Friday, June 13, 2008

ShakeTheEarth - Christians IN HELL

From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvociate -- ORCH_Day1017

Global Crisis Update

All entities in existence, PLEASE EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

I have often stated I am a 'government-man' not a 'church-man.' I have also defended the StateOfIsrael and Jews so often and solidly throughout my life, that I have been referred to as the, "KingOfTheJews." I have also proved the so-called 'front-runners' of political races, including the current Presidential contest of 2008, are relying on 'qualifications' from 'credentialing-systems' that are no longer valid. And I have always said I am a real priest, not a fake one.

But I'm just a guy. I would never profit from the TimelessMessage. I do it out of love, and love of humanity, all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language or location, the entire HumanityFamily, equally.

There are certain things we may all agree, without knit-picking, without punching holes in it, regardless of typos or spelling or grammar or anything else. Self-evident truths, which United States citizens pledge allegiance to, since childhood. Yet, at the border, a border agent must ask a person's citizenship, and the common response is, "American," in arrogance. And it is real arrogance, because that could be Canada, or Mexico, or Peru or Nicaragua, or Venezuela, or Colombia, or anywhere within 'America,' the Americas. The agent can't prompt you for answers, in case you are 'memorizing' a 'cover-story.' So the agent must detain you until you either figure-out what country you hold citizenship from, or somebody brings a copy of your certified birth-certificate or passport.

Now, people are so caught-up in a 'spell-of-confusion' about the most basic self-evident truths, that they become hostile and mean, and it's costing governments a fortune, globally, not just this population, but all of them. As a result, the United States government has enacted a sweeping passport-reform measure, so that you must present a passport at the border to prove your citizenship because so many are in a 'spell-of-confusion' about basic, 3rd-grade educational questions obviously forgotten. "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader," is on TV right now because of it, also. It's embarrassing. We MUST DO BETTER.

And that is just ONE reason why I keep saying I am a 'government-man' NOT a 'church-man,' because the entire situation is out of control, and has been for quite some time. There isn't a checkbox in the 'profile-section' for that, so I checked, "government" as the industry, because that is my FOCUS, and that is where my heart is, and that is why I have worked so hard to get to the EXACT ROOT of that which plagues us, US, all of us, AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings, whether I am employed or not, since FirstBreath, because the problems 'plaguing religions AND governments spill-over' and causes problems against family, globally. I have requested that all call the McCain camp and ask that he place me on his ticket as his running-mate in '08 election. Won't you too? Please?

Let me clear-up a few things, starting with religious-issues, because it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT AILS GOVERNMENTS, globally.

Here are several responses I've written on public-access internet (not 'intrAnet' that I am aware of, and if so, any whom read this are obligated by law to make sure I know about it) -- TopicThread discussion forums:


From: MSN Nickname3Ons Sent: 6/13/2008 10:39 PM
Thank you for the various translations.

What we have to remember, is that the study of translations, is the same as quoting somebody else's opinions, plagiarized as one's own, then using different evaluations of metaphorical-representations as excuses to place conditions against one's own so-called 'love' for one's own so-called 'beloved-neighbor.'

See, words are metaphors. All words.

Know how that works? If you were teleported to some strange land, and you were thirsty, and couldn't speak the language, you'd probably make some type of hand-gesture, right? That is a metaphorical-representation of your need to nurture yourself from thirst, for water. If the person you gestured towards, and you, were on a deserted island, and neither spoke each others' language, you'd develop your own. It would begin with hand-gestures, motions. Then, you'd agree on some type of gutteral metaphorical-representations for each hand-gesture.

Eventually, you'd develop a whole language. Nobody else would understand it, except the two of you. In order to reduce gutteral-metaphorical-representations of self-evident truths as it unfolds, (reduce wording), you'd start using metaphors of metaphors.

THEN, you'd develop graphical-representations of the metaphors-of-metaphors, therefore, a triple-metaphorical-representation of reality as it unfolds before self-evident truth.

That's when language gets really confusing. Especially in translation. And after you are dead, others will be superimposing their own metaphorical analysis upon your dead-language-set.

"Rendering of clothes, rub ash against skin," for example, is about GRIEF, and is always used in that context. You collapse where you are when stricken by grief, regardless of how expensive your clothes are, even if they rip, or get stained. And passersby 'throw-mud-at-you,' "mud-flinging" per our CURRENT metaphorical-word-reduction-sets, because they'll say, "Oh that poor thing! Probably drunk! Or a drug-addict! Mentally unstable! But for the grace of god go we! Quick! Hide the eyes of the children!"

But you were stricken with grief, wearing your finest clothes, even though they get ripped or stained, wherever you may be, regardless of where you are, overcome with horrid grief, and the rips and stains are entirely meaningless, although normally it would be a very 'big-deal' to you -- and the stares and ridicule and scorn and so-called 'good-graces' of others, entirely meaningless, so overcome with grief you be.

