Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Day170-RCH (Idaho In The 'Hot-Seat')

Idaho In The 'Hot-Seat'
(Tuesday, February 28, 2006)

"Idaho's Hot Potato"

(3Ons, PriestRiver - ANALYSIS) -- It's a beautiful state. There are gorgeous mountains and golden waves of grain, hot-springs, geysers, Yellowstone, green valleys and potato crops, orchards, vinyards, gemstones, small towns and cities, everything from caves to explore to ski-slopes to adore. Everybody loves Idaho. And it's a state whose infrastructure has slowly grown, providing some of the best WELFARE SOCIALISM in the form of roads, bridges, ports, and emergency-services in the nation. Have you visited? You will be welcomed with open arms.

Years ago, there was a supremacist movement that tainted Idaho's image. Idaho quickly turned from an welcoming beacon for business and family, to a Hot Potato of hate, passed around with uncertainty, the problem obvious but the solution evasive. Residents cared enough to let the hateful religious supremacists know that hate for differences was a threat to life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness, economy itself. The meaning of life is 'nurture,' and there can be no life, no nurture at all without economy. Such threats must never be taken lightly. The cost to resolve this issue was enormous.

Today in Idaho and many other states, another hateful religious supremacist movement is targeting another portion of our more perfect UNION's citizenry. Just as before, this group professes to know what is 'right' for everyone, and power-lobby's government, clogging the wheels of justice and concocting huge debts for The Peoples' Treasury in the process. Any excuse will do for these organized terror groups to loft themselves on self-made 'victim-stages,' where they declare themselves 'positive' and all others 'negative,' merely to project their own hatred. And our Public Servants are hostages to it, our lawmakers' full-attention from real issues painfully diverted to more costly fictional-issues, sucking the life out of Idaho's beauty. Your own state could be next.

Hateful religious supremacy movements present themselves as sheep in wolves clothing, innocuous at first glance, seething hatred beneath. From their self-made Positive Kingdoms, they ruthlessly hammer all others to their merciless CrossOfShame, doing figurative carpentry, hating differences, and invading privacy while proudly and very publicaly declaring to take up weapons against the State if their own privacy is so violated. Discriminating by marital-status is not only offensive, it's illegal, and yet these hateful religious supremacist groups have conned legislators into perversley examining crotch-usage with them. The costs are staggering. Enforcement impossible. And considering that 1-in-10 jail inmates are sexually-assaulted, these hateful religious supremacist driven laws are guaranteed death-warrrants to some, over paperwork. That's right, Paperwork: concocted excuses by hateful religious supremacists to hate so-called beloved neighbors, and crucify them.

It's not the fault of our Public Servants. They get caught-up in the drama, hostages to hate. You would too, to one degree or another, supporting it without choice because these hateful religious supremacists use their power-lobby to slit your throat in the twilight of media campaigning. This isn't a hill-top retreat movement. It's vast and much more dangerous. The economic burdens and constraints on limiting concensual adult living arrangements, jobs, benefits, health and child care, including access to government and courts, not only sends the wrong message, but the cost of that message is staggering, promising more and more debt over words on scraps of paper, born of hostility.

The only 'threat' to the 'sanctity' of marriage is HATE and DIVORCE. And the same hateful religious supremacist movements that ignore exactly that, voodoo-project their own inner-hatred for themselves outward, against all others, because the so-called institution of marriage, an religious word, proves the statistical reversal of that which they claim an desire to protect. It's an degree of 'adult-unionizing' to government, a service to protect the census of citenzry and provide better services to all, one's religion an SEPARATE state of existence. Meanwhile, these hateful religious supremacist groups have grown larger and larger, infecting governmental and educational institutions, constantly concocting excuses to divide citizens instead of uniting, while holding those whom SERVE AND PROTECT all citizens equally, as hostages, and forcing our Public Servants to share in their hateful religious supremacist examination of crotches.

Idaho is better than that. And so are you. I reject the sharing of your own perversions to examine crotches and put conditions on any family's love. Your time is better spent worrying about improving your own marriage, not dictating how others CAN'T. It's marital-status discrimination, born of hateful religious supremacy, and your hateful supremacist religious views have no place in We The Peoples' government.

LET MY PEOPLE GO! We have far more important things to do than get caught-up playing 'hot-potato' with the perversions of hateful religious supremacy.

Public Servants, I forgive. Please send the hate-mongers MY WORDS. Religious supremacist hate is too expensive.

Kind Regards,
3Ons - HFA
UniversalTheorem - OnTime, RU?

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