Thursday, June 19, 2008

Campaign 'killers'-2

Lee Hamilton, speaking at Indiana University, says that Congress is 'too timid.' His position is that equality is only for 'his-kinds-of-people,' and that the women oppressed in the Middle East are not deserving of either democracy, or equality. He also says, and this is not an exact quote, but close, " ... savaged by the opposition," regarding (his kinds of people and how they are 'treated' by ) the Bush Team and supporters of President Bush and our heroic Liberators defending liberty globally for all people equally. He wouldn't listen to me for two-seconds (even if he had to.)

See, self-evident truth, that which we all pledged allegiance to since childhood, is that we are all equal, regardless of "goddamned pieces of paper."

"Papers! Papers!" flashbacks of Sgt Schultz from old reruns of Hogans Heroes. Sgt Schultz being the prison-guard, a group of heroic liberators from the USA defending liberty, in a cage for not being 'their-kinds-of-people.' The Nazi's were ruthless when it came to paperwork -- language, pieces-of-cloth, habits, entertainments, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), education, living-arrangements, lifestyles, age, size, shape, color, abilities/inabilities, free-associations, even love itself. Any excuse would do to HATE YOU ---


They didn't care if you were or were not, all were marched to camps for not being 'their-kinds-of-people,' all others required to prove their 'equality' through paperMAKEwork.

Our heroic defenders of liberty sacrificed their very lives for equality. Hogan's Heroes was made as a 'comedy,' for numerous reasons. But much of it isn't funny at all.

Sen Obama claims that ridiculing or judging a political opponant by one's love, is wrong. And I wondered if that would be the case if it were not a John and Cindy McCain but a John and Sam McCain? Would he still say that? (What if it were not Barack and Michelle, but Barack and Michael obama? What then?)

Meanwhile, Cindy is concerned about Michelle Obama's comment regarding pride in her country. And that needs be put to rest here and now. See, when you are surrounded by people claiming how 'equal' THEY are, and have never walked in the shoes of those subtly denied the same equality, equal access to opportunities, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, (that which) those same people around you hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves -- when you walk in those shoes -- it's hard to find pride in your country.

When those whom claim to be 'qualified' don't address exactly that, for all people equally, they prove their 'credentialing-systems' are entirely fraudulent. When those whom claim they serve and protect self-evident truth, holding judicial doctorates proving they've been instructed in exactly that, yet intentionally use belief-systems to confuse the people, self-evident truth is denied, equality itself. When those whom claim fake 'wounds' from words, claiming they are being 'attacked,' but there is no blood-spilled, no wounds at all except that which is imagined in their own heads, defensive-services are denigrated and via attrition horribly setup-for-failure thusly emboldening enemies known (and not known) hostile to the country.

Sen McCain doesn't hold a judicial doctorate. He is excused. But he needs be advised. Thankfully, he has expert advisors to remind him -- eh? Of course. That's what fellow equal-citizen-beloved-neighbors do, uplift one another, and be forgiving while doing it.

See, Mrs. McCain has a husband that is denied equality due to his AGE. She hasn't walked in those shoes YET, but when she does, and nobody DEFENDS HER, and if she were to experience the hardships of so many people, denied equality herself in very subtle, but very hateful ways, the shiny-gloss of 'pride' becomes tarnished very fast.

If she were poor, she'd know it INSTANTLY. If she were of a different skin-color, a different size, shape, language, education, any differences at all, or oftentimes due to political or religious views, she'd know it instantly, and her political viewpoints are used to hate her today, eh? Of course. She knows that -- but got caught-up in the rhetoric. Forgive. I forgive.

(And don't forget that abuse of religious-freedom to selfishy deny religious-freedom, free-speech/free-expressions of others is why we're in a war and have been for millennia).

During campaigns, discussing politics, it's very difficult not to get caught-up in it at times -- in the rhetoric -- we all do -- I do -- you do -- everybody does -- and we have to remind each other from time-to-time, to get our feet back on the ground. FeetOnGround, as I've always said. It takes forgiveness and compassion.

