Monday, January 19, 2009


MY WORDS, as I quickly typed my thoughts into a public-access Internet website topic-discussion-forum, as follows:

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:47 am Post subject: "Happy MLK Day!"

GeoLibertarian wrote:
There was more to MLK than fighting racial bigotry. Much more!


Especially that which is pre-approved for censorship.

I'm not talking about his crotch -- only perverts want to sniff-out what's in crotches or what's done with crotches in the HOPE to sniff-out somethin' -- anything at all -- like DOGS -- in the sick, twisted HOPE to place CONDITIONS against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors' to selfishly DENY the same 'equality' they hypocritically DEMAND for their own selfish-selves, starting with PRIVACY IN THEIR BEDROOMS, washrooms, shower-rooms, bath-rooms, pants/shorts/clothes/whatever.

I'm not talking about PRIVATES.

This day, MLK-day, has been MOLESTED.

It's been molested into a day of WORSHIP a FalseGod day.

He was but a man. A mere mortal-being. Like you -- likie me -- like 'them' -- like us -- all of us -- EQUAL.


Isn't that odd? Isn't that the STUPIDEST s**t, ever?

Of course it is! What better day for it, then "MLK-DAY" itself? How pathetically selfish of hypocritcal selfish people to NOT DISCUSS it.

See, it's really about TERRORISM. No kidding. The root of it: HatefulReligiousSupremacy. 'Positive' people brainwashed to HATE 'negative-people' -- and hammer 'negatives' ruthlessly against merciless positive-cross-signs in a CRUSADE of HATE, blatant anti-christ messaging, using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, doing what's called, "FigurativeCarpentry," spelled and typed just like that with no spaces between those words so as never to be taken out-of-context ever-again. Terrorism is 99% ideological -- it's only the 1% HORROR that you read about or see on the news -- the RESULTS of it, not what causes it, or symptoms of it within society.

Think of this: in order to be 'more christian' than everybody else, a new 'christian-church' was formed in the early 1800's and moved West, teaching their kids they were the 'one and only true church' and all others were 'deceived' so they moved 'out-west' to a 'land-of-milk-and-honey' claiming how 'oppressed' they were by all the 'negatives' --

When they arrived, they mass-murdered all the Natives, and any wagon-trains that attempted to cross-through their 'promised-land,' stole all their resources from them in the process.

A few babies of 'the-wrong-skin-color-of-the-inferiors' were kept as 'oddities' to 'prove' their 'one-and-only-truth' and 'unconditional-love' was all about 'celebrating-diversity.'

They dressed those babies in 'their-kinds-of-clothes,' and taught those babies 'their-kinds-of-words' and sang 'their-kinds-of-songs' and 'their-kinds-of-prayers' and 'their-kinds-of-behaviors' -- as 'proof' of their 'celebration-of-diversity.'

Is that 'cultural-diversity' and 'cultural-appreciation'?

Using that same ideology, they raised those babies to go 'teach' that 'unconditional-love' to other 'inferiors/negatives' so they could be 'positive' like they were.

And the REAL Natives said it's FAKE 'love' and FAKE 'celebrated-diversity' ---

So those babies returned, got together with the Elders, and hunted down the 'rejectors-of-truth' like DOGS ...

That's why they MURDERED him. He taught the same ideology used to ENSLAVE 'imported-'natives'' as being a 'positive-godly-good-thing' -- "I have a dream ... that we act their way, talk their way, walk their way, think their way, and call it 'celebrated diversity' and 'equality.'"

But it isn't.

And he struggled with that, as a person. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DISCUSS IT in the so-called 'land-of-the-free' and the so-called 'land-of-equality' and the so-called 'land-of-celebrated-diversity.'

You must goose-step in lock-step and FAKE 'celebrated-diversity' -- dumbing-down 'diveresity' to mean one insignificant DETAIL: 'skin-color,' proving HOW STUPID it TRULY is.

Please discuss it -- experience MY WORDS -- and do better. MLK deserves it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton, (HFA/3Ons/AndMore...)

OnEdit: here's the link to where I originally typed MY WORDS, quickly typed my thoughts about this topic, which in itself is vast, so be forgiving of wording/typos/spelling/etc., if you have the INTEGRITY to do so: (my username on that forum is "Tracker" obviously, as author of those words as c/p'd above).


