-- " ... what he doesn't know won't hurt him; besides, after we set him up, we'll divide lots, keep what we want, before the relatives vulturizes everything for their own selfish selves ..."
Congress Targets Financial Employees, as usual
If you work for a financial institution, your safety and the safety of your family has never been more at risk. You can just thank your own hateful conspiring Legislators for that. Congress brainwashed the masses to target, single-out, condemn, accuse, assume guilt until concocted guiltier, demean, ridicule, scorn, insinuate, hate bankers.
That's Legislators' so-called 'shining-example.'
And this has amazing parallels between church and state. It truly does. Catholics are singled-out, stereotyped, hated in subtle ways, in the exact same manner, because a few priests have some psychological issues regarding sexual motivations and youth.
Most people don't. Those whom do, I feel sorry for. They need help, not crucifixtion (spell it any way you want).
I forgive all involved, while everybody else just hates you -- I DO NOT.
Further, I find it just as reprehensible to punish every Financial Employee for the sins of a few, as it is to punish all Catholics.
Donations are gifts, freely given out of love. That money should have gone to pay a single-mom's medical bills; tuition for poor kids; raise an orphan; feed the hungry; care for babies born with AIDS; add nurture to the shelves of food banks and medical dispensaries worldwide; assist in the recovery of shattered homes and lives after disasters and war --
-- instead, Higher-Education devised a mechanism to spend ALL OF IT IN ADVANCE for generations to come, claiming a 'victim' of some type of sexual impropriety is 'deserving' of more 'compensation' than war-victims, veterans, those sickened by chemical exposures, down-winder Hanford residents of the Pacific Northwest, babies born with defects due to fetal alcohol syndrome or drug abuse or chemical exposure, those babies are never compensated --
-- nor are the REAL VICTIMS of Higher-Ed's 'credentials' which are licenses to go work for private and public Agencies and end-up over-spending TRILLIONS, writing endless piles of PhD-level 'reasonable-sounding' gospels which cannot be disputed by anybody except themselves, claiming why they have a 'right' to spend all the future childrens' monies pushing paperwork around, compensating and rewarding and photo-op'g themselves, retiring 'phaaaat' claiming they did something 'important' for those kids they robbed of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness.
That would be all those whom can't possibly ever afford to live the 'american dream' due to the cost of housing now, which is legislated by a group of Higher-Ed 'credentials' whom write all the rules, manuals which must be worshiped, and failure to comply results in hatreds, subtly, all dissent and those whom have it pre-approved for endless ridicule, scorn, denial of equality.
The only thing this economy is 'producing' is paperwork. FAKE 'work,' to be certain. Do you think Afghani's need paperwork? They are such a productive people. If you asked them, they'd instantly pick up rocks, put those rocks in buckets, and carry those rocks from location A to location B, dump 'em out, GET PAID, and build anything, the world's largest 'anything' -- a STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, even.
But instead, Higher-Ed 'credentials' spent trillions pushing paperwork around -- TALKING, photo-op'g, consuming all the resources and funds to be productive in REALITY, and build REAL things, all by themselves. After they spent all the current productivity, they spent the next generations, then the next, then the next, for hundreds of generations into the future.
And that's why Al Qaida exists, the Taliban exists, terrorism exists, suicide-bombings exist -- not 'religious extremism,' which is a convenient excuse -- rather, the endless ridicules and scorns, ideological crucifiXtions, 'positives' hammering 'negatives' ruthlessly against mercilessly positive-cross-signs, using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, FigurativeCarpentry, instead of REAL carpentry -- FAKE 'work' instead of REAL PROGRESS, real development, building real things during one's real life.
Do you have any idea how much paperwork costs? For a Food Bank, for example, which is run primarily by volunteers and started-out with ONLY volunteers, and ONLY donated products, somebody came along LATER and said, "We need a computer to keep track of the needy, and donations, and time it takes for volunteers to help the needy, and, and, and," -- and each computer workstation costs about $4-8 THOUSAND dollars. It truly does. Because firstly, it's not just one computer, it's a workstation with a bunch of licensed proprietary software, that uses a bunch of energy, and furniture, and space, tied to a bunch of others, and somebody with a 'credential' to spend donation funds and time pushing buttons, instead of feeding the needy.
-- and it's a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of HUMAN SERVICES.
One agency after another. Not just food banks. Not just health clinics. Not just schools. Not just afterschool programs. Not just youth musical programs, drum corps, jazz ensembles, chiors, ice skating, skiing, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts or anything else -- not just those things -- ALL THINGS. A 'giant-sucking-sound'
out of the monies that SHOULD HAVE been available to the kids, for real, 're-directed' to some Higher-Ed 'genius-expert' credential, spewing the pre-memorized words, "It's about the children!" while traveling to yet another seminar, photo-op'g, spending the money for themselves.
And that is the true definition and meaning of the very concept of 'gluttony.' It's about society, not just individuals. And you can't really single-out an individual to blame, it's about the WHOLE. All of us, all of you, all of 'them,' everybody, everywhere.
