Monday, January 11, 2010

Obama: Leave No Tax Behind, Just Kids

Advent -- Week-7

The Perfect War - Part-VII

-- "Herod saw the star rising (heard the gossip/talk) about the unpaperworked/undocumented 'protest baby's' birth, and sent his own 'wise guys' to 'pay-tribute' (gather 'intel')."

When it comes to separation of church/state, I am all 'state,' a government-man, not a church-man, as I've always said. Alas, this is a unique situation, with parallels all too-familiar. History never repeats itself -- only hateful people concoct excuses to reap rewards today by repeating hateful scams from the past at the expense of all others, endlessly spouting 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' all-the-while perpetrating fraud-in-disguise against country, against you, against me, against everyone and everybody, especially future generations, all of us, all of them, all people equally, the entire HumanityFamily.

Senators in their nonstop Senatorial 'senning' always concoct the environments to profit from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle instigation, encouragement, psychotic hope. Always claiming they're doing something 'important,' while never solving anything REAL, just making mountains out of molehills as diversions from REAL issues, making every REAL issue last as long as possible merely for the endless photo-opportunities.

Paper more-important than people.

The freedom to be fruitful and multiply, attacked from all angles. Those involved in it, hated from every conceivable direction. Endless complications. One tax, fine, fee, surcharge, stamp, tariff, more insurance, more paperwork, paperFAKEwork, and all of human productivity is STAGNATED, just like the HUMAN RACE as a result.

That's what Legislators thrive in.

That's exactly what the Epiphany of the Lord is all about. It's about all of us. The story of all of us. All of you. All of me. All of them. Everybody. The story of all of us. Not some deity cartoon-character to worship as a graven-image of imagination. A portrayal of YOU and YOUR FAMILY -- the entire HumanityFamily.

Your freedom to breathe, regulated. Taxed, which is hateful. It's not about helping anything or anybody, only paying more 'credentials' to suck the life-blood out of your economy, concocting endless FAKE 'indispensibility' issues that are NOT REAL -- and each of those generations of 'credentials' are at the mercy of Legislators whom hold the figurative 'purse-strings' over their professions, bought-and-paid-for voting-base, at the expense of everybody else, which is exactly why we are trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. That's not just a matter of National Security, but of Global Security as well, because Legislators conspire Legislative Branch with Legislative Branch globally to usurp total-control over every aspect of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness -- then manipulate religions to instigate religious-fanaticism as a DIVERSION, substitute-BLAME.

-- global economy can't keep up with it. It ALWAYS RESULTS IN WAR.
-- debtors have to be 'eliminated' and somebody needs to become the 'scapegoats.'


Think of it this way: recently, a 'tax-friendly' environment was worked-out to bring 'good-paying-jobs' to YourTown, USA. State by state. That was under the last Presidency, the Bush Admin. Deals were established where large corporations were given tax-breaks as incentives to relocate to a particular state -- with 'strings-attached' to those FAKE 'gifts' -- because in small-print, as Legislators always concoct -- were a bunch of 'conditions' and 'future flare-ups' just waiting-to-happen -- such as economic downturns, so that if the relocated-employer didn't hire the pre-approved number of employees to pay taxes to Legislators for Legislators to give themselves more perks and benefits and staff, then those companies would be PUNISHED by eliminating the original 'tax-incentives' and INCREASING TAXES, fines, surcharges, penalties, complications.

In other words, you and your family, and the business which allows you to work, which employees you, must READ THE FUTURE and be held-accountable for NOT 'reading-the-future-correctly.'

But when it comes to Economists, and Higher-Ed Legislators, well, look at all the excuses to claim, "better than expected," and "worse than expected" after EVERY PREDICTION they make -- endless excuses to be WRONG and get the GREATEST REWARDS for it -- while punishing YOU for not 'reading tea-leaves accurately.'

It's just as hateful a concocted HELLish environment for business, for economy, for family, as it gets.

WHICH HURTS STATE. And Church. And it's about time we all had the COURAGE to admit it, instead of obfuscate it, instead of hide it, instead of make excuses for it, instead of be hateful of all whom attempt communication about it, instead of faking 'wounds' from WORDS.

All the monies that should be going to compassionate-services, which includes healthy teeth and eyes, medicine, nurture -- most of it is consumed by the PAPERCHASE (which is exactly what that old TV show was attempting to convey). It doesn't take anything to be fruitful and multiply, for a woman to have and raise a baby -- except love. And paper is none of that. Now, the 'system' is such, that for every birth, dozens, if not hundreds of 'credentials' make their 'living' with many luxuries, from the destitution of the mother, filling-out paperwork supposedly 'on-her-behalf' -- and claiming they are 'making a difference.' They're not. They're vampires -- the REAL definition of the word which has nothing to do with superstition -- sucking the life-blood out of economy -- it's an economic term, an ancient one -- present in every language, superstitionized only by isolated and illiterate peoples after apocolyptic, cataclysms.

Just for STARTERS -- we must DEFEND all people EQUALLY against the brainwashing of superstitions as a matter of species survivability.

And for States and Churches, YOU FLUNK -- you have totally and completely utterly miserably FAILED at it. And it's way past time somebody had the COURAGE to tell you.

Now stop faking 'wounds' from words, hating me for it, and start fixing it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton

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