On2ndEdit/Insertion: ADDING forum-comments I quickly typed as follows, in answer to two quotes as indicated:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:01 pm Post subject: "Happy MLK Day!"

BullsLawDan wrote:
What do Indians have to do with the topic at hand???



FREEDOM AND EQUALITY -- ever heard of it? Rolling Eyes


trax wrote:
You have way with words m8.

I have a question for you...

Can you describe an UNMOLESTED MLK-day?


I'm not sure why you'd call me a 'mate' -- or 'meow' at me in another post -- and the username you've chosen is questionable in that light, but I'll answer your question.

If you were to take a 'bunch of Palestinian children' as babies, raise them in Tel Aviv, censor all of their culture -- their ROOTS from them -- and then re-define what your own interpretation of 'their-roots' are -- only allow them to wear 'your kinds of clothes' and 'learn your kinds of things' and 'read your kinds of books' and 'see your kinds of movies' and 'sing your kinds of songs' -- are you 'celebrating diversity'? Are you 'embracing-diversity'? Embracing 'equality'? Appreciating differences AT ALL?

Of course not. It's FAKE 'appreciation' and FAKE 'tolerance' and FAKE 'celebration-of-diversity' therefore FAKE 'equality.'

Just like religions have always been molested into doing. Teaching 'babies' how to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their so-called 'beloved-equal-fellow-citizen-neighbors' and chant goose-step in lock-step 'equality' and 'tolerance' and 'celebrated diversity' and 'appreciation of differences' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

Mention it, and the religionists say very predictable things in their brainwashed HATRED they've been taught to DISGUISE as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern'.

Firstly, they FAKE 'victimhood' from FAKE 'attacks' with FAKE 'wounds' and FAKE 'suffering' and FAKE 'pain' IMAGINED to have been 'experienced' during FAKE 'attacks' from FAKE 'weapons' of WORDS --

-- mere words as FalseGods before thee, as an excuse to ERECT their IDOL to worship, their hateful positive-cross-sign and using the excuse of words, hatefully place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-equal-fellow-citizen-neighbor' and declare that person as 'negative' thereby ruthlessly hammering that 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-sign, those hateful torture-devices of TERROR -- using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, the process called, once again, "FigurativeCarpentry" -- it's all about the ideology of hate -- the ideology of HatefulReligiousSupremacy, and those claiming they don't do that, do it MOST in blatant anti-christ messaging, and why governments form, such as these United States under Jefferson'sPROMISE, to serve and protect all people EQUALLY FROM those that do it.

So, firstly they fake 'victimhood' from words, like this, "How hateful for you to say that! We're so wounded! Why are you oppressing me!" -- playing the 'sympathy-card' as brainwashed -- cult-brainwashing -- and there is NO OTHER VALID WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT.

THEN, they chant, goose-step in lock-step, so predictably, "Well, I've heard that some of us may have been like that once ... but we're not like that any more ... I don't know anybody like that ... I know I'm not!"

Martin Luther King struggled with it his entire career, especially at the end, because by then he was 'locked-into-it' -- his ideology already interpreted in print, established, defined regardless of whatever else he may have said or thought.

See, it was a WAR -- of GENOCIDAL proportions -- and in order to stop the slaughter, what OTHER way could he use than to adopt the 'clothes' and the 'songs' and the 'prayers' and the 'looks' and the 'words' and the FAKE WOUNDS of those that were genociding 'his-people'? (all people were, so that is a misnomer, so keep it in context).

-- "I have a dream, but it's impractical, so in order to SURVIVE, we must become like our oppressors ... talk like them, walk like them, learn history as they interpret it and re-write it and revise it, and ridicule and scorn all whom don't just like them or we will ALL BE KILLED."

See how that works?

Native Americans ALL HAD TO MAKE THE SAME FAKE 'concessions.'

Because it IS FAKE 'concessions' -- it's total subserviance -- total 'cloning-of-spirit' -- total denigration. Total collapse of culture. Erasure -- erasure of culture.

So, the oppressors claim, "Well, we established a 'music industry' to 'cater' to 'you' AS WE DEFINE IT to 'keep you apart' so you can claim it's 'your culture' -- a psuedo-culture -- a 'substitute-reality' for your to worship and ridicule and scorn all whom don't, just like us. You should be thankful.