Do you think a country needs one computer 'system' or many different ones, with many different people doing the same 'like-functions', at taxpayer expense? Well, we have duplicity everywhere, public and private, and it's not just in databases, it's in vaults of paperwork, all over the country, endless paperFAKEwork -- and that's all your kids' future, the cost of it is what it would have cost to not only feed your kids, send your kids on field-trips, educate your kids, provide a roof and clothes and education to your kids through the PhD level, but defend your kids, too.
It's about National Security
We must stop the paperwork and redundencies. It's literally consuming billions of trees annually, globally, and those trees are solidified CO2 from the atmosphere. The poorest and weakest and meekest are being punished through 'global warming taxes' and more paperwork complications, due to the Higher-Ed 'credentialing' systems of endless FAKE 'work' -- paperwork, and those 'credentials' think they can devise yet more and more paperFAKEwork 'systems' and all the 'manuals' to be worshiped claiming their 'service' is 'vital' and 'indispensible,' and it can't be disputed, dissenters cast-out with more animosity than High Priests of old.
When it comes to banks, the cost of paperwork, FAKE 'work' mind you, now exceeds the 'profitability margin' -- the ability to help YOU and YOUR FAMILY fund your future, be it through low-interest revolving-credit accounts, mortgages, car loans, boat loans, consumer loans, small business loans, whatever.
And Higher-Ed 'credentials' want to legislate even more of it. They write all the rules, even the 'sales job' marketing soundbites to memorize for 'public consumption,' on broadcasting and publishing cooperative 'networked' affiliates -- all run by yet more Higher-Ed 'credentialed 'genius-experts' that make everything 'sound' " ... oh, so reasonable." And you can't dispute it. Worse, your kids start spewing it, as gospel. As brainwashed.
-- "Those evil-doer BANKERS! Financial Institution Employees are of SATAN! Crucify!"
You hear it in coffee shops; cafeterias; barber shops; community centers; work; lunch counters; even after-church during 'coffee' social-hour. Just 'going along,' repeating what 'they say' you should say, an abrogation of one's FREE WILL, therefore, which is anti-christ messaging so one should never engage in it anyway.
Banks didn't write the rules. And every 'loophole' utilized by any firm on Wall Street, any business in the United States or any country doing business with the United States, is taught to be manipulated as part of a Higher-Ed 'credentialing program' in BUSINESS SCHOOL, as oversighted by legislators. Legislators write 'loop-holes' intentionally, deliberately and their Education Oversight Committee determines the 'crendential,' which they coerce, subtly, Financial Institutions and firms to 'take advantage of' by offering 'tax incentives' if those firms hire those 'credentials' trained to use those loopholes.
You can't blame the individual, see. They were, more or less, 'born into it.' They were trained to be that way and think it's 'normal,' only to find out later, a decade later, a generation later, a 'successful-career' later, that they were setup as the all-too-convenient 'scapegoat' for Legislators to FAKE 'rushing to the rescue' to FAKE 'saving the day', once again, over and over, the same 'White Knights Wearing White Shining Armor Riding White Stallions' syndrome excuses they said the last time they enacted 'financial reform,' or 'healthcare reform,' or 'tax reform,' or 'education reform,' or anything else.
One must remember that our Founding Fathers declared independence and risked their lives for the very concept of 'equality,' only to have Legislators outlaw equality, make-up endless excuses why 'certain people' were 'less equal' than themselves; all the while claiming they were 'working hard for the future of the children!' all through their careers, holding-back all aspects of equal rights, civil rights, human rights, for an entire century until Defensive Services took up arms AGAINST THEM. That's right -- against Legislators.
And it was yet another century and, although slavery was ended by force, Legislators connived yet more excuses to segregate women, skin-color, education, healthcare, medical access, food and so much more, holding-up a FEW EXTREME EXAMPLES as though that 'proves' everybody is 'equal' and eveything is the 'equal same' for everyone, to this day. I am only 47 years old but black people were still arrested for eating at lunch counters when I was a small child.
They may have gotten over 'skin-color,' more or less, but the subtle promotions of excuses to DIVIDE are subtly promoted as part of SALES JOBS to seek funding for ever-more increasing numbers of 'credentials' to travel around and talk about it. Every time I hear on the news that a Swaztika was painted on a truck or public building, I laugh. The topic isn't funny, of course. But the reaction is ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if some Higher-Ed cultists vandalized those vehicles and high-exposure buildings themselves, in their quest to seek 'more funding' at taxpayer expense to travel around TALKING.
-- isn't it interesting that here in the so-called 'land of the best healthcare in existence,' we have more sick people filling hospital beds than anywhere in existence? If there were not sick people, those Higher-Ed 'credentialed' systems would not be profitable. Each credential literally PROFITS, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own HOPE. The more sickness, the more profitable the 'credential.'
But you can't blame the individual, in most instances, even knowing fully-well there are those whom setup a vet-clinic, then release Parvo or some other pet-killing disease in the neighborhood, in order to keep their business doors revolving to make their 'practice' as profitable as possible,' to 'maximize the bottom-line' and 'increase productivity' and 'streamline efficiency' as brainwashed by their Higher-Ed 'credential.' It's not about reducing suffering -- it's about MAXIMIZING IT for PROFIT -- vet clinic or dental clinic or eye clinic or health clinic or food bank.
