The Perfect War -- Part-XVIII
The church exploded and many were maimed, wounded, killed. The nuns were gun-downed in service. Meanwhile, Higher-Ed's war against Church is profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of FAKE 'wounds,' with zero spilled blood, zero torn flesh, zero REAL victims.
Two young teenager boys conspired to 'make a million' and in seduced a Priest, telling him, repeatedly, "well, if I had my hands tied, then nobody could ever say I was a willing participant and you'd know I'm not going to grab a candle stick and club you over the head -- just suck it, please!" -- and who knows why anybody would even want to participate in BONDAGE, but it's a big-selling portion of Adult Entertainment. I can't find any 'value' in it, personally, but that doesn't mean I think all whom engage in it should be denied equality, crucified. And I haven't a clue why some people think kids are 'sex objects.' I don't share in the fantasy. Perhaps it's because at the time in their lives they became sexually aware, that's what was firstly 'attractive' to them, then, they entered a field of celibacy, so those psychological 'attractions' never matured. ???
-- I THINK SO ...
Then, there is the Higher-Ed sales-jobs, marketing scams, endless 'sounds-reasonable' peddling of so-called 'styles' and 'fads' to 'get-rich-quick' from SHEOPLE, those whom just 'follow along,' making grown, mature women call themselves 'girls' and remove their body-hair to FAKE 'pre-pubescents,' a subtle underlying psychological re-inforcer for Pedophile-society issues. To 'ripen' their lips to FAKE being 'blossoming virgins in need' (of somethin' -- what do you suppose that 'sumpin' could be?). These are marketing-scams. Ploys, with very preictable societal-level problems, where the individuals whom become victimized by it, are endlessly ridiculed and scorned, blamed, punished for that which they are BORN INTO.
-- and Higher-ED had already done a study about that, too, concocting the credentialing-systems to PROFIT from atop the highly-predictable rubble, misery and grief of a victimized society.
Every word the Pope, Pope Benedict XVI says, is used against him. Meanwhile, Catholics as a WHOLE are made-out in very subtle psychological undertones of 'depravity' and 'dispicableness,' FROM THE INSIDE-OUT. An excellent example is the Higher-Ed infiltration and infection of Liturgy itself, where the commentators and opinions published, even in Sunday Bulletins, makes Catholicism out to be something vile, mean, gross, "DRINK BLOOD, EAST FLESH," a cult CANNIBAL ORGY every Sunday, each and every Mass. An excellent example is the Sunday Bulletin from April 4, 2010, the words of John Hamrogue, C.Ss.R.
-- the simple metaphorical CONCEPT to "REMEMBER" entirely FORGOTTEN. And it was a society of brainwashed, soundbite-spewing SCHEOPLE that sacrified one of their own, sucking the life-blood out of that EQUAL's economy, cast-out until PERISHED.
Which brings-up Haiti -- revisited -- and comments I typed minutes ago into KXLY SOUNDOFF's Disqus system about BABY EMMA and who should receive custody:
quoting myself here: Clayton Leon Winton [Moderator] 35 minutes ago
Robbing FATHERHOOD from dads (instead of assisting dads) is what cults do; just like those FAKE 'missionaries' that defrauded the sympathies of the entire world, our nation, claiming they were 'rescueing ORPHANS from earthquake devestated HAITI,' only to learn that not one, NOT ONE was an orphan, they went door-to-door looking for 'cute kids' to pimp-off in order to retain SALARIES for their own selfish-selves, concocting endless 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSES, marketing-soundbites, to coerce DADS into relinquishing the future of HAITI to these FRAUDS in a conspired CHILD TRAFIKING scam, thumping bibles all the while in their GROSSNESS.
Those ten 'missionaries' violated U.S. AND International laws and MUST BE PROSECUTED. Why they were released from Haitian custody is mystifying, unless a TEST of the U.S. hypocritical 'justice system' that DEFRAUDS FATHERHOOD from DADS.
--- end quoting myself.
The Roman Catholic Church is under attack, a very long, generation-spenning attack, culminating NOW, and many of the machinations took decades to organize, facilitate, plan, instigate, foment -- TIME'S THE ENEMY, as I've said so many times, in so many ways.
