Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Bring Out Ye' Dead -- Legislators' SickCare GravyTrain


-- A Perfect War -- Part-VI

-- "We saw her son's star rising and came as quick as we could ..."

While Legislators claim they are 'helping' because they 'care' about you, their function is securing more college-grad generations as voters, in segments of the workforce Legislators fund, oversight and have thusly usurped control over every aspects of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness.

That's their future voting-blocks. Doesn't matter if those future generations vote 'yea' or 'nay' -- the issues are pre-approved, the controversies pre-concocted, marketing firms hired to do all the 'presenting,' poll-research, 'control-group' styled testing, whatever it takes to 'sell' their next 'big idea' for securing more control over future generations of 'credentials' --

-- at the expense of everyone else.

You can't fund prisons with public dollars if you don't concoct excuses to keep those prisons full.

You can't pay hospital employees if the beds are empty.

You can't endlessly build cars if highways and bridges were totally safe.

You can't make money building coffins if nobody dies ...

And the funeral business is booming. But first, the maximum dollar amount possible to extract from insurance funds has been pre-determined, and the patient kept semi 'alive' as long as possible at taxpayer expense per Medicare/Medicaide -- gotta pay those hospital and convolescent center employees by keeping those beds FULL.

And these 'systems' are are legislated for that exact reason. And ONLY that reason.

-- you can't 'maximize profits' if you build industructable cars;
-- you can't 'peg the sales meters' if your product lasts 'forever';
-- you can't 'pad the bottom-line' if you HEAL everybody;

And every 'system' that is Legislated, is an entire 'job-spectrum' of 'maximized-profit-potential' -- degree required -- cannabalizing society, finding some 'weakness' and claiming 'fixing it' while profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief. "Must be positive minded!" they say up-front, proving anti-christ messaging, finding those 'negatives' to hatefully hammer against their merciless positive cross signs, crusading to profit, brainwashed to chant, 'peace, love, tranquility, concern,' when obviously it's none of that.

You can't get paid as a PhD to globe-trot from seminar to seminar, internationally, TALKING, concocting endless studies, reports, paperwork, about the 'sanctity of melting ice,' unless the poor pay for it.

-- but it's the globe-trotting PhD consuming all the fossil-fuels flying around talking about ice-melt. Their own lifestyles that consumes the most fossil fuels, the most plastics which are also fossil fuels, the most toxic substances in the manufacturing process, such as all the batteries that power their techno-gadgets and hybrid vehicles only themselves can afford, the most use of virgin forests due to the extreme tenderness of their incredibly soft-lived behinds, toilet paper and paper towels and just endless piles of paper, and the most strip-mining due to their hybrid cars and solar power panel purchases, due to the types of ores necessary to build such vehicles, therefore their DEMANDS are consuming not only the planet, but cannabilizing society in the process, blaming the poor, whom consume 1/100th as much resources.

-- so they take 'offense' at everything the poor does, says, thinks, opines, recreates, drinks, smokes, transports, sees, hears, -- all 'systems' which are legislated -- oversighted and designed and written by some 'credential' job-fields.

This isn't more of the 'haves verses the have-nots.' This is a generation-spanning war against government.

Catholics will be blamed for it.

But they've seen it before. Nothing new. Despite all efforts to warn against it, they are constantly being hood-winked, side-tracked, resources derailed into never-ending stupid tangents, like PRIVATES, the perverse ANALysis of PRIVATES, which is what CrotchWorshipers HOPE for, merely to point long-accusatory fingers at Catholics, feverishly chant, "See! THEY are WORSE than we/us!" -- after instigating that scenario to begin with.

Hating Catholics is all part of the 'big plan' as well, while a few Legislators FAKE 'friends,' as usual.

Abortion is another such issue. Diversion. Waste of resources. An excuse to DIVIDE, as Legislators always do in their typical nonstop Senatorial 'senning' --

-- yet the answers are simple and already pre-approved for dissimination, discussion, while the church has been in 'reaction-mode' here in the U.S. and elsewhere for far too long.

Pope Benedict XVI, in my opinion, is wasting time with another couple of interesting, though meaningless diversions, wasting resources, spinning-his-wheels. Pope John Paul II, regardless of how well he was or wasn't liked, was not an effective leader -- his 'big issues' dividing, instead of uniting, and costing a fortune in the process. The only thing 'miraculous' about that man was how long he lived ...

-- because life itself is miraculous.

-- I'll get back to that in a moment;

Pope Pius IX is being 'white-washed' as some type of 'saint' for not 'choosing sides' during the hateful Legislators' theft of Jewish wealth and relocation of Jews out of the Americas and Europe. He didn't save anybody's lives. He could have and squandered the opportunity. Obviously.

-- perhaps there are some 'beautiful lessons' in all that, Pope Pius IX and Pope John Paul II, but not beatificating. And spending all that time trying to 'make-the-case' claiming it -- it's pathetic. Sad. Focusing on DEATH instead of the that sweet ...

-- because life itself is miraculous ...

-- see, told ya' I'd get back to it. Make the connection?

Advent re-examines all of it. The story of you, of me, of 'them,' of 'us' -- everybody -- told as a single-family akin to your own -- applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be -- with the 'ups' and 'downs' and 'highs' and 'lows' and 'supports' and 'tragedies' that befall all of us ...

-- all of them;
-- all of you;
-- all of me;
-- everybody.

Think if it this way: our society today is geared toward women whom have a 'rich prince husband' 'spirit her away' to a 'fine castle' where she is 'chauffeured' from location to location, and the 'nanny' raises the children she bears for him. These 'systems' are legislated, every aspect of it etched-in-stone by a 'credential' and then 'witnesses' by a bunch more, each signing their name, claiming 'best of the best of the best' to all they do, while squandering trillions and blaming you.

-- teenage 'moms' have a very difficult life, as do single-moms of any age. It's nearly impossible for them. Pre-approved for punishments if they do that which every woman must, feels compelled to do, BASIC INSTINCT, be fruitful and multiply. And blamed for it. Punished. Blamed. By a hateful 'system' that HOPES she comes 'crawling back' to her 'right and proper place' --

-- as determined by 'credentials' within an entirely different version of 'christiandom.' Those whom conjure-up their own demons, worship words as excuses to FAKE 'victimhood,' concocting their own HELLishness, them blaming their VICTIMS for whatever reactions they provoke out of 'em themselves -- sucking the life-blood out of economy, which is "Counting Draks" in every ancient language in existence, the real definition of 'vampires' and 'ghouls' which has absolutely nothing to do with superstition -- these are REAL world economic definitions.

-- a recent poll suggests that when I was born, less than 15% of the population was so superstitious as to think that ghosts and ghouls and demons and vampires were something to fear (superstitious version). Today, 65% do.

SIXTY FIVE PERCENT -- value FAKE 'life' as a 'higher-priority' than the MIRACLE of REAL LIFE itself, due to their superstitions.

The Roman Catholic Church has been attempting to HEAL the DIVIDES caused by superstitions for TWO THOUSAND YEARS -- and now look --

-- A Perfect War ... and both Catholics and Governments are losing.

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