Sunday, June 29, 2008

People Starving, Congress Off Vacationing

Thanking Presidents, Kings, SecStates, others ...

It's rare these days. Giving thanks for real, instead of accusing, blaming and shaming.

When it became apparent the economy was struggling, an economic stimulus payment was begged before our hateful Congress by a loving President, who was blamed for 'deficit-spending' by that same hateful Congress.

Nobody publicly thanked the President, except me, numerous times, not just for the EcoSim-payment, but for having the courage to stand and deliver for all people, before a hateful bunch of FAKE 'majesties' whom concoct any excuse to setup-for-failure any/all in the pathetic attempt to DIVERT attention from thier endless punishments against WeThePeople, industry, economy.

Knowing fully-well he'd take the blame, as usual. Blamed for HELPING, as usual. Blamed for LIBERATING, as usual.

I Thanked the good King Abdullah for liberating a woman from HatefulReligiousTyranny, legislated tyranny, the same legislated tyranny we experience here in our own country. That woman was to be executed via HatefulReligiousTyranny for having the COURAGE to freely-associate, freely travel, to WALK ALONE. Good King Abdullah pardoned her.

I thank the good King Abdullah for hearing MY WORDS, and participating in the MiracleOfUnity. And I thank him for pumping more oil, because families are starving, and have no 'disposble-income' for entertainments, habits, vacations, tickets to musical venues, stage shows, sports events, or to buy a new car, or better food, or see a dentist, or buy new glasses, or have eye surgery, or much of anything else.

Meanwhile, due to HatefulReligiousLegislativeTyranny, the REMINDERS of the hidden tyrannical lawmaking that punishes economy, those that lose their homes, their jobs, their families, their living-arrangements, their lifestyles, their loves, are HIDDEN-away in prisons/dungeons here in the USA, their voices silenced, with cops in the middle, killing and getting killed, taking the blame as usual, a new demographic silenced/hated every day. Endless punishments to silence dissent. To hide-away the victims of HatefulReligiousLegislativeTyranny.

I thank the Good King Abdullah once again for having the COURAGE to pardon a victim. There are numerous others, however. And once again, I thank the good King Abdullah, and President Bush, for responding to the economic crisis, while hateful Legislators take vacations, more paid-time-off than any jobs in existence, after voting themselves raises, more benefits, more perks, more travel, only 'helping' their so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' for photo-ops.

I thank Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State of these United States, for visiting China, and bringing encouragement, optimism, to the good people of China whom are grieving for the horrid losses of their real BelovedNeighbors, buried alive beneath the rubble from the Wenchuan Earthquake. The rebuilding began immediately after rescue operations were no longer practical -- nearly every stone turned by oftentimes bleeding and broken hands, rescue workers traumatized from the stench, the chemical and sewage spills, the rotting corpses, the faint cries for help. I thank Ms. Rice for caring. For showing up. Thank you, 'Condo.'

I Thank the entire Bush Team for helping the good people of North Korea, malnourished, left-behind while here the people chant, "no child left behind!" hypocritically. I thank the good people in the Chinese government, as well, for assisting the people of North Korea while held-down, both China and the North Koreans, and setup-for-failure in so many subtle ways. I thank the President of China, Hu Jintao, for helping disarm the nuclear ambitions of a held-down, fearful people, traumatized into hating the West, like the good people of Cuba, whom must be liberated from their held-down economic malnourishment at once.

And let me say a few words about that. Recently, a 'cultural-exchange' occured. The New York Philharmonic Orchestra visited Pyong Yang. The music selected is like finger-nails on chalk boards to the North Koreans, whom politely clapped. It cost them so much for that 'cultural-exchange.' It's like adding another $4.00 to every gallon of gas to punish every family here in the United States. Not all of the selections performed by the New York Philharmonic were 'obscene' to the North Koreans. But you could feel the 'energy' of the audience, which I watched broadcast live in the middle of the night here -- their 'energy' became instantly concerned, repulsed actually, when the "American in Paris" selection was performed. It's an ugly piece of music, anyway -- 'intellectually-fascinating' only for those TRAINED in that type of music. Just a bunch of 'complicated noise' to most others. It reinforced everything those North Koreans had ever learned or were trained to think about the West, especially the United States : arrogance. And through it all, they politely sat motionless, then fed the 'cultural-exchange-commission' the equivalent of another $4/gal-gas as an added punishment for their polite ovation.

The 'silver-lining' is that it shows the worst side of US, of U.S., the luxury -- DENIED NORTH KOREANS -- all taken-for-granted by those whom smugly performed an arrogant selection of 'complicated-noise,' like demanding a drowning-person sign a 'release-form' so their 'paperwork' is 'in-order' before helping them not drown. Or making a starving person beg Human Services from the most obese people in existence, whom scorn and ridicule and denigrate their emaciated beings, for not being able to 'focus-properly' and 'spell-properly' and 'fill-out-paperwork-properly.' Might as well just lock 'em in a room and gas 'em -- or lock 'em in a room and give them a pistol with a single-bullet, with instructions on the wall printed in 64-languages "how to committ suicide with a pistol for Dummies_101."

