Monday, April 05, 2010

Defending The Pope II

A Perfect War -- Part XVI

Higher-Education, the entire credentialing system has lost all credibility due to it's handling of the global economy, the extent of bankruptcies, lost jobs, bank failures, fraud, abuse, disguised inflation and indentured-servitude, profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle (and not-so-subtle) instigation, encouragement and outright hope. They'll say anything 'reasonable-sounding,' worshiping billion-page piles of PhD level manuals and theories as FalseGodsBeforeThee, crusading as 'positive-minded-people,' hammering all they've pessimistically tunnel-vision focused perceiving as 'flaws,' as 'negatives,' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, endless ideological crucifiXtion, called FigurativeCarpentry, the epitome of anti-christ messaging, therefore the epitome of HATE.

-- and they shall not be questioned, do not tolerate dissent, unless your spelling and 'prose' is 'perfect,' as they FAKE 'perfection' using software spell and syntax checkers, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity.

I took a college Algebra and Trigonometry course once through Community Colleges. I wasn't able to complete the semester at the time, but held on to these very expensive books, 'peer reviewed,' until my life, work, family, was more conducive towards the incredible investment it takes to further one's education. During the regular class, the professor would point-out errors in the book. Some I agreed with, others I didn't. Years later, I went through the book and the answer manual, methodically, and found errors. The entire book was written by and revised repeatedly by, then peer reviewed by, the highest credentialed mathematicians our Higher Education credentialing-system has to offer. The 'best of the best' from the 'most accredited' colleges and 'prestigious universities.'

All it takes is one misspelled word, one typo, one dissenting opinion, and those same FAKE 'majesties' cast-you-out as 'not their kinds of people,' hammer you ruthlessly as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, proving zero understanding, proving zero justice, therefore zero EQUALITY, all of which they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves.

-- mention it, they say, "Isn't that what you're doing!" accussatorily. They don't listen. Any excuse to cast-out. To deny. To invalidate. In the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.

-- mention that, and they say, "There's no point in discussing it, as you do not have the divine wisdom necessary to have meaningful dialogue," then they use a bunch of ecclectic terminology and speciality-words only themselves would know, which they looked-up the night-before as a setup for their attempt to ridicule, scorn, DISMISS.

-- mention that, and they claim, "Well, if you an interest in the topic, then you'd have acheived one of these," and start waving paper-work credentials around, as though a piece of paper is a 'god-card,' and that's the reason they shall NOT BE QUESTIONED, just petty excuses that is.

-- so even if you have one, then they say, "Well, you don't have one in this specialty field of study, which is the basis of the overall theory," (a diversion from the TheoryWorship they just proved, proving they didn't listen from the get-go, proving lack of cognative skills, therefore lack of intelligence, and never forget that knowing some detail about something, doesn't make you SMART).

-- so, even if you have an 'equal credential,' they claim it's not 'good enough' because there are 'other fields of study' which must be 'challenged' by you, personally, FIRSTLY, and THEN, after you've 'proved' your dissent is 'applicable' to that ONE field-of-study, THEN, they point-out yet another speciality credentialed-field which you personally must challenge, and so on, over and over, excuses to ignore the topic and DENY EQUALITY, censoring the world from YOU, keeping the world IGNORANT of the REAL HARM they've done to YOU and YOURS.

-- your job, your home, your family, your income, your taxes, vacations, your pursuits of equal opportunies, life, liberty and happiness.

So, even if you have a 'speciality-credential,' it's never 'good enough.' And even if you have that 'divine ordination,' it's not 'good enough' in 'gpa' or 'brand-name' (college or university). Nothing is 'good enough' for 'em. Nothing and no one. And even if you do have their version of 'divine ordination' with the 'best' gpa and 'best' brand-name stamped on the piece of paper they worship, they'll concoct yet another 'brand-name credentialed endorsement' as an 'update' and claim you are 'out of date.'


-- and much of their 'update' brand-name-credential coursework is plagiarized from YOUR WORDS, twisted into petty derogatory (disguised) remarks AGAINST IT.

In the 1990's, while attending St. Aloysuis, I was always amazed by the beauty of the voices, the ceremonial rites, the participation of the individuals in attendance, the 'audience,' whom are a part of it, and during the Easter Vigil, the Priest has that 'audience' STAND and SIT, over and over, repeatedly, for a REASON:

-- to remind you that you are NOT PUPPETS.

These 'credentials' have that FREEWILL abrogated. They are PUPPETS. And they are on a CRUSADE, any excuse to suck the life-blood out of economy, out of you and yours, your government and your CHURCH.

There are numerous articles about people whom have had some terrible tragedy afflicted upon them. Yesterday, in the Spokesman Review, there was such a testimony, a man whom was shot by a 17-year old with a .30-06, a very powerful weapon, not once, but FOUR TIMES. The man survived, some how. The article quotes the man as saying he survived because " ... the Lord was with me." I find those types of comments meaningless, as if there were such a 'lord' to 'be-with-you' then struggling through the misery of life-altering ATTACKS wouldn't be part of it, and that 17-yr-old ATTACKER would have been engaged in other behaviors than HATE.

