From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate;
Dear President Bush, from dirt to thrown, I most respectfully request for you to experience MY WORDS and to learn the TimelessMessage, and share it, globally, your PRESIDENTIAL GIFT per your CALLING.
It is most easily understood if thought of in the following context, where I responded to a comment on a public-access internet-website topic-discussion-forum (link at end).
Here was the comment:
QUOTE: Quote:It is interesting how up till now Jesus has usually been portrayed as white. But that is changing as Christianity is fading in europe yet growing in Africa and South America. In the 21rst century I really feel you will start to see Jesus depicted more as a dark skinned person (which I think he was). The Catholics are changing their crucifix to give him a darker complexion and other non-white features. The next pope might also be black. Some African churches have begun to send missionaries to the US and europe.
Things change.
HERE are MY WORDS in response:
Anybody whom thinks that way -- whom even contemplates it in that manner -- misses the point of it entirely.
It's about an individual -- of any size/shape/color/crotch(what's in it or isn't or what's done with it)/ -- regardless of LANGUAGE or LOCATION --
In order to develop a 'personal-relationship' with the TimelessMessage to be learned, put yourself in those figurative 'shoes.' Choose any name ...
Fill in the blanks: ___ ___ ___ ___
Put some letters in it. Any letters. That's the name of the INDIVIDUAL -- your name, as your LIVE in those 'shoes.'
Nobody defends you. Nobody at all. Everybody DENIES you. Even your so-called 'friends' have taken money to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used AGAINST you in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. They don't 'love' you -- far from it. You don't wear their kinds of clothes, so pieces of cloth are the EXCUSE to ridicule, scorn, harass, and selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to you; you use WORDS they hate, so they use your WORDS as an excuse to CENSOR your DISSENTING OPINIONS and hate YOU as an individual, to selfishly deny YOU equality and services under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern/safety' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT; your 'credentials' are insufficient for the so-called 'higher-learned' to bother with you; your 'education' is insufficient; your hair is 'too long' or 'too this' or 'too that' ; your looks aren't 'good enough' ; your grammar/typing/splg/language isn't 'up to snuff' ; your job-skills are 'lacking' ; your friends are excuses for the self-righteous to not associate with you lest they be accused of 'associating with not our kinds of people (guilt by association -- which has NOTHING TO DO WITH GOVERNMENT, but everything to do with so-called 'friends,' family, relatives, etc.); your talents aren't 'notworthy enough' for perfectionists; you don't 'walk right' ; you don't 'laugh right' ; you don't 'act right'; you don't 'learn right' ; you don't 'sound right' -- your mode of transportation isn't 'good enough' ; your attitude is 'all wrong' ; your speech is 'too intense' ; your loves are 'those kinds of people' which were pre-approved for denied-equality, hatred, already, (more 'guilt-by-association') --
-- and nobody defends you. Nobody at all. Not ONE.
-- regardless of name -- fill in the blank: ___ ___ ___ ___ (use any letters, it doesn't matter what your name is, it's not 'good enough' anyway);
That is your ENVIRONMENT. All HATE. All positive-people concocting excuses to cast-you-out as 'not their kind of people' -- any excuse will do for these positive-people to hatefully label you 'negative' and hammer you ruthlessly against their merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful-torture-devices of TERROR -- their self-made CrossOfShame/Hate -- using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- ideological crucifiXtion -- in a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of HATE -- by all the positive-people, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ZERO self-esteem, proving ZERO integrity, proving ZERO forgiveness, proving ZERO compassion, therefore proving ZERO JUSTICE, which obviously proves ZERO EQUALITY --
Any word: "We hate that word, therefore CENSOR ANYTHING with that word in it, IGNORE THE MESSAGE, and cast-out the MESSENGER as 'not our kind of people,' because we're positive-people and you're not!"
Any piece of cloth: "We HATE those clothes! We wouldn't be caught DEAD with anybody wearing clothes like THAT! You are NOT 'our kind of people!"
Any excuse will do for positive-people to selfishly DENY EQUALITY, see.
And that is a massive DECEPTION, being 'positive,' a massive SETUP FOR FAILURE -- because positive-people have been subtly-brainwashed to think being 'positive' is a 'positive-godly-good-thing' when it's the most horrid deception ever visited AGAINST any 'person' in existence, all whom are, all whom were, and all whom will be, the entire HumanityFamily, because it's the formula for DIVIDES, it endlessly DIVIDES communities/familiies/teams/friends/associates, companies/countries/world(s) (your world, regardless of how you define it, and everybody elses' world, too) -- endless divides into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' communities, teams, families, friends, organizations, companies, personnel, countries, allies, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
Cast-out until PERISHED, after being concocted as 'negative/inferior/undeserving' of EQUALITY by hateful-positive-people under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/safety/concern' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.
See, these positive-people have been subtly brainwashed to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in all things around them, especially others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it's been sucked-out of them by the hateful environment of which they are PRODUCTS_OF), proving zero integrity (the process of FigurativeCarpentry is hateful, and that proves zero integrity), proving zero forgiveness (which proves one learned nothing from anything 'religious' EVER yet hypocritically DEMANDS 'forgiveness' for their own so-called 'transgressions' from everybody ELSE); which proves ZERO COMPASSION (yet hypocritcally DEMAND compassion from everybody ELSE); which proves ZERO JUSTICE, therefore proves a community/family/country/team/company/world of ZERO EQUALITY.
That is exactly why there are ZERO positive-cross-signs on ANY Jewish structure, nor Mormon structure, nor Jahovah's Witness' structure, nor Islamic structure, nor Hindi structure, NOR COURTHOUSES -- and it is ORIGINALLY the EXACT ROOT of why Catholics made the sign of a 'positive-cross' when confronted by the hateful-positiveness of others, to DISTANCE THEMSELVES FROM IT.
After the individual, YOU, see -- YOU -- not 'somebody else' -- YOU -- and your designation is the four-letters you chose -- ___ ___ ___ ___ -- after YOU have been hatefully labeled 'negative/inferior/undeserving' by positive-people, FigurativeCarpentry performed against you repeatedly, in their subtle-HATEFULNESS to DENY YOU equality and services, casting-you-out as 'not good enough for their positive-self-righteousness,' AFTER YOU PERISH --
-- what happens?
The flock to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-encouragement/instigation/HOPE for the PHOTO-OP -- "Oh the pain! The insufferable pain! S/he is DEAD! He was perfect! He could walk on water! He could perform miracles! Why did they do it! We're VICTIMS! Boo-hoo! We're so horribly suffering! The insufferable pain! Waaahhhh!"
-- all about their own selfish selves.
Nobody gave a sh*t about YOU (your four-letter designation) while you were ALIVE ...
-- but once you were DEAD, they all claim you were 'perfect' --for the PHOTO-OP, to PROFIT from DEATH in DeathWorship.
Then, they revise history in self-aggrandizing 'feel-good' stories to PROFIT, in DeathWorship, AS USUAL.
IT COULD BE YOU, right now. TODAY. TOMORROW. It requires ZERO BELIEF. It requires ZERO FAITH. That hateful positive-ness proves-itself-out right before you, night and day, every day of your life, 24/7/365 -- to be VERIFIED with YOUR FIVE SENSES -- ZERO speculation -- ZERO conjecture -- ZERO theories -- ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Period.
So don't be that way. That's the TimelessMessage, the ABSOLUTE ROOT of every religion in existence, regardless of LANGUAGE or LOCATION, be it HERE, THERE or BEYOND, every 'person' in existence, all whom WERE and all whom ARE and all whom WILL BE -- regardless if you think they look 'human' or NOT -- the entire HumanityFamily.
AdamAndEve's OriginalSin was being BLAMED by a positive-environment as 'negative/unworthy/undeserving/inferior' and CAST-OUT as 'not their kind of people,' by AllThings, the 'perfect-positive-environment' that was a 'varitable-paradise' or 'shangrala' or 'garden-of-eden,' or 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best-country-on-earth' or wherever -- then the seemingless endless horror-stories of how hateful-positive-environement-countries endlessly concoct excuses to HATE EACH OTHER and GENOCIDE each other in the name of their hateful psychotic 'positive-godly-good-god.'
So, DO THE MATHS: +1-1=0 (translation: your concocted excuse to declare yourself 'positive' is the Original_SIN, the only sin, because it INSPIRES HATE, and eventually somebody KILLS because of YOUR INTOLERANCE after concocting excuses to place CONDITIONS AGAINST YOUR so-called 'love' for YOUR so-called 'beloved-neighbor,' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving your entire existence is HATE -- the religion of HATE -- and god is FALSE/FAKE, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY). NegativePositive-ism, or Positive-Negativeism, whatever way you describe it, is the formula for NOTHINGNESS (+1-1=0, or, -1+1=0) -- the formula for HATE, the formula for HOLOCUAST, the formula for DEATH, the formula for DeathWorship, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.
That is the TimelessMessage to UNITE in PeaceOnEarth -- REMEMBER IT -- DO THE MATHS, the SundayMaths, do 'em every Sunday and every moment in-between. NEVER FORGET.
Kind Regards,
A REAL priest -- not a FAKE 'priest.'
That is what Jefferson'sPROMISE extends from -- as embodied in Virginia'sGIFT, which I will perform for you someday.
Thank you, sir.
And Kind Regards to you and yours. Peace be with you.
Clayton Winton -- HFA/3Ons
PS> Oh, the link where I firstly typed my thoughts and then copied it here to share with you:
(It may not fully display, but you can double-click it to hi-light it, right-click to copy it, then paste it into a browser for confirmation of MY WORDS if you wish).
Also, thank you for serving and protecting liberty for all people equally FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy, globally. I am proud of you and your team, sir. And if you have a vacancy, I could really use the uplifting. At this point, I'll even wash windows. Whatever. Any opportunity appreciated.
And why don't you wear bright, bright, sun-shiny-day yellow-ties? Just a suggestion, sir.
Oh, and can't resist: in the SOTU, please address the state-of-the-human-condition, instead of the usual 'rah-rah-feel-goodism,' to be a powerful leader, an outstanding coach, 'tear 'em down and build 'em up -- to UPLIFT all people equally. Maybe I can help your writers? :lol: I know, I'm not 'their kind of people.'
Well, I don't want to burden you, sir. Take care.
Kind Regards,
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
ORCH_Day841 AdamAndEve In HELL
From a topic-discussion-forum where I typed the following post moments ago:
I think you all confuse superstition with religion.
CVN68 claims to be a 'non-believer' while simultaneously claiming a belief-system in a religious character from a religious story. That's superstition.
Those whom claim to hold belief-systems in religious characters from religious stories, miss the entire point of those stories, molesting the religion into superstition.
Then, you all beat each other over the heads with figurative 'olive-branches.' Over and over and over.
In order to explain "AdamAndEve," one needs step-back from superstitious subtle-hatreds.
The 'bible' VOLUME is in three parts:
1) On COUNTRY(s): ideology of revolution, thereby dividing communities instead of uniting;
2) On INDIVIDUAL(s): affects of the above idealogy on the INDIVIDUAL within a community infected by that idealogy of divides;
3) On GLOBE(s): the GLOBAL affects of that ideology when countries, nations, continents are saturated with that ideology.
I took that directly from my blog (see following post):
It should be 'required-reading.'
So, we are discussing the ideology of how NOT to DIVIDE communities, teams, families, countries, world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, but to UNITE 'tribes,' families, teams, communities, countries, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
Peace is made ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a FAKE 'life.' But on this REAL Earth during one's REAL life.
Let me ask you all something: Do you think language has always been the same? Stagnant? And for every concept expressed in YOUR words, an 'equal word' exists in all other languages?
Of course not! Look at the phrase, "Were you LAST in line LAST night?" for example. Now, you have been trained to think "last-night is the furthest night from the first night.' But it can't be translated that way, because in the above sentence, the first useage of the word 'last' is DEFINED within the sentence as the 'furthest away FROM 'first,' yet the next usage of the same word in the same sentence is "NEAREST TO NOW."
Can you imagine attempting to translate that into another language, and make it understandable? You'd end up with something like this: "Were you furthest from the front of the line the furthest night from now?" Or, "Were you the nearest to the front the nearest night from now?" YOU MUST BE IMMERSED IN THE CULTURE TO UNDERSTAND THE 'nuance' of word usage.
But all those ancient texts are dead-languages. Nobody speaks those languages anymore. There is ZERO people to ask. There are only guesses.
The world's foremost 'experts' are wrong more often than correct. We know this. You know this. All opinions EVOLVE based upon education -- which is new-information as it becomes available. Real life requires ZERO belief. Real life requires ZERO faith. The only things which require 'belief' are those things which cannot be VERIFIED using your 5-senses, such as ghosts, goblins, gods, demons, angels, fairies, sprites, aliens, sasquatch, vampires, santa claus, elves, etc.
Now, think about your metaphors. When you say, "That's a cool jacket!" you just said something illogical, because jackets are for warmth, so it would be translated as a 'evil jacket' by religionists because it didn't 'protect you from cold.' See how that works?
When dealing with the metaphors of dead-languages, from dead-cultures, we get the same 'modern-day-cultural-transferance,' where we take those ancient metaphors out-of-context because they have no modern references that exist within YOUR ENVIRONMENT, such as, "tearing of clothes," and, "rubbed ash against skin." Religious people from TODAY read these metaphorical phrases from ancient texts and take it LITERALLY, makeing them LITERALISTS, which is retarded -- self-retardation -- stagnation-of-mind -- hardened hearts/minds of STONE. So, what's it mean?
When in terrible anguish, one collapses AS THEY ARE, WHEREVER THEY ARE, regardless of what they are wearing, even the 'best' clothes they own, right there in the DIRT and the MUD and the FILTH and the SLIME, and sobs.
It doesn't matter who besmirches them, scorns them, hatefully casts dispersions against them, like MUD. THEY ARE EXPERIENCING REAL GRIEF, see. Nothing ELSE matters. There is ZERO 'else.' The grief is all-encompassing.
So, I just used a reference to modern-day metaphorical descriptions, "mud-slinging," -- see it? Did you catch it? Did you make the connection to "smeared with ash?" With "rending of clothes?"
So, with that in mind, and understanding those three "Ons" from my blog (link above) let's address AdamAndEve:
-- note: if you did not read about those 3Ons, then don't even bother throwing ash/mud/sh*t at me, thereby proving zero integrity.
In a society, any society, any family, any community, any infrustructure-set, there is governance. That is your environemnt. Your 'system-of-order.' You are an 'equal' to all others within it -- UNTIL, your Original_Sin. Now, what is that?
That's when you concoct an excuse to declare yourself 'positive,' because at that exact moment, you used that excuse to hatefully label another 'negative' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to them.
It doesn't matter your religion -- your size/shape/color -- your crotch (what's in it or what's done with it) -- your words, clothes, looks, grammar, habits, entertainments, lifestyles, education, jobs, living-arrangements, loves -- you are equal until your Original_Sin of using one of those items above or anything else as an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative' and thereby selfishly DENY EQUALITY to them/others for THEIR 'religion' or 'politics' or 'size/shape/color' or crotch or looks, or jobs, or entertainments, or whatever ...
The moment you do that, you are DENYING EQUALITY, using an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative/inferior/undeserving' to ruthlessly hammer against your self-made hateful-torture-device of TERROR, your positive-cross-sign, which is the CrossOfShame/Hate, using the points of your own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in ideological crucifiXtion, the process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is the epitome of HATE, because it only DIVIDES -- families, communities, countries, even worlds -- your world at least -- and everybody elses' ...
But you DEMAND 'equality' from everybody ELSE for your own selfish SELF -- regardless of your own stupid-sh*t 'beliefs' OR 'superstitions' or clothes, or music, or dance, or company-kept, or size/shape/color, or transportation, or typos, or spelling, or grammar, or language or anything else, hence "hypocritical-forked-tongues as NAILS."
So you pick and choose which EXCUSE from a "MiracleLIST" of EXACTLY 666 ever-changing EXCUSES to declare one's self 'positive' as your 'inspiration' to ERECT your IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful positive-cross-sign, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness (but you demand it from everybody else), which proves you have zero compassion, which proves ZERO JUSTICE, which ALWAYS proves ZERO EQUALITY.
And for that, your environment, your 'system-of-order' around you, be it your family, your community, your country, your world by whatever definition, will CAST YOUR ASS OUT!
-- but YOU did it, see. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF, brought it entirely upon yourself in your hateful-positiveness.
So you subjugated your 'woman' into 'property-to-own' and left, isolated yourselves in hatefulness of everybody ELSE over stupid-sh*t, like their clothes, their music, their habits, their friends, their transportation, their loves, their crotches (what's in 'em or what they do with 'em, which you perversely sniff like a DOG in HOPE of finding something 'offensive' in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR) -- any excuse will do to DENY EQUALITY to EVERYBODY ELSE, because you're just so damned 'positive.'
And that is the INTRODUCTION, molested by simple-minded LITERALISTS, whom hypocritically use metaphorical-representations all the time and EXPECT everybody ELSE to 'automatically get their metaphors', then hypocritically HATE EVERYBODY ELSE for not being 'literalists' with them, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.
But that is not to say there is someone alive today to blame, shame and hammer ruthlessly against a positive-cross-sign for it. It was dumbed-down to be told to illiterate people, long ago, after infrustructure COLLAPSED, and there was no longer the ability to teach, to build, to help one another globally. It went 'word-of-mouth' for a very long time before written-symbols were re-invented; then, the few whom knew how to write re-interpreted everything based upon their own 'cultural-norms,' absent of the ancient metaphorical roots. It's a gradual process, and over the millennia, we have a molestation of the ORIGINS now presented as 'normal,' but it isn't.
It's about EQUALITY, always WAS, always will BE. Don't be dumbed-down LITERALISTS. Don't punch HOLES in the WHOLE, molesting it into a holy-mess. Don't knit-pick typos/wordings/phrases. APPLY THE WHOLE CONCEPTS.
"It's about the CONCEPTS, stupid!" should be a common catch-phrase. Not about the words -- not about the spelling ... but about the WHOLE CONCEPTS.
And do the Maths: +1-1=0, or, -1+1=0 (your positiveness concocts negatives to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and thereby DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/communities/countries/teams/companies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded -- so don't be that way, don't be 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label others 'negative' to do hateful FigurativeCarpentry as an excuse to DENY EQUALITY/SERVICES) -- and DoTheMaths every Sunday, the SundayMaths, and every moment in between.
It's very simple. Most kids understand it by age 8. It's the TimelessMessage for that exact reason, because it applies to every 'person' in existence, all whom are, all whom were, all whom will be, for eternity, the entire HumanityFamily, EQUALLY, regardless of language or LOCATION.
And that is the EXACT ROOT DEFINITION of AdamAndEve.
Kind Regards,
So, they did it to themselves, see. See it yet? They ISOLATED themselves, casting-out all others as 'negative/inferior/undeserving' by ones and twos until there were NONE, and waged war against all whom disagreed in their hateful-positive-self-righteousness, concocting HELLishness for everybody, and demanding everybody ELSE pay for their concocted 'offensive-issues' ... which bankrupts entire countries/world(s) ... so don't be that way. WE ARE ALL AUTHORIZED TO DEFEND AGAINST IT -- YOU.
I think you all confuse superstition with religion.
CVN68 claims to be a 'non-believer' while simultaneously claiming a belief-system in a religious character from a religious story. That's superstition.
Those whom claim to hold belief-systems in religious characters from religious stories, miss the entire point of those stories, molesting the religion into superstition.
Then, you all beat each other over the heads with figurative 'olive-branches.' Over and over and over.
In order to explain "AdamAndEve," one needs step-back from superstitious subtle-hatreds.
The 'bible' VOLUME is in three parts:
1) On COUNTRY(s): ideology of revolution, thereby dividing communities instead of uniting;
2) On INDIVIDUAL(s): affects of the above idealogy on the INDIVIDUAL within a community infected by that idealogy of divides;
3) On GLOBE(s): the GLOBAL affects of that ideology when countries, nations, continents are saturated with that ideology.
I took that directly from my blog (see following post):
It should be 'required-reading.'
So, we are discussing the ideology of how NOT to DIVIDE communities, teams, families, countries, world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, but to UNITE 'tribes,' families, teams, communities, countries, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
Peace is made ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a FAKE 'life.' But on this REAL Earth during one's REAL life.
Let me ask you all something: Do you think language has always been the same? Stagnant? And for every concept expressed in YOUR words, an 'equal word' exists in all other languages?
