Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ORCH_Day841 AdamAndEve In HELL

From a topic-discussion-forum where I typed the following post moments ago:

I think you all confuse superstition with religion.

CVN68 claims to be a 'non-believer' while simultaneously claiming a belief-system in a religious character from a religious story. That's superstition.

Those whom claim to hold belief-systems in religious characters from religious stories, miss the entire point of those stories, molesting the religion into superstition.

Then, you all beat each other over the heads with figurative 'olive-branches.' Over and over and over.

In order to explain "AdamAndEve," one needs step-back from superstitious subtle-hatreds.

The 'bible' VOLUME is in three parts:

1) On COUNTRY(s): ideology of revolution, thereby dividing communities instead of uniting;
2) On INDIVIDUAL(s): affects of the above idealogy on the INDIVIDUAL within a community infected by that idealogy of divides;
3) On GLOBE(s): the GLOBAL affects of that ideology when countries, nations, continents are saturated with that ideology.

I took that directly from my blog (see following post):

It should be 'required-reading.'

So, we are discussing the ideology of how NOT to DIVIDE communities, teams, families, countries, world(s) into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, but to UNITE 'tribes,' families, teams, communities, countries, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.

Peace is made ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a FAKE 'life.' But on this REAL Earth during one's REAL life.

Let me ask you all something: Do you think language has always been the same? Stagnant? And for every concept expressed in YOUR words, an 'equal word' exists in all other languages?

Of course not! Look at the phrase, "Were you LAST in line LAST night?" for example. Now, you have been trained to think "last-night is the furthest night from the first night.' But it can't be translated that way, because in the above sentence, the first useage of the word 'last' is DEFINED within the sentence as the 'furthest away FROM 'first,' yet the next usage of the same word in the same sentence is "NEAREST TO NOW."

Can you imagine attempting to translate that into another language, and make it understandable? You'd end up with something like this: "Were you furthest from the front of the line the furthest night from now?" Or, "Were you the nearest to the front the nearest night from now?" YOU MUST BE IMMERSED IN THE CULTURE TO UNDERSTAND THE 'nuance' of word usage.

But all those ancient texts are dead-languages. Nobody speaks those languages anymore. There is ZERO people to ask. There are only guesses.

The world's foremost 'experts' are wrong more often than correct. We know this. You know this. All opinions EVOLVE based upon education -- which is new-information as it becomes available. Real life requires ZERO belief. Real life requires ZERO faith. The only things which require 'belief' are those things which cannot be VERIFIED using your 5-senses, such as ghosts, goblins, gods, demons, angels, fairies, sprites, aliens, sasquatch, vampires, santa claus, elves, etc.

Now, think about your metaphors. When you say, "That's a cool jacket!" you just said something illogical, because jackets are for warmth, so it would be translated as a 'evil jacket' by religionists because it didn't 'protect you from cold.' See how that works?

When dealing with the metaphors of dead-languages, from dead-cultures, we get the same 'modern-day-cultural-transferance,' where we take those ancient metaphors out-of-context because they have no modern references that exist within YOUR ENVIRONMENT, such as, "tearing of clothes," and, "rubbed ash against skin." Religious people from TODAY read these metaphorical phrases from ancient texts and take it LITERALLY, makeing them LITERALISTS, which is retarded -- self-retardation -- stagnation-of-mind -- hardened hearts/minds of STONE. So, what's it mean?

When in terrible anguish, one collapses AS THEY ARE, WHEREVER THEY ARE, regardless of what they are wearing, even the 'best' clothes they own, right there in the DIRT and the MUD and the FILTH and the SLIME, and sobs.

It doesn't matter who besmirches them, scorns them, hatefully casts dispersions against them, like MUD. THEY ARE EXPERIENCING REAL GRIEF, see. Nothing ELSE matters. There is ZERO 'else.' The grief is all-encompassing.

So, I just used a reference to modern-day metaphorical descriptions, "mud-slinging," -- see it? Did you catch it? Did you make the connection to "smeared with ash?" With "rending of clothes?"

So, with that in mind, and understanding those three "Ons" from my blog (link above) let's address AdamAndEve:

-- note: if you did not read about those 3Ons, then don't even bother throwing ash/mud/sh*t at me, thereby proving zero integrity.

In a society, any society, any family, any community, any infrustructure-set, there is governance. That is your environemnt. Your 'system-of-order.' You are an 'equal' to all others within it -- UNTIL, your Original_Sin. Now, what is that?

That's when you concoct an excuse to declare yourself 'positive,' because at that exact moment, you used that excuse to hatefully label another 'negative' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to them.

