Thursday, February 09, 2006

RCH-Day164 ScientistsWrongAboutTide

I have proved how tides are created.

The moon has nothing to do with it.

The tides are caused from the earth's WOBBLE. This spinning 'water-balloon' of a planet has a wobble, that sends a vibration through it, reverberating from it's CORE, sending waves of magnetism, heat, to the surface and causing earthquakes, too. Heat swirls air, fueling cyclones as well. Hurricanes are concocted HERE.

THE TIDE IS THE PLANET SPINNING, WOBBLING, sloshing overfilled 'water-bowls' in a swirl around it's spherical shape.

The moon has nothing to do with it. The mass and distance of the entire field of gravity-research is TheoryWorship nonsense. Elliptical-elongation was mathematically concocted to 'compensate' for the obvious FICTIONALIZATION of science.

I don't even have to draw a picture. I don't even have to concoct a fancy formula. I just proved to YOU how the tide is created. SIMPLE.

BRAINWASHING. How's it feel to be deprogrammed? You're welcome.

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My fellow Humans, everyone on the planet and BEYOND:

The planet's wobble is a SYMPTOM of a catastrophic ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN. The man that identified the wobble, Chandler, didn't know. Everybody is so tunnel-vision SPECIALIZED that the entire universe is sliding on by, unnoticed.

I have examined all the data and processed all the theories. They are WRONG.

Therefore, I have PROVED the REBUTTAL.

Now, it's 'proven fact.'

No mummey was ever found in a pyramid. FACT. Therefore, they CAN'T BE TOMBS. FACT.
No equipment made today can manipulate 1000ton monuments of stone. FACT.
No 'continental-drift' is possible, only GLOBAL EXPANSION. FACT.
The Moon has NOTHING to do with the tide. FACT.
The planet had a 'wobble-out' that froze Mammoth's INSTANTLY, buttercups and daisies in their mouths, mid-chew. This wobble's vibration made a 'bulge' in the spinning sphere that literally jolted half the planet out of it's atmosphere. FACT.

The ancient monoliths were a previous civilizations efforts to construct an ReverseTunedMassDamper system. FACT.
We have to complete it. FACT.

If we do not, the next wobble-out will be our last because there is more MASS than EVER right NOW.

The Chandler Wobble is the SYMPTOM and we must CURE it. It's not science-fiction. It's FACT. And the CURE is SIMPLE. And we're ten years behind schedule. Because of the GravityGain, tempers are shorter -- it's 'easier' to just TheoryWorship instead of advanced-analysis -- and when the results come up short, infected with belief-systems, flawed, we get pissed off. And embarrassed, and blame others, hammering any/all ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame in our TheoryWorship/DeathWorship.

We don't have time for it.

Not now.

We have to come together on this. NO CHOICE.


Only religion is busy HATING in their so-called 'goodness.' DEATHWORSHIP. All religion is an concocted excuse to HATE differences. Dividing. Discriminating. HATING. Nonstop. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO.

We don't have time for it.

Now now.



GenerationalGravityGain makes people grumpy. Dumbs-down our 'world-view.' Do you fully comprehend the magnitude?

On top of this, we have ice entering the atmosphere, molecule by molecule, raising sea-levels and disturbing the wobble, adding to it, and that in turn is shaking the planet apart.

Do you understand that?

We can fix it. I've already outlined the ONLY SOLUTION.

Get this information to all minds.

Kind Regards.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and presumably the Earth wobbles because more people live in the northern hemisphere than the southern. Nothing to do with the proximity of satellites or any other planet.