Then, the oppressors hold 'celebrate-diversity' events, and knit-pick INSIGNIFICANT DETAILS as their so-called 'embracement' and 'appreciation' of 'differences/diversity' -- which is FAKE 'equality' if everybody is forced to be a 'clone' of each other merely knit-picking stupid insignificant crap, like skin-color or accents or hair-styles or pieces-of-cloth (clothes) as the so-called 'criteria/credential' for being 'different.'

Religions did that. That is why I have always said, "My church has been molested, be it a temple, a cathedral, a synogogue, a mosque, a chapel, a church, an ashram or whathaveyou." Because religions promised to defend all people equally from that EVER happening and have proved to be miserable failures in every aspect of it.

And they know it -- having been around much longer than even the oldest governments currently on Earth. So they 'prep' their own CLERICS to adMINISTER governments, to infiltrate and infect governments and setup-for-failure governments, globally, thereby molesting governments and HOPING to chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than WE!" -- and when have they NOT?

Never. Every aspect of government is railed-against by religions conspiring together to brainwash their 'flocks' to hate governments, hate education, hate science, hate healthcare, hate freedom, hate liberty, and disguise it as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' globally.

Legislative Branches are the 'weak-spot' of all/any governments, because that is where HatefulReligiousSupremacy always rears it's ugly heads, "NegativePositive-isms," or "PositiveNegative-isms" (same thing), and that ideology is the formula for DIVIDES, like this: a positive-one and a negative-one results in NOTHING, death, holocaust, divides, therefore DeathWorship -- but all religions have been molested into it, and infiltrated and infected governments via Legislative Branches thereby molesting EQUALITY itself -- holding it IN CHAINS -- ENSLAVING it, just re-writing the 'reasonable-sounding' bulls**t in the pathetic attempt to DIVERT attention away from it -- to HIDE it -- to DISGUISE it --

You can't point your finger at any specific individual and claim they are to blame (like religions, including Legislatures do) -- because it's about ideology, the ideology of civilization itself -- and the formula for DIVIDES (NativePositive-isms) is a ThoughtVirus molesting it -- molesting society, religions, science, art, governments, healthcare, DefensiveServices, math, human-development, human progress as a whole, a 'cancer' against all of us, all of you, all people, regardless of language or location, therefore a terminal-illness afflicting the entire HumanityFamily.

Be healed of it. If anybody tells you to be 'positive-minded,' they are infringing upon your 1st Amendment protections, civil liberties, and human rights. It's anti-christ messaging. It's anti-science/medicine (which includes psychology) -- and anti-government and anti-constitutional brainwashing -- regardless of their 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSES for doing it.


It's also anti-Islam brainwashing -- anti-all-religions regardless of name or version brainwashing. BE HEALED OF IT.

It's not 'devil's work' -- that spreads the ThoughtVirus in itself -- don't fall for that 'reasonable-sounding' crap either -- BE HEALED OF ALL OF IT.

Martin Luther King's Day is the most appropriate time to discuss why he was murdered, because 'assimilation, resistence is futile' was the result of what he was doing, and many of 'his-people' RESENTED IT, and many 'white-people' did and still do, and I'm one of 'em. I recognize his efforts -- I do indeed -- but 'his message' RESULTED in the ERASURE of TRUE DIVERSITY and the RESULTS are startling and troublesome in many regards:

-- this just for STARTERS: a 'black-woman' is ridiculed and scorned by other 'black-women' for her HAIR -- HER NATURAL SELF -- and is FORCED to spend real-time/dollars/potential/productivity on insignificant details, her TRUE potential DIVERTED to stupid s**t.

That is what HatefulReligiousSupremacists did. Taught 'not-their-kinds-of-people' to behave just like themselves, even the non-religious. It's ALWAYS VERY SUBTLE and ALWAYS VERY DANGEROUS to any culture, any nation.

Now, even the 'black-male' does it to one another AND their 'women' -- which were all TRAINED-BEHAVIORS by the very oppressors that ENSLAVED them and GENOCIDED the CONTINENT where they came from -- then taught the SURVIVORS on that same continent to mass-murder each other, merely to chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than WE!"