Of course not! Look at the phrase, "Were you LAST in line LAST night?" for example. Now, you have been trained to think "last-night is the furthest night from the first night.' But it can't be translated that way, because in the above sentence, the first useage of the word 'last' is DEFINED within the sentence as the 'furthest away FROM 'first,' yet the next usage of the same word in the same sentence is "NEAREST TO NOW."
Can you imagine attempting to translate that into another language, and make it understandable? You'd end up with something like this: "Were you furthest from the front of the line the furthest night from now?" Or, "Were you the nearest to the front the nearest night from now?" YOU MUST BE IMMERSED IN THE CULTURE TO UNDERSTAND THE 'nuance' of word usage.
But all those ancient texts are dead-languages. Nobody speaks those languages anymore. There is ZERO people to ask. There are only guesses.
The world's foremost 'experts' are wrong more often than correct. We know this. You know this. All opinions EVOLVE based upon education -- which is new-information as it becomes available. Real life requires ZERO belief. Real life requires ZERO faith. The only things which require 'belief' are those things which cannot be VERIFIED using your 5-senses, such as ghosts, goblins, gods, demons, angels, fairies, sprites, aliens, sasquatch, vampires, santa claus, elves, etc.
Now, think about your metaphors. When you say, "That's a cool jacket!" you just said something illogical, because jackets are for warmth, so it would be translated as a 'evil jacket' by religionists because it didn't 'protect you from cold.' See how that works?
When dealing with the metaphors of dead-languages, from dead-cultures, we get the same 'modern-day-cultural-transferance,' where we take those ancient metaphors out-of-context because they have no modern references that exist within YOUR ENVIRONMENT, such as, "tearing of clothes," and, "rubbed ash against skin." Religious people from TODAY read these metaphorical phrases from ancient texts and take it LITERALLY, makeing them LITERALISTS, which is retarded -- self-retardation -- stagnation-of-mind -- hardened hearts/minds of STONE. So, what's it mean?
When in terrible anguish, one collapses AS THEY ARE, WHEREVER THEY ARE, regardless of what they are wearing, even the 'best' clothes they own, right there in the DIRT and the MUD and the FILTH and the SLIME, and sobs.
It doesn't matter who besmirches them, scorns them, hatefully casts dispersions against them, like MUD. THEY ARE EXPERIENCING REAL GRIEF, see. Nothing ELSE matters. There is ZERO 'else.' The grief is all-encompassing.
So, I just used a reference to modern-day metaphorical descriptions, "mud-slinging," -- see it? Did you catch it? Did you make the connection to "smeared with ash?" With "rending of clothes?"
So, with that in mind, and understanding those three "Ons" from my blog (link above) let's address AdamAndEve:
-- note: if you did not read about those 3Ons, then don't even bother throwing ash/mud/sh*t at me, thereby proving zero integrity.
In a society, any society, any family, any community, any infrustructure-set, there is governance. That is your environemnt. Your 'system-of-order.' You are an 'equal' to all others within it -- UNTIL, your Original_Sin. Now, what is that?
That's when you concoct an excuse to declare yourself 'positive,' because at that exact moment, you used that excuse to hatefully label another 'negative' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to them.
It doesn't matter your religion -- your size/shape/color -- your crotch (what's in it or what's done with it) -- your words, clothes, looks, grammar, habits, entertainments, lifestyles, education, jobs, living-arrangements, loves -- you are equal until your Original_Sin of using one of those items above or anything else as an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative' and thereby selfishly DENY EQUALITY to them/others for THEIR 'religion' or 'politics' or 'size/shape/color' or crotch or looks, or jobs, or entertainments, or whatever ...
The moment you do that, you are DENYING EQUALITY, using an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative/inferior/undeserving' to ruthlessly hammer against your self-made hateful-torture-device of TERROR, your positive-cross-sign, which is the CrossOfShame/Hate, using the points of your own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in ideological crucifiXtion, the process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is the epitome of HATE, because it only DIVIDES -- families, communities, countries, even worlds -- your world at least -- and everybody elses' ...
But you DEMAND 'equality' from everybody ELSE for your own selfish SELF -- regardless of your own stupid-sh*t 'beliefs' OR 'superstitions' or clothes, or music, or dance, or company-kept, or size/shape/color, or transportation, or typos, or spelling, or grammar, or language or anything else, hence "hypocritical-forked-tongues as NAILS."
So you pick and choose which EXCUSE from a "MiracleLIST" of EXACTLY 666 ever-changing EXCUSES to declare one's self 'positive' as your 'inspiration' to ERECT your IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful positive-cross-sign, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness (but you demand it from everybody else), which proves you have zero compassion, which proves ZERO JUSTICE, which ALWAYS proves ZERO EQUALITY.
And for that, your environment, your 'system-of-order' around you, be it your family, your community, your country, your world by whatever definition, will CAST YOUR ASS OUT!
-- but YOU did it, see. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF, brought it entirely upon yourself in your hateful-positiveness.
So you subjugated your 'woman' into 'property-to-own' and left, isolated yourselves in hatefulness of everybody ELSE over stupid-sh*t, like their clothes, their music, their habits, their friends, their transportation, their loves, their crotches (what's in 'em or what they do with 'em, which you perversely sniff like a DOG in HOPE of finding something 'offensive' in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR) -- any excuse will do to DENY EQUALITY to EVERYBODY ELSE, because you're just so damned 'positive.'
And that is the INTRODUCTION, molested by simple-minded LITERALISTS, whom hypocritically use metaphorical-representations all the time and EXPECT everybody ELSE to 'automatically get their metaphors', then hypocritically HATE EVERYBODY ELSE for not being 'literalists' with them, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.
But that is not to say there is someone alive today to blame, shame and hammer ruthlessly against a positive-cross-sign for it. It was dumbed-down to be told to illiterate people, long ago, after infrustructure COLLAPSED, and there was no longer the ability to teach, to build, to help one another globally. It went 'word-of-mouth' for a very long time before written-symbols were re-invented; then, the few whom knew how to write re-interpreted everything based upon their own 'cultural-norms,' absent of the ancient metaphorical roots. It's a gradual process, and over the millennia, we have a molestation of the ORIGINS now presented as 'normal,' but it isn't.
It's about EQUALITY, always WAS, always will BE. Don't be dumbed-down LITERALISTS. Don't punch HOLES in the WHOLE, molesting it into a holy-mess. Don't knit-pick typos/wordings/phrases. APPLY THE WHOLE CONCEPTS.
"It's about the CONCEPTS, stupid!" should be a common catch-phrase. Not about the words -- not about the spelling ... but about the WHOLE CONCEPTS.
And do the Maths: +1-1=0, or, -1+1=0 (your positiveness concocts negatives to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and thereby DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/communities/countries/teams/companies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded -- so don't be that way, don't be 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label others 'negative' to do hateful FigurativeCarpentry as an excuse to DENY EQUALITY/SERVICES) -- and DoTheMaths every Sunday, the SundayMaths, and every moment in between.
It's very simple. Most kids understand it by age 8. It's the TimelessMessage for that exact reason, because it applies to every 'person' in existence, all whom are, all whom were, all whom will be, for eternity, the entire HumanityFamily, EQUALLY, regardless of language or LOCATION.
And that is the EXACT ROOT DEFINITION of AdamAndEve.
Kind Regards,
So, they did it to themselves, see. See it yet? They ISOLATED themselves, casting-out all others as 'negative/inferior/undeserving' by ones and twos until there were NONE, and waged war against all whom disagreed in their hateful-positive-self-righteousness, concocting HELLishness for everybody, and demanding everybody ELSE pay for their concocted 'offensive-issues' ... which bankrupts entire countries/world(s) ... so don't be that way. WE ARE ALL AUTHORIZED TO DEFEND AGAINST IT -- YOU.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
ORCH_Day867 3Ons_Paradigm
6 min ago
the Mad JW wrote:
"Anyone still believe in the Trinity?"
MY WORDS: Are you 'open-minded' only to 'like-mindedness', your heart/mind as inflexible as 'stone'?
Let's find out:
Firstly, our 'scripture' is translated from ancient, dead languages, from pages provided by scribes, whom described events per the instruction-sets of their employers, Church.
And we miss 'context' as a result. Nuance, absent.
Let me give you an example in our own language -- I want you to think of the concepts presented in the following sentence: "Were you LAST in line LAST night?"
See it? At first, it 'sounds-reasonable' to YOU in YOUR LANGUAGE, but it's untranslatable into other languages, loses 'nuance'-- and completely ALTERS MEANING/INTENT:
LOOK: "last-in-line" means the FURTHEST AWAY.
----"last night" is the NEAREST to you.
Now, imagine the story of an EQUAL INDIVIDUAL, told in another language without a single person alive today that uses words in the same way without guessing 'nuance'-- the intent of the words themselves, the actual CONCEPTS ..
... you have to be taught repeatedly to use 'last' in two different contexts -- it defies logic, see. Yet, you are a logical person. It's 'subtle'-- a subtle form of brainwashing.
So, understanding the LIMITATIONS of YOUR LANGUAGE-SET, is vital to interpretation of 'scripture.' Yet, the translators have not been able to identify that yet, because it's now 'institutionalized' into the field of interpretation/translation/linguistics. And that's tragic.
The story of an INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN, whom was DENIED EQUAL access to opportunities, goods, services, pusuits of LIFE, liberty and happiness -- whom was denied by all -- even his best-friend(s) took money to concoct 'evidence' to be used against him, by 'positive-people' concocting excuses to cast-him-out and censor dissenting-opinions in subtle-ways, "We hate that word -- we don't listen or read anything that uses that word, and those whom use it are 'not my kind of people!" -- then clothes, then jobs, then education, then music, dance, art, entertainments, crotch (what's in it and what's done with it), living-arrangements, transportation, habits, lifetsyles, smells, any excuse will do for 'positive' people to selfishly deny equality and services, and ruthlessly hammer you against their hateful 'positive-cross-signs,' those CrossOfShame, as 'negative/undeserving/inferior ' in the pathetic attempt at making themsleves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero foregiveness, zero compassion, zero justice therefore, which proves zero equality --
-- because they DEMAND equality FROM everybody ELSE, use their hypcocritical-forked-tongues as NAILS to hammer YOU against their hateful torture-devices of TERROR, casting-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have them, censoring in subtle-ways, by ones and twos until their are none.
And they expect everybody ELSE to be 'perfect' -- but even if you could WalkOnWater, you're never 'good-enough' --
-- and they concoct endless excuses to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire lives in perceiving 'flaws' in YOU, -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero forgiveness, which proves zero compassion, therefore zero justice, thereby proving zero equality.
And that DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes', families, teams, companies, communities, countries, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
In that context, the story of 'jesus' is the embodiment of the individual in a complex society, cast-out until he perished because he (or she) was/is deemed 'offensive.'
It's their own concocted 'offensive' issues, over words, or clothes, and your dissenting-opinions, their concocted 'offensive-ear-issues' -- their concocted 'offensive-eye-issues' -- their concocted 'offensive-nose-issues' to selfishly deny YOU EQUALITY, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness. It's the story of the individual in HELL ...
Les' Miserable ... Victor Hugo wrote all about it, too.
It's a story of equality -- don't concoct excuses to place conditions against your so-called 'love' for your so-called 'beloved-neighbors'(Figurative Carpentry)-- which always proves ZERO EQUALITY.
1 min ago
So, in that context, an equal-beloved-fellow-citizen/neighbor, globally, regardless of location, the very ESSENCE of their LIFE, keeping in mind that the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture' so obviously there can't be any nurture at all without economy (society/government/infrustruc ture)-- and belief-systems punch holes in it, making holy, dividing that TRINITY of INDIVIDUAL and their INFRUSTRUCTURE/ECONOMY and their onique Unique_Opportunities (inspiration/motivation/drive) to nurture LIFE/FAMILY/COUNTRY/PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off'--
--- not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a fictional life -- FAKE 'life'-- but ON THIS PLANET DURING ONE'S REAL LIFE -- EQUAL -- FREE, SERVED AND PROTECTED FROM FigurativeCarpentry by a loving government.
PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off'-- HeavenOnEarth -- not 'off'-- we build it here, together, through PeaceOnEarth, a STAIRWAY to ...
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
-- just a 'taste' of it -- I was discussing a portion of my life's work (HEALING) in my own words -- in a comparative-socio-theology internet Topic-discussionForumThread, here:
"It's about EQUALITY, ... stupid." should be the 'new' catch-phrase. :)
-- and it ALWAYS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE. UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: added a few clarifications, and I know there's some splg/typos -- and a word substitution where I typed 'their' but meant 'there' -- Oh well ... DealWithIt :)
the Mad JW wrote:
"Anyone still believe in the Trinity?"
MY WORDS: Are you 'open-minded' only to 'like-mindedness', your heart/mind as inflexible as 'stone'?
Let's find out:
Firstly, our 'scripture' is translated from ancient, dead languages, from pages provided by scribes, whom described events per the instruction-sets of their employers, Church.
And we miss 'context' as a result. Nuance, absent.
Let me give you an example in our own language -- I want you to think of the concepts presented in the following sentence: "Were you LAST in line LAST night?"
See it? At first, it 'sounds-reasonable' to YOU in YOUR LANGUAGE, but it's untranslatable into other languages, loses 'nuance'-- and completely ALTERS MEANING/INTENT:
LOOK: "last-in-line" means the FURTHEST AWAY.
----"last night" is the NEAREST to you.
Now, imagine the story of an EQUAL INDIVIDUAL, told in another language without a single person alive today that uses words in the same way without guessing 'nuance'-- the intent of the words themselves, the actual CONCEPTS ..
... you have to be taught repeatedly to use 'last' in two different contexts -- it defies logic, see. Yet, you are a logical person. It's 'subtle'-- a subtle form of brainwashing.
So, understanding the LIMITATIONS of YOUR LANGUAGE-SET, is vital to interpretation of 'scripture.' Yet, the translators have not been able to identify that yet, because it's now 'institutionalized' into the field of interpretation/translation/linguistics. And that's tragic.
The story of an INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN, whom was DENIED EQUAL access to opportunities, goods, services, pusuits of LIFE, liberty and happiness -- whom was denied by all -- even his best-friend(s) took money to concoct 'evidence' to be used against him, by 'positive-people' concocting excuses to cast-him-out and censor dissenting-opinions in subtle-ways, "We hate that word -- we don't listen or read anything that uses that word, and those whom use it are 'not my kind of people!" -- then clothes, then jobs, then education, then music, dance, art, entertainments, crotch (what's in it and what's done with it), living-arrangements, transportation, habits, lifetsyles, smells, any excuse will do for 'positive' people to selfishly deny equality and services, and ruthlessly hammer you against their hateful 'positive-cross-signs,' those CrossOfShame, as 'negative/undeserving/inferior ' in the pathetic attempt at making themsleves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero foregiveness, zero compassion, zero justice therefore, which proves zero equality --
-- because they DEMAND equality FROM everybody ELSE, use their hypcocritical-forked-tongues as NAILS to hammer YOU against their hateful torture-devices of TERROR, casting-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have them, censoring in subtle-ways, by ones and twos until their are none.
And they expect everybody ELSE to be 'perfect' -- but even if you could WalkOnWater, you're never 'good-enough' --
-- and they concoct endless excuses to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire lives in perceiving 'flaws' in YOU, -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero forgiveness, which proves zero compassion, therefore zero justice, thereby proving zero equality.
And that DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes', families, teams, companies, communities, countries, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
In that context, the story of 'jesus' is the embodiment of the individual in a complex society, cast-out until he perished because he (or she) was/is deemed 'offensive.'
It's their own concocted 'offensive' issues, over words, or clothes, and your dissenting-opinions, their concocted 'offensive-ear-issues' -- their concocted 'offensive-eye-issues' -- their concocted 'offensive-nose-issues' to selfishly deny YOU EQUALITY, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness. It's the story of the individual in HELL ...
Les' Miserable ... Victor Hugo wrote all about it, too.
It's a story of equality -- don't concoct excuses to place conditions against your so-called 'love' for your so-called 'beloved-neighbors'(Figurative Carpentry)-- which always proves ZERO EQUALITY.
1 min ago
So, in that context, an equal-beloved-fellow-citizen/neighbor, globally, regardless of location, the very ESSENCE of their LIFE, keeping in mind that the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture' so obviously there can't be any nurture at all without economy (society/government/infrustruc ture)-- and belief-systems punch holes in it, making holy, dividing that TRINITY of INDIVIDUAL and their INFRUSTRUCTURE/ECONOMY and their onique Unique_Opportunities (inspiration/motivation/drive) to nurture LIFE/FAMILY/COUNTRY/PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off'--
--- not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a fictional life -- FAKE 'life'-- but ON THIS PLANET DURING ONE'S REAL LIFE -- EQUAL -- FREE, SERVED AND PROTECTED FROM FigurativeCarpentry by a loving government.
PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off'-- HeavenOnEarth -- not 'off'-- we build it here, together, through PeaceOnEarth, a STAIRWAY to ...
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
-- just a 'taste' of it -- I was discussing a portion of my life's work (HEALING) in my own words -- in a comparative-socio-theology internet Topic-discussionForumThread, here:
"It's about EQUALITY, ... stupid." should be the 'new' catch-phrase. :)
-- and it ALWAYS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE. UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: added a few clarifications, and I know there's some splg/typos -- and a word substitution where I typed 'their' but meant 'there' -- Oh well ... DealWithIt :)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
ORCH_Day828c Attn: Islam, Jew, Christian
How does a follower of Islam PROVE to be a BETTER CHRISTIAN than any 'christians' I've known?
Did you hear about the HatefulReligiousSupremacists whom attacked some Jewish kids and the Muslim came to their aide, thereby proving compassion?
Quote:One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus,"
These are kids, taught to HATE Jews, in subtle ways, where the so-called 'religious-moderates' -- the parents -- PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation/encouragement/HOPE.
See, the religious-story is about EQUALITY and served and protected unto perpetuity for that exact reason, because it applies to ALL INDIVIDUALS EQUALLY. Society concocted a system where any excuse would do for citizens to declare themselves 'positive' and then pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested hateful-religions), proving zero integrity, because it proves zero forgiveness, which always proves zero compassion, and that always proves zero JUSTICE, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
See, once you declare yourself 'positive' then you go to your "MiracleLIST" of exactly 666-concocted ever-changing EXCUSES to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and services to others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. Any excuse will do, such as WORDS: "We hate that word -- ignore anybody that uses that word, censor anything with that word in it." Or CLOTHES: "We hate clothes like that -- ignore anybody that wears those types of clothes -- they aren't 'our kind of people.'" Or company-kept (guilt-by-association) "You know people like that? Well, I can't be seen with you! What will others think?!" Or transportation: "That guy drives a donkey! What an ASS! I wouldn't be caught DEAD with him!" Or education, music, dance, art, jobs, dissenting opinions, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), living-arrangements, even love itself -- any excuse will do for positive-people to concoct conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' to SELFISHLY DENY EQUALITY in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested religions infiltrating and infecting the society/environment where they live); and using the points of one's own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS, positive-people ruthlessly hammer all those they've hatefully labeled as 'negative' MERCILESSLY against their hateful torture-devices of terror, those positive-cross-signs, in ideological crucifiXtion, the entire process called, "FigurativeCarpentry."
See how simple it is? Any child understands it by approx age-8, only to have it infinitely confused with 'genius-expert' bullsh*t, and they FORGET -- well, 'second coming,' right NOW, -- REMEMBER NOW, please, and be HEALED of the hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, and do it no more.
Anybody can be a 'jesus' -- it's about EQUALITY the entire treasure of a religious-story is about treating everybody EQUALLY, the story itself, these concepts EMBODIED in the story of an INDIVIDUAL to be applied EQUALLY to ALL INDIVIDUALS, because for millennia, people were illiterate and couldn't read, couldn't relate to these concepts at all, see.
So, these positive-people concocted an excuse to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to the INDIVIDUAL in the story, DENIED equal access to opportunities, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness -- until the individual PERISHED.
That individual's best-friend took money to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used against that individual. IT COULD BE YOU! So don't be that way.
__ __ __ __
See that? Put some letters there -- that's the 'name' for the INDIVIDUAL in the story -- IT COULD BE YOU ... the name is irrelevent -- it could be "xyzy" ... or "YWYZ" ... or whatever ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.
