Thursday, June 12, 2008

Leadership Facing Disaster

Leaders Facing Disaster

One of the hardest things in life, is standing before people in misery after suffering through a disaster. As a leader, the people know you didn't suffer through it, but were far removed from it, comfortable and safe. They know you are not experiencing the realities of their losses as-it-unfolds, and their accusatory eyes, filled with resentments, seem to be saying, "why did you come at all?"

Further, the news-media has been carefully cultivated to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in you -- real or imagined 'flaws' -- which subtly reinforces resentments within the people, their anger, superstitions, superstitionalization of religions, their feelings of being punished by a psychotic hateful god, and you will do what for them, exactly? Perform a 'miracle'? Resurrect their loved-ones? Stop the grief? Help them dig through the rubble? Snap your fingers and make it all 'go away'? Spew empty-words of 'hope'? Words are cheap. Good_Works, rare.

After the first disaster, facing the people, you never want to go back. The cannibalistic media-outlets prey upon your every facial tick, every mispronounced word, every spilled tear of compassion, every perception of 'luxury' the people know you will return to as they remain in hellish rubble and misery, emotionally traumatized, reinforcing more superstitionalizations of religions and education, pitted against government, against education, "Dawn Of The Dead." If you send somebody else, the ghoulish pessimisms that divide are used against you by political opponents, feeding on the resentments, the fear, the anger, the death.

It's emotionally traumatic, both for the people, the victims, survivors and the leader(s). Do the people understand how hard it is? Do they have TIME to understand? Or, has the national-psyche been molested into blame/shame ridicules and scorns, prior? Where did that begin? What is the cure? How is it healed?

Due to the nature of the disaster, it may require quite some time to reach the victims. Roads blocked. Waterways blocked. Airways out-of-commission. Tele-communications destroyed. During that time-period, the 'lag-time' to reassure the people that they are not ignored, that they are not abandoned, not alone, that they are not inferior, they are not 'negative', they are not 'worthless,' they are not being punished by a psychotic hateful god or hated as 'negative' by 'positive-people' as usual, they are not being 'written-off' as 'irrelevant collateral damage,' -- during that 'lag-time' to reach them, those overcome with superstitions do terrible things. The superstitious inspire only hatreds. Divides. It reinforces more feelings of punishments within the survivors, awful feelings of inferiority, resentment, anger, reinforced by those attempting to 'control' their own 'out-of-control' superstitions and taking it out against others, a tragic psychological societal phenom ("Misery", "Apocalypse Now"), which is the only and only valid use of the term, "positive-development," because 'positive-people' only hate 'negative-people' through superstitionalized hateful-religious ideological crucifiXtion, a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, while ruthlessly hammering 'negatives' against figurative positive-cross-signs, those hateful torture-devices of TERROR. CrossOfShame/Hate.

Where did it come from? Who taught the people that? Who HARVESTED the personality-types to gain control of the organizations that could subtly brainwash people to think that way? Are you? Right now? ('you' is figurative). What is the cure? How is it HEALED?

After Hurricane Katrina, the only news-coverage was about blame. That reinforced the superstitionalization of religions and governments, subtly instigating every-deepening divides between the two. Is the media infiltrated with the HARVESTED personality-types to promote that? Who cultivated those personality-types? And are those personality-types even aware of it? Probably not, most likely not, because firstly, those personality-types were CULTIVATED before HARVESTED, within 'credentialing-systems' designed to cultivate personality-types to think in that manner. Are those 'credentialing-systems,' therefore invalid? Is it the people reading the news-scripts? Political pundits? Or, those whom do the hiring? What is the cure? How is it HEALED?


It matters not the location, the language, the population, see. And the person sitting at the news-desk, is given a script to read in front of cameras. It's not their fault. Senior editors are even told what 'angle' to report. It's not their fault. But all are contributing toward that psychological phenom, FigurativeCarpentry, in very subtle ways. Are the 'credentialing-systems' therefore, invalid? But the teachers, educators, professors, colleges, universities, tech-schools, weren't aware of it either. It's not their fault. And those in Human Resources are told what types of personality-types to hire. It's not their fault. What is the cure? How is it HEALED?

President Bush, from the ruins of New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina, was only shown as 'troubled,' and, 'sad,' and, 'humbled,' and, deeply concerned, but hammered ruthlessly as 'negative' against merciless positive-cross-signs. FigurativeCarpnetry. He didn't cause a Hurricane. He mobilized an entire country to help the people, and was only blamed. Zero-forgiveness. And those attempting to clear debris and make it possible for rescue-operations to even begin, were mercilessly hammered against that damnable CrossOfShame/Hate as well, blamed for every effort, denigrated for emergency-response. There's no 'practice' for that, every step innovated as-it-unfolds.

There is a select-committee within Congress that oversights all media and distribution of tele-communications, public and private. Their 'model' is -- get this -- 'Negative' or 'Positive' coverage.

Another committee oversights educational institutions, and the presentation of which personality-types to cultivate within credentialing-systems to harvest personality-types that can be turned 'on' or 'off' in a Pavlovian-response. "Dawn Of The Dead," thriving from atop the rubble, misery and grief, a cannibalistic-economic formula to 'sell' their own control of family and corporate life. Inter-cooperative organizational structures have usurped control of Defensive-services' press-releases and updates, reinforcing the superstitionalization of religions and education so the 'off-formation' presented within media triggers the Pavlovian-response, subliminally, of the Pentagon's press-releases, pre-approved as 'propaganda,' at-the-sound-of-the-bell.

