Thursday, February 16, 2006

RCH-Day167 (Media And COMMON-SENSE)


Cartoons. In the news recently, not for laughs, but for REACTIONS, to gauge POTENTIAL REACTIONARIES, here and abroad.

From those REACTIONS, statisticians will collate the data. Others derive marketing strategies to sway public opinion. Such is life today. From those statistics, we IDENTIFY 'elements' within societies -- not just here, in your own 'society,' but everywhere.

Each IDENTIFIED ELEMENT is a demographic with shared ThoughtSchools ("schools of thought"). These could include 'no reaction,' and 'don't care,' as well as 'kill everything now.' And that's why it's done.

Since we're talking about cartoons, imagine if you, personally, if you had several 'bubbles' above your head, holding the complete text and imagry of all that you know. One would be 'COMMON SENSE,' in a 'cloud' floating somewhere over your shoulder. Somewhere nearby, another 'cloud' holds all your thoughts, facts, opinions, and everything conceivable regarding 'sexuality.' Another 'cloud' holds your THEORIES. Another, your OPINIONS are held.

All of these floating ThoughtSchool 'clouds,' in this cartoon of YOU, are interconnected with invisible lines: TANGENTS.

Another 'cloud,' is INVISIBLE, where all the TANGENTS are PROCESSED and OPINIONS are formulated based upon ALL DATA available AT THE TIME. As new information becomes available, these ThoughtSchools UPDATE. That means, your OPINIONS CHANGE, INCLUDING BeliefSystems ("belief-systems.")

Do you see the implication? The obvious connection is that BeliefSystems and opinions are IDENTICLE.

In other words, BeliefSystems DO NOT EXIST, we just SAY they do.

It takes ZERO BELIEF to know what it feels like to be COLD. It takes ZERO BELIEF to know that fire is HOT. These are TRUTHS. Indisputable facts.


You must be TRAINED to believe. FACT.

That includes ALL THEORIES.

How gravity works is UNKNOWN. Did you KNOW that? We have only theories about gravity. Do you find any one theory more appealling? So, your OPINION is based upon all available information AT THE TIME you PROCESSED all the 'cartoon cloud' ThoughtSchools. You may know more than others about THIS SUBJECT. That does NOT mean you are SMARTER. You may know LESS than others about this subject. That does NOT mean you are stupid.

However, in society today, ANY stupid theory is used to HATE others whom do not agree. TheoryWorship. The theory is the EXCUSE to voodoo-project inner-hate for one's SELF, from a self-made 'victim-stage,' where you LABEL and INSULT all whom disagree. The slightest suggestion of disagreement, is the TRIGGER that lofts you onto your VictimStage ("victim-stage").

But the OBVIOUS CONCLUSIONS TO DRAW is that a theory is merely an POSSIBILITY, not 'proof' of ANYTHING, therefore, those whom TheoryWorship are actually more 'STUPID.' Marching goose-step in lock-step with so-called 'positiveness.'

And that is the TRUTH 'tangential' PROCESSED in this cartoon 'thought-cloud' of COMMON SENSE.

Think it through carefully.

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