Society CAST-OUT one of it's own BelovedNeighbors, until that INDIVIDUAL PERISHED ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.
Society didn't care anything at all about that individual's REAL LIFE until after that individual PERISHED, then claimed, "Oh! Murder! Death! We're victims! Oh the pain! The insufferable pain! We're victms! We're DEVESTATED! Boo-hoo!" in self-importance for the photo-op to FAKE 'compassion' after proving ZERO compassion.
So, don't be that way. You must PROVE compassion, not FAKE it.
And the hero in the article proved to be a BETTER CHRISTIAN than ALL OF YOU.
Kind Regards,
Posts: 577
(12/14/07 12:40 am)
Reply | Edit
New Post Re: Muslim saves Jews from Attack on Subway... Oh, that's why I have ALWAYS SAID, "Don't BLAME THE JEWS!"
Society did it ... through hateful FigurativeCarpentry, and does it to every individual within it -- cannabalizing itself.
That's what the SACRAMENT represents, ORIGINALLY, and always was intended to represent exactly that and nothing but that, a REMINDER to NEVER BE THAT WAY, do NOT canabalize your BelovedNeighbors through the subtle hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, because it always PROVES zero compassion, zero self-esteem, zero forgiveness, therefore zero integrity and zero JUSTICE, which ultimately proves ZERO EQUALITY, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.
... the ceremony is representation to illiterate peoples of how hate-filled societies cannabalize themselves in SUBTLE WAYS, so do NOT be that way, " ... this is the flesh ... this is the blood ... REMEMBER HOW NOT TO TREAT ONE ANOTHER NOW!" -- and be HEALED of that subtle hateful FigurativeCarpentry.
(please read about Jefferson'sPROMISE below, "Attn: FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL")
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate/3Ons
OnTime -- RU?
Links: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/12/12/subway.attack/index.html
http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessage?topicID=24768.topic (my username is GogOnEarth -- now let me explain: in the above article, those 'christian boys' teach that hating Jews, blaming Jews, is what 'christianity' is all about. If that's what Christianity is, then I am AntiChrist. See how that works? These same people claim that their so-called 'unconditionally-loving-god' PUNISHES innocent people for alleged 'crimes' of their ancestors/fathers, that those living today did NOT participate in, had no knowledge of, but are ASSUMED GUILTY UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER. If that's what a 'christian' is, then I am AntiChrist.
These same molested-religions claim that women have their 'place,' an excuse for subjugation of women to selfishly deny equality and services, and if that's what being a 'christian' is then I am AntiChrist.
But that's why I'm a REAL priest, not a FAKE 'priest' -- and I do NOT claim the 'bible' VOLUME is 'ultimate-truth' then use the FALSE PROPHET of Nostrodamus to claim his unoriginal FAKE 'prophecies' are 'ultimate-truth' as an EXCUSE to be FEARFUL before the name, "Gog." It's ridiculous hateful superstition, and those doing it are NOT 'christians,' but if they claim so, then I am AntiChrist, as they shake and quake and get all frightened and fearful over WORDS and FALSE PROPHETS, proving they are NOT Christians but FRAUDS.
I have explained my TITLES thoroughly in my blogs. Most don't even ask for clarifications, just start hating 'at-the-sound-of-the-bell' like one of Pavlov's lab-DOGS, which is EXACTLY why the Russian human-behavioral-scientist conducted that experiment, to PROVE TO USans how ridiculously superstitious they'd all become. It's about PEOPLE, not dogs. So don't be that way. BE HEALED OF IT.
Kind Regards,
Did you hear about the HatefulReligiousSupremacists whom attacked some Jewish kids and the Muslim came to their aide, thereby proving compassion?
Quote:One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus,"
These are kids, taught to HATE Jews, in subtle ways, where the so-called 'religious-moderates' -- the parents -- PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation/encouragement/HOPE.
See, the religious-story is about EQUALITY and served and protected unto perpetuity for that exact reason, because it applies to ALL INDIVIDUALS EQUALLY. Society concocted a system where any excuse would do for citizens to declare themselves 'positive' and then pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested hateful-religions), proving zero integrity, because it proves zero forgiveness, which always proves zero compassion, and that always proves zero JUSTICE, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
See, once you declare yourself 'positive' then you go to your "MiracleLIST" of exactly 666-concocted ever-changing EXCUSES to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and services to others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. Any excuse will do, such as WORDS: "We hate that word -- ignore anybody that uses that word, censor anything with that word in it." Or CLOTHES: "We hate clothes like that -- ignore anybody that wears those types of clothes -- they aren't 'our kind of people.'" Or company-kept (guilt-by-association) "You know people like that? Well, I can't be seen with you! What will others think?!" Or transportation: "That guy drives a donkey! What an ASS! I wouldn't be caught DEAD with him!" Or education, music, dance, art, jobs, dissenting opinions, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), living-arrangements, even love itself -- any excuse will do for positive-people to concoct conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' to SELFISHLY DENY EQUALITY in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested religions infiltrating and infecting the society/environment where they live); and using the points of one's own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS, positive-people ruthlessly hammer all those they've hatefully labeled as 'negative' MERCILESSLY against their hateful torture-devices of terror, those positive-cross-signs, in ideological crucifiXtion, the entire process called, "FigurativeCarpentry."
See how simple it is? Any child understands it by approx age-8, only to have it infinitely confused with 'genius-expert' bullsh*t, and they FORGET -- well, 'second coming,' right NOW, -- REMEMBER NOW, please, and be HEALED of the hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, and do it no more.
Anybody can be a 'jesus' -- it's about EQUALITY the entire treasure of a religious-story is about treating everybody EQUALLY, the story itself, these concepts EMBODIED in the story of an INDIVIDUAL to be applied EQUALLY to ALL INDIVIDUALS, because for millennia, people were illiterate and couldn't read, couldn't relate to these concepts at all, see.
So, these positive-people concocted an excuse to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to the INDIVIDUAL in the story, DENIED equal access to opportunities, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness -- until the individual PERISHED.
That individual's best-friend took money to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used against that individual. IT COULD BE YOU! So don't be that way.
__ __ __ __
See that? Put some letters there -- that's the 'name' for the INDIVIDUAL in the story -- IT COULD BE YOU ... the name is irrelevent -- it could be "xyzy" ... or "YWYZ" ... or whatever ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.
Society CAST-OUT one of it's own BelovedNeighbors, until that INDIVIDUAL PERISHED ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.
Society didn't care anything at all about that individual's REAL LIFE until after that individual PERISHED, then claimed, "Oh! Murder! Death! We're victims! Oh the pain! The insufferable pain! We're victms! We're DEVESTATED! Boo-hoo!" in self-importance for the photo-op to FAKE 'compassion' after proving ZERO compassion.
So, don't be that way. You must PROVE compassion, not FAKE it.
And the hero in the article proved to be a BETTER CHRISTIAN than ALL OF YOU.
Kind Regards,
Posts: 577
(12/14/07 12:40 am)
Reply | Edit
New Post Re: Muslim saves Jews from Attack on Subway... Oh, that's why I have ALWAYS SAID, "Don't BLAME THE JEWS!"
Society did it ... through hateful FigurativeCarpentry, and does it to every individual within it -- cannabalizing itself.
That's what the SACRAMENT represents, ORIGINALLY, and always was intended to represent exactly that and nothing but that, a REMINDER to NEVER BE THAT WAY, do NOT canabalize your BelovedNeighbors through the subtle hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, because it always PROVES zero compassion, zero self-esteem, zero forgiveness, therefore zero integrity and zero JUSTICE, which ultimately proves ZERO EQUALITY, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.
... the ceremony is representation to illiterate peoples of how hate-filled societies cannabalize themselves in SUBTLE WAYS, so do NOT be that way, " ... this is the flesh ... this is the blood ... REMEMBER HOW NOT TO TREAT ONE ANOTHER NOW!" -- and be HEALED of that subtle hateful FigurativeCarpentry.
(please read about Jefferson'sPROMISE below, "Attn: FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL")
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate/3Ons
OnTime -- RU?
Links: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/12/12/subway.attack/index.html
http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessage?topicID=24768.topic (my username is GogOnEarth -- now let me explain: in the above article, those 'christian boys' teach that hating Jews, blaming Jews, is what 'christianity' is all about. If that's what Christianity is, then I am AntiChrist. See how that works? These same people claim that their so-called 'unconditionally-loving-god' PUNISHES innocent people for alleged 'crimes' of their ancestors/fathers, that those living today did NOT participate in, had no knowledge of, but are ASSUMED GUILTY UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER. If that's what a 'christian' is, then I am AntiChrist.
These same molested-religions claim that women have their 'place,' an excuse for subjugation of women to selfishly deny equality and services, and if that's what being a 'christian' is then I am AntiChrist.
But that's why I'm a REAL priest, not a FAKE 'priest' -- and I do NOT claim the 'bible' VOLUME is 'ultimate-truth' then use the FALSE PROPHET of Nostrodamus to claim his unoriginal FAKE 'prophecies' are 'ultimate-truth' as an EXCUSE to be FEARFUL before the name, "Gog." It's ridiculous hateful superstition, and those doing it are NOT 'christians,' but if they claim so, then I am AntiChrist, as they shake and quake and get all frightened and fearful over WORDS and FALSE PROPHETS, proving they are NOT Christians but FRAUDS.
I have explained my TITLES thoroughly in my blogs. Most don't even ask for clarifications, just start hating 'at-the-sound-of-the-bell' like one of Pavlov's lab-DOGS, which is EXACTLY why the Russian human-behavioral-scientist conducted that experiment, to PROVE TO USans how ridiculously superstitious they'd all become. It's about PEOPLE, not dogs. So don't be that way. BE HEALED OF IT.
Kind Regards,
Marion Jones: Punished For TRUTH
December 13, 2007 8:54AM-PST
(ignore typos/splg/grammar/etc)
From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:
“Marion Jones : PunishedForTruth”
Marion Jones, please EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:
We don't learn anything without making mistakes.
In a hateful-society, BelovedNeighbors, such as yourself, real ChampionPerformers, are punished for truth, proving a double-standard that robs all of us, every person in existence, the entire HumanityFamily of self-esteem, dignity and integrity.
Linda Stouffer on CNN Headline News makes the comment, “It's nice to hear positive stories about athletes ...,” referring to a woman rescued from an upside-downcar by an athlete, yet she is unthinkingly punishing you for TRUTH, promoting the very same ideology which our heroic defenders are stationed throughout the world to serve all people, equally, against. Let me explain, briefly, and for further clarification, see my blog entry: “Attn: All ActiveDutyAndFEDERAL_EMPLOYEES,” below, on Day_828b. The point is, CNN just labeled you 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against their merciless positive-cross-signs, that hateful torture-device of terror, using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in a process called, “FigurativeCarpentry,” which is ideological crucifiXtion, in defiance of the TimelessMessage (see below), our Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE, and a direct insult to those whom heroically defend all people equally against the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism, the root-ideology of terror.
Recently, President Bush gave an outstanding Press Briefing, a ChampionPerformance as far as good-coaching, good-leading, good-presiding/managing goes, yet used the same word, 'positive,' when referring to 'results,' further promoting that same hateful ideology which has swept the world as a ThoughtVirus, infecting all of our minds, an AdvancedFirstStrike against us, every person and every government in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, while commanding troops-in-the-field whom are heroically defending against it, globally. Being 'positive' is not a good thing. Those whom promote it, that NegativePositive-ism, subtly, unthinkingly, are infected with that ThoughtVirus, and concoct conditions where all things and all people around them are pessimistically perceived as having endless 'flaws' – any excuse will do – therefore, hatefully labeled 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which always proves zero forgiveness and proves zero compassion, therefore all that, the entire process of FigurativeCarpentry proves zero justice, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
And through their 'tests' these 'positive-people' concoct excuses to 'evaluate' INDIVIDUALS using words that DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' families, teams, companies, communities, countries and worlds in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. Peace is made ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a fictional 'life' – FAKE 'life' – but on this REAL earth during one's REAL life. On Earth, not 'off.'
So, the 'positive-people' concocted a test to hatefully label you 'negative/undeserving/inferior.'
You tested NEGATIVE during the Olympics. You earned those medals. You performed BETTER. You have proved your lifelong developed skill-sets are uniquely beautiful, the greatest ever. You were trained throughout your life to seize every opportunity to enhance your performance, only to find out, later, that it was a setup-for-failure, by positive-people concocting excuses to hatefully hammer you ruthlessly against their hateful positive-cross-signs in hateful FigurativeCarpentry, the subtle-ideology which infects virgin-minds as a ThoughtVirus and taints every thought-process thereafter, a ThoughtVirus which has already swept the world like wildfire, undermining equality, liberty, equal access to opportunities, goods, services, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.
And only the positive-people JUDGED you.
In a society infected by that ThoughtVirus, where one's entire existence is pessimistically tunnel-vision focused in perceiving 'flaws' – real or imagined 'flaws' – in others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, there is no such thing as 'impartiality' nor 'objectivity.' Our own hateful Congress has promoted that ThoughtVirus-infected ideology the most, as their so-called 'shining-example' unto the world, promoting it as 'normal,' when it's obviously the ideology of DIVIDES, where the INDIVIDUAL is PUNISHED for TRUTH, with the ASSUMPTION OF GUILT until concocted GUILTIER.
Zero 'objectivity,' see. Zero 'impartiality,' see. And now look at it – just look at it – our society, our country, our families, our teams, our companies, our communities, our world, divided, following the hateful so-called 'shining-example' of our DIVIDED Congress.
To PUNISH YOU for TRUTH, these positive-people have hatefully labeled you 'negative,' performing nothing but FAKE 'carpentry' against YOU – FigurativeCarpentry – promoting the double-standards of FAKE 'life' as being of 'higher-priority' than REAL LIFE ON THIS REAL EARTH, in subtle ways. Do you see the multi-'faceted' levels of deception in it? The double-standard of hatefully labeling you 'negative' to punish you for TRUTH, while claiming being 'negative' during a concocted test by these like-minded positive-people is a 'positive-godly-good-thing'? It's totally illogical, see – see it yet? -- yet presented as the so-called 'shining-example' by our own hateful Congress the MOST.
From practically your FirstBreath, you are told to seize every opportunity to enhance your personal-performance, so that those infected with the hateful ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism perform no good-works at all, only FAKE 'works' – FigurativeCarpentry – as an excuse to hatefully label you as 'inferior,' to their FAKE 'superiority.' That's the only 'performance' positive-people know. FAKE 'performance.'
You have performed as a REAL CHAMPION, repeatedly, proved REAL GOOD_WORKS, repeatedly. You may hold your head HIGHEST.
And for that, positive-people hate you and wish to punish you further, taking your ChampionPerformance medals from you, stripping you of that which you EARNED, fining you, and everybody on your TEAM, striking your name from the official records to CENSOR in hatefulness and petty hateful-religious_'eye-for-an-eye'_Vindictiveness/Vengeance (that is one word-phrase, spelled exactly like that, no spaces between words so it will NEVER be taken out-of-context again) – billing-you for your REAL performance by demanding earnings be returned, then, as though that level of hatefulness isn't enough, punishing you further for FAKE 'performance' that you have yet to do, from the Beijing Olympics, CENSORING your future REAL ChampionPerformance from every entity in existence, the entire HumanityFamily.
It's a travesty of justice, for it proves zero forgiveness and proves zero compassion, which always proves zero justice, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
It's disgusting. It's gross. And I want to put my arms around you and turn to those hateful positive-people and say, “Take your fucking medals – it's not worth anything of REAL VALUE.”
You were tested for drugs, and did not have any in your system in any sufficient quantity to claim you were 'under-the-influence' of any type of 'drug' at all during your ChampionPerformance at the Olympics. You earned those medals fair-and-square. And so did your Teammates.
Meanwhile, our hateful Congress, particularly Senators in their nonstop hateful Senatorial 'senning,' gave a blank-check to athletes to use whatever MEANs necessary to 'enhance performance,' including drug-use, and call it a 'positive-godly-good-plan.' John McCain did that. Talk about 'bridges to nowhere ...,' the double-standards are mind-boggling, and every child in existence now sees drug-use as a 'positive-godly-good-plan' in order to 'seize the opportunity to be SUPERIOR/POSITIVE.'
Meanwhile, we have so-called 'conservative talk-radio hosts' claiming that 'Mormonism' isn't 'christianity,' promoting the mindset of DIVIDES, when obviously Mormons are merely a Christian Denomination. The double-standards are killing us, see – see it yet? Look, Huckabee claims that “Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers,” ignoring the fact that those whom like to delve into theological THEORY, wrote an article exploring a concept, like this: “ ... well, based on that theory, and this theory, and that theory, then by extension, using that school-of-thought (ThoughtSchool), if one accepts there is a 'creator' of everything, then every entity is of the same family.”
And our HOUSE is DIVIDED, be it on the personal level, the national level or the global level.
Yet, Mike Huckabee said that in a derogatory manner in order to be hateful in the name of his positive-righteousness, being 'open-minded' ONLY to 'like-mindedness,' placing FALSE GODS before him, by WORSHIPING MANUALS as the excuse to ERECT his hateful CrossOfShame/Hate, that horrid positive-cross-sign of TERROR as an IDOL TO WORSHIP in the pathetic attempt at making himself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/POSITIVE by hatefully DIVIDING communities/houses/families/countries/worlds into the HELLishness of NegativePositive-ism.
It's very subtle – I do not like 'subtle' for that EXACT reasOn.
No one infected with that ThoughtVirus is QUALIFIED to be President or Senator or 'representative' of WeThePeople by any stretch of imagination, per our Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE founded upon the TimelessMessage of EQUALITY. This is why foreign-policy FAILS. This is why the United States is the largest debtor-nation in existence. This is why single-moms, single-dads, single-people, the dow-trodden, the infirm, the disabled, the weak, the dispossessed, the elderly, the returning heroes globally defending against it, the homeless, the cast-outs, the starving are ridiculed, mocked, scorned and left to starve to death as the positive-people babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/HOPE while hypocritically claiming “mysterious ways” in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of doing NOTHING. The beauty of parenting, guarding, managing, leading, is to remind we humans that we can't pray for money, we can't pray to feed the starving, we can't pray to feed hungry kids, WE MUST DO IT. Period.
Yet, now, it's hypocritically promoted that some words babbled at the air will make one's PuppetMaster god pull all the strings of 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' to go feed the starving and care for the dispossessed and cast-a-ways, thereby undermining the absolute basis of every religion in existence, the only cohesive concepts applicable to all life in existence, 'free-will,' meaning we are not 'puppets' of a hateful psychotic PuppetMaster god pulling the strings of it's little monster 'creations' to watch them fornicate and murder for it's own sadistic amusement, while meagerly rewarding a few for it's own erotic pleasures. You can't pray for money/food/shelter to help BelovedNeighbors – YOU MUST DO IT, you must PROVE COMPASSION, not FAKE it.
I don't know why President Bush used the words 'positive' to describe 'developments,' other than the concept of NegativePositive-ism, the ThoughtVirus which DIVIDES, is so thoroughly brainwashed into the language that we do it unthinkingly, promoting it subtly, re-infecting instead of HEALING.
We're all in it together, we MUST fix it, together.
I love you, Marion (it has nothing to do with crotches, perverts!) -- and I don't care about the hateful excuses to cast-you-out as 'negative/undeserving/inferior' by hateful positive-people, you are a member of the HumanityFamily and have proved ChampionPerformance unlike any other female athlete in existence. Real Good_Works, not FAKE 'work' – not FAKE 'carpentry' – not FigurativeCarpentry – but REAL GOOD_WORKS. I don't care what opportunities you seized to enhance your performance – your unique skill-set was proved, repeatedly, and by whatever 'scale' is used to DEVALUE YOU as a person, I do NOT subscribe to.
Meanwhile, the hateful positive-people prove endless zero integrity, forgiveness, compassion, justice and equality.
Meanwhile, the hateful positive-people have once again concocted IRSSS (InfiniteReasonable-SoundingStupidShit) EXCUSES for CENSORING your ChampionPerformance in future, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, proving zero justice, thereby proving ZERO EQUALITY.
There is no doubt in my mind that President Hu Jintao of China would welcome your ChampionshipPerformance at the Olympics in Beijing. He is not hateful. He is not vindictive. He knows forgiveness. He knows compassion. He knows justice. He knows EQUALITY and diligently prevails in the defense of all people equally, globally, against the ThoughtVirus of DIVIDES. He may invite you to perform for his own Peoples' Team, if you are CENSORED from the Usan Team.