Now, I mention that because what about those "Ten Commandments," eh? :)

Do you think that if you are overcome with grief, rendering your clothes, tearing the cloth, ashed 'rubbed-against-your-skin' -- which you took upon yourself because under the circumstances it's entirely meaningless -- but AFTER, and you see a video of all the hateful comments of passers-by in their 'mud-flinging,' or remember it -- their lack of forgiveness, their lack of compassion, their, well, hatefulness isn't it? Of course it is --

AFTER that, do you think you are 'entitled' to 'eye-for-an-eye'?

Since they proved lack of forgiveness and lack of compassion, which they hypocritically DEMAND for their own selves, do you have a 'right' to 'return-the-favor'?

Similarly, if somebody bumps into you, and you lose balance and fall, perhaps hit your 'funny-bone' or get a bruise, or something like that -- do you have a right to inflict a painful 'retribution' against them?

And that's where we're at today. Because we don't understand the most basic metaphorical-representations written in the language of all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, and all whom will be, and are discouraged from discussing it, cast-out as 'heretics' just for mentioning it.

And that's the REAL TROUBLES of the world today. It reinforces the superstitionalization of religions, and governments, pitting religions against governments. And nobody can afford that concocted HELLishness.

Even the study of metaphorical-representations, which are generally written as mythology or legends or folklores, are now a study of when the FIRST KNOWN writing of the superstitious-version. Higher-ed doesn't even consider practical-application to all people equally, as it unfolds, to each individual, yourself, verifiable with one's five-senses (or more or less 'senses' depending upon individual).

Do you know what a 'witch' truly is? Higher-ed will give you a study of the superstitionalizations, the FIRST KNOWN writings about it. But it has nothing to do with cackling hags, magic, but everything to do with "toils and troubles," as Shakespeare wrote about.

How's that EXACTLY?

It's the study of "which is its" --

1) Which is it, a REAL WOUND with real blood-letting, real pain, real suffering, real misery, inflicted upon you by another, and will require real time for real HEALING?

-- or --

2) Which is it, a FAKE 'wound' with FAKE 'blood-letting' with FAKE 'pain' and FAKE 'suffering' IMAGINGED to have been 'sustained' from FAKE 'wounds' in a FAKE 'attack' from WORDS as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION?

Those whom don't know the difference between the two are caught-up in a 'spell-of-confusion.' And there really are people that 'play-games' with the minds of those whom don't know the difference between the two, "toils and troubles," therefore. In mythology, applicable to all people equally, regardless of language or location, regardless of time, ontop of time, therefore TIMELESS, which is OnTime -- not just your population but all populations, the 'legends/folkslores/myths' of 'witches' is ABOUT EXACTLY THAT, the 'spell-of-confusion' inflicted against those whom don't know the difference between the 'which is its.'

Higher-ed cultivates personality-types that don't know the difference, therefore HARVESTS personality-types to promote superstitions to further confuse populations, proving that entire credentialing-system is invalid. Mention it, and they cast-you-out as a 'heretic' in DarkAges mentality, thereby PROVING MY WORDS before self-evident AlmightyTruth.

And that is very, very dangerous for both religions AND governments, globally.

All mythology, all legends, all 'scriptures' are being superstitionalized in the exact same manner, by the SELLING via marketing, higher-ed 'credentialing-systems' for PROFIT, unbeknownst to those whom pay big bucks to 'get-educated,' and then are relied-upon to make decisions about YOUR REAL LIFE AS IT UNFOLDS. Now, what type of 'experience' and 'qualifications' are they relying upon, exactly? And look at the results -- the PROOF is literally all around you.

So, that 'eye-for-an-eye' thing is a misrepresentation of the true and only VALID intent of any scripture, regardless of language, or version of religion, not just your own population but all populations, applicable to all people equally, regardless of time, because it's a TimelessMessage, TIMELESS, therefore OnTime, applicable to all whom were, all whom are, and all whom will be, equally.

Because now, it's being promoted as nothing more than, and I'll say it like it is, and put it in one word-phrase, a new 'metaphorical-representation' of a complex-metaphorical-representation-set:

HatefulReligious_'eye-for-an-eye'_Vindictiveness/Vengeance by those whom only know ZERO FORGIVENESS, therefore ZERO compassion, therefore ZERO justice, therefore ZERO equality all of which they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves.

See how that works?

And that's just ONE 'commandment' -- now, I challenge you all to read the WHOLE without punching HOLES in it WHICH thereby molests it into a holy-mess of 'spells-of-confusions' of 'blind-faith' as excuses to place conditions against one's own so-called 'love' against one's own so-called 'beloved-neighbor' and thereby proving UNCONDITIONAL_HATE, instead of unconditional-love.

