Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Israel STOP!

Global_Crisis_Update #1472; ORCH_Day1214

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:

All entities in existence please experience MY WORDS:

The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) 'frames' the Gaza situation as, " ... Israel attacks," teaching kids and adults alike to 'be positive' hate 'those negative Jews' in subtle ways, the same formula used by Nazi's to brainwash the good people of Germany to hate 'those negatives' and march 'em to death camps, starting with the disabled, the elderly, the cast-outs, the infirm, the challenged, the 'homos' and 'non-heroes,' those whom 'didn't speak the positive-language' -- all deemed as being 'drains on the system,' before rounding-up every last Jew for slaughter.

Those responsible, are still at large. Obviously. Brainwashing more and more of the masses to think 'positive' and crusade against 'negatives,' -- any excuse will do. And it's ALWAYS SUBTLE -- ENDLESS DIVERSIONS and diversionary-tactics deployed well in ADVANCE -- a REAL FIRST_STRIKE scenario.

We are indeed at war -- a real war, not a FAKE one. And it's global. Economy, education, science, infrustructure, mostly administrative is always the FIRST to be infiltrated and infected, and with each passing generation, the tactics become more nefarious, more subtle, more 'time-delayed' than ever.

The same ideology is used to setup-for-failure entire nations OTHER THAN ISRAEL, where the tactics of 'evil-doing' are practiced, rehearsed, over and over, 'honing their skills' at DESTABILIZATION. For example, in the PacNorWest region, a record amount of snow-fall occured before January, and now the immense amount of January snow is falling too. Previously, watershed reservoirs were lowered via flood-control mechanisms to 'catch' the run-off when it melts. But the levels were less than usual, as higher-ed 'genius-experts' argue as to which of their 'divine credentials' deserve more federal grant monies to further 'studies' of 'volume' maxums and minums, ecological studies about invasive algae and fungi and other plants, and who gets to ride around in boats and jet-skis taking water-samples at tax-payer expense, catering lunch for the photo-ops, the only voices allowed to be heard due to their LOCK_BOX on who works and who doesn't based upon failed credentialing 'maxums and minums' set only by themselves -- all deemed of 'higher-value' than the IMMINENT THREAT we are all facing:

1) hydro-electric blockage/damage from the massive amounts of debris from flood-water;
2) higher water-volumes due to massive run-off, causing damage to facilities;

When hydro-electric projects are taken off-line, FUEL PRICES SKY_ROCKET, including farming, which affects everybody, from field to grocery store, to truck-drivers, to your kitchen table.

Same ideology. It seems 'round-a-bout' but it's not. It's about a subtle-infection of ideology -- a ThoughtVirus -- now consuming resources faster than it's possible to replenish or discover or develop alternatives. It's like mandating everybody drive an electric car, which would require law-enforcement to impound and arrest all non-electric vehicles and drivers. To some, that actually 'sounds reasonable,' but to most, it would cost trillions, -- hundreds of thousands of more police and dungeon-guards on the public tax-dollar-dole -- and thousands of new dungeons/prisons -- and building all new 'electric vehicle models' would consume more resources than driving gas/diesel vehicles for the next ten-thousand years. But the credentialing-systems oversighted by our own hateful Congress/Legislative_Branch, only authorize the 'like-minded' to print text-books claiming otherwise in subtle ways, and only grant tax-dollars to 'research and develop' to the same 'credentialed' like-minded individuals. It's difficult to explain in simple-words in short-form.

FEMA should immediately use all available 'leverage' to insist watershed reservoirs are lowered, with reminders of prosecution against the criminal acts of non-compliance. We must pro-actively avert these tragedies, instead of knee-jerking delayed-reaction responses from above the rubble, misery and grief, shaming and blaming endless 'scape-goats' (EVE's). Is that clearer? Pardon my wording -- I don't have the luxury of a salary nor assistants to knit-pick spelling/wording/typos in the pathetic attempt at making myself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, as that always proves zero integrity, zero self-esteem, zero forgiveness, zero compassion, therefore zero justice, which always proves zero equality, the same forgiveness and equality the knit-pickers always hypocritically demand for their own selfish-selves, denied to all others -- any spelling/wording error will do to HATE YOU in subtle ways --- HateYou.
--- HateChoo ..
-- HateJew ...
-- Jew ...

Following? Kinda 'round-a-bout' but just try to pay attention. "Connect the dots," as the saying goes.

Again, the AMERICAN Broadcasting Company, it's thousands of affiliates, in their news broadcasts, always say, "Israel is attacking ...," -- but ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED AND THEREFORE IS DEFENDING HERSELF ...


The implications are multi-faceted with ABC's higher-ed CREDENTIALED 'framing' and the reasons for doing so. It's like their program, "AMERICA's FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS," which is all about people getting hurt and teaching the masses to laugh at it -- to LAUGH AT MISERY -- to RIDICULE and SCORN those whom are HURTING and say it's 'funny.' That has to be TRAINED -- TAUGHT -- it NEVER COMES NATURALLY. If it were me, and I slipped and fell off a roof shoveling snow, split my head open, lost an eye, broke-out a few teeth, guts spilling out on the ground, it would probably win the $100,000 dollar prize -- and everybody would be trained to LAUGH AT MY MISERY.