I can't speak for him, of course. That said, seeing as the US Team is DIVIDED by that ThoughtVirus which has waged subtle war against all people and all governments in existence, there may be teams asked not to participate, unless HEALED of it, lest they INFECT other teams at the expense of country, individuals and the world at large.
Our World Leaders must set a real shining-example and prove integrity by addressing that which causes terrorism, globally, instigating endless DIVIDES, the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism – must address that above-and-beyond ALL ELSE, AT ALL COSTS. Because it's killing economy, globally. See, the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' so obviously there can't be any nurture at all without economy, and all the subtle excuses to DENY EQUALITY under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' is KILLING GLOBAL ECONOMY, consuming resources faster than fixing it. It literally cannot continue under the current global paradigm.
The 3OnsParadigm which UNITES is INDISPUTABLE. Nobody can logically rebutt it, only offer IRSSS excuses, as 'genius-experts' are prone to do, in self-importance, or ignore it and thereby prove zero-integrity as usual, in which case proving 3OnsParadigm by themselves. The TimlessMessage cannot be disputed, only censored, by hateful positive-people proving zero integrity as usual, thereby proving the antithesis of the TimelessMessage as TAUGHT by Christ, as taught by Mohammed, as taught by Sidartha, as taught by Jefferson, as taught by Smith, myself and a few others throughout history. And in their DENIALS as an EXCUSE to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION they PROVE 3OnsParadigm all by their integrity-lacking-selves. I proved their 'bible' VOLUME see, in the only possible manner it can be PROVED, and they HATE me for it, until HEALED by MY WORDS. They come in droves to punish me, claiming they will 'heal me,' yet leave HEALED BY ME.
“Whatever he says – do the opposite,” and they prove the 3OnsParadigm right there – not 'suggest it' – not 'hint toward it' – not 'indicative of it' – they PROVE IT through their own hearts/minds which they've proved to be as inflexible as STONE ('hearts hardened as stone'), real proof which is always verifiable using one's 5-senses – not 'conjecture' – not 'theories' – but real verifiable TRUTH, which they prove themselves, on the 'world-stage,' for all to WITNESS first-hand.
The CIA is being asked to turn-over evidence to be used against them in their mission to HEAL the world of the root-ideology of TERROR, to reveal the identities of those heroes in-the-field doing real ChampionPerformance on behalf of every entity in existence, and every government as well, even those whom think of the CIA as 'enemies.' There is a much bigger picture, see – see it yet? -- it's all about the TimelessMessage, Jefferson'sPROMISE, which extends from Virginia to the furthest stars, applicable to all people EQUALLY, regardless if that 'person' is considered a 'person' or NOT – the entire HumanityFamily.
I mention that because those whom want those interrogation-tapes, have made promises to foreign powers known to be hostile to the UNITY of states, using IRSSS cleverly-worded statements, such as, “ ... we can't make promises, but if you bide your time, we'll have our own person in the White House soon enough, and we'll give you ... “ to BRIBE FAVORS which thereby EMBOLDENS ENEMIES OF FREEDOM/EQUALITY.
Look, we have 125 people, heroic defenders of liberty, freedom, equality, committing suicide per week. I wrote the WORDS THAT HEAL and the 'genius-experts' complicated the shit out of it in self-importance, and the numbers of those killing themselves INCREASED. Their 'genius-expert' methodology is infected with that which PROMOTES SUICIDE, see. And they hate me for pointing it out. Had they prepared the LifeLink and extended the LifeLine as I TOLD THEM YEARS AGO, Veterans Services would not be hamstrung with FAILURES. But these 'genius-experts' are the only 'voices' allowed to be heard. They only listen to themselves, and cast-out all dissenting-opinions and those whom have them as 'heretics/heretical,' in DarkAges mentality, just as hateful-religionists are doing, globally, today as they did yesterday. Mention it to any of them, and they FAKE 'victimhood,' lofting themselves in self-importance onto self-made 'victim-stages' to boo-hoo for sympathy/pity, “Words! Our ears! The insufferable pain! We're victims! You don't have the right to address us! We don't have to listen to that!” -- concocting FAKE 'offensive-ear-issues' and 'offensive-eye-issues' as the EXCUSE to ERECT their IDOL TO WORSHIP, those hateful positive-cross-signs and do FigurativeCarpentry, in their religion of HATE, in the pathetic attempt at CENSORING DISSENTING OPINION, proving ThoughtVirus infection, thereby proving 3OnsParadigm, pessimistically tunnel-vision focused in perceiving 'flaws' – words/typos/splg/credentials/messenger – as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION, as I said, proving my paradigm all by themselves.
Which proves that the so-called 'shining-example' presented unto the world by our own hateful 'senning' Senators and Congress is the establishment of a state-religion, divided in the ChurchOfHate.
It's a vast, multi-'faceted' Global Crisis, beginning with a vast, multi-faceted National Self-Esteem Crisis – due to the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism which molests religions, then those minds molested by it infiltrate and infect education and governmental agencies and companies and communities, by ones and twos, casting-out all dissenting opinion and those whom have them as 'heretical/heretics' while hypocritically chanting, “land-of-the-free,” and, “land of equality,” and “land of celebrated diversity,” and, “we're the best of the best of the best, sure, we've got a few problems, but we're the best of the best of the best!” proving 'open-minded-only-to-like-mindedness.'
That's why John Ashcroft said, “think outside the box,” and I always add, “your other box.”
Nobody cares what another person's belief-systems are, until they use it as an excuse to FAKE 'superiority' and thereby CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION, and/or ASSUME GUILT UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER, and/or DENY EQUALITY, equal access to opportunities and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.
Religions have conspired together to promote the antithesis of Jefferson'sPROMISE and that from where it was inspired, the TimelessMessage, therefore promoting anti-christ messaging, globally. It doesn't matter the 'name' or 'version' or 'language' or 'location' of the religion, they've all conspired together, globally, to DIVIDE instead of UNITE in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth as commanded, turning their followers into unsuspecting victims, PawnsOfWar, presenting that as 'normal behavior' and scorning all whom don't (guilt-by-association) so that even the non-religious are doing it, unawares, victimized by the same ThoughtVirus which DIVIDES .
And that is UNACCEPTABLE. Mention it, and they hypocritically are pre-programmed to chant, like cloned-puppets, “We're not that way anymore! Why are you oppressing us! Martyrs for god! Kill! Kill! Kill! Crucify!” proving they haven't changed at all, not one bit. And since their so-called 'leaders' are that irreesponsible, their organizations are NOT covered by First Amendment protections, and their trillions-dollars infrustructures should be SEIZED on behalf of EQUALITY and converted into HumanityFamilyNurtureCenters to promote PEACE/UNITY instead of DIVIDES, and pay-down the horrid debts their hatefulness of concocting CONDITIONS against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' has burdened WeThePeople and our loving governments with, undermining every society and government in existence, and concocting HELLishness so that the so-called 'religious-moderates' PROFIT, see – from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the EXTREMISM they HOPE for through subtle-instigations/encouragements/enticements, even owning interest in that which they hypocritically rail against publicly, to inspire HATE, merely to sit back, later, pointing long-accusatory fingers at everybody else, chanting, “Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!” in FAKE 'superiority,' as usual. Same shit, different day.
These religions are businesses, first and foremost. It's the oldest of the OldMoney. Their publishing empires were monopolies for many centuries, and in many areas of the world still are. All dissenting opinion CENSORED, where the 'negative-side' is promoted as belief-systems in 'ghosts/goblins/witches/demons/devils' for the 'positive-side' to PROFIT, see – from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle ENCOURAGEMENT/HOPE.
You see, Marion, there is a much 'bigger-picture' – see it yet? -- it's vast, multi-faceted, and as Don Rumsfeld tried to explain, “ ... most people have difficulty comprehending a single facet of it,” or words to that affect.
Yet the media/publishing-systems infected with the ThoughtVirus which Rumsfeld and so many others have attempted to FIX, hatefully label him 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' thereby promoting DIVIDES, further, to hammer him ruthlessly against their hateful torture-devices of TERROR, in FAKE 'work,' -- hateful FigurativeCarpentry -- preseting it to WeThePeople as 'normal-behavior.'
Keep your head up, Marion. These people have no integrity and prove it while punishing you, just as they proved it by keeping your ancestors and descendents of same in BONDAGE.
You are a REAL ChampionPerformer – not a FAKE 'performer' – but a REAL CHAMPION. So is Vicks. I know it and everybody else knows it but they have proved zero integrity in DENYING IT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton – HumanityFamilyAdvocate (claytOnleOnwintOn – HFA/3Ons)
POB #1183
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
OnEdit: "Taking On God" -- my words from that TopicThreadTitle, -- my response:
-- first a quote:
QUOTE USER_A: ", I honestly try to understand the beliefs that people have and why they adopt them, but one thing I cannot understand is the smug attitude of some people who think that they know all that they need to about other people's belief systems, and then proceed to criticize those other faiths while presupposing concepts from their own religion. The arrogance is astounding."
QUOTE USER_B : " ... and that's admirable, but don't just assume because someone has a belief that is non-negotiable to them, they've lived their life "in a birdcage with the cover on" and simply came to their conclusions based on nothing but the experiences you've had. Otherwise, you risk becoming what you're accusing them of being.
Life is a journey for all of us." -- end quoting USER_B
My response: ME -- GOGonEARTH -- MY WORDS:
Posts: 579
(12/15/07 12:31 am)
That's just 'feel-good-ism' ecclectic 'sounds-reasonable' ZERO_SUBSTANCE crap.
"Life is a journey for all of us ..."
We're all in it together and we must fix it, together. We're a family, first and foremost, all the 'people' in existence, whether you consider them 'equal people' or not, they are, the entire HumanityFamily.
That ecclectic feel-good-ism from the 70's and 80's isolates SELF, and holds everybody at bay, 'leave me alone' and do your thing,' kind of self-censorship, subtly, on a sub-conscious level, undermining community/family/country, subtly, ... it's all about a pessimistic viewpoint, pre-programmed, to undermine unity.
"Do your own thing," is okay, but it leads to anarchy.
And that is what is being subtly-promoted through 70-80's-ish ecclectic new-agey crap, subtly, sub-consciously -- unknowingly until pointed-out, it's so subtle.
That's what Zemyatin and Dostoyevsky try to capture in the 'essence' of their writing, as in embodied in individual-characters, kinda like the 'bible' VOLUME has complex societal-level concepts embodied in the stories of individuals, the affects of societal rules, regulations, laws, enforcements, taxation, expectations, complications and punishments AGAINST the INDIVIDUAL, denied equality and services, life liberty and pursuits of happiness until the individual perishes -- " ... and 'jesus' was his name-oh!" :)
-- end quoting my words from the following link:http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessageRange?topicID=24793.topic&start=51&stop=54
PS> Marion, do you see it yet?
Kind Regards,
PSS> OnEdit: adding on ORCH_DAY_1095 To Marion and Mr. Vicks and our President: (see below posts)
-- "... and 'jesus' was his name-oh!" :)
" ... and Marion was her name-oh!"
" ... and Paris was her name-oh!"
" ... and Madonna was her name-oh!"
" ... and Michael was his name-oh!"
" ... and Mary was her name-oh!"
" ... and Cheney was his name-oh!"
" ... and George Bush was his name-oh!"
" ... and 3Ons IS his NAME-oh!"
Denied medals, rightly earned, through good-works, ChampionPerformance, every 'flaw' and all, yet the pessimists tunnel-vision focus their entire lives in perceiving nothing but 'flaws,' real or imagined, in the pathetic attempt to make themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, integrity, forgiveness, compassion, justice -- and therefore mostly equality, subtly denied equal access to opportunities and pursuits of life, liberty and happines, as guaranteed by the TimelessMessage, and Jefferson'sPromise, proving the 'bible' VOLUME, and the Koran, and the Torah, and all the other 'scriptures,' literally, the only person in existence to have done that, verifiable using your 5-senses, double-proofed against the Constitution, as embodied in Virginia'sGIFT, to HEAL every member of the HumanityFamily to the furthest stars ...
... PeaceOnEarth.
And that's exactly why the medal denied me, the Nobel Peace Prize, is pending ...
-- (don't forget to nominate me). :)
Kind Regards,
(ignore typos/splg/grammar/etc)
From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:
“Marion Jones : PunishedForTruth”
Marion Jones, please EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:
We don't learn anything without making mistakes.
In a hateful-society, BelovedNeighbors, such as yourself, real ChampionPerformers, are punished for truth, proving a double-standard that robs all of us, every person in existence, the entire HumanityFamily of self-esteem, dignity and integrity.
Linda Stouffer on CNN Headline News makes the comment, “It's nice to hear positive stories about athletes ...,” referring to a woman rescued from an upside-downcar by an athlete, yet she is unthinkingly punishing you for TRUTH, promoting the very same ideology which our heroic defenders are stationed throughout the world to serve all people, equally, against. Let me explain, briefly, and for further clarification, see my blog entry: “Attn: All ActiveDutyAndFEDERAL_EMPLOYEES,” below, on Day_828b. The point is, CNN just labeled you 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against their merciless positive-cross-signs, that hateful torture-device of terror, using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in a process called, “FigurativeCarpentry,” which is ideological crucifiXtion, in defiance of the TimelessMessage (see below), our Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE, and a direct insult to those whom heroically defend all people equally against the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism, the root-ideology of terror.
Recently, President Bush gave an outstanding Press Briefing, a ChampionPerformance as far as good-coaching, good-leading, good-presiding/managing goes, yet used the same word, 'positive,' when referring to 'results,' further promoting that same hateful ideology which has swept the world as a ThoughtVirus, infecting all of our minds, an AdvancedFirstStrike against us, every person and every government in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, while commanding troops-in-the-field whom are heroically defending against it, globally. Being 'positive' is not a good thing. Those whom promote it, that NegativePositive-ism, subtly, unthinkingly, are infected with that ThoughtVirus, and concoct conditions where all things and all people around them are pessimistically perceived as having endless 'flaws' – any excuse will do – therefore, hatefully labeled 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which always proves zero forgiveness and proves zero compassion, therefore all that, the entire process of FigurativeCarpentry proves zero justice, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
And through their 'tests' these 'positive-people' concoct excuses to 'evaluate' INDIVIDUALS using words that DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' families, teams, companies, communities, countries and worlds in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. Peace is made ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a fictional 'life' – FAKE 'life' – but on this REAL earth during one's REAL life. On Earth, not 'off.'
So, the 'positive-people' concocted a test to hatefully label you 'negative/undeserving/inferior.'
You tested NEGATIVE during the Olympics. You earned those medals. You performed BETTER. You have proved your lifelong developed skill-sets are uniquely beautiful, the greatest ever. You were trained throughout your life to seize every opportunity to enhance your performance, only to find out, later, that it was a setup-for-failure, by positive-people concocting excuses to hatefully hammer you ruthlessly against their hateful positive-cross-signs in hateful FigurativeCarpentry, the subtle-ideology which infects virgin-minds as a ThoughtVirus and taints every thought-process thereafter, a ThoughtVirus which has already swept the world like wildfire, undermining equality, liberty, equal access to opportunities, goods, services, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.
And only the positive-people JUDGED you.
In a society infected by that ThoughtVirus, where one's entire existence is pessimistically tunnel-vision focused in perceiving 'flaws' – real or imagined 'flaws' – in others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, there is no such thing as 'impartiality' nor 'objectivity.' Our own hateful Congress has promoted that ThoughtVirus-infected ideology the most, as their so-called 'shining-example' unto the world, promoting it as 'normal,' when it's obviously the ideology of DIVIDES, where the INDIVIDUAL is PUNISHED for TRUTH, with the ASSUMPTION OF GUILT until concocted GUILTIER.
Zero 'objectivity,' see. Zero 'impartiality,' see. And now look at it – just look at it – our society, our country, our families, our teams, our companies, our communities, our world, divided, following the hateful so-called 'shining-example' of our DIVIDED Congress.
To PUNISH YOU for TRUTH, these positive-people have hatefully labeled you 'negative,' performing nothing but FAKE 'carpentry' against YOU – FigurativeCarpentry – promoting the double-standards of FAKE 'life' as being of 'higher-priority' than REAL LIFE ON THIS REAL EARTH, in subtle ways. Do you see the multi-'faceted' levels of deception in it? The double-standard of hatefully labeling you 'negative' to punish you for TRUTH, while claiming being 'negative' during a concocted test by these like-minded positive-people is a 'positive-godly-good-thing'? It's totally illogical, see – see it yet? -- yet presented as the so-called 'shining-example' by our own hateful Congress the MOST.
From practically your FirstBreath, you are told to seize every opportunity to enhance your personal-performance, so that those infected with the hateful ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism perform no good-works at all, only FAKE 'works' – FigurativeCarpentry – as an excuse to hatefully label you as 'inferior,' to their FAKE 'superiority.' That's the only 'performance' positive-people know. FAKE 'performance.'
You have performed as a REAL CHAMPION, repeatedly, proved REAL GOOD_WORKS, repeatedly. You may hold your head HIGHEST.
And for that, positive-people hate you and wish to punish you further, taking your ChampionPerformance medals from you, stripping you of that which you EARNED, fining you, and everybody on your TEAM, striking your name from the official records to CENSOR in hatefulness and petty hateful-religious_'eye-for-an-eye'_Vindictiveness/Vengeance (that is one word-phrase, spelled exactly like that, no spaces between words so it will NEVER be taken out-of-context again) – billing-you for your REAL performance by demanding earnings be returned, then, as though that level of hatefulness isn't enough, punishing you further for FAKE 'performance' that you have yet to do, from the Beijing Olympics, CENSORING your future REAL ChampionPerformance from every entity in existence, the entire HumanityFamily.
It's a travesty of justice, for it proves zero forgiveness and proves zero compassion, which always proves zero justice, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.
It's disgusting. It's gross. And I want to put my arms around you and turn to those hateful positive-people and say, “Take your fucking medals – it's not worth anything of REAL VALUE.”
You were tested for drugs, and did not have any in your system in any sufficient quantity to claim you were 'under-the-influence' of any type of 'drug' at all during your ChampionPerformance at the Olympics. You earned those medals fair-and-square. And so did your Teammates.
Meanwhile, our hateful Congress, particularly Senators in their nonstop hateful Senatorial 'senning,' gave a blank-check to athletes to use whatever MEANs necessary to 'enhance performance,' including drug-use, and call it a 'positive-godly-good-plan.' John McCain did that. Talk about 'bridges to nowhere ...,' the double-standards are mind-boggling, and every child in existence now sees drug-use as a 'positive-godly-good-plan' in order to 'seize the opportunity to be SUPERIOR/POSITIVE.'
Meanwhile, we have so-called 'conservative talk-radio hosts' claiming that 'Mormonism' isn't 'christianity,' promoting the mindset of DIVIDES, when obviously Mormons are merely a Christian Denomination. The double-standards are killing us, see – see it yet? Look, Huckabee claims that “Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers,” ignoring the fact that those whom like to delve into theological THEORY, wrote an article exploring a concept, like this: “ ... well, based on that theory, and this theory, and that theory, then by extension, using that school-of-thought (ThoughtSchool), if one accepts there is a 'creator' of everything, then every entity is of the same family.”
And our HOUSE is DIVIDED, be it on the personal level, the national level or the global level.
Yet, Mike Huckabee said that in a derogatory manner in order to be hateful in the name of his positive-righteousness, being 'open-minded' ONLY to 'like-mindedness,' placing FALSE GODS before him, by WORSHIPING MANUALS as the excuse to ERECT his hateful CrossOfShame/Hate, that horrid positive-cross-sign of TERROR as an IDOL TO WORSHIP in the pathetic attempt at making himself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/POSITIVE by hatefully DIVIDING communities/houses/families/countries/worlds into the HELLishness of NegativePositive-ism.
It's very subtle – I do not like 'subtle' for that EXACT reasOn.
No one infected with that ThoughtVirus is QUALIFIED to be President or Senator or 'representative' of WeThePeople by any stretch of imagination, per our Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE founded upon the TimelessMessage of EQUALITY. This is why foreign-policy FAILS. This is why the United States is the largest debtor-nation in existence. This is why single-moms, single-dads, single-people, the dow-trodden, the infirm, the disabled, the weak, the dispossessed, the elderly, the returning heroes globally defending against it, the homeless, the cast-outs, the starving are ridiculed, mocked, scorned and left to starve to death as the positive-people babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/HOPE while hypocritically claiming “mysterious ways” in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of doing NOTHING. The beauty of parenting, guarding, managing, leading, is to remind we humans that we can't pray for money, we can't pray to feed the starving, we can't pray to feed hungry kids, WE MUST DO IT. Period.