Kind Regards,


From: MSN Nickname3Ons Sent: 6/8/2008 9:53 PM
I'm responding to the post that says humans were 'given a conscience' to 'know' what is 'good' or 'bad.'

That, unfortunately is false. A 'conscience' is learned-behavior, and that is why slavery was promoted the most by hateful-religionists, declaring themselves 'positive' and ruthlessly hammering 'negatives' to their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, which is ideological crucifiXtion, a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of hate.

That is why woman bondage exists to this very day.

That is why there is the beastial treatment of the innocent, because no 'beast' would do it -- no animal would do it -- therefore animals are NOT 'beasts' -- only humans concoct excuses to place the mark of beasts on their young, engaged in the beastial-acts of Ritualistic-Blood-Letting, the mutilatilation of the most tender, most sensitive skin on the human body, cutting, slicing and dicing, while ignoring the loudest, most gut-wrenching screams of "NO!NO! NO!" in existence, before those innocent, non-consenting minors have their genitalia mutiliated -- are allowed to learn the language -- then their words are used as excuses to censor them, to ridicule and scorn them, by those that don't know the difference between REAL WOUNDS and FAKE 'wounds' from the FAKE 'attacks' of WORDS.

That is the literal and only VALID definition of the MarkOfBeasts against humanity, and everybody forgot, superstitionizing their religions into something maphytic and gross. The ritualistic blood-letting causing real wounds of non-consenting innocent infants and babes, mutilating their DEFENSELESS bodies, then faking 'wounds' from their cries of NO -- then casting-out all dissenting-opinions and all whom have it as 'heretical/heretics' in DarkAges mentality -- the worst and grossest forms of Human Rights violations known in our own society today -- mention it, and they knee-jerk the Pavlovian-response of 'revulsion' at-the-sound-of-WORDS -- censoring the screams of agony -- censoring dissenting-opinions against it -- worshiping the FalseGod of words as their excuse for doing it -- and denying it -- and denying equality to all whom point it out -- then have the audacity to pass laws claiming the REMINDERS of their BEASTIALITY (literal and only VALID use of the word) is 'negative/offensive' -- worshiping yet another FalseGod over pieces-of-cloth -- and if the cloth is removed, they censor further, demanding the REMINDERS be 'color-dot-blurred' lest they be reminded of their beastial acts, while faking 'wounds' themselves, with fake 'blood-lettings' if any effort is made to discuss it, proving their 'truth' is the wimpiest of all -- therefore FAKE 'truth' -- unconditional-hate.

Those whom fake 'wounds' with fake 'blood-spilling' from words, were once given a real wound to remind them what the difference between real wounds and fake wounds was all about. That is not the origination of circumcision, but the evolution of it, how it evolved into the beastial aggressiveness of molesting the genitalia of innocent non-consenting minors. It was ONLY done to adults -- not kids. And if somebody forgot -- they'd be advised of a warning, " ... care for a little more snipped off as a reminder?"

So they molested my church -- be it a 'temple' a 'mosque' a 'cathedral' a 'synogogue' a 'hall' a 'chapel' whathaveyou, twisting the definitions of words into something else as excuses to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' inspiring the spilling-of-blood of others while worshiping words as FalseGods, to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle (and not-so-subtle) instigation/encouragement/HOPE.


Kind Regards,


From: MSN Nickname3Ons Sent: 6/8/2008 9:30 PM
Fascinating discussion. What I read are other peoples' opinions being worshiped as 'truth.' What I see are words as FalseGods. What I see are people quoting other peoples' opinions, translated from somebody else, plagairized as their own.

That punches holes in the WHOLE message, knit-picking words to worship, ignoring the WHOLE.

Notice, I did not say that is a 'sin'? Those whom worship words, do that, however.

So what exactly is a 'sin'? Is there an 'original' one? Are you assumed guilty of it until concocted guiltier? Is that possible?

Firstly, let's discuss what 'truth' truly is. Almighty truth is called 'almighty' because there are no profane words before it -- it's too strong to be whimped-out from words -- only humans concoct fake 'wounds' with fake 'pain' and fake 'suffering' from the fake 'attacks' with fake 'spilling-of-blood' from words. AlmightyTruth is no whimp. Therefore, that 'whimpy-factor' is learned-behavior.

Fascinating, isn't it? Yup. Sure 'nuff.

That means that a person is trained to fake having their 'blood-spilt' from words, which is the only VALID use of the term 'profanity.'

Learned-behavior teaches people to use the concocted excuse of a word, any word will do, to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' for their own so-called 'beloved-neighbor.' What do you call that? Unconditional-hate.

See, AlmightyTruth is TIMELESS, applicable to all people, not just your population but all of them, not just your language but all of them, not just your definition of 'world' or 'worlds' but any conceivable definition by any individual within any population, applicable to all whom were, all whom are and all whom will be EQUALLY.

