Monday, June 09, 2008


From: Clayton Winton
Subject: True Heroism
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:40:53 -0700

True Heroism:

Jiang Min, HERO. Do you know her?

On behalf of country(s), a true hero strives to (valiantly prevail)
against the complications and superstitions that undermine others'
good_works, innovating work-arounds, solutions, as it unfolds.

On behalf of individual(s), a true hero challenges real hazards with
valor and courage, the words of others impotent/meaningless.

On behalf of world(s), regardless of definition of 'world' or 'worlds,'
not just your own population but all of them, a true hero contains real
emotional trauma with integrity. They might cry then and later -- time
is the enemy. And somehow, some way, they strive to find it within
themselves to uplift others, regardless of seemingly insurmountable
horror, fear, suffering, misery.

On country(s);
On individual(s);
On world(s);
3Ons - the TimelessMessage (no spaces between those words, it's one
word, so as never to be taken out-of-context ever again. The other
words have spaces between, obviously).

Jiang Min risked everything to save lives, at great risk to HERself.

Most real heroes go unrecognized, unrewarded, and those whom have done
none of that, are called 'heroes' when they are obviously none of that.

During times of tragedy, especially disaster, there are those whom
'show-up' for the photo-op, hindering the heroic efforts of others saving real
lives. Those are not 'heroes,' and don't lift a finger to dig
through rubble to save others, and their only 'help' are words, excuses
that delay. Time is the enemy -- whose side are they On?

On June 6th, 2008, President Bush met with the Chinese Ambassador to the
United States, Zhou Wenzhong, to discuss how best to assist real heroes
risking everything to uplift others. It's emotionally traumatic,
because people are buried beneath rubble, desperately hanging-on to life
in hospitals, risking epidemic in the surrounding areas, living in it,
breathing it, tasting it, touching it, verifiable with their own senses,
as it unfolds. Time is the enemy.

Those with such soft, comfortable lives that they know not real job-hazards,
real risks, fake 'victimhood' with fake 'pain' and fake 'suffering'
imagined to have been 'sustained' during fake 'attacks' from words.
They pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in
perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- in the pathetic
attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving
zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero forgiveness, zero compassion,
zero justice, therefore zero equality, which proves their entire
existence is the religion of hate, be they admittedly religious or not,
and god is false/fake.

That hinders the necessary innovations to save real lives. Their
endless ridicule and scorn a plague against humanity -- all whom were,
all whom are, all whom will be, the entire HumanityFamily (no spaces
between those words, "HumanityFamily").

President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao of the DEMOCRATIC Socialist
REPUBLIC of China are plagued by it, their efforts endlessly complicated
by the words and superstitions of others. As is President Bush, the
entire Bush Team, our countries, our world, Earth. It's a plague
against every government, every instiTUTion, every aspect of
emergency-services and Human Services, globally.

President Bush has requested permission from Hu Jintao to send a SMALL
team to China to assist, and verify with their five-senses the best way
to help the good people of China overcome a horrid tragedy. But every
single one of those whom are being considered as 'qualified' to go,
insist on hot and cold running water, nice hotels and catered-lunch,
entertainments and comforts for their own selfish-selves, the only
'job-hazards' they know are the imagined fake 'attacks' from words and
other fantastical imaginings, all in their own heads.

That isn't 'helping' anybody AT ALL. On the contrary, it depletes
resources that could be used IMMEDIATELY to uplift suffering people to
reduce their misery, real misery, verifiable with their five-senses (or
more or less senses), as it unfolds, moment-by-moment, immersed in it,
real suffering, not imagined fake 'suffering' from imagined

Under such circumstances, those whom are requested by the USan
government to go to China, should be prepared to work, not talk -- to
assist, not imagine it from words -- to eat out of cans or leaves, not
restaurants -- to sleep under bushes or in tents and consider it a
LUXURY, not an 'inconvenience.'

TIME IS THE ENEMY and while 'genius-experts' TALK, people die, people
are suffering, people are immersed in the real misery and real pain
and real emotional trauma of grief. STOP TALKING, START DOING.

