Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Day77-ResusCitateHumanity (LetMyPeopleGo!)


The vast majority of white-collar addicts, steal to supply their money habits.

In 2001, 6.9 million custodial parents who were due child support under the terms of agreements or current awards were due an average of $5,000; an aggregate of $34.9 billion in payments due.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs
Since 1999, food insecurity (hunger)has increased by 3 million households, including 1.4 million households with children. In 2004, 38.2 million people lived HUNGER in households experiencing food insecurity.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs.

According to figures provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, up to 600000 men, women, and children go homeless each night in the US.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs. SayNoToUs-Abuser-sauruses (Senators) line their pockets, concoct huge agencies to TALK, and NOTHING is accomplished.

-- because the numbers increase and the cost of the 'talking about it' costs more than FIXING IT.

-- That's the Sentors' 'priorities' right there ... all fuckedup up.

African-Americans (19.7 percent uninsured) and Hispanics (32.7 percent) were much more likely to be uninsured than white, non-Hispanic people (11.3 percent).

Total pork (federal budget) identified by CAGW since 1991 adds up to $212 billion.

-- That's the Sentors' 'priorities' right there ... all fuckedup up.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs.

Each year in the US 2 million women are beaten by their partners, and more than half a million women report being raped or sexually assaulted.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

"Every year an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological, or other forms of abuse and neglect.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

Crimes motivated by bigotry usually arise not out of the pathological rantings and ravings of a few deviant types in organized hate groups, but out of the very mainstream of society.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

Anti-abortion ChristianCoalition conspiring terrorists have committed more than 1,500 acts of violence, such as murders that have left five people dead, fire-bombings, gas attacks, threats, assaults and clinic invasions.

Abortion Policy/Pro-Life gave Congress $668,213.00 campaign dollars in 2004 to promote the 'needs' of FICTIONAL people OVER REAL ONES.

-- and those funds right THERE, could have fed a thousand REAL kids.
-- and those funds right THERE, could have HOUSED a thousand REAL people.

-- and these perverts examine crotches as their 'priority' in putting conditions on LOVE, denying rights in their HATRED for FREEDOM and EQUALITY, HAMMERING any/all to their damnable CrossOfShame whom do not bow-down before their BLANDNESS KING.

-- and these CrotchPsychologyPerverts are holding government HOSTAGE to their fuckedup priorities, prevent REAL HumanServices and conspiring to undermine governments globally, working WITH the goals of al Qaeda, in DeathWorship against FREEDOM.

Let MY people go!

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