Thursday, December 27, 2007

The TimelessMessage, for my President


From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate;

Dear President Bush, from dirt to thrown, I most respectfully request for you to experience MY WORDS and to learn the TimelessMessage, and share it, globally, your PRESIDENTIAL GIFT per your CALLING.

It is most easily understood if thought of in the following context, where I responded to a comment on a public-access internet-website topic-discussion-forum (link at end).

Here was the comment:

QUOTE: Quote:It is interesting how up till now Jesus has usually been portrayed as white. But that is changing as Christianity is fading in europe yet growing in Africa and South America. In the 21rst century I really feel you will start to see Jesus depicted more as a dark skinned person (which I think he was). The Catholics are changing their crucifix to give him a darker complexion and other non-white features. The next pope might also be black. Some African churches have begun to send missionaries to the US and europe.

Things change.


HERE are MY WORDS in response:

Anybody whom thinks that way -- whom even contemplates it in that manner -- misses the point of it entirely.

It's about an individual -- of any size/shape/color/crotch(what's in it or isn't or what's done with it)/ -- regardless of LANGUAGE or LOCATION --

In order to develop a 'personal-relationship' with the TimelessMessage to be learned, put yourself in those figurative 'shoes.' Choose any name ...

Fill in the blanks: ___ ___ ___ ___

Put some letters in it. Any letters. That's the name of the INDIVIDUAL -- your name, as your LIVE in those 'shoes.'

Nobody defends you. Nobody at all. Everybody DENIES you. Even your so-called 'friends' have taken money to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used AGAINST you in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR. They don't 'love' you -- far from it. You don't wear their kinds of clothes, so pieces of cloth are the EXCUSE to ridicule, scorn, harass, and selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to you; you use WORDS they hate, so they use your WORDS as an excuse to CENSOR your DISSENTING OPINIONS and hate YOU as an individual, to selfishly deny YOU equality and services under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern/safety' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT; your 'credentials' are insufficient for the so-called 'higher-learned' to bother with you; your 'education' is insufficient; your hair is 'too long' or 'too this' or 'too that' ; your looks aren't 'good enough' ; your grammar/typing/splg/language isn't 'up to snuff' ; your job-skills are 'lacking' ; your friends are excuses for the self-righteous to not associate with you lest they be accused of 'associating with not our kinds of people (guilt by association -- which has NOTHING TO DO WITH GOVERNMENT, but everything to do with so-called 'friends,' family, relatives, etc.); your talents aren't 'notworthy enough' for perfectionists; you don't 'walk right' ; you don't 'laugh right' ; you don't 'act right'; you don't 'learn right' ; you don't 'sound right' -- your mode of transportation isn't 'good enough' ; your attitude is 'all wrong' ; your speech is 'too intense' ; your loves are 'those kinds of people' which were pre-approved for denied-equality, hatred, already, (more 'guilt-by-association') --

-- and nobody defends you. Nobody at all. Not ONE.
-- regardless of name -- fill in the blank: ___ ___ ___ ___ (use any letters, it doesn't matter what your name is, it's not 'good enough' anyway);

That is your ENVIRONMENT. All HATE. All positive-people concocting excuses to cast-you-out as 'not their kind of people' -- any excuse will do for these positive-people to hatefully label you 'negative' and hammer you ruthlessly against their merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful-torture-devices of TERROR -- their self-made CrossOfShame/Hate -- using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- ideological crucifiXtion -- in a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of HATE -- by all the positive-people, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ZERO self-esteem, proving ZERO integrity, proving ZERO forgiveness, proving ZERO compassion, therefore proving ZERO JUSTICE, which obviously proves ZERO EQUALITY --


Any word: "We hate that word, therefore CENSOR ANYTHING with that word in it, IGNORE THE MESSAGE, and cast-out the MESSENGER as 'not our kind of people,' because we're positive-people and you're not!"

Any piece of cloth: "We HATE those clothes! We wouldn't be caught DEAD with anybody wearing clothes like THAT! You are NOT 'our kind of people!"

Any excuse will do for positive-people to selfishly DENY EQUALITY, see.

And that is a massive DECEPTION, being 'positive,' a massive SETUP FOR FAILURE -- because positive-people have been subtly-brainwashed to think being 'positive' is a 'positive-godly-good-thing' when it's the most horrid deception ever visited AGAINST any 'person' in existence, all whom are, all whom were, and all whom will be, the entire HumanityFamily, because it's the formula for DIVIDES, it endlessly DIVIDES communities/familiies/teams/friends/associates, companies/countries/world(s) (your world, regardless of how you define it, and everybody elses' world, too) -- endless divides into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' communities, teams, families, friends, organizations, companies, personnel, countries, allies, world(s) in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Cast-out until PERISHED, after being concocted as 'negative/inferior/undeserving' of EQUALITY by hateful-positive-people under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/safety/concern' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

See, these positive-people have been subtly brainwashed to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in all things around them, especially others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem (it's been sucked-out of them by the hateful environment of which they are PRODUCTS_OF), proving zero integrity (the process of FigurativeCarpentry is hateful, and that proves zero integrity), proving zero forgiveness (which proves one learned nothing from anything 'religious' EVER yet hypocritically DEMANDS 'forgiveness' for their own so-called 'transgressions' from everybody ELSE); which proves ZERO COMPASSION (yet hypocritcally DEMAND compassion from everybody ELSE); which proves ZERO JUSTICE, therefore proves a community/family/country/team/company/world of ZERO EQUALITY.

