Friday, December 07, 2007

ORCH_Day833 CIA Training : Interrogation Tapes

In the banking industry, facilities are monitored. The tapes are kept for a small period of time. If there is indication of wrong-doing, the tapes are reviewed. If not, they are copied-over, or destroyed.

Our hateful Congress now wants to squander another trillion-dollars erecting a giant repository of useless tapes, with yet another massive bureau-CRAZY to monitor the monitoring tapes, after concocting 'make-work' FAKE 'crisis-hearings' to 'investigate' TheCo's investigations.

Never forget that Congress approves every penny, appoints every 'head,' assigns every task, oversights every aspect of each dept and agency's 'mission-statement,' as non-stop set-ups for failure, so they may sit-back, later, pointing long-accusatory fingers at everybody/anybody ELSE, chanting, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem as their so-called 'shining-example' before the world, "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" their amen-prayer, proving zero-integrity, as usual.

After assigning an 'investigator' to harass investigators, real investigators, not FAKE 'investigators,' the appointed FAKE pessimistically tunnel-vision focuses their entire existence in tickling Congress' hateful G-spot to climax DIVIDES, thereby aborting productivity. They cast-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have it, as 'heretical/heretics,' being 'open-minded' only to 'like-mindedness,' in DarkAges mentality, proving HatefulReligiousSupremacy, the ultimate symptom of the ThoughtVirus-infection that subtly-promotes the root-ideology of terrorism, globally. "It's all about the children! Boo-hoo!" -- teaching kids, "HowToBeMean/Hateful."

Congress doesn't have a REAL 'platform,' pessimism their only FAITH, and failure their only HOPE, their 'mission' nothing more than DIVIDING communities/families/teams/countries/world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/teams/countries/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded, hence their pessimistic tunnel-vision-focus in perceiving 'flaws,' real or imagined 'flaws,' mostly imagined, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, and that's their real RELIGION, that's what they project as 'normal' to children for REAL, hiding behind marble-columns, FAKING 'majesty' while concocting more excuses to denigrate, harass, PUNISH, fine, tax, complicate, imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.

We can't afford it. Period. It's concocted the highest debts in the history of existence. What part of $9-trillion-dollars don't YOU get? And all they do is BLAME and SHAME and have the AUDACITY to claim their VICTIM(s) are 'indecent.' ChurchOfHate, no doubt about it.

WHO WILL THEY PUNISH TODAY to cast-out their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' and so-called 'equal-fellow-citizens' as 'not their kind of people' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby proving zero integrity as usual? YOU ARE NEXT, you, your business, your entertainment, your habits, your lifestyles, your clothes, your music, your dissenting opinions, your advertisements, your dance, your associations, your transportation, your dreams ... by ones and twos until there are NONE.


12-million people were sold the 'snake-oil' of 'affordable-home-ownership' due to rules and regulations established and oversighted by our own hateful Congress in a setup-for-failure to beat all setups-for-failures, and now the Financial Industries are reeling as a result. Millions have already lost their homes. In Spokane, WA, a city divided by positive-hatefulness, the homeless are outlawed -- it's illegal to be homeless in Spokane, and the homeless are PUNISHED for it -- now, that hateful city's management wants to build MORE DUNGEONS/JAILS to CAGE more of their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' for petty shit, like "sitting" and "breathing" without home-ownership on city-property, or taking personal-responsibility for their own medical needs and treating themselves for the horrid yearning for equality by being fruitful and multiplying 100% NATURAL PLANTS, marijuana, the oldest natural herbal remedy in existence. Marijuana isn't a 'drug,' it's a 100% NATURAL PLANT. But the 'genius-experts' want to FORCE ThePeople to pay for very-expensive doctor visits and associated paper(make)work, then the real drugs to proscribe real drugs to people and make YOU pay for it at your childrens expense, rather than allow people to take personal-responsibility for their own health-issues through ancient 100% natural herbal rememdies. Their latest chant, "More Prisons/Dungeons! More Police in-the-middle getting killed and killing to further our hateful WarAgainstThePeople under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT!" -- maybe I didn't word that quite 'right,' but intent is clear-enough.

2-million have lost their homes due to being sold the 'snake-oil' of so-called 'first-time-home-buyer-affordable-housing,' when it obviously wasn't. Who does Congress BLAME, as usual? THEIR VICTIMS!

And they won't do a thing about it except PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation, encouragement and HOPE, to FAKE being 'white-knights-in-shining-armor-riding-white-stallions' to FAKE 'heroism,' AS USUAL.

Before any so-called 'solution' is enacted, 10-million more will lose their homes, possibly more, most likely more. And the only so-called 'protections' being proposed, are for those whom are 99% certain to hold onto their homes anyway. THAT is FAKE 'loss-control,' to be certain.

We need 'loss-control' the damage to the country our hateful Congress has established in their hateful ChurchOfHate pessimism-worship.


Meanwhile, they SEAL their 'monitoring-tapes.' How convenient! It's become the greatest embarrassment to every citizen and every leader in existence.


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