Friday, November 25, 2005

Day86-ResusCitateHumanity (Obfuscations)

Security is difficult. It is perhaps one of those pesky little issues that keeps many awake at night, wondering what 'flaws' may exist and/or which 'threats' are valid and which are the products of misinformation.

I speak TRUTHS. When speculating, or giving opinions, I clearly distinguish between the two. Clarifications are SIMPLE, and one may ask. That said, "no comment," is not missing from my vocabulary.

Opinions change, moment by moment, and if they do not, then we are talking about false belief-systems, the trap which sucks a person into the gravity-wells of microcosmic-analysis, while the entire universe slides on by.

Do not confuse speculation, formulated and thus changing opinions, and beliefs. Therefore, trust your five-senses, and your mind will automatically evolve and update with knowledge. Only belief-systems, religion, is inflexable, or so it says, but historically we all know that is a LIE.

I have included and attached to these blogs a series of 'novels.' These are an 'work-in-progress,' but outline the DECEPTION, and how it affects government, society, global economy and every family and human on the planet. Do not think for one instant that I am an 'author living in a fictional-reality of my own creation.' That said, perhaps that would be a good 'obfuscating cover-story?' Well, rest assured I hide NOTHING and deceive NO ONE.

Theories are just that, theories, and therefore 'possibilities,' not FACTS. Many people confuse the meaning, and therefore are not thinking in rational terms, turning 'theories' into belief-systems of irrationality, therefore ignoring LIFE, while fixating on the obfuscational ideaology of 'fictional-living.' And these are the people, under the delusion of deceptive-reasoning, that will be the first to label, to accuse, to harrass, to despise, to HATE and rumormonger and ruthlessly HAMMER any/all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with their distorted-reality to the merciless CrossOfShame. Any excuse is concocted, thus displaying their own inner-hatred for themselves, lashed outward toward others with labels of intolerance and differences, discriminatory-censorships to ignore others in an pathetic attempt at making themselves 'look better' or 'feel better' about their own hated selves.

I am constantly reminded of this TRUTH, that disagreement with the delusion of belief-systems, religion specifically, will result in ostracization by so-called 'positive-people' and 'good-people,' in their 'concern' for seriptitious psuedo/proxy replacements of their own inner-hatred. In TRUTH, it has nothing to do with kindness and concern for the individual in question AT ALL. Religion is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, after all, to discriminately-censor FREEDOM OF SPEECH. These are the 'religiously-inspired' that hate speech, words, wording, phrases, sentence-structures, clothes, music, expressives, TV/radio, publishers ... ANY EXCUSE WILL DO, to shame/blame 'not their kind of people' and hammer them to the merciless CrossOfShame, in their 'goodness,' under the guise of 'concern,' and the blatant disregard for government, economy and HumanServices.

So, to the 'good-people' whom I do NOT goose-step in lock-step with their 'goodness,' I am rejected, and any word, typo, misspelling, CHANGING/EVOLVING OPINION, thought, discussion, moment-in-time, anything-at-all will suffice for them to exercise their HATE for uniqueness, differences, diversity, the basic components of all life itself, and hammer me ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame for breathing.

You're next. And you. Even you over there. You too. Nobody is spared. Disagree once, or offer an counter-opinion, or live uninhibited for a single moment, and you are forevermore HATED by these so-called 'good-people' whom use differences and uniqueness as the excuse to exercise their inner-hatred for themselves by labeling and shaming/blaming those different than themselves. Then, in their 'goodness,' they even do it to each and every member of their own families.

Global Crisis. That's exactly where we are AT right NOW.

In the United States, there was a National HOLYday (holiday) yesterday. A day of 'thanks.' What was 'thanked' EXACTLY? Well, while some version of 'thankfulness' was given for family, friends and prosperity, those whom are 'different' were hated. It was a national day of 'Thankfulness' for the ChristianCollective to continue their discriminatory-hatreds. Religious or NOT, this is our system, and we are TRAINED to goose-step in lock-step, spewing repetative soundbites, unthinkingly, or be hammered to the CrossOfShame for breathing. Resistence is futile.

Or is it?

In the news, the Republicans are calling those whom disagree with war/killing/death, "insane."
Elements within the Republican party are calling supporters that put them there, "insane."
Democrats are calling Republicans, "insane."
Republicans are calling Democrats, "insane."
Outsiders and members of either party are calling people in the Whitehouse, "insane."
Whitehouse spokespeople are calling the media and members of their own government, "insane."

Of course, for mentioning the above, or mentioning ANYTHING AT ALL, regardless of wordage, some of these 'good-people' call me, "insane."

PsychoSociety, no doubt about it.

That's what religion does. An Chinese government-spokesman last week, mentioned this fact, that religion historically infects, destabilizes and eventually rots a society from the inside, outward. In response, people in the United States labeled this view, "mis-guided." We are talking about HISTORICAL FACTS, not fantasy, but somehow these 'righteously-good people' are so heavily deceived that reality and delusion are confused. In China, religion is therefore strictly controlled. It is a Religion-Free-Zone, countrywide, but you have the FREEDOM to go do your 'religious-hatreds' in specific locations.

We need adopt these same policies, globally. We need adopt this FACT OF LIFE and LEARN for once, instead of ignore, the oldest society on earth and the Vulgar Lessons which they have learned.

President Bush went there, China, and observed and discussed this exact thing. In the US, the ChristianCollective's media-networks and franchises, literally thousands of stations and broadcast-mediums, an 'hive-mind,' put 'positive-spin' on this historic meeting to claim, "President Bush forced President Hu Jintao to accept Christian PROMOTIONALS!"

Nonsense. The President went to a specific 'zone' where a person is free to be religious. Just like in the United States where people go to specific 'zones' where they can drink alcohol; specific 'zones' where they can get medicine; specific 'zones' where they can gamble, etc.

The remainder of the country is FREE from these zones-of-influence, as religion MUST BE.

Give thanks to THAT -- that there is an advocate for THAT -- myself, the HumanityFamilyAdvocate that promotes freedom for all, including those whom choose to believe, and be protected in their 'realms' but not force it upon others, specifically government, policy, law, medicine, research, education, industry, taxation and economy itself.

The LegacyOfLiberation is like a new day at dawn ... peaking over the horizon, rays of warmth nourishing the planet and all life upon it. Give thanks to that. I do.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn -- (TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName)
OnTime - RU?

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