Yet, now, it's hypocritically promoted that some words babbled at the air will make one's PuppetMaster god pull all the strings of 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' to go feed the starving and care for the dispossessed and cast-a-ways, thereby undermining the absolute basis of every religion in existence, the only cohesive concepts applicable to all life in existence, 'free-will,' meaning we are not 'puppets' of a hateful psychotic PuppetMaster god pulling the strings of it's little monster 'creations' to watch them fornicate and murder for it's own sadistic amusement, while meagerly rewarding a few for it's own erotic pleasures. You can't pray for money/food/shelter to help BelovedNeighbors – YOU MUST DO IT, you must PROVE COMPASSION, not FAKE it.
I don't know why President Bush used the words 'positive' to describe 'developments,' other than the concept of NegativePositive-ism, the ThoughtVirus which DIVIDES, is so thoroughly brainwashed into the language that we do it unthinkingly, promoting it subtly, re-infecting instead of HEALING.
We're all in it together, we MUST fix it, together.
I love you, Marion (it has nothing to do with crotches, perverts!) -- and I don't care about the hateful excuses to cast-you-out as 'negative/undeserving/inferior' by hateful positive-people, you are a member of the HumanityFamily and have proved ChampionPerformance unlike any other female athlete in existence. Real Good_Works, not FAKE 'work' – not FAKE 'carpentry' – not FigurativeCarpentry – but REAL GOOD_WORKS. I don't care what opportunities you seized to enhance your performance – your unique skill-set was proved, repeatedly, and by whatever 'scale' is used to DEVALUE YOU as a person, I do NOT subscribe to.
Meanwhile, the hateful positive-people prove endless zero integrity, forgiveness, compassion, justice and equality.
Meanwhile, the hateful positive-people have once again concocted IRSSS (InfiniteReasonable-SoundingStupidShit) EXCUSES for CENSORING your ChampionPerformance in future, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, proving zero justice, thereby proving ZERO EQUALITY.
There is no doubt in my mind that President Hu Jintao of China would welcome your ChampionshipPerformance at the Olympics in Beijing. He is not hateful. He is not vindictive. He knows forgiveness. He knows compassion. He knows justice. He knows EQUALITY and diligently prevails in the defense of all people equally, globally, against the ThoughtVirus of DIVIDES. He may invite you to perform for his own Peoples' Team, if you are CENSORED from the Usan Team.
I can't speak for him, of course. That said, seeing as the US Team is DIVIDED by that ThoughtVirus which has waged subtle war against all people and all governments in existence, there may be teams asked not to participate, unless HEALED of it, lest they INFECT other teams at the expense of country, individuals and the world at large.
Our World Leaders must set a real shining-example and prove integrity by addressing that which causes terrorism, globally, instigating endless DIVIDES, the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism – must address that above-and-beyond ALL ELSE, AT ALL COSTS. Because it's killing economy, globally. See, the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' so obviously there can't be any nurture at all without economy, and all the subtle excuses to DENY EQUALITY under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' is KILLING GLOBAL ECONOMY, consuming resources faster than fixing it. It literally cannot continue under the current global paradigm.
The 3OnsParadigm which UNITES is INDISPUTABLE. Nobody can logically rebutt it, only offer IRSSS excuses, as 'genius-experts' are prone to do, in self-importance, or ignore it and thereby prove zero-integrity as usual, in which case proving 3OnsParadigm by themselves. The TimlessMessage cannot be disputed, only censored, by hateful positive-people proving zero integrity as usual, thereby proving the antithesis of the TimelessMessage as TAUGHT by Christ, as taught by Mohammed, as taught by Sidartha, as taught by Jefferson, as taught by Smith, myself and a few others throughout history. And in their DENIALS as an EXCUSE to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION they PROVE 3OnsParadigm all by their integrity-lacking-selves. I proved their 'bible' VOLUME see, in the only possible manner it can be PROVED, and they HATE me for it, until HEALED by MY WORDS. They come in droves to punish me, claiming they will 'heal me,' yet leave HEALED BY ME.
“Whatever he says – do the opposite,” and they prove the 3OnsParadigm right there – not 'suggest it' – not 'hint toward it' – not 'indicative of it' – they PROVE IT through their own hearts/minds which they've proved to be as inflexible as STONE ('hearts hardened as stone'), real proof which is always verifiable using one's 5-senses – not 'conjecture' – not 'theories' – but real verifiable TRUTH, which they prove themselves, on the 'world-stage,' for all to WITNESS first-hand.
The CIA is being asked to turn-over evidence to be used against them in their mission to HEAL the world of the root-ideology of TERROR, to reveal the identities of those heroes in-the-field doing real ChampionPerformance on behalf of every entity in existence, and every government as well, even those whom think of the CIA as 'enemies.' There is a much bigger picture, see – see it yet? -- it's all about the TimelessMessage, Jefferson'sPROMISE, which extends from Virginia to the furthest stars, applicable to all people EQUALLY, regardless if that 'person' is considered a 'person' or NOT – the entire HumanityFamily.
I mention that because those whom want those interrogation-tapes, have made promises to foreign powers known to be hostile to the UNITY of states, using IRSSS cleverly-worded statements, such as, “ ... we can't make promises, but if you bide your time, we'll have our own person in the White House soon enough, and we'll give you ... “ to BRIBE FAVORS which thereby EMBOLDENS ENEMIES OF FREEDOM/EQUALITY.
Look, we have 125 people, heroic defenders of liberty, freedom, equality, committing suicide per week. I wrote the WORDS THAT HEAL and the 'genius-experts' complicated the shit out of it in self-importance, and the numbers of those killing themselves INCREASED. Their 'genius-expert' methodology is infected with that which PROMOTES SUICIDE, see. And they hate me for pointing it out. Had they prepared the LifeLink and extended the LifeLine as I TOLD THEM YEARS AGO, Veterans Services would not be hamstrung with FAILURES. But these 'genius-experts' are the only 'voices' allowed to be heard. They only listen to themselves, and cast-out all dissenting-opinions and those whom have them as 'heretics/heretical,' in DarkAges mentality, just as hateful-religionists are doing, globally, today as they did yesterday. Mention it to any of them, and they FAKE 'victimhood,' lofting themselves in self-importance onto self-made 'victim-stages' to boo-hoo for sympathy/pity, “Words! Our ears! The insufferable pain! We're victims! You don't have the right to address us! We don't have to listen to that!” -- concocting FAKE 'offensive-ear-issues' and 'offensive-eye-issues' as the EXCUSE to ERECT their IDOL TO WORSHIP, those hateful positive-cross-signs and do FigurativeCarpentry, in their religion of HATE, in the pathetic attempt at CENSORING DISSENTING OPINION, proving ThoughtVirus infection, thereby proving 3OnsParadigm, pessimistically tunnel-vision focused in perceiving 'flaws' – words/typos/splg/credentials/messenger – as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION, as I said, proving my paradigm all by themselves.
Which proves that the so-called 'shining-example' presented unto the world by our own hateful 'senning' Senators and Congress is the establishment of a state-religion, divided in the ChurchOfHate.
It's a vast, multi-'faceted' Global Crisis, beginning with a vast, multi-faceted National Self-Esteem Crisis – due to the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism which molests religions, then those minds molested by it infiltrate and infect education and governmental agencies and companies and communities, by ones and twos, casting-out all dissenting opinion and those whom have them as 'heretical/heretics' while hypocritically chanting, “land-of-the-free,” and, “land of equality,” and “land of celebrated diversity,” and, “we're the best of the best of the best, sure, we've got a few problems, but we're the best of the best of the best!” proving 'open-minded-only-to-like-mindedness.'
That's why John Ashcroft said, “think outside the box,” and I always add, “your other box.”
Nobody cares what another person's belief-systems are, until they use it as an excuse to FAKE 'superiority' and thereby CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION, and/or ASSUME GUILT UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER, and/or DENY EQUALITY, equal access to opportunities and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness.
Religions have conspired together to promote the antithesis of Jefferson'sPROMISE and that from where it was inspired, the TimelessMessage, therefore promoting anti-christ messaging, globally. It doesn't matter the 'name' or 'version' or 'language' or 'location' of the religion, they've all conspired together, globally, to DIVIDE instead of UNITE in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth as commanded, turning their followers into unsuspecting victims, PawnsOfWar, presenting that as 'normal behavior' and scorning all whom don't (guilt-by-association) so that even the non-religious are doing it, unawares, victimized by the same ThoughtVirus which DIVIDES .
And that is UNACCEPTABLE. Mention it, and they hypocritically are pre-programmed to chant, like cloned-puppets, “We're not that way anymore! Why are you oppressing us! Martyrs for god! Kill! Kill! Kill! Crucify!” proving they haven't changed at all, not one bit. And since their so-called 'leaders' are that irreesponsible, their organizations are NOT covered by First Amendment protections, and their trillions-dollars infrustructures should be SEIZED on behalf of EQUALITY and converted into HumanityFamilyNurtureCenters to promote PEACE/UNITY instead of DIVIDES, and pay-down the horrid debts their hatefulness of concocting CONDITIONS against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' has burdened WeThePeople and our loving governments with, undermining every society and government in existence, and concocting HELLishness so that the so-called 'religious-moderates' PROFIT, see – from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the EXTREMISM they HOPE for through subtle-instigations/encouragements/enticements, even owning interest in that which they hypocritically rail against publicly, to inspire HATE, merely to sit back, later, pointing long-accusatory fingers at everybody else, chanting, “Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!” in FAKE 'superiority,' as usual. Same shit, different day.
These religions are businesses, first and foremost. It's the oldest of the OldMoney. Their publishing empires were monopolies for many centuries, and in many areas of the world still are. All dissenting opinion CENSORED, where the 'negative-side' is promoted as belief-systems in 'ghosts/goblins/witches/demons/devils' for the 'positive-side' to PROFIT, see – from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle ENCOURAGEMENT/HOPE.
You see, Marion, there is a much 'bigger-picture' – see it yet? -- it's vast, multi-faceted, and as Don Rumsfeld tried to explain, “ ... most people have difficulty comprehending a single facet of it,” or words to that affect.
Yet the media/publishing-systems infected with the ThoughtVirus which Rumsfeld and so many others have attempted to FIX, hatefully label him 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' thereby promoting DIVIDES, further, to hammer him ruthlessly against their hateful torture-devices of TERROR, in FAKE 'work,' -- hateful FigurativeCarpentry -- preseting it to WeThePeople as 'normal-behavior.'
Keep your head up, Marion. These people have no integrity and prove it while punishing you, just as they proved it by keeping your ancestors and descendents of same in BONDAGE.
You are a REAL ChampionPerformer – not a FAKE 'performer' – but a REAL CHAMPION. So is Vicks. I know it and everybody else knows it but they have proved zero integrity in DENYING IT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton – HumanityFamilyAdvocate (claytOnleOnwintOn – HFA/3Ons)
POB #1183
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
OnEdit: "Taking On God" -- my words from that TopicThreadTitle, -- my response:
-- first a quote:
QUOTE USER_A: ", I honestly try to understand the beliefs that people have and why they adopt them, but one thing I cannot understand is the smug attitude of some people who think that they know all that they need to about other people's belief systems, and then proceed to criticize those other faiths while presupposing concepts from their own religion. The arrogance is astounding."
QUOTE USER_B : " ... and that's admirable, but don't just assume because someone has a belief that is non-negotiable to them, they've lived their life "in a birdcage with the cover on" and simply came to their conclusions based on nothing but the experiences you've had. Otherwise, you risk becoming what you're accusing them of being.
Life is a journey for all of us." -- end quoting USER_B
My response: ME -- GOGonEARTH -- MY WORDS:
Posts: 579
(12/15/07 12:31 am)
That's just 'feel-good-ism' ecclectic 'sounds-reasonable' ZERO_SUBSTANCE crap.
"Life is a journey for all of us ..."
We're all in it together and we must fix it, together. We're a family, first and foremost, all the 'people' in existence, whether you consider them 'equal people' or not, they are, the entire HumanityFamily.
That ecclectic feel-good-ism from the 70's and 80's isolates SELF, and holds everybody at bay, 'leave me alone' and do your thing,' kind of self-censorship, subtly, on a sub-conscious level, undermining community/family/country, subtly, ... it's all about a pessimistic viewpoint, pre-programmed, to undermine unity.
"Do your own thing," is okay, but it leads to anarchy.
And that is what is being subtly-promoted through 70-80's-ish ecclectic new-agey crap, subtly, sub-consciously -- unknowingly until pointed-out, it's so subtle.
That's what Zemyatin and Dostoyevsky try to capture in the 'essence' of their writing, as in embodied in individual-characters, kinda like the 'bible' VOLUME has complex societal-level concepts embodied in the stories of individuals, the affects of societal rules, regulations, laws, enforcements, taxation, expectations, complications and punishments AGAINST the INDIVIDUAL, denied equality and services, life liberty and pursuits of happiness until the individual perishes -- " ... and 'jesus' was his name-oh!" :)
-- end quoting my words from the following link:http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessageRange?topicID=24793.topic&start=51&stop=54
PS> Marion, do you see it yet?
Kind Regards,
PSS> OnEdit: adding on ORCH_DAY_1095 To Marion and Mr. Vicks and our President: (see below posts)
-- "... and 'jesus' was his name-oh!" :)
" ... and Marion was her name-oh!"
" ... and Paris was her name-oh!"
" ... and Madonna was her name-oh!"
" ... and Michael was his name-oh!"
" ... and Mary was her name-oh!"
" ... and Cheney was his name-oh!"
" ... and George Bush was his name-oh!"
" ... and 3Ons IS his NAME-oh!"
Denied medals, rightly earned, through good-works, ChampionPerformance, every 'flaw' and all, yet the pessimists tunnel-vision focus their entire lives in perceiving nothing but 'flaws,' real or imagined, in the pathetic attempt to make themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, integrity, forgiveness, compassion, justice -- and therefore mostly equality, subtly denied equal access to opportunities and pursuits of life, liberty and happines, as guaranteed by the TimelessMessage, and Jefferson'sPromise, proving the 'bible' VOLUME, and the Koran, and the Torah, and all the other 'scriptures,' literally, the only person in existence to have done that, verifiable using your 5-senses, double-proofed against the Constitution, as embodied in Virginia'sGIFT, to HEAL every member of the HumanityFamily to the furthest stars ...
... PeaceOnEarth.
And that's exactly why the medal denied me, the Nobel Peace Prize, is pending ...
-- (don't forget to nominate me). :)
Kind Regards,
Monday, December 10, 2007
Please, Mr. President ...
Please, Mr. President ...
"ViceNoise -- WarAgainstVick'sNoise"
The WhitePeople used to put the BlackPeople in cages and make them FIGHT, calling it a 'positive-godly-good-plan.' There were no punishments, only encouragements; HOPE for PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle instigation/HOPE.
Later, a few BlackPeople put DOGS in cages and made them FIGHT, mimmicking the behaviors they'd been beaten to learn. Vick didn't promote it. He didn't encourage it. It was brought to him. HELLishness, delivered. "Hey -- we've got this positive-godly-good-thing going on -- you've got to play your part."
So the WhitePeople could sit back, LATER, pointing their long-accusatory fingers, claiming, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in their positive-godly-goodness, as usual.
And Vick got PUNISHED. His team got PUNISHED. His industry got PUNISHED. His fans and supporters got PUNISHED. The BlackPeople took a figurative 'black-eye,' but most disgusting, Vick's livelihood was taken-away to destroy his FAMILY and instigate (DIVIDES) within t/his COUNTRY.
Celebrating anything dealing with FIGHTING is gross. We don't fight, we defend against all whom do. I am no fan of MenInTights playing with their BALLS, with grown-women off in the corner, cheering, "Rah! Rah! Rah! We can't do it -- we're just little girls -- go fight! Fight! Fight!" to subtly-celebrate FIGHTING as a positive-godly-good-plan to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-encouragement/instigation/HOPE. I think it's gross. And with every passing generation, those same grown-women, dressed-up like little girls, encourage selective-breeding to make 'em bigger, tougher and MEANer, therefore UGLIER, playing right into it, being 'played,' as PawnsOfWar.
Vick's WORDS were used AGAINST him by positive-people concocting excuses to place CONDITIONS against their so-called 'love' for their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness, zero compassion, therefore zero justice, and ultimately, zero EQUALITY.
Vick's WORDS deemed 'noise,' by all the positive-godly-good-people as an excuse to censor dissenting-opinion, and cast-him-out, in a sickening, long-term plot to instigate DIVIDES, to encourage the dividing of communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/teams/families/companies/countries/allies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. It was a 'genius-expert' concocted plot to entrap an INDIVIDUAL into doing things he'd never have normally done, his environment INFECTED, ViceNoise to WarAgainstVick'sNoise.
Our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than to have allowed it to turn-out this way.
President Andrew Jackson paid-off the National Debt, the only President to ever have done that. Meanwhile, in the great tradition of our FoundingFathers, after the common-people, infected with the ThoughtVirus of 'positive-godly-good-plans' that concoct HELLishness for everyone ELSE under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's none of that -- those 'common-folk' had nearly completed the total genocide of the OriginalPeople from the East. Before the last SURVIVORS, a mere 80,000 were completely anihilated by HatefulReligiousSupremacy, President Jackson abused his constitutional authority and called-out the army to LIBERATE the SURVIVORS to SAFETY, as Thomas Jefferson suggested 3-decades earlier, but was DENIED by hateful-religionists.
I have a drop of Cherokee in me -- that's all it takes to be HATED.
The TrailOfTears -- it was the travesty of travesties --- TravestyOfTravesties -- the goal of our FoundingFather's DENIED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy HELLbent on cococting HELLishness for everybody ELSE, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle encouragement/instigation/HOPE, as usual.
We didn't have 'human services' then -- those were monopolized by hateful-religionists, with long 'strings' attached to all their so-called 'gifts,' and with every 'present,' they'd pull those strings, yanking 'hooks' into the flesh they consume in hateful-religious ideological-cannabalism.
We didn't have educational-services then, either. Why? Same reason. Under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' all knowlege was CENSORED by the HatefulReligiousSupremacists, long 'strings' with 'hooks' attached to those they'd brainwashed into puppet-hood, by only allowing their victims to learn a select few taken-out-of-context religious 'scriptures' mistranslated and misinterpreted in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness, as usual.
Every FoundingFather cried with every step along the TrailOfTears. It was indeed a MiserableFailure. President Jackson led the SURVIVORS personally -- PERSONALLY -- to ensure they were not GENOCIDED, passing the reigns of justice, the last vestiges of 'justice,' to those he trusted to personally ensure the OriginalPeople were NOT GENOCIDED by 'common-folk' INFECTED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy.
It was an outrage, those Trails Of Tears -- a travesty -- a miserable-failure -- equality had FAILED, hateful-religionists rebelled at it's mere suggestion. A seemingly ever-lasting STRUGGLE to this very day.
We need another JeffersonJackson-esque LIBERATION, a Presidential PRESENT, from the Presidency to ThePeople. SEIZE_AND_PAY. FORGIVE VICK. Is there ANY DOUBT on ANYBODY's mind AT ALL, that Vick will NEVER do that AGAIN? Of course not! He never pillaged, plundered, raped, burned or murdered! The PUNISHMENT does NOT FIT.
LIBERATE VICK! Compensate the VICTIMS of this 'genius-expert' concocted FAKE 'crisis' and stop the "ViceNoise."
And that makes Vick a Vicroy to promote KINDNESS and EQUALITY.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate -- 3Ons)
OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: the word 'divides' was inserted for clarity, in parens "(_)" ABOVE
Note: "t/his" obviously stands for "this/his" since 'genius-experts' can't think for themselves and worship MANUALS as excuses to HATE people for typing/splg/grammar/language/clothes/looks/education -- any excuse will do -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, therefore proving zero justice, which always proves ZERO EQUALITY. BE HEALED OF IT!
"ViceNoise -- WarAgainstVick'sNoise"
The WhitePeople used to put the BlackPeople in cages and make them FIGHT, calling it a 'positive-godly-good-plan.' There were no punishments, only encouragements; HOPE for PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle instigation/HOPE.