Laura Bush is proving it, reminding others of their best qualities, instead of knit-picking flaws. I do a little of both, especially when one's humanity needs resuscitating, because 'forgive-and-forget' is a fraud -- we don't learn anything by forgetting. And (we should) always point things like that out with as much kindness as can be mustered on that day, and moods change moment-by-moment depending on the level of hatred directed (towards) a person (yourself) by others. Without encouragement, it's hard to be proud of one's country. It's hard to be proud of life itself.

Do you remember all those people in the Super Dome in New Orleans? Terrified? Trapped there for days. Nobody could get to them. And during that storm, the howling wind more fierce than any ever heard before, that hurricane, Katrina -- it wasn't 'moments' -- it was a very long, long time -- and people were freaking-out -- terrified -- and it's hard to be proud of much of anything during those times.

I reminded everyone of how proud I am of the construction of the dome itself (no, I wasn't there, I wrote and talked about it extensively while everybody else ridiculed and scorned), proud of those workmen that built it and (maintained) it to save the (lives) of all those people. I reminded everyone of how proud I am of the emergency-services response, cutting through hundreds of miles of debris -- doing everything humanly possible to rescue the survivors of the storm. And while I reminded everyone about how proud I am and why, our hateful LegisHaters, Congress, taught the people to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in hating everybody, knit-picking everything, every effort, every agency, from individuals to mayors to govenors to directors to presidents. (I know all about the 'receiving-end' of that hatefulness).

That's what this campaign has become. And while they spent millions, taking money from anybody/everybody, every spelling and wording pre-approved and scrutinized by 'experts' for them, I have spent zero, and don't bother corecting spelling/grammar/wording thereby proving zero self-esteem, faking 'superiority,' which (would be/is) the denial of equality itself (if done so).

Nobody is perfect. Nothing is perfect. And today, nobody is 'good enough' at anything. Millions have died defending all people equally against that type of tyranny. Heroically liberating all people equally from those whom deny equality knit-picking their own perceptions of 'flaws' tunnel-vision focused against everybody else.

John McCain has worked very hard, his entire life, sustaining real wounds, to defend liberty for all people equally. He used the 'believe' word because everybody else does -- but it's wrong. Real life doesn't require 'belief' at all -- only imagined things do -- and if his platform isn't based on the rock solid foundation of self-evident truth, then it's fake, something to 'believe-in,' like ghosts, magic, aliens, mind-over-matter, santa claus.

We must strive to not do that which previous hatefulness has brainwashed the people to do, confuse belief-systems with evaluative-opinion-systems, (because that) denies self-evident truth, the absolute foundation of our pledges of allegiance, our constitution, the declaration of equality, life, liberty, happiness and justice for all.

And for all politicians, instead of claiming "your words are important," prove it. Because it just sounds cheap otherwise, empty-words, shallow, like all the others, meaningless, because you've all proved repeatedly YOU ONLY LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.

That's why I want to be on the McCain ticket as his VP. I know all about real wounds too. I know all about being subtly and not-so-subtly hated. I know all about walking in the shoes of the people, the cast-outs, the down-trodden, the dispossesed, the hard-working, the working-poor, the 'upwardly-mobile', the various positions that GO IGNORED their voices CENSORED, disenfranchised, because our hateful political-system has molested democracy into IGNORING EVERYBODY unless they have MONEY, and then pandering to a 'middle-class' merely for VOTES.

(Money worship -- that's what it's become -- PROVING DISQUALIFICATION and that's why so few vote at all).

(See,) we're ONE COUNTRY -- ONE WORLD -- ONE PEOPLE -- and the most important issues of all are going ignored, 'politics-as-usual,' which is 99% 'sounds-reasonable' BS.

TIME TO DO BETTER -- please do. Please.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton


OnEdit: On of my rare posts that I modified slightly, but put the modifications in parens "(_)" ABOVE for clarity -- I type quickly, and don't sit around playing with spell-checkers and thesauruses/ syntax-checkers in the pathetic attempt to FAKE being 'perfect' thereby proving zero self-esteem. I have plenty of self-esteem to not hypocritically claim, "Why should you care what other people think?!" then censor my typed thoughts because of poor-wording/grammar/splg/typos because of 'what-I-MIGHT-IMAGINE-other-people-MIGHT-think-about-me,' like those with zero self-esteem do.)

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