So I thank the Bush Team for sending FOOD to the North Koreans, a ship is docking right now, and it will take several days to unload it, and quite some time before a single malnourished family is FED. But I am so proud of the multi-national cooperation between the Bush Team, the Hu Jintao Team, the Kim Jung Ill II Team, and all others that helped FEED THOSE HELD_DOWN PEOPLE, and please remember THE CRISIS IS NOT YET OVER because it takes a very long time to heal from malnutrition, and the animosities need be healed as well, which also takes a very long time -- TIME IS THE ENEMY -- while our own hateful legislative-branch goes on vacation, the most paid-time-off of any jobs in existence, living in the most luxurious Public-Dole lifestyles in existence, FAKE 'majesty,' eating the best food in existence, having the best healthcare in existence, while our own heroic defenders in liberty are denied sucor AND ARE NOT ON VACATIONS, be they wearers of uniforms or not, especially our veterans, but active-duty as well.

So while our own hateful Congress VACATIONS in LUXURY, consuming the MOST RESOURCES, families are starving as usual, be it a family of ONE or a family of MANY, figuratively raped by HatefulReligiousLegislativeTyranny, endlessly. I DO NOT GIVE THANKS TO THAT.

The highest costs of energy ever, and our own hateful Congress goes on vacation. They make millions on-the-side, ignoring their responsibilities to Constitution and WeThePeople, coveting other peoples' jobs, endless ridiculing and scorning every other business, advertisement, mode of transportation, business prospectus, financial arrangement/transaction/industry, hurting the travel industry the most, hotels, motels, bars, dance-clubs, stage-shows, music, movies, sports, all of it -- the highest costs of gas ever, and Congress goes on vacation AGAIN. And when they return, they'll concoct more excuses to BLAME, ignore their jobs and make millions on the side, while pathetically claiming, "sacrifice" and "public-service."

That entire branch of government is completely out of control. They've set-up the Supreme Court with endless complications, so that now a citizen must wait sometimes decades for their VOICES TO BE HEARD, some in the dungeon for decades waiting, assumed guilty and punished as guilty but INNOCENT, but now enemy-combatants are 'higher-priority'. And Congress goes on vacation AGAIN.

The 2nd-Amendment ruling is the same thing -- setups-for-failure, because it clogged the Justice System with legislative tyranny for centuries-in-the-making, TOTAL QUAGMIRE, and now, this ruling, because it was the 'legally-prudent' thing to do (they're just doing their jobs, these Justice are) -- the end-result will be DECADES MORE QUAGMIRE to clog an already overburdened justice-system. How so? Because now DEMOGRAPHICS, one after another, will be DENIED EQUALITY, starting with anybody who has a PRIVATE MEDICAL CONDITION and through their PRIVATE MEDICAL FILES it is 'determined' they MAY have taken an 'anti-depressent' or some other proscribed controlled substance for mental-illness, not just depression, but anxiety or 'alert/focus-issues' or anything else, the BEGINNING OF DISARMING, starting with DEFENSIVE SERVICES, whose PRIVATE MEDICAL FILES will be scrutinized firstly, adding endless lawsuits of discrimination and making peoples' lives more and more complicated, frustrating, miserable. Les Misrable,' a setup for revolt/rebellion, and that's exactly what that book by Hugo was about.

Meanwhile, the MurderCapitolOfTheWorld, the District Of Columbia, will experience more and more gun-related violence. OBVIOUSLY, those whom use a gun, either in public or even on their private property, to INTIMDATE their 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors,' suffers from mental-illness, especially those whom actually use guns to rob, rape, coerce, murder, etc.

You know the type? They shoot 'rounds' into the air, or in 'general-directions' as close as possible to property-lines, if not beyond, or at 'stumps' or at real or imaginary 'targets,' -- to INTIMDATE. There is no other reason for doing it. It has nothing to do with 'practice,' it's INTIMDATION. PERIOD.

To FRIGHTEN their so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors,' AND THEY ORGANIZE TO DO IT, 'under-the-advice' of some higher-ed 'genius-expert', proving MY WORDS.

So, the 'silver-lining' in the Supreme9's decision regarding the 2nd Amendment, is that those people doing it, WILL BE DISARMED AND PROSECUTED. I GIVE THANKS TO THAT.

Meanwhile, our own all-talk-do-nothing Congress goes on vacation, AGAIN. Please don't come back. Take the silverware. Take a few trillion more. Take whatever -- who cares -- just go away and leave economy and family, WeThePeople alone -- your so-called 'standards' are the true and only VALID definition of 'offensive/obscene.' It HatefulCongressionalTyranny must be defended against at all costs, and I give thanks to all whom do -- but make no mistake about it, I do NOT endorse armed-confrontations with any person in the Legislative-Branch or anybody ELSE. We have professionals in Defensive Services to do that, and I thank them for serving and protecting WeThePeople. GODSPEED.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 ROBINSON DR)
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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