Later, a few BlackPeople put DOGS in cages and made them FIGHT, mimmicking the behaviors they'd been beaten to learn. Vick didn't promote it. He didn't encourage it. It was brought to him. HELLishness, delivered. "Hey -- we've got this positive-godly-good-thing going on -- you've got to play your part."
So the WhitePeople could sit back, LATER, pointing their long-accusatory fingers, claiming, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in their positive-godly-goodness, as usual.
And Vick got PUNISHED. His team got PUNISHED. His industry got PUNISHED. His fans and supporters got PUNISHED. The BlackPeople took a figurative 'black-eye,' but most disgusting, Vick's livelihood was taken-away to destroy his FAMILY and instigate (DIVIDES) within t/his COUNTRY.
Celebrating anything dealing with FIGHTING is gross. We don't fight, we defend against all whom do. I am no fan of MenInTights playing with their BALLS, with grown-women off in the corner, cheering, "Rah! Rah! Rah! We can't do it -- we're just little girls -- go fight! Fight! Fight!" to subtly-celebrate FIGHTING as a positive-godly-good-plan to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-encouragement/instigation/HOPE. I think it's gross. And with every passing generation, those same grown-women, dressed-up like little girls, encourage selective-breeding to make 'em bigger, tougher and MEANer, therefore UGLIER, playing right into it, being 'played,' as PawnsOfWar.
Vick's WORDS were used AGAINST him by positive-people concocting excuses to place CONDITIONS against their so-called 'love' for their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness, zero compassion, therefore zero justice, and ultimately, zero EQUALITY.
Vick's WORDS deemed 'noise,' by all the positive-godly-good-people as an excuse to censor dissenting-opinion, and cast-him-out, in a sickening, long-term plot to instigate DIVIDES, to encourage the dividing of communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/teams/families/companies/countries/allies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. It was a 'genius-expert' concocted plot to entrap an INDIVIDUAL into doing things he'd never have normally done, his environment INFECTED, ViceNoise to WarAgainstVick'sNoise.
Our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than to have allowed it to turn-out this way.
President Andrew Jackson paid-off the National Debt, the only President to ever have done that. Meanwhile, in the great tradition of our FoundingFathers, after the common-people, infected with the ThoughtVirus of 'positive-godly-good-plans' that concoct HELLishness for everyone ELSE under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's none of that -- those 'common-folk' had nearly completed the total genocide of the OriginalPeople from the East. Before the last SURVIVORS, a mere 80,000 were completely anihilated by HatefulReligiousSupremacy, President Jackson abused his constitutional authority and called-out the army to LIBERATE the SURVIVORS to SAFETY, as Thomas Jefferson suggested 3-decades earlier, but was DENIED by hateful-religionists.
I have a drop of Cherokee in me -- that's all it takes to be HATED.
The TrailOfTears -- it was the travesty of travesties --- TravestyOfTravesties -- the goal of our FoundingFather's DENIED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy HELLbent on cococting HELLishness for everybody ELSE, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle encouragement/instigation/HOPE, as usual.
We didn't have 'human services' then -- those were monopolized by hateful-religionists, with long 'strings' attached to all their so-called 'gifts,' and with every 'present,' they'd pull those strings, yanking 'hooks' into the flesh they consume in hateful-religious ideological-cannabalism.
We didn't have educational-services then, either. Why? Same reason. Under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' all knowlege was CENSORED by the HatefulReligiousSupremacists, long 'strings' with 'hooks' attached to those they'd brainwashed into puppet-hood, by only allowing their victims to learn a select few taken-out-of-context religious 'scriptures' mistranslated and misinterpreted in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness, as usual.
Every FoundingFather cried with every step along the TrailOfTears. It was indeed a MiserableFailure. President Jackson led the SURVIVORS personally -- PERSONALLY -- to ensure they were not GENOCIDED, passing the reigns of justice, the last vestiges of 'justice,' to those he trusted to personally ensure the OriginalPeople were NOT GENOCIDED by 'common-folk' INFECTED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy.
It was an outrage, those Trails Of Tears -- a travesty -- a miserable-failure -- equality had FAILED, hateful-religionists rebelled at it's mere suggestion. A seemingly ever-lasting STRUGGLE to this very day.
We need another JeffersonJackson-esque LIBERATION, a Presidential PRESENT, from the Presidency to ThePeople. SEIZE_AND_PAY. FORGIVE VICK. Is there ANY DOUBT on ANYBODY's mind AT ALL, that Vick will NEVER do that AGAIN? Of course not! He never pillaged, plundered, raped, burned or murdered! The PUNISHMENT does NOT FIT.
LIBERATE VICK! Compensate the VICTIMS of this 'genius-expert' concocted FAKE 'crisis' and stop the "ViceNoise."
And that makes Vick a Vicroy to promote KINDNESS and EQUALITY.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate -- 3Ons)
OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: the word 'divides' was inserted for clarity, in parens "(_)" ABOVE
Note: "t/his" obviously stands for "this/his" since 'genius-experts' can't think for themselves and worship MANUALS as excuses to HATE people for typing/splg/grammar/language/clothes/looks/education -- any excuse will do -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, therefore proving zero justice, which always proves ZERO EQUALITY. BE HEALED OF IT!
Friday, December 07, 2007
ORCH_Day833 CIA Training : Interrogation Tapes
In the banking industry, facilities are monitored. The tapes are kept for a small period of time. If there is indication of wrong-doing, the tapes are reviewed. If not, they are copied-over, or destroyed.
Our hateful Congress now wants to squander another trillion-dollars erecting a giant repository of useless tapes, with yet another massive bureau-CRAZY to monitor the monitoring tapes, after concocting 'make-work' FAKE 'crisis-hearings' to 'investigate' TheCo's investigations.
Never forget that Congress approves every penny, appoints every 'head,' assigns every task, oversights every aspect of each dept and agency's 'mission-statement,' as non-stop set-ups for failure, so they may sit-back, later, pointing long-accusatory fingers at everybody/anybody ELSE, chanting, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem as their so-called 'shining-example' before the world, "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" their amen-prayer, proving zero-integrity, as usual.
After assigning an 'investigator' to harass investigators, real investigators, not FAKE 'investigators,' the appointed FAKE pessimistically tunnel-vision focuses their entire existence in tickling Congress' hateful G-spot to climax DIVIDES, thereby aborting productivity. They cast-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have it, as 'heretical/heretics,' being 'open-minded' only to 'like-mindedness,' in DarkAges mentality, proving HatefulReligiousSupremacy, the ultimate symptom of the ThoughtVirus-infection that subtly-promotes the root-ideology of terrorism, globally. "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" -- teaching kids, "HowToBeMean/Hateful."
Congress doesn't have a REAL 'platform,' pessimism their only FAITH, and failure their only HOPE, their 'mission' nothing more than DIVIDING communities/families/teams/countries/world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/teams/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded, hence their pessimistic tunnel-vision-focus in perceiving 'flaws,' real or imagined 'flaws,' mostly imagined, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, and that's their real RELIGION, that's what they project as 'normal' to children for REAL, hiding behind marble-columns, FAKING 'majesty' while concocting more excuses to denigrate, harass, PUNISH, fine, tax, complicate, imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
We can't afford it. Period. It's concocted the highest debts in the history of existence. What part of $9-trillion-dollars don't YOU get? And all they do is BLAME and SHAME and have the AUDACITY to claim their VICTIM(s) are 'indecent.' ChurchOfHate, no doubt about it.
WHO WILL THEY PUNISH TODAY to cast-out their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' and so-called 'equal-fellow-citizens' as 'not their kind of people' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby proving zero integrity as usual? YOU ARE NEXT, you, your business, your entertainment, your habits, your lifestyles, your clothes, your music, your dissenting opinions, your advertisements, your dance, your associations, your transportation, your dreams ... by ones and twos until there are NONE.
12-million people were sold the 'snake-oil' of 'affordable-home-ownership' due to rules and regulations established and oversighted by our own hateful Congress in a setup-for-failure to beat all setups-for-failures, and now the Financial Industries are reeling as a result. Millions have already lost their homes. In Spokane, WA, a city divided by positive-hatefulness, the homeless are outlawed -- it's illegal to be homeless in Spokane, and the homeless are PUNISHED for it -- now, that hateful city's management wants to build MORE DUNGEONS/JAILS to CAGE more of their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' for petty shit, like "sitting" and "breathing" without home-ownership on city-property, or taking personal-responsibility for their own medical needs and treating themselves for the horrid yearning for equality by being fruitful and multiplying 100% NATURAL PLANTS, marijuana, the oldest natural herbal remedy in existence. Marijuana isn't a 'drug,' it's a 100% NATURAL PLANT. But the 'genius-experts' want to FORCE ThePeople to pay for very-expensive doctor visits and associated paper(make)work, then the real drugs to proscribe real drugs to people and make YOU pay for it at your childrens expense, rather than allow people to take personal-responsibility for their own health-issues through ancient 100% natural herbal rememdies. Their latest chant, "More Prisons/Dungeons! More Police in-the-middle getting killed and killing to further our hateful WarAgainstThePeople under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT!" -- maybe I didn't word that quite 'right,' but intent is clear-enough.
2-million have lost their homes due to being sold the 'snake-oil' of so-called 'first-time-home-buyer-affordable-housing,' when it obviously wasn't. Who does Congress BLAME, as usual? THEIR VICTIMS!
And they won't do a thing about it except PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation, encouragement and HOPE, to FAKE being 'white-knights-in-shining-armor-riding-white-stallions' to FAKE 'heroism,' AS USUAL.
Before any so-called 'solution' is enacted, 10-million more will lose their homes, possibly more, most likely more. And the only so-called 'protections' being proposed, are for those whom are 99% certain to hold onto their homes anyway. THAT is FAKE 'loss-control,' to be certain.
We need 'loss-control' the damage to the country our hateful Congress has established in their hateful ChurchOfHate pessimism-worship.
Meanwhile, they SEAL their 'monitoring-tapes.' How convenient! It's become the greatest embarrassment to every citizen and every leader in existence.
Our hateful Congress now wants to squander another trillion-dollars erecting a giant repository of useless tapes, with yet another massive bureau-CRAZY to monitor the monitoring tapes, after concocting 'make-work' FAKE 'crisis-hearings' to 'investigate' TheCo's investigations.
Never forget that Congress approves every penny, appoints every 'head,' assigns every task, oversights every aspect of each dept and agency's 'mission-statement,' as non-stop set-ups for failure, so they may sit-back, later, pointing long-accusatory fingers at everybody/anybody ELSE, chanting, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem as their so-called 'shining-example' before the world, "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" their amen-prayer, proving zero-integrity, as usual.
After assigning an 'investigator' to harass investigators, real investigators, not FAKE 'investigators,' the appointed FAKE pessimistically tunnel-vision focuses their entire existence in tickling Congress' hateful G-spot to climax DIVIDES, thereby aborting productivity. They cast-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have it, as 'heretical/heretics,' being 'open-minded' only to 'like-mindedness,' in DarkAges mentality, proving HatefulReligiousSupremacy, the ultimate symptom of the ThoughtVirus-infection that subtly-promotes the root-ideology of terrorism, globally. "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" -- teaching kids, "HowToBeMean/Hateful."
Congress doesn't have a REAL 'platform,' pessimism their only FAITH, and failure their only HOPE, their 'mission' nothing more than DIVIDING communities/families/teams/countries/world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/teams/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded, hence their pessimistic tunnel-vision-focus in perceiving 'flaws,' real or imagined 'flaws,' mostly imagined, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, and that's their real RELIGION, that's what they project as 'normal' to children for REAL, hiding behind marble-columns, FAKING 'majesty' while concocting more excuses to denigrate, harass, PUNISH, fine, tax, complicate, imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
We can't afford it. Period. It's concocted the highest debts in the history of existence. What part of $9-trillion-dollars don't YOU get? And all they do is BLAME and SHAME and have the AUDACITY to claim their VICTIM(s) are 'indecent.' ChurchOfHate, no doubt about it.
WHO WILL THEY PUNISH TODAY to cast-out their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' and so-called 'equal-fellow-citizens' as 'not their kind of people' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby proving zero integrity as usual? YOU ARE NEXT, you, your business, your entertainment, your habits, your lifestyles, your clothes, your music, your dissenting opinions, your advertisements, your dance, your associations, your transportation, your dreams ... by ones and twos until there are NONE.
12-million people were sold the 'snake-oil' of 'affordable-home-ownership' due to rules and regulations established and oversighted by our own hateful Congress in a setup-for-failure to beat all setups-for-failures, and now the Financial Industries are reeling as a result. Millions have already lost their homes. In Spokane, WA, a city divided by positive-hatefulness, the homeless are outlawed -- it's illegal to be homeless in Spokane, and the homeless are PUNISHED for it -- now, that hateful city's management wants to build MORE DUNGEONS/JAILS to CAGE more of their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' for petty shit, like "sitting" and "breathing" without home-ownership on city-property, or taking personal-responsibility for their own medical needs and treating themselves for the horrid yearning for equality by being fruitful and multiplying 100% NATURAL PLANTS, marijuana, the oldest natural herbal remedy in existence. Marijuana isn't a 'drug,' it's a 100% NATURAL PLANT. But the 'genius-experts' want to FORCE ThePeople to pay for very-expensive doctor visits and associated paper(make)work, then the real drugs to proscribe real drugs to people and make YOU pay for it at your childrens expense, rather than allow people to take personal-responsibility for their own health-issues through ancient 100% natural herbal rememdies. Their latest chant, "More Prisons/Dungeons! More Police in-the-middle getting killed and killing to further our hateful WarAgainstThePeople under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT!" -- maybe I didn't word that quite 'right,' but intent is clear-enough.
2-million have lost their homes due to being sold the 'snake-oil' of so-called 'first-time-home-buyer-affordable-housing,' when it obviously wasn't. Who does Congress BLAME, as usual? THEIR VICTIMS!
And they won't do a thing about it except PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation, encouragement and HOPE, to FAKE being 'white-knights-in-shining-armor-riding-white-stallions' to FAKE 'heroism,' AS USUAL.
Before any so-called 'solution' is enacted, 10-million more will lose their homes, possibly more, most likely more. And the only so-called 'protections' being proposed, are for those whom are 99% certain to hold onto their homes anyway. THAT is FAKE 'loss-control,' to be certain.
We need 'loss-control' the damage to the country our hateful Congress has established in their hateful ChurchOfHate pessimism-worship.
Meanwhile, they SEAL their 'monitoring-tapes.' How convenient! It's become the greatest embarrassment to every citizen and every leader in existence.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
ORCH_Day820c Winning Elections, is Romney capable of listening?
Years ago, I began laying the ground-work for a Mormon White House bid, in my own way, behind-the-scenes, as usual. There were giant obstacles in the way, mostly intolerances and travesties the Mormons caused, throughout history, the examples being too numerous to list, a hellishness they brought to the country under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern.' This is, afterall, the organization that fought against Civil Rights into the 1980's, and still think women have their 'place,' prohibiting women from equal participation within their Church's advisory panel, what is called the "Quorum of Twelve," or any other leading roles within it, lowering women to 'inferior-status' and claiming it's 'normal.' It sucks self-esteem out of women, and the organization has the world's greatest number of single obese women. Further, this organization declared war against the United States, and when the country defended against it, subtly instigated economic war through monopolies, to selfishly deny equal access to opportunities, goods and services, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness to 'not-their-kind-of-people.' It has only been during my own lifetime that POCs (People of Color) have been allowed to be considered 'equal' to 'white-people' by Mormons, and this Church still teaches that skin-color is a curse, a punishment of innocent people for alleged 'crimes' of their ancestors, that these POCs alive today did not participate in, and had no knowledge about, therefore, teaching generations of people to assume-guilt until concocted guiltier in violation of the Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE, therefore teaching lessons in hate-speech which is not covered under the First Amendment.
They just 'don't get it.' Talking with a Romney-supporter, and each are trained to regurgitate pre-programmed soundbites, unthinkingly, not allowed to think for themselves using their so-called 'made-in-the-perfect-image-of' brains, but spew the 'reasonable-sounding' excuses of others, defying logic, even when the excuses make no logical sense at all, like cloned-robots, parroting gutteral-noise without knowing what that noise means.
And 'mean' it is. It devalues the individual. And since they surround themselves with only 'their-kinds-of-people,' all dissenting opinions are pre-approved for censorship, dissenting-opinion and all whom have it are cast-out, therefore, as 'heretical/heretics,' in DarkAges mentality. Mention it, and the 'play-recording' button is pressed, and we hear the exact same pre-approved soundbite, one's senses barraged by an "Attack Of The Clones!" re-mastered 'white-noise-mix,' saying, "We're not like that anymore! Why are you oppressing me/us!" proving they are exactly the same today as yesterday. The words may have changed, but the intent is identical.
Firstly, I cited the LDS Church (Mormons), among all others, for their unconstitionality as CrimesAgainstHumanity in no uncertain terms. Secondly, I told them exactly how to fix it, in no uncertain terms. Thirdly, I advised them to begin a series of public-services announcements, to reinvigerate, revitalize, and reaffirm what Human Services are all about, proving compassion, with Bobi Pearson as spokesperson on those advertisements, to prove integrity to the world. And for the perverts out there, don't even entertain yourselves for one single instant with your usual hateful jealousies by insinuating your usual pessimistic mental-masterbatory-psychobabble proving CrotchWorship and zero integrity as usual. I said "spokesperson on those advertisements to prove integrity to the world," because she can, and Mitt Romney isn't. And where are we at today?
Mormons are encouraged to have 2-years' supply of food and resources 'in case of time of need.' Whose? On the individual level, or family level, it's about self-protection, and that is admirable, something we should all learn from. As a community, or 'ward' in 'mormon-speak,' for BelovedNeighbors. But our BelovedNeighbors are global, and we now have access to every point of the world. However, as an organization, the Mormons have vast holdings, with warehouses and grain-silos bulging, 'in time of need,' while real people, real BelovedNeighbors are starving. Which people? The ones they teach are 'cursed.' Darfur, for example. Of course, to avoid appearances of 'selfishness,' small contingents of 'missionaries' and 'volunteers' are presented before the world for the photo-op, while the grain-silos and warehouses bulge gluttenously before thee, it boggles the mind. "Look how great we are! We're the best of the best of the best -- oh sure, we've got a few problems, but we're the best of the best of the best!" and they babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/hope, instead of proving real acts of compassion which always requires real physical interaction. Not words. Only GOOD WORKS. Period.
You can't pray to feed starving people. You must do it. There are zero exceptions. That is the beauty of parenting, to remind humans that hungry kids must be fed for real, babbling-at-the-air in prayer/wishful-thinking/hope doesn't work. Period. You must feed them. Period. But when it comes to 'not their kind of people,' the photo-ops are presented as the 'mysterious ways' of 'inspiring the infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' to go feed the starving so the babblers won't be bothered, a pathetic self-important excuse to be certain. See, the absolute-basis of every religion in existence is the concept of 'free-will,' meaning we humans are not 'puppets' of a hateful psychotic PuppetMaster god pulling our strings to make us fornicate and murder for it's own sadistic amusement, while meagerly rewarding a few for it's own erotic pleasure. "Free" means exactly that, we are free to prove compassion and feed the starving, or free to prove lack of compassion through babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/hope while the starving starve to death.
I warned them, long ago, -- I personally told their current leader, whom they regard as a 'prophet,' and touched him to the core of his being, long ago, and again, repeatedly, over the last several years in preparation for a White House run. Their current leader has been challenged and plauged by those attitudes which divide instead of unite amongst the people he leads, the greatest challenge he's ever confronted and has worked diligently to correct it, innovating fixes, but yet to enact the solution due to those working against PeaceOnEarth within his own organization, 'advising' him with ill-begotten self-important gains, while coveting power and lusting for spotlights. And the bulging warehouses and grain-silos remain unused, 'in case of a time of need,' while the starving starve to death.
It's not just about 'appearances,' it's about proving compassion through good works, thereby proving integrity, and that's why I chose a spokesperson that could do that, while Mitt Romney isn't.
Look, nobody wants Mitt Romney to do well more than I. Yet those within that organization whom 'don't get it,' pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in me as an individual, real or imagined 'flaws,' me -- a mere messenger, ignoring the message entirely, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving zero justice, thereby proving zero equality, and thereby proving their entire existence is the religion of HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE.
Do you think that makes their current leader 'happy'?