-- until recently, in isolated incidents, AS BRAINWASHED, as setup-for-failure.

And those whom did it, are attempting to BLAME CHINA!

That's how f***ing gross it truly is.

We don't have to speak the same language to 'get along.'
We don't have to look the same in order to 'get along.'
We don't have to wear the same 'pieces-of-cloth' to 'get-along.'
We don't have to wear ANYTHING in order to 'get-along.'
We don't have to have the same 'life-styles' or 'living-arrangements' or 'education' or 'transportation' or 'credentials' or 'size' or 'shape' or 'color' or LOVES or ANYTHING ELSE in order to 'get-along.'

ONLY molested religions and governments they've perverted HATE IT using a religio-educational-cabal to do it.

And that's why Martin Luther King was murdered -- not by people I 'endorse' or anything like that, mind you, but because he told 'his-people' to 'assimilate, resistance is futile' and FAKE 'celebrated-diversity' and FAKE 'equality' and FAKE 'equal-opportunities' and FAKE 'land-of-the-free' in blatant anti-FoundingFather's PROMISE.

That's what our FoundingFathers were up against -- HatefulReligiousSupremacy, and that which declared war against freedom/liberty/equality THEN -- and is NOT DEFEATED YET -- not by a long-shot -- and it just gets more 'clever' more 'nefarious' more 'insidious' more HATEFUL more 'reasonable-sounding' with each passing generation and everybody is IGNORING IT -- and the ever-growing piles of corpses grows ever-higher while everybody else is merely chanting platitudes and 'reasonable-sounding' quips, patting each other on the backs, chanting, "change you can believe in!" when only ghosts, goblins, devils, demons, angels, gods, aliens etc., things you can't verify with your five-senses require BELIEF-SYSTEMS otherwise it's just another RELIGION to hide behind in the excuse to be HATEFUL of all whom do NOT.

And our country was NEVER INTENDED TO BE THAT.

BE HEALED OF IT. From MLK we LEARN many important things, but the most important, the MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS OF ALL -- the VulgarLessons -- have gone censored, ignored, and that's a cryin' shame.

BE HEALED OF IT. MLK deserves it -- what was referred to as 'his-people' deserve better -- we all deserve better -- OUR NATION and the ENTIRE WORLD deserves BETTER.

Please do better. Please do. Please.

Kind Regards,

OnEdit: it occurs to me that the hateful will twist my words, claiming I said that MLK 'deserved to be murdered,' or some such nonsense. Regardless of my poor-spelling and numerous typos as I quickly type-out my thoughts, only a truly hateful-at-heart person would claim such a thing. Nobody 'deserves' to die.

Which brings up DefensiveServices, because WE ARE ALL AUTHORIZED TO DEFEND OURSELVES -- and DefensiveServices has a Mission to serve and protect all people equally FROM those whom wish to KILL YOU/HARM YOU. And if somebody is attacking you and yours, you are authorized to defend against that someone(s) -- so the thought crosses your mind, "they deserve to die -- deserve to be in graves, not us, not me, not my beloved neighbors, not my family -- only those terrorists that hope for our deaths."

See how that works? It's absolutely normal. But the truth is, it SHOULD NEVER COME TO THAT, should never have come to that -- it takes UNDERSTANDING -- because environments for humans are ALWAYS CONCOCTED, usually with lots of violence whenever religions are involved -- at least, the current versions of our molested religions that preach 'peace/love' via INTOLERANCE, and FAKING 'victimhood' from WORDS, worshiping words as FalseGodsBeforeThee, erecting idols in their crusade against 'negatives,' only to INSPIRE others to spill REAL BLOOD for REAL.


Lots of 'black-scholars' feel as I do -- but the only ones ALLOWED TO BE HEARD are on the payroll of the same 'credentialing-systems' used to 'credential' the same people that ENSLAVED them, that SEGREGATED them, while chanting 'land-of-equality' and endless 'reasonable-sounding' platitudes. And even when the descendents of the SlavePeople attempt to establish their own 'credentialing-services' via educational institutions, in order to be 'recognized' and 'accredited,' they must adopt the same 'pedigree' of 'credentialing-systems' -- IT'S UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

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