Friday, November 25, 2005

Day86-ResusCitateHumanity (Killing Religions)

There will never be peace on earth with religion.

One field within the vast solution of my UniversalTheorem has PROVED this fact. Here is a simple outline, something different for all to ponder:

(-)And(+)Equals HATE/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship ... and'negative/positive' are merely properties of a few tiny elements within a vast universe, but when applied to humans are nothing more than excuses concocted to discriminate against 'not your kind of people,' an reflection of one's inner-hatred for themselves, by labeling and ignoring others in an pathetic attempt at making themselves 'feel better.'

In a crisis, there are no beliefs, only action. When suffering, it matters not what your helpers' beliefs nor politics nor sexual-orientations nor skin-colors, nor genders may or may NOT be AT ALL.

Religion 'authorizes' the individual to discriminate against those whom may have or may one day save the very LIFE of your loved one, perhaps you. This is absolute PROOF that religion is a concoction to HATE.

Even scientific theories, not facts, hypothesis and theories, are used by some to discriminate against those whom do not believe their theories (TheoryWorship). Senator Arlen Spector's 'single-bullet-theory' to explain JFK's assassination is one example.

Even spiritualism, is an excuse to discriminate and hate those 'not spiritual enough for you.'

Equality is NONE OF THAT. Nor is freedom.

We are all in this life together, not a fictional life 'later' or 'after' this one, but this life we are currently living. PeaceOnEarth, not 'off' in a fictional place during a fictional life, but this planet, during the life we are currently living. Only religion prevents that, declaring a fictional 'heaven' that discriminates.

Heaven does not discriminate/hate (DiscriminHate), YOU DO. Therefore, Heaven must be built OnEarth, not 'off' in a fictional place during a fictional life, but here on the planet, during this life. Only a fictional 'heaven' would be total 'sameness,' where all uniqueness has been exterminated in a final battle to genocide against 'not your kind of people,' so you may bow down before the Blandness-King.

There has never been an 'evil' baby born, ever. We are trained to hate by religions. The UniversalTheorem kills religious zealotry. It also frees and liberates the international economies to prosper and thrive, uplifting all life and brings PeaceOnEarth.

The MeaningOfLife IS NURTURE, period. Nurture is natural, DiscriminHate is NOT, merely an excuse to HAMMER another ruthlessly in shame and blame to the merciless CrossOfShame.

Be liberated to live LIFE, utilizing the ONE SOLUTION, the 'universal field theorem,' or, "UniversalTheorem," with this tiny equation from the 'humanity field,' called, 'Brutal Honesty,' as shown above, and remember we are all BelovedNeighbors, globally, universally.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton
(claytOnleOnwintOn - HumanityFamilyAdvocate)
OnTime - RU?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are inspiring others to write as potently. Thank you.