OF COURSE NOT! It shames him and embarrasses him as it does I.
Today, Mr. Romney abused his platform, stolen from WeThePeople, to preach. He was setup for failure by the 'competition,' and if you think it's about 'political competition,' think again.
In order to understand that, we need make some comparisons with Iran, and their current leader, President Ahmedi-Nijad.
Don't think for a single moment that's 'strange,' as you'll only be deluding yourself. And that's a big 'facet' of this vast, multi-'faceted' Global_Crisis we all face today, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily. It may take some personal reflection and pondering, and other blog-posts of mine will need be understood in order to fully grasp it, while those with zero integrity ignore it, as usual, proving zero compassion. Any excuse will do, such as typos, spelling, grammar, language, living-arrangements, the perverse analization of PRIVATES -- any excuse at all to hate messengers and ignore messages in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving they are not qualified to 'lead' anything at all, certainly not a family nor organization nor country.
We are BETTER than that, all of us, all of them, all of 'you,' AllThings, spelled exactly like that, "AllThings," no spaces between words, because it is one word-phrase, so it is never taken out-of-context again, and I use such word-phrasing often for that exact reason. The beauty of language is that it is infinitely adaptable so as to describe new concepts and old concepts as well, in new, expressive formats. Never forget that, because the moment language/spelling/grammar/words are used against the individual, in the pathetic attempt by others to censor dissenting opinion, claiming FAKE 'superiority' using such petty excuses, the team loses, the family loses, the organization loses, the country loses, and global-security itself flounders.
And that's where we are all at today, "Look outside the box," as former Atty General Ashcroft said, and I expound on that by saying, "your 'other' box," for that exact reason.
That's why we need make comparisons with Iran right NOW:
Iran's religious 'leaders' mentored/'prepped' one of their own CLERICS/Sympathizers, and sympathizers/supporters voted him into the Presidency. Under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmedi-Nijad points his long, accusatory-finger at everybody ELSE, claiming, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! You are WORSE than me/us!" in the pathetic attempt at making himself, his religion and supporters out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, through the pessimistic tunnel-vision focusing of perceiving 'flaws', real or imagined 'flaws,' in others, all whom are hatefully labeled 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics,' therefore, 'negative/undeserving/not-their-kinds-of-people.' ANY excuse will do for a religionist to selfishly deny equality and services after pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in everything around them, especially others, as an excuse to selfishly deny EQUALITY AND SERVICES. That is the "OriginalSin," because the moment one declares themselves 'positive,' then one must concoct excuses to place conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' by pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- used as excuses to hatefully label others 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' under the guise of 'peace/love' when it only inspires hate, inspires divides, to divide communities/families/countries/world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes', families, countries, teams, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded, during one's real life on Earth, not during a fictional fake 'life,' but during one's real life while walking and breathing on this real planet, PeaceOnEarth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location, but on this real world during one's real life. Otherwise, one inspires hate so the so-called 'moderates' profit, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the EXTREMISTS.
That is terrorism. Make no mistake about it. 99% of all terrorism is ideological, but the cameras only capture the most sensational 1%, the blood and guts and death in DeathWorship, where the so-called 'moderates' THRIVE for the photo-op, from atop the rubble, misery and grief, an endless perpetual cycle of HATE.
Since the positive-people already denied equality and services by hatefully labeling their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as being 'negative/inferior/undeserving' and 'blasphemers/infidels/sinners/heretics,' equal access to opportunities are denied them by the so-called 'religious-moderates,' because these so-called 'moderates' have been subtly-brainwashed to ignore them, to subtly-punish them, to deny them, to ridicule and scorn them, as view them as 'products of satan.' So, their economy suffers, waged subtle-war against, by the 'positive-people.' No matter the 'entertainment,' the positive-people try to take it away. No matter the 'habit,' the positive-people punish them for it. And in the pathetic attempt to 'prove' their selfish point, they literally 'look the other way' -- 'turn a blind eye' -- to that which foments the most pain and suffering, disease, guns and drugs.
-- except to punish the individual, "Oh, it's so sad, look what all the 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' are up to now."
It's the oldest, most hateful 'game' of terrorism, and it's institutionalized, fomented in very, very, very subtle ways by the so-called 'moderates.'
I warned the Mormons, and have for decades, and took it directly to the Tabernacle as a teenager. They were 'too good' to listen then, as apparently they are now. Instead of celebrating uniqueness, embracing diversity, not with babble-at-the-air, but GOOD WORKS TO PROVE IT, I too was cast-out as 'not their kind of people,' in subtle ways by all/most of the so-called 'mormon-supporters' (NOT THE PROPHETS!) and that is exactly the obstacles and hurdles their current leader has been challenged with and has attempted to fix, with those claiming 'good-intentions' concocting ever-increasing numbers of 'obstacles' and 'hurdles' before him, thereby undermining PeaceOnEarth.
Cardinal Ratzinger, the current Pope, Benedict XVI, is challenged with the same thing.
I wrote a Parable (below), demonstrative of a troubling challenge we all face, as a species, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, and the hateful use it to CrotchWorship my PRIVATES, even when I clearly commented below the Parable, "It's not about me, really, it's about our world." Perverts have one-track minds, obviously, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ThoughtVirus infection which puts 'blinders' over one's figurative 'mental-eyes,' molesting minds into the inflexibility of stone (hearts/minds as hard as stone), thereby proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake.
It's their concocted 'offensive' issues -- it's their ears and noses and eyes that pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving nothing but 'offenses' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- any excuse will do, such as words, clothes, jobs, money, transportation, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), company-kept/associations/friends, living-arrangements, even love itself, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake, and promoting that hatefulness as 'normal' to everybody else, underming governments and economy, globally.
I've been WARNING them about it since my FirstBreath. But in their positive-hatefulness, the message goes ignored while the positive-people concoct HELLishness to punish me, then have the audacity to claim, 'persecution-complex/matyr-complex' to perpetuate their 'evil-doing' thereby claiming any 'reasonable-sounding' excuse in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake, be they admittedly 'religious' or not.
President Mahmoud Ahmedi-Nijad is challenged with that same 'facet' of that same vast, multi-'faceted' global crisis. But everybody is pessimistically tunnel-vision focused on one tiny 'facet' thereby ignoring the big picture, proving zero integrity.
Let's take a closer look:
Hold on a sec -- did you see Governor Christine Gregiore of Washington State on the news? ThePeople are suffering, due to flooding. Instead of paying $10-20,000 of ThePeoples' money to go fix a home or two, she ignored the news-helicopters' cameras and the images projected on her television-set before her own eyes, to selfishly spend the money on a 'joy-ride' to fly around it. Doesn't she own a television?
Did you see Washington State's Senator Cantwell? One of her staff was arrested on suspicion of some child-sex-grossness, and she took it upon herself to assume guilt until concocted guiltier, to selfishly deny equality and services and punish that staffer, firing him, on-the-spot, with impartial judge, without impartial jury, with zero defense nor advocacy.
They're all doing it, living in FAKE 'majesty' while concocting endless excuses to selfishly deny equality and services, offering nothing but 'reasonable-sounding' excuses for doing so, endless excuses to punish, fine, tax, complicate, imprison/dungeon more of WeThePeople than any monarch ever would.
It's killed democracy and freedom, draining the 'life-blood' out of economy. Again, since the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' then obviously there can't be any nurture without economy. "It's about economy, stupid," and that's exactly why Hillary Clinton said it. Don't interpret that for one second that I'm 'endorsing' Hillary for 'president' or anything else -- I'm giving an honest unbiased opinion -- that is all. I want all of them to do well, all candidates, a competition of integrity, instead of the hatefulness of dog-eat-dog attrition.
And that has alot to do with what I need to share with everyone about Iran:
I was responding to the following question, the panel presenting the following statement, "How Many More Things Will Bush Be Wrong On?" I addressed the following statement within the context of that question, " Quote:I do believe Bush is a liar and a buffoon, and this NIE report has taken the wind out of his sails and has embarrassed him and us in the court of public opinion, yet again." (end quoted statement)
Here is my response, and this has everything to do with Iran, Mitt Romney, Mormons, President Bush, Congress, and the 'state-of-the-union-of-the-human-condition' :
(quoting MY WORDS:) That is not correct -- and you do not have to feel that way -- your emotions are being played against you -- to use you as a PawnOfWar.
Please, let me explain:
Firstly, what things do you do that you keep entirely to yourself, because if others knew, they'd use it against you, to shame you, embarrass you, or ridicule and scorn you? Maybe you are part of a religion that claims eating or drinking anything with 'caffeinne' makes you a 'bad person,' when you know fully-well that's a concocted excuse for those with zero self-esteem to pessimstically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, proving their entire existence is HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE -- ... but you need nor want confrontations, so you keep your chocolate-candy or cola or coffee drinking or tobacco smoking to yourself, as much as possible, without hating yourself (which is THEIR HOPE), because you know it's their own concocted 'offensive ear/eye/nose' issues used as excuses to concoct conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' thereby DIVIDING friends/families/communities/countries into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/friends/teams/families/communities/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED --
-- or 'masterbation,' is another prime example. Once accussed -- once scorned and ridiculed and made to feel 'inferior/negative' about it by all the hateful positive-people concocting excuses to ruthlessly hammer you against their self-made hateful torture-devices of terror, those merciless positive-cross-signs, in ideological crucifiXtion -- which is called, "FigurativeCarpentry," using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- again to divide, instead of unite in PeaceOnEarth as commanded ...
Hold that thought ...
Iran was put under the figurative 'microscope' and got really good at hiding their 'caffeine and tobacco consumption and masturbation.'
So, as they enjoy their double-mocha-latte'-capaccino-espresso-a' la' mode with a bit of 'face-splatter' in 'undisclosed locations,' the 'genius-experts' conclude, "there's no evidence of ..."
Get the picture? GRAPHIC ENOUGH FOR YA'?
Need another VISUAL??????????????????
:attention :yip
Okay, well, the report has concluded that there is "no OVERT display of nuclear-bomb-building."
But the HatefulReligiousSupremacist regime that usurped control of the good people of Iran's government, has invested BILLIONS and BILLIONS in making a WombForBombs.
I have always said that the good people of Iran, 'just folks,' equal citizens, have a right to energy and the production of it, by whatever methodology, including nuclear, but they have defied the world's concerns and have publicly stated they will enrich uranium to make weapons-grade plutonium, while teaching generations of children to HATE all the 'blue-eyed-devils' in the world, and those 'pig-subhuman-jews,' with the current so-called 'shining-example-setting' of it's hateful-religious leader, Mr. Ahmedi-Nijad, publicly states, " ... we will cleanse Israel from the face of the Earth."
The current Iranian regime cannot be allowed to enrich uranium or build WombsForBombs. PERIOD. Even the small-amounts of plutonium they've currently concocted, could be put inside a vile and kill-off Tel Aviv in a heartbeat. They have squandered ThePeoples' money in making missile-delivery-systems that could deliver it to Paris, in under an hour. It doesn't require a 'nuclear bomb' anymore.
President Ahmedi-Nijad has only two options: kick HatefulReligiousSupremacy 'off-planet' and we'll help him do it -- or he goes with it.
Russia very kindly volunteered to handle all aspects of enrichment -- and the current hateful-religious regime that usurped control of TheIranianPeoples' government and squandered their wealth, drew a line in the sand, while sitting atop the one of the world's greatest natural-resource depositories that could energize that country and half the world for many generations to come, with geothermal capabilities as well that could easily provide that region's energy needs for hundreds if not millions of years --
See, they don't 'need' nuclear power -- they have many other alternative energy capacities -- ALREADY IN PLACE AND DEVELOPED -- it's a 'concocted FAKE 'need' -- not a REAL 'need' -- but a FAKE 'need' -- therefore, obviously, a ruse for their HatefulReligiousSupremacy goals, as already declared, to 'cleanse the earth of infidels,' and that INCLUDES YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE.
Meanwhile, President Bush is being URGED by MILLIONS to eliminate that obvious threat to global security and Peace. He is proving RESTRAINT -- trying every avenue of working-it-out, somehow, someway -- with Condoleezza Rice, our excellent ambassador of peace, front-and-center.
How anybody could construe that as 'executive-failure' or 'presidential-impetuousness' literally boggles the mind.
He is by no stretch of imagination a 'bad president.' If he were, there wouldn't be an 'iranian nuke-program' -- there wouldn't be 'iranian-people' to liberate from HatefulReligiousSupremacy -- and there wouldn't be any reports to knit-pick and squabble about -- it would have already been exterminated, thereby playing-into the goals of HatefulReligiousSupremacists and their hateful planned-game to promise a LegacyOfShame to undermine our excellent Bush Team's LegacyOfLiberation.
How anybody could not be proud of that, is proof our own hateful Congress instigates DIVIDES instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/communities/teams/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
(end quote of MY WORDS -- full transcript is at the following link: http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessageRange?topicID=24527.topic&start=1&stop=25 )
In order for Mitt Romney to succeed in his campaign, all of the above must be addressed, including the below post, "ATTENTION ALL ACTIVIE DUTY AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES."
"It's about EQUALITY, stupid" -- should be the new catch-phrase, because without it, economy suffers, and again, since the MeaningOfLife is 'nuture,' there obviously can't be any nurture at all without economy. Campaigns are no excuses for promoting HatefulReligiousSupremacy under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' and I hereby admonish and issue a citation to all whom do for having done so.
Let's take a look at that, briefly:
(quoting MY WORDS from Topix.Net)
I don't want to reiterate what is becoming more and more obvious to most people on the planet, right here, right now.
That said, as for the 'bible' VOLUME being 'absolute truth' or the 'word of god,' well, it defies logic to claim one's god is 'unconditionally loving' while it ASSumes GUILT until concocted GUILTIER, punishing people for alleged 'crimes' of ancestors/fathers under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' as some twisted psychotic 'positive-godly-good-plan' when obviously it's the epitome of hate, and that those people, 'cause the later descendents did not participate in nor have knowlege of those alleged 'crimes' in any way, shape or fashion. There is no 'justice' in that -- there is no 'honor' in that -- there is no 'love' in that -- ONLY VINDICTIVENESS/HATE.
There are zero logical rebuttals, only pre-programmed memorized ever-changing soundbites, reworded every few years, regurgitated 'at-the-sound-of-the-bell' by those whom can't think for themselves, whom then use it as an excuse to ERECT their IDOL TO WORSHIP, their hateful positive-cross-signs, and using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, ruthlessly hammer all dissenting-opinion and those whom have them, hatefully labeled as being 'negative,' in ideological crucifiXtion, called, 'FigurativeCarpentry,' the epitome of HATE, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero inegrity, proving zero justice, proving zero equality, and proving one's entire existence is the religion of HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE.
Obviously, the underlying moral of that woeful story is: HowNotToBe -- so, DO NOT BE THAT WAY.
Huckabee and Romney are promoting the OPPOSITE of that TimlessMessage, therefore running for President of this wonderful, beloved country, while simultaneously promoting the concept of ASSumed GUILT UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER.
That is HORRIBLE, and our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than allow it to have turned out this way.
When asked by a so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen' what would 'jesus' (a name used as a matter of convenience in English only) do if confronted with the decision to enact the Death Penalty, the extermination of one's so-called 'beloved-neighbor' -- the these FAKE PASTORS/PRIESTS obfuscated and failed to answer, with Huckabee making a joke, "Jesus wouldn't be stupid enough to run for public office."
As if that non-answer by a potential presidential candidate is 'funny' -- by a pastor of a so-called 'christian' church -- intentionally CENSORING the QUESTION of the so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen' and responding to a FAKE 'question' he made-up on-the-fly to be intentionally EVASIVE, therefore DISHONEST.
CNN's Erica Hill says this morning, "Who couldn't like that answer?" further promoting the idea that it was 'funny' and an 'appropriate response.'
These people are NOT QUALIFIED to run for President -- or govern ANYTHING on behalf of Jefferson'sPROMISE under WeThePeoples' CONSTITUTION. That FAKENESS is the only 'promise' they will bring to the Executive Branch in the White House. It's NOT 'funny' AT ALL. It's TRAGIC!
And just like the fakeness of that so-called 'debate,' with Giuliani obviously giving the only honest answers, and I've not been a supporter of his, so that doesn't come from bias AT ALL -- it just figures the FAKES would be declared the 'front-runners,' promoting ASSumed GUILT until CONCOCTED GUILTIER as their so-called 'shining-example,' -- (post continued, over 4000 characters. they really oughtta fix that, I'm not copy/pasting anything, I type each word very thoughtfully into these edit-boxes with zero edits as not to FAKE 'perfection' or 'superiority') ...
With that in mind, let me ask you all, honestly, do you really think that the two so-called 'front-runners' in politics, whom are both HIGH PRIESTS of two of the most prominant so-called 'christian' organizations in the US today -- with their warped interpretation presented as being 'normal' in a TwilightZone molestation of America -- isn't it obvious that the FigurativeCarpentry in the 'bible' VOLUME of the one commonly referred to as 'jesus' in English, would be introduced in the first portion of the same VOLUME, yet twisted and molested into something ELSE just as certain as the presentation of 'assumption of guilt until concocted guiltier' for so-called 'presidential front-runners' in one of WeThePeoples' elections?
"NewRome," indeed.
Vote "3Ons" in all future elections, as a write-in, be it 'dog-catcher' or President and SEND A MESSAGE!
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(end quoting of MY WORDS -- yes, my own opinions, my own unique perspective, my own dissenting opinions, not regurgitated pre-programmed soundbites plaigairized from tv/radio/manuals, and MY WORDS are available globally, to all people equally, here and on the above links, which are public-access internet website topic-discussion-forums, and nobody has a right to concoct excuses to censor/plaigairize/modify MY WORDS in any way shape or form, and nobody has the right nor authorization to speak on my behalf or claim to be a representative of either me nor ORCH.)
Mr. Romney, that's how you win elections. No sh*t. And that's why Rudi is.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn - HumanityFamilyAdvocate FedID "3Ons")
GOG-COC-SAC-TUT-ROR-3ONs ... AndMore, OnTime - RU?
They just 'don't get it.' Talking with a Romney-supporter, and each are trained to regurgitate pre-programmed soundbites, unthinkingly, not allowed to think for themselves using their so-called 'made-in-the-perfect-image-of' brains, but spew the 'reasonable-sounding' excuses of others, defying logic, even when the excuses make no logical sense at all, like cloned-robots, parroting gutteral-noise without knowing what that noise means.
And 'mean' it is. It devalues the individual. And since they surround themselves with only 'their-kinds-of-people,' all dissenting opinions are pre-approved for censorship, dissenting-opinion and all whom have it are cast-out, therefore, as 'heretical/heretics,' in DarkAges mentality. Mention it, and the 'play-recording' button is pressed, and we hear the exact same pre-approved soundbite, one's senses barraged by an "Attack Of The Clones!" re-mastered 'white-noise-mix,' saying, "We're not like that anymore! Why are you oppressing me/us!" proving they are exactly the same today as yesterday. The words may have changed, but the intent is identical.
Firstly, I cited the LDS Church (Mormons), among all others, for their unconstitionality as CrimesAgainstHumanity in no uncertain terms. Secondly, I told them exactly how to fix it, in no uncertain terms. Thirdly, I advised them to begin a series of public-services announcements, to reinvigerate, revitalize, and reaffirm what Human Services are all about, proving compassion, with Bobi Pearson as spokesperson on those advertisements, to prove integrity to the world. And for the perverts out there, don't even entertain yourselves for one single instant with your usual hateful jealousies by insinuating your usual pessimistic mental-masterbatory-psychobabble proving CrotchWorship and zero integrity as usual. I said "spokesperson on those advertisements to prove integrity to the world," because she can, and Mitt Romney isn't. And where are we at today?
Mormons are encouraged to have 2-years' supply of food and resources 'in case of time of need.' Whose? On the individual level, or family level, it's about self-protection, and that is admirable, something we should all learn from. As a community, or 'ward' in 'mormon-speak,' for BelovedNeighbors. But our BelovedNeighbors are global, and we now have access to every point of the world. However, as an organization, the Mormons have vast holdings, with warehouses and grain-silos bulging, 'in time of need,' while real people, real BelovedNeighbors are starving. Which people? The ones they teach are 'cursed.' Darfur, for example. Of course, to avoid appearances of 'selfishness,' small contingents of 'missionaries' and 'volunteers' are presented before the world for the photo-op, while the grain-silos and warehouses bulge gluttenously before thee, it boggles the mind. "Look how great we are! We're the best of the best of the best -- oh sure, we've got a few problems, but we're the best of the best of the best!" and they babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/hope, instead of proving real acts of compassion which always requires real physical interaction. Not words. Only GOOD WORKS. Period.