The point is, the 'other point' on the 'flip-side' (if that isn't :lol:), is that the occurance, that tragic event, that man receives ZERO COMPENSATION. Yet there are people today, claiming "life-altering wounds" when there are ZERO SCARS verifiable with anybody's five-senses in REALITY, one must BLIND FAITH 'believe' to 'see the scars' from the so-called 'wounds.' And for those INVISIBLE 'wounds' of IMAGINATION, that can't be proved in REALITY, just alleged, parishoners are being PUNISHED with the HATE CRIME inflicted against them for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in 'compensation.'

-- it's not 'compensation,' it's HIGHER ED FRAUD.

-- the big 'wound' was caused, apparently, by an 'orgasm,' that is construed to be, perceived to be, taught-to-be 'more damaging' and of 'higher priority' than those whom have REAL WOUNDS, including OUR TROOPS.

It's outrageous. It's a conspired HATE CRIME against the church for that exact reason.

Further, those 'credentials' are being used as so-called 'advisors' to the Pope, where over a multi-generational plot, those 'advisory panels' have been infiltrated and infected with the mindsets that have the distorted viewpoint that what is NOT verifiable with one's five-senses is of 'higher-priority' than REAL LIFE, and the entire credentialing-system's theories and speculative 'facts' are filled with it, like that college Algebra and Trig textbook set with nothing but excuses for it, the entire thing swept under the rug, ignored, down-played as they twist it around to accuse the Church, the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns, Deacons, and members of that which they PROVE to be doing.

Adding do it is the ecclectic-ization of the "jesus myth" itself, claiming that is the name of an individual 'historical person,' and then funding Higher-Ed 'studies' with money donated to feed the poor to vacation claiming they are doing 'important work' in 'proving' where 'jesus' lived. You are 'jesu.' Anybody harassed, discriminated against. The religious story is an example of YOU, of Rosa Parks, of Michael Jackson, of any and all SLAVES, which the Catholic church was always against while Protestant churches endorsed slavery as 'normal.' Nothing 'normal' about it, in any form, including economic indentured-servitude and all forms of it.

STAND -- SIT -- STAND -- SIT -- KNEEL -- STAND -- SIT -- KNEEL -- a REMINDER that YOU ARE NOT PUPPETS, for it was blind-faith, just 'going along,' which DENIED that religious figure 'jesu' -- and Rosa Parks and all those in bondage, historically, denied them equality and everybody just 'went along' with it -- turned a blind-eye to it -- denied turning a blind-eye to it and denied going-along with it -- even while engaged in discrimination, FigurativeCarpentry, crusade-mentality, ideological crucifiXtion, denying EQUALITY subtly to one of their own, sacrificing one of their own, over and over and over -- one after another, an endless procession of 'eves' to blame and 'jesu's to ignore until cast-out until PERISHED.

-- THEN, LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE DONE! -- AfterDeath, suddenly the person they hated, they spoke trash about and made a 'career' out of denying equality and hatefully rumormongering, suddenly, that person was the 'greatest friend' in existence that could 'walk on water' and 'feed billions with a single grain of rice.' Fly through the air, leap over buildings in a single-bound -- more EXCUSES to deny having discriminated, deny having engaged in anti-christ messaging of CruxifiXtion, FigurativeCarpentry against an equal-fellow-citizen BelovedNeighbor. A diversion from the REALITY verifiable with one's five-senses that they engaged in.

Before the discriminated person PERISHES, members of their own communities, companies, families, CAST LOTS to DIVIDE CLOTHES (claim 'rights' to what isn't theirs). "Well, it's his/her TIME so we think we should get his shoes and furniture and stereo and TV ..." -- "I deserve his car!" -- "I get his job!" -- "I get the life-insurance policy! You don't deserve a penny of it! I'm the one who ..." and then the lies start, the sensationalism, the HYPER-INFLATION.

Everybody denied it. Everybody looked the 'other way.' Everybody made-up excuses for it, then sensationalized what 'good thing' they did when they didn't. Then photo-op'd in self-importance to pat themselves on the backs, one 'jesu' after another -- IT COULD BE YOU. YOU'RE NEXT!

You are all EQUALLY important historical figures. And that's the TRUE meaning of it. Nothing eclectic about it. Death is MISERABLE and it is FEARED by all, and if it isn't, then it's brainwashing to claim you are INSANE as an excuse to CAST-LOTS for your CLOTHES and pre-spend your money on their own selfish selves. Again, suicide-bombers don't fear death. Healthy minds fear death. It's brainwashing not to fear it. That's why life is important, and we're all here to help each other through it -- REAL LIFE, verifiable with one's five-senses.

In Alaska, summer of 2006, I attended St. Gregory. I wrote in my blog and described the concept of dividing the fish to feed the masses, dividing the resources to nurture the masses, and my experiences in that, my thoughts, my life in MY OWN WORDS. Some hate-monger hacked into my blog here on Google's Blogger and deleted it, modified other posts, changed the HTML of the layout, revised my username (recently). A HATE CRIME.

They need to be prosecuted. The harassment is endless.

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