WHAT IS THE AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY DOING? Why are they teaching kids to HATE JEWS in subtle ways? To laugh at the PAIN and SUFFERING of others? WHY? Not one single news broadcast has said "Israel's defensive-action to stop a myriad of attacks against her," -- not one. The 'genius-expert' higher-ed credentialed so-called 'advisors' are writing LIES and teaching kids and adults alike to HATE and BLAME and RIDICULE and SCORN.

Which brings up a Mennonite broadcast seen on ABC, telling about how 'loving it is' that 'suffering and misery' as a 'tool' against those whom don't goose-step in lock-step with that particular version of 'unconditional-love' brings IN CONVERTS. Subtly -- that subtly, 'followers' are subliminally-suggested to DENY EQUALITY and make life MISERABLE for 'non-followers,' -- perhaps, " ... until they turn their lives around and start loving properly," or some such nonsense. ???


HAMAS and the SUBTLE ideology I've been attempting to describe are obviously in league AGAINST ISRAEL, and ALL SUPPORTERS AND DEFENDERS OF HER. I'm not singling-out Mennonites, as Mormons are notorious for doing it too, so are baptists, so are Methodists, so are Islamacists -- which is why I say, "My church has been molested, be it a Hall, a Temple, a mosque, a synogogue, a cathedral, a chapal, an ashram, whatever," and why I say HIGHER-ED IS BEING MANIPULATED INTO DOING THE SAME THING.

-- to photo-op and PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of it's own subtle INSTIGATION, encouragement, sick, twisted-HOPE -- with ENDLESS DENIALS and DIVERSIONS as to why nobody else is 'credentialed,' therefore 'worthy,' therefore has the 'divine wisdom' to even offer an opinion about it. THEY ONLY LISTEN TO THEMSELVES then bicker endlessly as to which version of 'credentials' are of 'more divinity' than others.

Now consider this as another 'window' into that which plagues governments globally: a cop shooting a man at a metro-station seen on the news recently. See it? Most have by now. That situation was concocted. HOPED FOR. How, our hateful Legislative Branches will RAISE TAXES to force the tax-payer to BUY MORE HIGHER-ED 'genius-experts' to 'review' and 'revise' and give 'multi-media training-presentations' and 'research which velcro strap and snap holds which equipment and which finger must be inserted into which strap to release another 'snap' " ... and with the other hand, unlock the safety-mechanism, then with your other hand, reach around and up behind you and grab your asshole and push real hard," -- while being kicked in the balls, gouged in the eyes, etc., etc., etc., complicating basic defensive-training into endless ManualWorship -- worshiping manuals endlessly -- zero real-life experience, but BLAMING COPS for real-life experience IN THE FIELD, in the line of duty, adding endless complications to every move, every step, endless paperwork -- PaperMAKEwork -- FAKE WORK -- at the tax-payers expense -- frustrating those whom serve and protect, and making all of us LESS SAFE, causing more and more accidents and tragedies, outlawing every other BREATH WE TAKE, and putting cops in the middle of a subtle WarAgainstThePeople to kill and get killed and take the BLAME merely to SELL MORE HIGHER-ED 'genius-expert' jobs of endless complications, ridicules and scorns at tax-payer expense, BANKRUPTING the ---

-- (this is about Israel for the short-minded) --

-- 'DEFENDING_HERSELF' capabilities of a nation, a people, a community, a company, a region, a family, a department, an agency, the individual, A WOMAN. ENDLESS ATTRITION.

Endless 'Eve's to take the blame, as usual.

Yes it's 'long-winded' and rather poorly worded at that. But a bit of 'back-ground,' regardless of how 'round-a-bout' I worded it is necessary before explaining why I titled this, "Israel STOP!"

It should be obvious that if attacks are being launched, that location must be destroyed in order to defend one's self, or the attacks will continue. But Hamas knew that.

-- KNEW THAT ...
-- KNEW THAT ...


They are HOPING for ATROCITIES. It's the same branch that GENOCIDED the descendents of the OriginalPeople -- Native Americans -- and only idiots don't realize that MEXICANS ARE NATIVE AMERICANS -- and the same branch that IMPORTED a whole new version of people to HATE as a DIVERSION from the GENOCIDE they INSTIGATED THEMSELVES, subtly funding 'Hamas-styled' groups such as the the Klan and Neo-Nazi's in round-a-bout methods (sheltering groups that support other groups that help yet other groups) to PROFIT from the EXTREMISM, in the HOPE of pointing at a DIVERSION to chant, "Ahhh-huh! See! THEY are WORSE than WE!" -- endlessly.

Segregation isn't over yet -- NOT BY A LONG-SHOT.

They hide and launch attacks from behind innocent men, women and children -- then photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief -- to provoke and antagonize then blame their victims. Israel.

It's ABOUT FUNDING via the subtle hatefulness of our own Congress, concocting endless 'crisis' for the photo-ops as a DIVERSION.

Back to ABC for a moment. President-elect Obama is being presented as the 'best thing since sliced-bread.' He is 'hard at work' -- a 'hero' -- a 'messiah' -- a 'savior' -- feel sorry for poor Barrack, exhausted from his tropical vacation, and the horrors and 'challenges' of being 'coup'd up' in a luxury hotel before moving into a marble palace -- oh the sacrifice! What an example of extreme-suffering and dedication. Working so hard -- TALKING -- a true shining-example to labor everywhere!" It's just ridiculous.


Withdraw from Gaza within 3-days. Any location attacking Israel should be destroyed with the most awesome display of lethal-force possible, and Bush Administration should handle it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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