Catholicism is the original Christian Science, the original THEOLOGICAL SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS of religions, myths, legends, superstitions, reality verses imagination, that which is verifiable with one's five-senses and that which is fantasized, wished-for, the 'stuff' that exists only in one's MIND, and clearly defining the differences. The difference between a belief-system, and the evaluative-opinion-sets we update as new information, real-life-experience, news, education become available, verifiable with our five-senses, no 'beleif' required at all. You don't have to 'believe' a table is a hard surface, use your five-senses, go knock on it, and prove it, update your opinion-sets during your REAL LIFE on this REAL EARTH (or wherever 'you' reside, REGARDLESS OF TIME OR LANGUAGE OR LOCATION OR ANYTHING ELSE).
That is why there are many types of Priests, Nuns too, involved in Catholicism. Not just Judaism. Not just Franciscans. Not just Augustines. There are many different cooperative priests, with many differences, celebrating the DIVERSITY of opinion-sets and belief-systems, in PEACE, instead of killing each other. They used to. Through Catholicism, they learned to get along, and celebrate the inherent BEAUTY of a DIVERSE REALITY.
Now, it's about ripping-off PEACE for PROFIT, to find a MEANS of garnering a SALARY for one's self, the 'hope' to instigate a DIVIDE to profit from atop the rubble, misery and grief -- (not the Church, but Higher-Ed's doing, infiltrating and infecting, attacking from WITHIN and WITHOUT, on many levels mostly ignored, the most subtle 'facets' of which ThoughtTraps, where the entire remainder of the universe slides on-by, unnoticed while intellectually fascinating over a BLACK HOLE of intriguing 'stuff.'
-- worshiping WORDS, as cultists do, ignoring TOPICS, the misspelling, miswording, typo, whatever, of 'higher-priority' to 'point-out' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, than the topic itself.
-- FAKING 'wounds' from words, any excuses to claim 'offensive,' to find a 'negative' to hammer against one's merciless positive-cross-sign in blatant cultist anti-christ messaging.
-- just as Higher-ED brainwashes the masses to do.
-- and when isolated, survivors, divided 'tribes,' have no GUIDES, -- after the war, after the plague, after the cataclysm, after the FALL -- and then we end-up with people that think it's a 'good thing' to drink blood and eat flesh, cluelessly.
It's irresponsible. Let it be no more. Make it so, please.
Which brings-up the other echelons of attackers, their subtle ASSAULTS, underway right now as I type this. I've used this analogy before but will again here, now, to emphasize the point, and expound upon it a bit. PUBLIC WORKS -- that's where there isn't any work, so government funds it, and those whom need to eat, show-up, put rocks in a bucket, carry it from POINT-A to POINT-B, dump-out the rocks, GET PAID, as part of a REAL BUILDING PROJECT, something wonderful that will benefit all people equally for generations to come, or as a 'stop-gap' measure for some overall crisis that threatens future generations, until a more permanent 'fix' can begin.
Now what happens? The person in need of food arrives to pick-up rocks, but some Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' have concocted a 'credential' system to defraud the BUILDING FUNDS by doing FAKE 'work' -- paperFAKEwork -- and claiming the paper is of 'higher-priority' than YOU, or your NEEDS, or the future-generations that will benefit from said PUBLIC WORKS.
-- so, you arrive to work, and are told, "Papers! Papers!" Sgt. Schultz, Hogan's Heroes.
-- but you don't have any; your papers were stolen when you lost your house and became homeless ( THREE MILLION MORE TO LOSE THEIR HOMES THIS YEAR -- FORECLOSURES -- millions more their apartments, their jobs, their livelihoods, their businesses, their cars, everything they LOVE ).
Which is why gas should be subsidized, because now you have to WISH for a FANTASY CAR to TRANSPORT you to the MAGICAL WORLD OF PAPERS to get your PAPERS 'in-order.' But since you can't afford that, I guess you'll have to mug somebody, purse-snatch, rob a convenience store or bank along the way, then another Higher-Ed credential system GETS PAID profiting from atop your MISERY after you FELL INTO THE TRAP they set themselves to give themselves a SALARY, and a raise, and more perks and benefits, and more vacation TIME OFF.