Language, however, is infinately adaptable. It changes moment-by-moment, person-to-person, location-to-location. That's the beauty of language, it's infinitely adaptable to express new and old things alike, in old and new meaningful ways, and only the hateful use it as excuses to cast-you-out as 'unworthy/inferior' -- any word will do -- any spelling or misspelling or miswording or phrase or grammar or language, the excuse to demand 'more-equality' (there's no such thing as 'more-equality') for one's own selfish self, while denying the same equality demanded for one's self, to others -- therefore using a word or portion-of-word/words as excuses to place conditions against one's own so-called 'love' for one's own so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' proving unconditional-hate -- any word will do.

But that is what, exactly? The literal and only valid use of the word "profanity." Not a word -- a learned-behavior.

So if AlmightyTruth isn't strong-enough to stand before words, then it's a very whimpy-truth -- a FalseGod -- and those whom worship those words are so whimpy they can't handle AlmightyTruth, faking 'wounds' and faking having their 'blood-spilt' -- but no blood was spilt -- but they'll use the excuse of their whimped-out learned-behaviors before the FalseGod of words they hide behind, as an excuse to inspire -- and I use that word very carefully -- to INSPIRE others to spill blood for REAL.

So, in that process, that learned-behavior of whimping-out before AlmightyTruth, whimping-down AlmightyTruth, molesting it into a FalseGod of words to hate others by, to deny equality to others by -- in that process, where is the 'sin' ORIGINALLY?

It's when one declares themselves 'positive' to HATE 'negatives.' The excuse was a word. Any word will do -- especially 'snippets' from WHOLE scriptures, fomenting DIVIDES, war, hate, thereby dividing communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes'/teams/families/countries/worlds (your 'world' and all others by any definition) in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Don't worship words -- it's a FalseGod -- applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, regardless of words, regardless of spelling, typing, education, grammar, language -- applicable to all people equally, regardless of location, therefore TIMELESS, beyond time because it matters not what calendar or clock one worships as yet another FalseGod to hate others by -- it's above time -- outside of it, TIMELESS, beyond it, therefore OnTime.

The moment one declares themselves 'positive' to HATE/DenyEquality to 'negatives,' that is OriginalSin, and it's not inspired by just words, it's also inspired by pieces-of-cloth, advertisements, dissenting-opinions, habits, entertainments, living-arrangements, lifestyles, education, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), transportation, size, shape, color -- any excuse will do for the hateful to declare themselves 'positive' to HATE a 'negative' in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, thereby DIVIDING instead of UNITING in PeaceOnEarth as commanded -- therefore proving unconditional-hate, instead of unconditional-love to establish PeaceOnEarth during one's real life, not an imaginary life in off-planet undisclosed locations unverifiable before AlmightyTruth like the fake 'wounds' from words -- but during one's real life, verifiable with one's five-senses (or more or less senses), regardless of time or calendar or language or location or anything else, PeaceOnEarth, not 'off.' Unconditional-love, not unconditional-hate.

I always enjoy this discussion. Who will fake 'wounds' from MY WORDS because of it to hate me? Please, let it not be you, whomever/whatever/wherever 'you' may be.

Kind Regards,


That should clear-up a whole lot. It also explains much of the hatred directed toward me, by all the 'positive-people' hatefully labeling me 'negative/inferior/unworthy' as excuses to cast-me-out as a 'heretic' in DarkAges mentality as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINION.


Today, Tim Russert died, unexpectedly, and suddenly. There are people typing comments on the internet claiming they are being 'positive' (which is hateful) and cowaring behind their FalseGods of words as excuses to say highly insensitive things, such as, "god bless his wife and son," etc.

The implication is that a hateful psychotic god murdered him to punish his wife and son and family.

It superstitionalizes religions and pits religions against governments, and I CITATE YOUR HUMANITY for doing it.

BE HEALED OF IT, that your humanity be resuscitated, to uplift all people equally, to reduce the unconditional-hatreds disguised as 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's none of that, and uplift all people equally by the LIGHT of LIBERTY, unconditional-love, per the TimelessMessage to UNITE in PeaceOnEarth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location unverifiable before self-evident almighty truth with one's five-senses, but on this real Earth during our real life. PeaceOnEarth, not 'off.' Simple -- only the hateful-superstitionist-religionists HATE it. Let that not be YOU.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- just me, private citizen, running for president, or Vice President on the McCain ticket -- you tell me. Please, make it so. It will do liberty a whole lot of good, globally, for all people equally.

I am also the HumanityFamilyAdvocate (HFA), before self-evident truth, and there are no "goddamned pieces of paper" to either FAKE it or DENY it. It's just the way it is.

OnTime, RU?

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