Thursday, December 13, 2007

ORCH_Day828c Attn: Islam, Jew, Christian

How does a follower of Islam PROVE to be a BETTER CHRISTIAN than any 'christians' I've known?

Did you hear about the HatefulReligiousSupremacists whom attacked some Jewish kids and the Muslim came to their aide, thereby proving compassion?


Quote:One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus,"

These are kids, taught to HATE Jews, in subtle ways, where the so-called 'religious-moderates' -- the parents -- PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation/encouragement/HOPE.

See, the religious-story is about EQUALITY and served and protected unto perpetuity for that exact reason, because it applies to ALL INDIVIDUALS EQUALLY. Society concocted a system where any excuse would do for citizens to declare themselves 'positive' and then pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested hateful-religions), proving zero integrity, because it proves zero forgiveness, which always proves zero compassion, and that always proves zero JUSTICE, therefore ZERO EQUALITY.

See, once you declare yourself 'positive' then you go to your "MiracleLIST" of exactly 666-concocted ever-changing EXCUSES to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and services to others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. Any excuse will do, such as WORDS: "We hate that word -- ignore anybody that uses that word, censor anything with that word in it." Or CLOTHES: "We hate clothes like that -- ignore anybody that wears those types of clothes -- they aren't 'our kind of people.'" Or company-kept (guilt-by-association) "You know people like that? Well, I can't be seen with you! What will others think?!" Or transportation: "That guy drives a donkey! What an ASS! I wouldn't be caught DEAD with him!" Or education, music, dance, art, jobs, dissenting opinions, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), living-arrangements, even love itself -- any excuse will do for positive-people to concoct conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' to SELFISHLY DENY EQUALITY in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it was sucked-out of them by molested religions infiltrating and infecting the society/environment where they live); and using the points of one's own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS, positive-people ruthlessly hammer all those they've hatefully labeled as 'negative' MERCILESSLY against their hateful torture-devices of terror, those positive-cross-signs, in ideological crucifiXtion, the entire process called, "FigurativeCarpentry."

See how simple it is? Any child understands it by approx age-8, only to have it infinitely confused with 'genius-expert' bullsh*t, and they FORGET -- well, 'second coming,' right NOW, -- REMEMBER NOW, please, and be HEALED of the hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, and do it no more.

Anybody can be a 'jesus' -- it's about EQUALITY the entire treasure of a religious-story is about treating everybody EQUALLY, the story itself, these concepts EMBODIED in the story of an INDIVIDUAL to be applied EQUALLY to ALL INDIVIDUALS, because for millennia, people were illiterate and couldn't read, couldn't relate to these concepts at all, see.

So, these positive-people concocted an excuse to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to the INDIVIDUAL in the story, DENIED equal access to opportunities, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness -- until the individual PERISHED.

That individual's best-friend took money to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used against that individual. IT COULD BE YOU! So don't be that way.

__ __ __ __

See that? Put some letters there -- that's the 'name' for the INDIVIDUAL in the story -- IT COULD BE YOU ... the name is irrelevent -- it could be "xyzy" ... or "YWYZ" ... or whatever ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.

Society CAST-OUT one of it's own BelovedNeighbors, until that INDIVIDUAL PERISHED ... IT COULD BE YOU, so don't be that way.

Society didn't care anything at all about that individual's REAL LIFE until after that individual PERISHED, then claimed, "Oh! Murder! Death! We're victims! Oh the pain! The insufferable pain! We're victms! We're DEVESTATED! Boo-hoo!" in self-importance for the photo-op to FAKE 'compassion' after proving ZERO compassion.

So, don't be that way. You must PROVE compassion, not FAKE it.

And the hero in the article proved to be a BETTER CHRISTIAN than ALL OF YOU.

Kind Regards,


Posts: 577
(12/14/07 12:40 am)
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New Post Re: Muslim saves Jews from Attack on Subway... Oh, that's why I have ALWAYS SAID, "Don't BLAME THE JEWS!"

Society did it ... through hateful FigurativeCarpentry, and does it to every individual within it -- cannabalizing itself.

That's what the SACRAMENT represents, ORIGINALLY, and always was intended to represent exactly that and nothing but that, a REMINDER to NEVER BE THAT WAY, do NOT canabalize your BelovedNeighbors through the subtle hatefulness of FigurativeCarpentry, because it always PROVES zero compassion, zero self-esteem, zero forgiveness, therefore zero integrity and zero JUSTICE, which ultimately proves ZERO EQUALITY, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.

... the ceremony is representation to illiterate peoples of how hate-filled societies cannabalize themselves in SUBTLE WAYS, so do NOT be that way, " ... this is the flesh ... this is the blood ... REMEMBER HOW NOT TO TREAT ONE ANOTHER NOW!" -- and be HEALED of that subtle hateful FigurativeCarpentry.

(please read about Jefferson'sPROMISE below, "Attn: FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL")

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate/3Ons
OnTime -- RU?

Links: (my username is GogOnEarth -- now let me explain: in the above article, those 'christian boys' teach that hating Jews, blaming Jews, is what 'christianity' is all about. If that's what Christianity is, then I am AntiChrist. See how that works? These same people claim that their so-called 'unconditionally-loving-god' PUNISHES innocent people for alleged 'crimes' of their ancestors/fathers, that those living today did NOT participate in, had no knowledge of, but are ASSUMED GUILTY UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER. If that's what a 'christian' is, then I am AntiChrist.

These same molested-religions claim that women have their 'place,' an excuse for subjugation of women to selfishly deny equality and services, and if that's what being a 'christian' is then I am AntiChrist.

But that's why I'm a REAL priest, not a FAKE 'priest' -- and I do NOT claim the 'bible' VOLUME is 'ultimate-truth' then use the FALSE PROPHET of Nostrodamus to claim his unoriginal FAKE 'prophecies' are 'ultimate-truth' as an EXCUSE to be FEARFUL before the name, "Gog." It's ridiculous hateful superstition, and those doing it are NOT 'christians,' but if they claim so, then I am AntiChrist, as they shake and quake and get all frightened and fearful over WORDS and FALSE PROPHETS, proving they are NOT Christians but FRAUDS.

I have explained my TITLES thoroughly in my blogs. Most don't even ask for clarifications, just start hating 'at-the-sound-of-the-bell' like one of Pavlov's lab-DOGS, which is EXACTLY why the Russian human-behavioral-scientist conducted that experiment, to PROVE TO USans how ridiculously superstitious they'd all become. It's about PEOPLE, not dogs. So don't be that way. BE HEALED OF IT.

Kind Regards,

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