That is exactly why there are ZERO positive-cross-signs on ANY Jewish structure, nor Mormon structure, nor Jahovah's Witness' structure, nor Islamic structure, nor Hindi structure, NOR COURTHOUSES -- and it is ORIGINALLY the EXACT ROOT of why Catholics made the sign of a 'positive-cross' when confronted by the hateful-positiveness of others, to DISTANCE THEMSELVES FROM IT.


After the individual, YOU, see -- YOU -- not 'somebody else' -- YOU -- and your designation is the four-letters you chose -- ___ ___ ___ ___ -- after YOU have been hatefully labeled 'negative/inferior/undeserving' by positive-people, FigurativeCarpentry performed against you repeatedly, in their subtle-HATEFULNESS to DENY YOU equality and services, casting-you-out as 'not good enough for their positive-self-righteousness,' AFTER YOU PERISH --

-- what happens?

The flock to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-encouragement/instigation/HOPE for the PHOTO-OP -- "Oh the pain! The insufferable pain! S/he is DEAD! He was perfect! He could walk on water! He could perform miracles! Why did they do it! We're VICTIMS! Boo-hoo! We're so horribly suffering! The insufferable pain! Waaahhhh!"

-- all about their own selfish selves.

Nobody gave a sh*t about YOU (your four-letter designation) while you were ALIVE ...

-- but once you were DEAD, they all claim you were 'perfect' --for the PHOTO-OP, to PROFIT from DEATH in DeathWorship.

Then, they revise history in self-aggrandizing 'feel-good' stories to PROFIT, in DeathWorship, AS USUAL.

IT COULD BE YOU, right now. TODAY. TOMORROW. It requires ZERO BELIEF. It requires ZERO FAITH. That hateful positive-ness proves-itself-out right before you, night and day, every day of your life, 24/7/365 -- to be VERIFIED with YOUR FIVE SENSES -- ZERO speculation -- ZERO conjecture -- ZERO theories -- ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Period.

So don't be that way. That's the TimelessMessage, the ABSOLUTE ROOT of every religion in existence, regardless of LANGUAGE or LOCATION, be it HERE, THERE or BEYOND, every 'person' in existence, all whom WERE and all whom ARE and all whom WILL BE -- regardless if you think they look 'human' or NOT -- the entire HumanityFamily.

AdamAndEve's OriginalSin was being BLAMED by a positive-environment as 'negative/unworthy/undeserving/inferior' and CAST-OUT as 'not their kind of people,' by AllThings, the 'perfect-positive-environment' that was a 'varitable-paradise' or 'shangrala' or 'garden-of-eden,' or 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best-country-on-earth' or wherever -- then the seemingless endless horror-stories of how hateful-positive-environement-countries endlessly concoct excuses to HATE EACH OTHER and GENOCIDE each other in the name of their hateful psychotic 'positive-godly-good-god.'

So, DO THE MATHS: +1-1=0 (translation: your concocted excuse to declare yourself 'positive' is the Original_SIN, the only sin, because it INSPIRES HATE, and eventually somebody KILLS because of YOUR INTOLERANCE after concocting excuses to place CONDITIONS AGAINST YOUR so-called 'love' for YOUR so-called 'beloved-neighbor,' to selfishly DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving your entire existence is HATE -- the religion of HATE -- and god is FALSE/FAKE, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY). NegativePositive-ism, or Positive-Negativeism, whatever way you describe it, is the formula for NOTHINGNESS (+1-1=0, or, -1+1=0) -- the formula for HATE, the formula for HOLOCUAST, the formula for DEATH, the formula for DeathWorship, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.

That is the TimelessMessage to UNITE in PeaceOnEarth -- REMEMBER IT -- DO THE MATHS, the SundayMaths, do 'em every Sunday and every moment in-between. NEVER FORGET.

Kind Regards,
A REAL priest -- not a FAKE 'priest.'


That is what Jefferson'sPROMISE extends from -- as embodied in Virginia'sGIFT, which I will perform for you someday.

Thank you, sir.

And Kind Regards to you and yours. Peace be with you.


Clayton Winton -- HFA/3Ons

PS> Oh, the link where I firstly typed my thoughts and then copied it here to share with you:
(It may not fully display, but you can double-click it to hi-light it, right-click to copy it, then paste it into a browser for confirmation of MY WORDS if you wish).

Also, thank you for serving and protecting liberty for all people equally FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy, globally. I am proud of you and your team, sir. And if you have a vacancy, I could really use the uplifting. At this point, I'll even wash windows. Whatever. Any opportunity appreciated.

And why don't you wear bright, bright, sun-shiny-day yellow-ties? Just a suggestion, sir.

Oh, and can't resist: in the SOTU, please address the state-of-the-human-condition, instead of the usual 'rah-rah-feel-goodism,' to be a powerful leader, an outstanding coach, 'tear 'em down and build 'em up -- to UPLIFT all people equally. Maybe I can help your writers? :lol: I know, I'm not 'their kind of people.'

Well, I don't want to burden you, sir. Take care.

Kind Regards,

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