Banks aren't to blame. Neither is the Catholic church. Who granted the 'license' for the eventual DEVASTATION, and is it REAL or IMAGINED? Why are not those so-called 'prestigious' colleges and universities being held accountable? it's their Higher-Ed so-called 'shining-example' that PUNISHES the entire Catholic church for the misdeeds of a few, afterall. Why is it that every time MILLIONS lose their homes, their livelihoods, their retirement, their taxes go up, their services go down, their expenses increase, that those Administrators at colleges and universities give themselves AWARDS?
If ADMINISTRATION reduces services, then that is FAILED administration and those 'administering' are miserable-failures, therefore should be PUNISHED, not rewarded. Their highly sensationalized, hyper-inflated perks and benefits, salaries and travel and food budgets, significanctly reduced, if not eliminated, if costs increase for tuition, and field-trips, etc.
If out of every thousand credentials given, one ends-up in prison, accused of defrauding a company, a retirement account, raising taxes as a legislator, things which hurt real people, then the school should pay that granted that 'credential' which is ultimately the 'licenses' to DEFRAUD AND PUNISH the people.
WHERE'S MY MONEY? "IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!" -- (to quote a TV ad for a law firm).
Those Higher-Ed 'credentials' have reduced education to kids, making it so administration-heavy, so complicated, so costly, that kids MUST buy education after Public School, from a college or university, or end-up filling a Higher-Ed 'prison bed' in desperation. What a scam!
-- nowhere to just go work and get paid, without getting arrested, fined, crucified. In Arizona, it's now illegal to have 'skin-color' and 'poor speaking skills' and do 'day labor' -- work to feed one's self -- it's all about the paperFAKEwork -- paper 'more-important' than people, than productivity of the people, than human progress itself.
And those Higher-Ed 'credentials' are now so pessimistically tunnel-vision focused perceiving 'flaws/negatives' to hammer against their merciless positive-cross-signs, that they can't even focus on topics, their intellectual capacity entirely lost knit-picking typos, spelling-errors, grammar, any excuse to CENSOR, to ignore topics and be hateful of individuals, ridicule and scorn individuals, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, a 'buy-product' of a FAILED credentialing-system to be certain.
I'm sure you, dear reader, are smart enough, even if you only have an 8th-grade education, to figure-out some typos and spelling and grammatical errors, without making-up a bunch of petty dim-witted excuses about 'your time being too important' to have to 'tax your brain' figuring-out some misspelled words. Can you imagine being that stupid? But obviously it's a learned-behavior -- therefore dumbed-down by their credentials, therefore those colleges and universities are intentionally and deliberately cultivating and harvesting certain types of 'mindsets' as part of a much larger AGENDA -- at the expense of all people, the nation itself, a matter of National Security.
I urge the Catholic church to not dispense one single dime to 'alleged victims.' NOT ONE DIME -- it's money STOLEN from the MOUTHS OF BABES -- even if a court concocts the paperFAKEwork 'demanding' it. So what. And if somebody comes in, claiming they are a 'victim' of something, have 'em show you their wounds. If those wounds, those 'scars,' exist only in their HEADS, send 'em to counselors to work-on their blame-issues.
Same with banks. It's money stolen by a FAILED 'credentialing-system' designed, concocted, oversighted and funded by Higher-Ed Legislators. TIME FOR THOSE ADMINISTRATORS TO TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. And every dime of tuition increase, tax-'reimbursement,' increased costs, reduction in educational programs and services, is FAILED ADMINISTRATION and those Administrators should be held accountable for once, not rewarded with six and seven-digit salaries, travel, perks, benefits, and expense accounts.
Look again: here's a REAL victim:

And your 'wounds' are where again? your 'life' is 'devastated' in what manner, once again? See, you so-called 'sex-abuse-victim' still have the capability to pro-create, to learn, to be educated, to participate, to function, to adapt, to heal -- everything else is IMAGINED, brainwashing, learned-behaviors told to you by Higher-Ed to FEED THEMSELVES AT YOUR EXPENSE, money that should have been used to help educate, and feed, and clothe YOU and YOURS and so many others. It also completely denigrates every REAL VICTIM of rape, every REAL VICTIM of REAL ATTACKS, whom know REAL PAIN and REAL SUFFERING, to claim your IMAGINED 'wounds' are 'more-deserving' of 'greater compensation,' (or any compensation as far as I'm concerned) than real victims of real rapes and real attacks, including the real victims of Higher-Ed 'systems' which ultimately resulted in the loss of their business, their farms, their vehicles, their belongings, their homes, their relationships, their families due to the hardships caused by all those damned paperFAKEwork burdens, taxes included.
If you hold the parish members of church 'accountable,' financially, then you MUST hold colleges and universities 'accountable' for the failures of LEGISLATORS AND BANKS. Any 'administration' that consumes donations, human-resources, reduces services, increases costs, diminishes funding sources, (while concocting excuses claiming the opposite, 'expanded coverage' etc.,) is FAILURE.
What's it gonna be?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
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