I hereby admonish the so-called 'charities,' whom PROFIT, see -- see it
yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief. They pay themselves
salaries while pimping volunteers to collect it for them, then send a
few 'crumbs' to franchises or outlets of their own selfish selves. The
few remaining 'crumbs' are held aloft for the photo-op. "Boo-hoo, it's
about the children!" is their feverish chant to extort funds by
prostituting good-will. It's pathetic, and has become completely out of
control. Congress concocted that Ponzi-esque scheme of fraud. And
that's exactly what it is. Consider yourselves cited, and stop faking
'wounds' from words thereby denigrating the real wounds and real
suffering of others, and take that citation seriously thereby to
resuscitate your humanity.

I have urged President Bush to send me to China, as I am no
'genius-expert,' and dirt and cuts and sprains and smells and tents, and
no photo-ops AT ALL, is a LUXURY under the circumstances.

Leave the 'genius-expert-mentality' types home. Mary's insights are
worth a thousand of them, and if given the opportunity, and briefed
properly, she'd be ready-to-go in seconds. As I am, instantly. The
good people of China do not deserve 'genius-experts', or Myanmar or
anywhere else, doesn't need it, and it only embarrasses our country.

Jiang Min, is a real hero, not a FAKE one. She has nothing to be
ashamed of displaying her tears. REAL tears of compassion are worn with
HONOR. Here, my 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' have been
trained to FAKE 'tears,' practice it, for the photo-ops, then hate
everybody else for every teardrop in blatant hypocrisy.

President Bush, sir -- George, send me -- PROVE INTEGRITY. Let this
country not FAKE it this time. TIME IS THE ENEMY.

HERE WE GO! -- shall we? I know EXACTLY how to use a shovel. YOU?
Then your so-called 'credentialing-systems' are bogus, your 'help' a
fraud. We need people ready to sacrifice, not fake it. We need people
prepared to live in it, breath it, taste it, touch it, not morbidly
fascinate over it. We need people proving compassion, not faking it.
We need people communicating regardless of language, not undermining
communication with endless complications. We need people that give hugs
of support to encourage each other while working in it side-by-side, not
faking 'encouragement' through memorized robotic-motions for

It's time to rebuild -- innovating as it unfolds -- not worshiping
manuals to complicate the lives of those suffering -- not talking
instead of doing -- not knit-picking details, but instead, uplifting
infrastructure so that innovated details may be added later, a little at
a time, as time and resources allows, appropriately.

President Bush is first and foremost a person, and it breaks his heart
the way his fellow countrymen, especially 'advisors,' have been
behaving. TIME IS THE ENEMY and all they do is knit-pick his body to
death, ignoring messages to hate messengers in their HOPE. It's
embarrassing, and more and more of the world's populations hate USans
for it, hate our country for it, hate anything 'western' including
products because of it -- politely being 'tolerant' of tourists and
businesses and businesspersons as a result of it, while resenting our
arrogance and fake 'compassion' and fake 'intelligence,' knowing
fully-well our 'credentialing-systems' entirely invalidates claims of
so-called 'qualifications.'

Leave the 'qualified' home -- they've proved they are NONE OF THAT,

TIME's THE ENEMY -- never forget that.

Jiang Min, a true hero, doesn't have time for it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- (HFA/3Ons)
OnTime, RU?

Note: nobody is authorized to review my private communications between
myself and government, nor hinder access, nor edit/modify, including
'attempts-to-translate/interpret/clarify', nor censor my words or delay
transmittal in any capacity, nor claim to be a 'member' of that which I
founded, ORCH, nor speak on my behalf nor as a 'representative' of
either my person or ORCH, nor claim to have 'power-of-attorney' or
anything else over me; this private-communication is for the intended
recipients only and protected by law, as is the contents of my blogs,
articles, thoughts expressed online or elsewhere, either written, typed,
recorded, shared, performed-in-person (musical
metaphorical-representations, concert-piano), nor implicate my
expressions as belonging to another, or part of a
'staged-dramatic-entertainment), nor 'psychological-breakdown'
regardless of wording/presentation or 'credentialing-systems' used.

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