It doesn't matter your religion -- your size/shape/color -- your crotch (what's in it or what's done with it) -- your words, clothes, looks, grammar, habits, entertainments, lifestyles, education, jobs, living-arrangements, loves -- you are equal until your Original_Sin of using one of those items above or anything else as an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative' and thereby selfishly DENY EQUALITY to them/others for THEIR 'religion' or 'politics' or 'size/shape/color' or crotch or looks, or jobs, or entertainments, or whatever ...

The moment you do that, you are DENYING EQUALITY, using an EXCUSE to hatefully label another 'negative/inferior/undeserving' to ruthlessly hammer against your self-made hateful-torture-device of TERROR, your positive-cross-sign, which is the CrossOfShame/Hate, using the points of your own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in ideological crucifiXtion, the process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is the epitome of HATE, because it only DIVIDES -- families, communities, countries, even worlds -- your world at least -- and everybody elses' ...

But you DEMAND 'equality' from everybody ELSE for your own selfish SELF -- regardless of your own stupid-sh*t 'beliefs' OR 'superstitions' or clothes, or music, or dance, or company-kept, or size/shape/color, or transportation, or typos, or spelling, or grammar, or language or anything else, hence "hypocritical-forked-tongues as NAILS."

So you pick and choose which EXCUSE from a "MiracleLIST" of EXACTLY 666 ever-changing EXCUSES to declare one's self 'positive' as your 'inspiration' to ERECT your IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful positive-cross-sign, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness (but you demand it from everybody else), which proves you have zero compassion, which proves ZERO JUSTICE, which ALWAYS proves ZERO EQUALITY.

And for that, your environment, your 'system-of-order' around you, be it your family, your community, your country, your world by whatever definition, will CAST YOUR ASS OUT!

-- but YOU did it, see. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF, brought it entirely upon yourself in your hateful-positiveness.

So you subjugated your 'woman' into 'property-to-own' and left, isolated yourselves in hatefulness of everybody ELSE over stupid-sh*t, like their clothes, their music, their habits, their friends, their transportation, their loves, their crotches (what's in 'em or what they do with 'em, which you perversely sniff like a DOG in HOPE of finding something 'offensive' in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR) -- any excuse will do to DENY EQUALITY to EVERYBODY ELSE, because you're just so damned 'positive.'

And that is the INTRODUCTION, molested by simple-minded LITERALISTS, whom hypocritically use metaphorical-representations all the time and EXPECT everybody ELSE to 'automatically get their metaphors', then hypocritically HATE EVERYBODY ELSE for not being 'literalists' with them, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

But that is not to say there is someone alive today to blame, shame and hammer ruthlessly against a positive-cross-sign for it. It was dumbed-down to be told to illiterate people, long ago, after infrustructure COLLAPSED, and there was no longer the ability to teach, to build, to help one another globally. It went 'word-of-mouth' for a very long time before written-symbols were re-invented; then, the few whom knew how to write re-interpreted everything based upon their own 'cultural-norms,' absent of the ancient metaphorical roots. It's a gradual process, and over the millennia, we have a molestation of the ORIGINS now presented as 'normal,' but it isn't.

It's about EQUALITY, always WAS, always will BE. Don't be dumbed-down LITERALISTS. Don't punch HOLES in the WHOLE, molesting it into a holy-mess. Don't knit-pick typos/wordings/phrases. APPLY THE WHOLE CONCEPTS.

"It's about the CONCEPTS, stupid!" should be a common catch-phrase. Not about the words -- not about the spelling ... but about the WHOLE CONCEPTS.

And do the Maths: +1-1=0, or, -1+1=0 (your positiveness concocts negatives to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and thereby DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/families/communities/countries/teams/companies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded -- so don't be that way, don't be 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label others 'negative' to do hateful FigurativeCarpentry as an excuse to DENY EQUALITY/SERVICES) -- and DoTheMaths every Sunday, the SundayMaths, and every moment in between.

It's very simple. Most kids understand it by age 8. It's the TimelessMessage for that exact reason, because it applies to every 'person' in existence, all whom are, all whom were, all whom will be, for eternity, the entire HumanityFamily, EQUALLY, regardless of language or LOCATION.

And that is the EXACT ROOT DEFINITION of AdamAndEve.

Kind Regards,


So, they did it to themselves, see. See it yet? They ISOLATED themselves, casting-out all others as 'negative/inferior/undeserving' by ones and twos until there were NONE, and waged war against all whom disagreed in their hateful-positive-self-righteousness, concocting HELLishness for everybody, and demanding everybody ELSE pay for their concocted 'offensive-issues' ... which bankrupts entire countries/world(s) ... so don't be that way. WE ARE ALL AUTHORIZED TO DEFEND AGAINST IT -- YOU.

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