselves in the attempt to usurp control over any/all development(s) regardless of location, globally.
And setup-for-failure anything/anywhere to FAKE 'rushing-the-rescue' either for it or against it.
We should have space-based mirrors unravelling into inexpensive 'fabric-styled' grids thereby reflecting daylight to frozen-regions, openning the Northwest Passage and growing crops where it's impossible today (there are ruins under the ice too -- it's not the first time). You are pre-approved for hatred, ridicule, scorn, just for mentioning it. We've spent trillions talking about space -- sensationalizing tiny psuedo-accomplishments as 'giant steps' -- it's pathetic.
Senators want to TAX your 'carbon-footprint' to 'protect-the-sanctity-of-melting-ice' INSTEAD.
WE MUST UPLIFT THE WATER -- move it around, to reduce volcanic activity, earthquakes, hurricanes, disasters, because the planet has a wobble, like an out-of-balance tire on your car, and produces 'heat-waves' reverberating from the CORE to the SURFACE, causing CLIMATIC CATACLYSMS that KILL.
All it takes is separating molecules for a 'start-up' version. And we have the energy beneath our feet to do it, NATURALLY, (geothermal). What are Senators doing? Promoting the 'protection-of-the-sanctity-of-ice' to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief -- as usual -- oversighting and funding FAILED 'credentialing-systems' to cultivate and harvest mindsets that only present 'their -side-of-all-issues' and CRUSADE against all others as 'inferior/negative' to be hammered against positive-cross-signs of TERROR.
Which is HatefulReligiousSupremacy in a nut-shell.
And it's killing us -- all of us -- all of you -- all of them -- AllOfYou/AllOfMe/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings ...
-- that we know of, and even that which we don't. Killing us -- all of us. And the planet we nurture and that nurtures us -- all of us -- dieing as they TALK about it, endlessly legislating the SAME 'credentialing' and 'regulatory-issues' that CAUSE IT, while ridiculing and scorning and brainwashing the masses to call all others 'blasphemers/sinners/heretics/infidels/idiots/insane.'
-- then quote pre-memorized soundbites denying it at-the-sound-of-the-bell, "We're open-minded! The glass is half-full not half-empty! We're positive! Land of free-speech! Land-of-equality! Land of no-censorship! Land of innovation! We have the greatest universities in existence! We're the best of the best of the best! You're so negative!" thereby PROVING IT -- proving MY WORDS as LITERAL PROPHECY, and that really pisses me off.
Israel is so frustrated by it, there are no words to describe it. And it's killing Islamacists too -- along with Christians, and Hindi's and Taoists and everybody else.
This is the 'land-of' -- what exactly? -- the land where most of the population doesn't even know their citizenship and claim they are 'Americans!' when asked -- that's how dumbed-down our credentialing-systems PROVE to be, yet those same credentialing-systems have promised endlessly they can 'fix-it!' just 'believe in us!' -- proving they don't know the difference between belief-systems (beliefs are about things unverifiable with one's five-senses such as ghosts, goblins, devils, gods, aliens, angels, etc.,) and evaluative-opinion-systems, the foundation of science, government, reality, economy, IS verifiable with one's five-senses, yet these 'best-of-the-best' types don't know the difference between the two, proving their credentials are BOGUS.
This is the land where most of the population thinks that Cubans and Mexicans came over on the 'Mayflower_2' or something -- "They're not Native Americans!" Rolling Eyes -- and are only capable of the 'logical-deduction' that , "Oh, yeah, they were here when the Mayflower arrived, hmmm ... " -- as though 'injuns' came-over on the APRIL_flower or something -- it's just STUPID.
This is the land where most of the population is claiming, "They need to learn how to speak OUR LANGUAGE!" referring to tourists and immigrants and Native Americans alike -- but WE DON'T HAVE OUR OWN 'language' -- we speak ENGLISH which was stolen from England and molested into IdiotLanguage where 'beliefs' are confused with 'opinions' and 'wounds' are FAKED from WORDS. It's ridiculous.
And SENATORS did it -- and re-wrote the 'credentials' and so-called 'requirements' for all so-called 'representatives' of WeThePeople to molest every LegislativeBranch in the process.
Then setup-for-failure everybody ELSE in the pathetic attempt to endlessly chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than WE!" in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' ENDLESSLY 'superior' -- forevermore.
The individual in the Legislative Branch might just be 'dandy' and 'just fine' but the institution itself is rotten to the core -- antiquated beyond 'antiquation' -- a dinosaur that costs TRILLIONS and is KILLING HUMAN_DEVELOPMENT, the entire progress of all humanity, AllOfYou/AllOfUs/AllOfMe/AllOfThem, the entire HumanityFamily, regardless of location.
We need more 'lands of milk and honey' so hateful religionists stop brainwashing each other to hate each other over it, disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's HATE.
Senators' oversighted and funded educational-religio-cabal's credentialing-systems STAGNATE it -- at the cost of REAL LIVES, globally.
WE MUST UPLIFT THE WATER -- we must defend against HatefulReligiousSupremacy that prevents it -- we must bring daylight to where it's night, warmth to where it's cold, make deserts blossom to be fruitful and multiply -- only our Legislative Branch's religio-educational-cabal PREVENTS it --
-- and Israel is caught-up in the MIDDLE of it, BLAMED as a DIVERSION from exactly that, with Palestinians also paying-the-price as a SYMPTOM of it.
Please help me to fix it. Please do. Please.
Kind Regards,
OnEdit: inserted Geothermal in parens above for clarity.
PS> That's how you solve it -- that's how Palestinians get involved in it -- peacefully -- not endless 'proposals' that have zero real outcomes on 'joe averages' families -- it's a crisis, afterall, a real one, not a fake one, so multi-faceted and so censored, that far too few understand it. OnTime, RU?
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