Monday, December 10, 2007

Please, Mr. President ...

Please, Mr. President ...


"ViceNoise -- WarAgainstVick'sNoise"

The WhitePeople used to put the BlackPeople in cages and make them FIGHT, calling it a 'positive-godly-good-plan.' There were no punishments, only encouragements; HOPE for PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle instigation/HOPE.

Later, a few BlackPeople put DOGS in cages and made them FIGHT, mimmicking the behaviors they'd been beaten to learn. Vick didn't promote it. He didn't encourage it. It was brought to him. HELLishness, delivered. "Hey -- we've got this positive-godly-good-thing going on -- you've got to play your part."

So the WhitePeople could sit back, LATER, pointing their long-accusatory fingers, claiming, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than me/us!" in their positive-godly-goodness, as usual.

And Vick got PUNISHED. His team got PUNISHED. His industry got PUNISHED. His fans and supporters got PUNISHED. The BlackPeople took a figurative 'black-eye,' but most disgusting, Vick's livelihood was taken-away to destroy his FAMILY and instigate (DIVIDES) within t/his COUNTRY.

Celebrating anything dealing with FIGHTING is gross. We don't fight, we defend against all whom do. I am no fan of MenInTights playing with their BALLS, with grown-women off in the corner, cheering, "Rah! Rah! Rah! We can't do it -- we're just little girls -- go fight! Fight! Fight!" to subtly-celebrate FIGHTING as a positive-godly-good-plan to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-encouragement/instigation/HOPE. I think it's gross. And with every passing generation, those same grown-women, dressed-up like little girls, encourage selective-breeding to make 'em bigger, tougher and MEANer, therefore UGLIER, playing right into it, being 'played,' as PawnsOfWar.

Vick's WORDS were used AGAINST him by positive-people concocting excuses to place CONDITIONS against their so-called 'love' for their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, which proves zero integrity, which proves zero forgiveness, zero compassion, therefore zero justice, and ultimately, zero EQUALITY.

Vick's WORDS deemed 'noise,' by all the positive-godly-good-people as an excuse to censor dissenting-opinion, and cast-him-out, in a sickening, long-term plot to instigate DIVIDES, to encourage the dividing of communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/teams/families/companies/countries/allies/world(s) in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. It was a 'genius-expert' concocted plot to entrap an INDIVIDUAL into doing things he'd never have normally done, his environment INFECTED, ViceNoise to WarAgainstVick'sNoise.

Our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than to have allowed it to turn-out this way.

President Andrew Jackson paid-off the National Debt, the only President to ever have done that. Meanwhile, in the great tradition of our FoundingFathers, after the common-people, infected with the ThoughtVirus of 'positive-godly-good-plans' that concoct HELLishness for everyone ELSE under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's none of that -- those 'common-folk' had nearly completed the total genocide of the OriginalPeople from the East. Before the last SURVIVORS, a mere 80,000 were completely anihilated by HatefulReligiousSupremacy, President Jackson abused his constitutional authority and called-out the army to LIBERATE the SURVIVORS to SAFETY, as Thomas Jefferson suggested 3-decades earlier, but was DENIED by hateful-religionists.

I have a drop of Cherokee in me -- that's all it takes to be HATED.

The TrailOfTears -- it was the travesty of travesties --- TravestyOfTravesties -- the goal of our FoundingFather's DENIED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy HELLbent on cococting HELLishness for everybody ELSE, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle encouragement/instigation/HOPE, as usual.

We didn't have 'human services' then -- those were monopolized by hateful-religionists, with long 'strings' attached to all their so-called 'gifts,' and with every 'present,' they'd pull those strings, yanking 'hooks' into the flesh they consume in hateful-religious ideological-cannabalism.

We didn't have educational-services then, either. Why? Same reason. Under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' all knowlege was CENSORED by the HatefulReligiousSupremacists, long 'strings' with 'hooks' attached to those they'd brainwashed into puppet-hood, by only allowing their victims to learn a select few taken-out-of-context religious 'scriptures' mistranslated and misinterpreted in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their own MEANness, as usual.

Every FoundingFather cried with every step along the TrailOfTears. It was indeed a MiserableFailure. President Jackson led the SURVIVORS personally -- PERSONALLY -- to ensure they were not GENOCIDED, passing the reigns of justice, the last vestiges of 'justice,' to those he trusted to personally ensure the OriginalPeople were NOT GENOCIDED by 'common-folk' INFECTED by HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

It was an outrage, those Trails Of Tears -- a travesty -- a miserable-failure -- equality had FAILED, hateful-religionists rebelled at it's mere suggestion. A seemingly ever-lasting STRUGGLE to this very day.

We need another JeffersonJackson-esque LIBERATION, a Presidential PRESENT, from the Presidency to ThePeople. SEIZE_AND_PAY. FORGIVE VICK. Is there ANY DOUBT on ANYBODY's mind AT ALL, that Vick will NEVER do that AGAIN? Of course not! He never pillaged, plundered, raped, burned or murdered! The PUNISHMENT does NOT FIT.

LIBERATE VICK! Compensate the VICTIMS of this 'genius-expert' concocted FAKE 'crisis' and stop the "ViceNoise."

And that makes Vick a Vicroy to promote KINDNESS and EQUALITY.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate -- 3Ons)
OnTime, RU?

OnEdit: the word 'divides' was inserted for clarity, in parens "(_)" ABOVE

Note: "t/his" obviously stands for "this/his" since 'genius-experts' can't think for themselves and worship MANUALS as excuses to HATE people for typing/splg/grammar/language/clothes/looks/education -- any excuse will do -- in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, therefore proving zero justice, which always proves ZERO EQUALITY. BE HEALED OF IT!

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