You can't pray to feed starving people. You must do it. There are zero exceptions. That is the beauty of parenting, to remind humans that hungry kids must be fed for real, babbling-at-the-air in prayer/wishful-thinking/hope doesn't work. Period. You must feed them. Period. But when it comes to 'not their kind of people,' the photo-ops are presented as the 'mysterious ways' of 'inspiring the infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' to go feed the starving so the babblers won't be bothered, a pathetic self-important excuse to be certain. See, the absolute-basis of every religion in existence is the concept of 'free-will,' meaning we humans are not 'puppets' of a hateful psychotic PuppetMaster god pulling our strings to make us fornicate and murder for it's own sadistic amusement, while meagerly rewarding a few for it's own erotic pleasure. "Free" means exactly that, we are free to prove compassion and feed the starving, or free to prove lack of compassion through babble-at-the-air/prayer in wishful-thinking/hope while the starving starve to death.
I warned them, long ago, -- I personally told their current leader, whom they regard as a 'prophet,' and touched him to the core of his being, long ago, and again, repeatedly, over the last several years in preparation for a White House run. Their current leader has been challenged and plauged by those attitudes which divide instead of unite amongst the people he leads, the greatest challenge he's ever confronted and has worked diligently to correct it, innovating fixes, but yet to enact the solution due to those working against PeaceOnEarth within his own organization, 'advising' him with ill-begotten self-important gains, while coveting power and lusting for spotlights. And the bulging warehouses and grain-silos remain unused, 'in case of a time of need,' while the starving starve to death.
It's not just about 'appearances,' it's about proving compassion through good works, thereby proving integrity, and that's why I chose a spokesperson that could do that, while Mitt Romney isn't.
Look, nobody wants Mitt Romney to do well more than I. Yet those within that organization whom 'don't get it,' pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in me as an individual, real or imagined 'flaws,' me -- a mere messenger, ignoring the message entirely, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving zero justice, thereby proving zero equality, and thereby proving their entire existence is the religion of HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE.
Do you think that makes their current leader 'happy'?
OF COURSE NOT! It shames him and embarrasses him as it does I.
Today, Mr. Romney abused his platform, stolen from WeThePeople, to preach. He was setup for failure by the 'competition,' and if you think it's about 'political competition,' think again.
In order to understand that, we need make some comparisons with Iran, and their current leader, President Ahmedi-Nijad.
Don't think for a single moment that's 'strange,' as you'll only be deluding yourself. And that's a big 'facet' of this vast, multi-'faceted' Global_Crisis we all face today, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily. It may take some personal reflection and pondering, and other blog-posts of mine will need be understood in order to fully grasp it, while those with zero integrity ignore it, as usual, proving zero compassion. Any excuse will do, such as typos, spelling, grammar, language, living-arrangements, the perverse analization of PRIVATES -- any excuse at all to hate messengers and ignore messages in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving they are not qualified to 'lead' anything at all, certainly not a family nor organization nor country.
We are BETTER than that, all of us, all of them, all of 'you,' AllThings, spelled exactly like that, "AllThings," no spaces between words, because it is one word-phrase, so it is never taken out-of-context again, and I use such word-phrasing often for that exact reason. The beauty of language is that it is infinitely adaptable so as to describe new concepts and old concepts as well, in new, expressive formats. Never forget that, because the moment language/spelling/grammar/words are used against the individual, in the pathetic attempt by others to censor dissenting opinion, claiming FAKE 'superiority' using such petty excuses, the team loses, the family loses, the organization loses, the country loses, and global-security itself flounders.
And that's where we are all at today, "Look outside the box," as former Atty General Ashcroft said, and I expound on that by saying, "your 'other' box," for that exact reason.
That's why we need make comparisons with Iran right NOW:
Iran's religious 'leaders' mentored/'prepped' one of their own CLERICS/Sympathizers, and sympathizers/supporters voted him into the Presidency. Under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmedi-Nijad points his long, accusatory-finger at everybody ELSE, claiming, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! You are WORSE than me/us!" in the pathetic attempt at making himself, his religion and supporters out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, through the pessimistic tunnel-vision focusing of perceiving 'flaws', real or imagined 'flaws,' in others, all whom are hatefully labeled 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics,' therefore, 'negative/undeserving/not-their-kinds-of-people.' ANY excuse will do for a religionist to selfishly deny equality and services after pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in everything around them, especially others, as an excuse to selfishly deny EQUALITY AND SERVICES. That is the "OriginalSin," because the moment one declares themselves 'positive,' then one must concoct excuses to place conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' by pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- used as excuses to hatefully label others 'negative/inferior/undeserving,' under the guise of 'peace/love' when it only inspires hate, inspires divides, to divide communities/families/countries/world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes', families, countries, teams, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded, during one's real life on Earth, not during a fictional fake 'life,' but during one's real life while walking and breathing on this real planet, PeaceOnEarth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location, but on this real world during one's real life. Otherwise, one inspires hate so the so-called 'moderates' profit, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the EXTREMISTS.
That is terrorism. Make no mistake about it. 99% of all terrorism is ideological, but the cameras only capture the most sensational 1%, the blood and guts and death in DeathWorship, where the so-called 'moderates' THRIVE for the photo-op, from atop the rubble, misery and grief, an endless perpetual cycle of HATE.
Since the positive-people already denied equality and services by hatefully labeling their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as being 'negative/inferior/undeserving' and 'blasphemers/infidels/sinners/heretics,' equal access to opportunities are denied them by the so-called 'religious-moderates,' because these so-called 'moderates' have been subtly-brainwashed to ignore them, to subtly-punish them, to deny them, to ridicule and scorn them, as view them as 'products of satan.' So, their economy suffers, waged subtle-war against, by the 'positive-people.' No matter the 'entertainment,' the positive-people try to take it away. No matter the 'habit,' the positive-people punish them for it. And in the pathetic attempt to 'prove' their selfish point, they literally 'look the other way' -- 'turn a blind eye' -- to that which foments the most pain and suffering, disease, guns and drugs.
-- except to punish the individual, "Oh, it's so sad, look what all the 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' are up to now."
It's the oldest, most hateful 'game' of terrorism, and it's institutionalized, fomented in very, very, very subtle ways by the so-called 'moderates.'
I warned the Mormons, and have for decades, and took it directly to the Tabernacle as a teenager. They were 'too good' to listen then, as apparently they are now. Instead of celebrating uniqueness, embracing diversity, not with babble-at-the-air, but GOOD WORKS TO PROVE IT, I too was cast-out as 'not their kind of people,' in subtle ways by all/most of the so-called 'mormon-supporters' (NOT THE PROPHETS!) and that is exactly the obstacles and hurdles their current leader has been challenged with and has attempted to fix, with those claiming 'good-intentions' concocting ever-increasing numbers of 'obstacles' and 'hurdles' before him, thereby undermining PeaceOnEarth.
Cardinal Ratzinger, the current Pope, Benedict XVI, is challenged with the same thing.
I wrote a Parable (below), demonstrative of a troubling challenge we all face, as a species, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, and the hateful use it to CrotchWorship my PRIVATES, even when I clearly commented below the Parable, "It's not about me, really, it's about our world." Perverts have one-track minds, obviously, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ThoughtVirus infection which puts 'blinders' over one's figurative 'mental-eyes,' molesting minds into the inflexibility of stone (hearts/minds as hard as stone), thereby proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake.
It's their concocted 'offensive' issues -- it's their ears and noses and eyes that pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving nothing but 'offenses' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- any excuse will do, such as words, clothes, jobs, money, transportation, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), company-kept/associations/friends, living-arrangements, even love itself, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake, and promoting that hatefulness as 'normal' to everybody else, underming governments and economy, globally.
I've been WARNING them about it since my FirstBreath. But in their positive-hatefulness, the message goes ignored while the positive-people concoct HELLishness to punish me, then have the audacity to claim, 'persecution-complex/matyr-complex' to perpetuate their 'evil-doing' thereby claiming any 'reasonable-sounding' excuse in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake, be they admittedly 'religious' or not.
President Mahmoud Ahmedi-Nijad is challenged with that same 'facet' of that same vast, multi-'faceted' global crisis. But everybody is pessimistically tunnel-vision focused on one tiny 'facet' thereby ignoring the big picture, proving zero integrity.
Let's take a closer look:
Hold on a sec -- did you see Governor Christine Gregiore of Washington State on the news? ThePeople are suffering, due to flooding. Instead of paying $10-20,000 of ThePeoples' money to go fix a home or two, she ignored the news-helicopters' cameras and the images projected on her television-set before her own eyes, to selfishly spend the money on a 'joy-ride' to fly around it. Doesn't she own a television?
Did you see Washington State's Senator Cantwell? One of her staff was arrested on suspicion of some child-sex-grossness, and she took it upon herself to assume guilt until concocted guiltier, to selfishly deny equality and services and punish that staffer, firing him, on-the-spot, with impartial judge, without impartial jury, with zero defense nor advocacy.
They're all doing it, living in FAKE 'majesty' while concocting endless excuses to selfishly deny equality and services, offering nothing but 'reasonable-sounding' excuses for doing so, endless excuses to punish, fine, tax, complicate, imprison/dungeon more of WeThePeople than any monarch ever would.
It's killed democracy and freedom, draining the 'life-blood' out of economy. Again, since the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' then obviously there can't be any nurture without economy. "It's about economy, stupid," and that's exactly why Hillary Clinton said it. Don't interpret that for one second that I'm 'endorsing' Hillary for 'president' or anything else -- I'm giving an honest unbiased opinion -- that is all. I want all of them to do well, all candidates, a competition of integrity, instead of the hatefulness of dog-eat-dog attrition.
And that has alot to do with what I need to share with everyone about Iran:
I was responding to the following question, the panel presenting the following statement, "How Many More Things Will Bush Be Wrong On?" I addressed the following statement within the context of that question, " Quote:I do believe Bush is a liar and a buffoon, and this NIE report has taken the wind out of his sails and has embarrassed him and us in the court of public opinion, yet again." (end quoted statement)
Here is my response, and this has everything to do with Iran, Mitt Romney, Mormons, President Bush, Congress, and the 'state-of-the-union-of-the-human-condition' :
(quoting MY WORDS:) That is not correct -- and you do not have to feel that way -- your emotions are being played against you -- to use you as a PawnOfWar.
Please, let me explain:
Firstly, what things do you do that you keep entirely to yourself, because if others knew, they'd use it against you, to shame you, embarrass you, or ridicule and scorn you? Maybe you are part of a religion that claims eating or drinking anything with 'caffeinne' makes you a 'bad person,' when you know fully-well that's a concocted excuse for those with zero self-esteem to pessimstically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in others, proving their entire existence is HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE -- ... but you need nor want confrontations, so you keep your chocolate-candy or cola or coffee drinking or tobacco smoking to yourself, as much as possible, without hating yourself (which is THEIR HOPE), because you know it's their own concocted 'offensive ear/eye/nose' issues used as excuses to concoct conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' thereby DIVIDING friends/families/communities/countries into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/friends/teams/families/communities/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED --
-- or 'masterbation,' is another prime example. Once accussed -- once scorned and ridiculed and made to feel 'inferior/negative' about it by all the hateful positive-people concocting excuses to ruthlessly hammer you against their self-made hateful torture-devices of terror, those merciless positive-cross-signs, in ideological crucifiXtion -- which is called, "FigurativeCarpentry," using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- again to divide, instead of unite in PeaceOnEarth as commanded ...
Hold that thought ...
Iran was put under the figurative 'microscope' and got really good at hiding their 'caffeine and tobacco consumption and masturbation.'
So, as they enjoy their double-mocha-latte'-capaccino-espresso-a' la' mode with a bit of 'face-splatter' in 'undisclosed locations,' the 'genius-experts' conclude, "there's no evidence of ..."
Get the picture? GRAPHIC ENOUGH FOR YA'?
Need another VISUAL??????????????????
:attention :yip
Okay, well, the report has concluded that there is "no OVERT display of nuclear-bomb-building."
But the HatefulReligiousSupremacist regime that usurped control of the good people of Iran's government, has invested BILLIONS and BILLIONS in making a WombForBombs.
I have always said that the good people of Iran, 'just folks,' equal citizens, have a right to energy and the production of it, by whatever methodology, including nuclear, but they have defied the world's concerns and have publicly stated they will enrich uranium to make weapons-grade plutonium, while teaching generations of children to HATE all the 'blue-eyed-devils' in the world, and those 'pig-subhuman-jews,' with the current so-called 'shining-example-setting' of it's hateful-religious leader, Mr. Ahmedi-Nijad, publicly states, " ... we will cleanse Israel from the face of the Earth."
The current Iranian regime cannot be allowed to enrich uranium or build WombsForBombs. PERIOD. Even the small-amounts of plutonium they've currently concocted, could be put inside a vile and kill-off Tel Aviv in a heartbeat. They have squandered ThePeoples' money in making missile-delivery-systems that could deliver it to Paris, in under an hour. It doesn't require a 'nuclear bomb' anymore.
President Ahmedi-Nijad has only two options: kick HatefulReligiousSupremacy 'off-planet' and we'll help him do it -- or he goes with it.
Russia very kindly volunteered to handle all aspects of enrichment -- and the current hateful-religious regime that usurped control of TheIranianPeoples' government and squandered their wealth, drew a line in the sand, while sitting atop the one of the world's greatest natural-resource depositories that could energize that country and half the world for many generations to come, with geothermal capabilities as well that could easily provide that region's energy needs for hundreds if not millions of years --
See, they don't 'need' nuclear power -- they have many other alternative energy capacities -- ALREADY IN PLACE AND DEVELOPED -- it's a 'concocted FAKE 'need' -- not a REAL 'need' -- but a FAKE 'need' -- therefore, obviously, a ruse for their HatefulReligiousSupremacy goals, as already declared, to 'cleanse the earth of infidels,' and that INCLUDES YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE.
Meanwhile, President Bush is being URGED by MILLIONS to eliminate that obvious threat to global security and Peace. He is proving RESTRAINT -- trying every avenue of working-it-out, somehow, someway -- with Condoleezza Rice, our excellent ambassador of peace, front-and-center.
How anybody could construe that as 'executive-failure' or 'presidential-impetuousness' literally boggles the mind.
He is by no stretch of imagination a 'bad president.' If he were, there wouldn't be an 'iranian nuke-program' -- there wouldn't be 'iranian-people' to liberate from HatefulReligiousSupremacy -- and there wouldn't be any reports to knit-pick and squabble about -- it would have already been exterminated, thereby playing-into the goals of HatefulReligiousSupremacists and their hateful planned-game to promise a LegacyOfShame to undermine our excellent Bush Team's LegacyOfLiberation.
How anybody could not be proud of that, is proof our own hateful Congress instigates DIVIDES instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/communities/teams/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.
(end quote of MY WORDS -- full transcript is at the following link: http://p098.ezboard.com/fyetanotherpoliticsboardfrm2.showMessageRange?topicID=24527.topic&start=1&stop=25 )
In order for Mitt Romney to succeed in his campaign, all of the above must be addressed, including the below post, "ATTENTION ALL ACTIVIE DUTY AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES."
"It's about EQUALITY, stupid" -- should be the new catch-phrase, because without it, economy suffers, and again, since the MeaningOfLife is 'nuture,' there obviously can't be any nurture at all without economy. Campaigns are no excuses for promoting HatefulReligiousSupremacy under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' and I hereby admonish and issue a citation to all whom do for having done so.
Let's take a look at that, briefly:
(quoting MY WORDS from Topix.Net)
I don't want to reiterate what is becoming more and more obvious to most people on the planet, right here, right now.
That said, as for the 'bible' VOLUME being 'absolute truth' or the 'word of god,' well, it defies logic to claim one's god is 'unconditionally loving' while it ASSumes GUILT until concocted GUILTIER, punishing people for alleged 'crimes' of ancestors/fathers under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' as some twisted psychotic 'positive-godly-good-plan' when obviously it's the epitome of hate, and that those people, 'cause the later descendents did not participate in nor have knowlege of those alleged 'crimes' in any way, shape or fashion. There is no 'justice' in that -- there is no 'honor' in that -- there is no 'love' in that -- ONLY VINDICTIVENESS/HATE.
There are zero logical rebuttals, only pre-programmed memorized ever-changing soundbites, reworded every few years, regurgitated 'at-the-sound-of-the-bell' by those whom can't think for themselves, whom then use it as an excuse to ERECT their IDOL TO WORSHIP, their hateful positive-cross-signs, and using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, ruthlessly hammer all dissenting-opinion and those whom have them, hatefully labeled as being 'negative,' in ideological crucifiXtion, called, 'FigurativeCarpentry,' the epitome of HATE, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero inegrity, proving zero justice, proving zero equality, and proving one's entire existence is the religion of HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE.
Obviously, the underlying moral of that woeful story is: HowNotToBe -- so, DO NOT BE THAT WAY.
Huckabee and Romney are promoting the OPPOSITE of that TimlessMessage, therefore running for President of this wonderful, beloved country, while simultaneously promoting the concept of ASSumed GUILT UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER.
That is HORRIBLE, and our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than allow it to have turned out this way.
When asked by a so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen' what would 'jesus' (a name used as a matter of convenience in English only) do if confronted with the decision to enact the Death Penalty, the extermination of one's so-called 'beloved-neighbor' -- the these FAKE PASTORS/PRIESTS obfuscated and failed to answer, with Huckabee making a joke, "Jesus wouldn't be stupid enough to run for public office."
As if that non-answer by a potential presidential candidate is 'funny' -- by a pastor of a so-called 'christian' church -- intentionally CENSORING the QUESTION of the so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen' and responding to a FAKE 'question' he made-up on-the-fly to be intentionally EVASIVE, therefore DISHONEST.
CNN's Erica Hill says this morning, "Who couldn't like that answer?" further promoting the idea that it was 'funny' and an 'appropriate response.'
These people are NOT QUALIFIED to run for President -- or govern ANYTHING on behalf of Jefferson'sPROMISE under WeThePeoples' CONSTITUTION. That FAKENESS is the only 'promise' they will bring to the Executive Branch in the White House. It's NOT 'funny' AT ALL. It's TRAGIC!
And just like the fakeness of that so-called 'debate,' with Giuliani obviously giving the only honest answers, and I've not been a supporter of his, so that doesn't come from bias AT ALL -- it just figures the FAKES would be declared the 'front-runners,' promoting ASSumed GUILT until CONCOCTED GUILTIER as their so-called 'shining-example,' -- (post continued, over 4000 characters. they really oughtta fix that, I'm not copy/pasting anything, I type each word very thoughtfully into these edit-boxes with zero edits as not to FAKE 'perfection' or 'superiority') ...
With that in mind, let me ask you all, honestly, do you really think that the two so-called 'front-runners' in politics, whom are both HIGH PRIESTS of two of the most prominant so-called 'christian' organizations in the US today -- with their warped interpretation presented as being 'normal' in a TwilightZone molestation of America -- isn't it obvious that the FigurativeCarpentry in the 'bible' VOLUME of the one commonly referred to as 'jesus' in English, would be introduced in the first portion of the same VOLUME, yet twisted and molested into something ELSE just as certain as the presentation of 'assumption of guilt until concocted guiltier' for so-called 'presidential front-runners' in one of WeThePeoples' elections?
"NewRome," indeed.
Vote "3Ons" in all future elections, as a write-in, be it 'dog-catcher' or President and SEND A MESSAGE!
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(end quoting of MY WORDS -- yes, my own opinions, my own unique perspective, my own dissenting opinions, not regurgitated pre-programmed soundbites plaigairized from tv/radio/manuals, and MY WORDS are available globally, to all people equally, here and on the above links, which are public-access internet website topic-discussion-forums, and nobody has a right to concoct excuses to censor/plaigairize/modify MY WORDS in any way shape or form, and nobody has the right nor authorization to speak on my behalf or claim to be a representative of either me nor ORCH.)
Mr. Romney, that's how you win elections. No sh*t. And that's why Rudi is.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn - HumanityFamilyAdvocate FedID "3Ons")
GOG-COC-SAC-TUT-ROR-3ONs ... AndMore, OnTime - RU?
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