Sunday, November 06, 2005

Day77-ResusCitateHumanity (TheoriesThatKill)

[size=24][b][color=red]Theories That Kill[/size][/b][/color]

Strange thing about theories these days. Simple theoretical extrapolations have become excuses to discriminate against all whom do not agree with a THEORY.

We're not talking about whether or NOT animals breathe AIR, or the color of blood, or if cats have fur.

We're talking about theories. If you do not march goose-step in lock-step with someone's BELIEFS, then you are discriminHated against.

The 'single-bullet-theory' is a prime example. A man DIED over a THEORY. And not just one man, more have died because of a BELIEF.

But it doesn't stop there. People whom claim they are 'positive' will HATE anyone that does not convert to their BELIEF in the JFK assassination 'single-bullet' THEORY. It was written by Senator Arlen Spector, before he was a Senator, getting a 'promotion' by those whom HATE all others for not marching goose-step in lock-step with a BELIEF.

Just like all religion.

And that's the problem with SCIENCE these days. And that's what the problem is in society, all of them, globally. The substitution of THEORY for FACT and WORSHIPING a BeliefSystem, and shaming/blaming and HAMMERING mercilessly to the damnable CrossOfShame all whom do not CONVERT to a BELIEF.

Believing, therefore, is an excuse to HATE 'not your kind of people,' by those whom profess to be 'open-minded' and 'thinking-outside-the-box' while calling themselves 'good-positive-people.' And all divisions in WeThePeoples' 'more perfect unions', so-called 'democracies,' are based on THAT.

Theories are NOT weapons. BELIEFS are. What are YOU believing today?

PeaceOnEarth, happy thoughts and Kind Regards,

edited some typos ... I make mistakes all the time. Just a reason for BELIEVERS to HATE by taking some insignificant crap and claiming how 'good' they are while ignoring all else.

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