So, even if you can get to the next Higher-Ed credentialed system CHECK POINT, to get your PAPERS, you'll have to WAIT a couple/few weeks in your FANTASY HOME, for it to arrive by SNAIL MAIL -- but WAIT, there's MORE --
-- in order to get your snail-mail PAPERS, you must go somewhere else, magically, and fill-out more HIGHER-ED conspired paperFAKEwork, to provide to the 'credentials' at the location whom will snail-mail your PAPERS.
-- and don't forget to BUY YOUR PHONE -- with your FANTASY money -- so after you present your magical PAPERS endorsed by your Legislated Tyrants, those hateful conspiring Legislators and their Higher-Ed cult, after you present your PAPERS, yet another group of paper-processing credentialed-system cultists can 'process' your 'work request' and CALL YOU on your FANTASY PHONE in your FANTASY CAR or FANTASY HOME --
-- so you can pick-up rocks, put 'em in a bucket, carry said rocks from POINT-A to POINT-B, dump 'em out and GET PAID so you can eat and feed yourself and your family, be you a family of one or family of many --
-- THEN, Higher-Ed concocted yet another credentialed system to claim that nobody is allowed to 'pick-up rocks' without a HEALTH EVALUATION, which will cost you even MORE from your FANTASY PAYCHECK --
-- and yet another Higher-Ed 'credentialing-system' was concocted to STUDY how you are picking-up rocks, the frequency of certain 'body types' verses 'those kinds of people,' and pay themselves NOT TO WORK, claiming the counting and labeling of each and every rock picked-up and moved is 'work,' by reducing YOUR PAY, to pay themselves for their 'important studies,' with the Higher-Ed marketing mindphukery which is always so highly-predictable that goes something like this, " ... increase productivity, reduce waste, boost the bottom-line, maximize profits ..." (theirs, not yours, and not the company or investors, because now the cost of products goes up, up, up, life-blood of economy sucked-off into the pockets of blood-sucking, flesh-eating ghouls with 'credentials,' licenses to KILL).
-- and yet another family loses their home; another business is shuttered, another law is passed, more thrown into the DUNGEONS (prisons) of those FAKE 'majesties,' and the end results are always so highly predictable: MASSIVE DEBTS, trillions and trillions of dollars to 'fund' such a nonsensical, hateful system.
It's attacked government and church from within and without. THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.

-- words are not wounds; and regardless of the insult, regardless of how demeaning, nobody's life is 'over' or 'devestated' or 'ruined' from sex, regardless of age or circumstances, and unless beaten into submission, a knife to the throat, a gun to the head, it's not rape, it may be dispicable, and vile and disgusting, but it's not rape.
Meanwhile, our most (so-called) 'prestigious' colleges and universities have released unto the world, against the masses, another crop of vampires, ghouls and demons, defrauding sympathy, sucking the life-blood out of economy one credential at a time, costing trillions and trillions in misery and grief, defrauding governments globally, attritionizing Church and Human Services, and now PUBLIC WORKS is all about PAPERfakeWORK, nothing built but billions-of-pages of WASTED RESOURCES, billions of pages of it from deforested acres annually, FAKE 'building,' FAKE 'progress,' FAKE 'care,' FAKE 'compassion,' FAKE 'safety,' which consumes yet more energy to PROMISE MORE THAN 'just' 29 COAL MINERS WILL DIE in future -- just like the 'new, improved TVs with enhanced digital signals and smaller footprints' than consume THREE TIMES AS MUCH ENERGY and strip-mine more forests and mountains to manufacture, yet Higher-Ed profits from the 'green' marketing-scam, punishing you and yours for THEIR own GLUTTONY (credentialing-systems to PROFIT from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own instigation, psychotic HOPE).
It's not 'what will be, will be' -- that is a cop-out. We have FREE WILL to either PROVE compassion or stick our heads in the sand, ignore it, and WISH people didn't go hungry, get sick, need compassionate assistance, which is HATE.
WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ON THIS, THE 3rd-WEEK and 4th-WEEK of EASTER? And the weeks after?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton
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