During 'off-formation-mode,' Independent Media is relegated as 'unreliable, sensationalistic, unworthy-of-viewing/reading, propaganda.' There is a 'balancing-act' between the personality-types which were harvested to go 'off' -- and they do, against Independent media -- even while 'on-formation-mode' is enacted, to ignore dissenting-opinions, thereby obfuscating the social-paradigm Congress enacted. That is the first demographic to chant, goose-step in lock-step, "paranoia!" before even the first unbiased look at it. Pre-approved for censorship, in very subtle-ways, see.

That is how an entire Congress will sing 'god bless america' from the steps of the Capitol Building, demanding the President send your sons and daughters to die, and 89% approve, ignoring dissenting-opinion with abject hatefulness while claiming "open-minded!", only for Congress to turn-around and teach that same 89% to deny sucor to troops as a 'good-thing,' and blame the President. The same President, and the same 89% that demanded he do exactly what Congress said he MUST do.

How is that possible? What is the cure? How is it HEALED?

Originally, it was designed that way to keep foreign-invaders from usurping control of tele-communications and mass-media; and, to inform the public of some 'threat' that must be 'defended against.' Because US citizens, historically, have proved time and again that 'foreigners' are not 'equal,' therefore 'inferior,' therefore 'unworthy' of the same self-evident truth of equality hypocritically demanded for themselves.

But that was a cultivated personality-trait, too.

See, the entire thing has gone 'hay-wire.' It's now the control of education to produce a 'super-positive-class' hating a 'super-negative-inferior-class.'

And that so-called 'shining-example' has spread from country to country to country, undermining education, science, technology, productivity, trade, transportation, family and governments, the same governments constitutionally obligated to serve and protect all people equally against that form of tyranny -- and tyranny it is -- a very subtle, insipid form of it, the tyranny of cultivated 'positive-people' hating 'negative-people,' endlessly dividing communities, families, teams, countries, worlds (your 'world' and all others by any definition), into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' and teams and families and countries in PeaceOnEarth, as commanded (or 'desired' if you prefer).

There are endless diversions from the overall WHOLE, because the personality-types cultivated, have been so in order to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in everything and everybody else, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/more-equal (no such thing), positives hating negatives, the formula of hate, death, therefore DeathWorship.

Like this: +1-1=0

In that format, it's very simple, isn't it? Of course. But the implications are the most convoluted, most difficult paradigm to analyze in existence, after it's thoroughly saturated a population. Not just your population, all populations. Since those entrusted to make such analyzations were personality-types cultivated within the credentialing-systems designed to produce detail-oriented perceptions of 'flaws' in everything and everyone, those same analysts get bogged-down in a quagmire of details, endlessly intellectually-fascinating over diversions, as the entire remainder of the universe slides-on-by, unnoticed, while claiming how 'open-minded' they are and how much they 'think-outside-the-box.' Which is why John Ashcroft said, "Think outside-the-box," and I always add to that, "...your 'other' box," for that exact reason. Because these credentialing-systems and services are cultivating, and harvesting credentialing as a mechanism for societal ignorance, unbeknownst to educators and students alike, at no fault of educators or students. But it's causing kids to go crazy, kill each other, 'go-postal,' engage in Columbine-styled massacres, with teachers and educators taking the blame, followed by parents taking the blame, at no fault of any.

It is the only Imminent Threat WMD in existence for that exact reason. And there's much more involved in it, as this is a very brief 'introduction' to it. It's all about, "TheoryWorship," and the difference between REAL WOUNDS in the real three-dimensional universe one exists, verses those whom have been subtly-brainwashed to think words cause 'wounds' through two-dimensional thinking-processes, which is learned-behavior, as excuses to subtly censor dissenting opinions, to DIVIDE.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity, for example, is all about that, written in the language of two-dimensional-thinking math, where those credentialed by these two-dimensional-thinking credentialing-systems endlessly fascinate over details, a figurative 'microcosm' of thought, where one may spend their entire lives intellectually-fascinated by the endless details, a 'black-hole' psychological manifestation, a place where no 'light' escapes, as the entire remainder of the universe slides-on-by, unnoticed. Written in the language of two-dimensional math, Einstein's theory is the relative application of societal interactions between psychological-profiles dwelling over fascinating details, holding productivity and innovation hostage through TheoryWorship. It's about the national-psyche, any population, written in the language of two-dimensional math. There is no 'solution' to it, for that exact reason. It endlessly 'spins-off' more 'black-holes' to trap brilliant minds into non-productive, non-innovative FAKE 'life,' real life ignored.

CHOOSE LIFE! And that's why President Bush said it, exactly. Describing it takes volumes -- an 'overview' such as this at a minimum, because the credentialing-systems are cultivating and harvesting personality-types that can't do it -- can't analyze the WHOLE, while insisting they are, all dissenting-opinions and those whom have it, cast-out as 'heretical/heretics' in DarkAges mentality.

It took a very loving scientist to do that, a WARNING given out of LOVE, and that's the ONLY VALID 'jewish-conspiracy' there is. Just as the Theory of Relativity is a metaphorical-representation of that societal phenom, written in the language of two-dimensional math, so are 'jewish-owned' production companies, producing movies, videos, literature with metaphorical-representations about exactly that, as loving warnings to all people, equally, regardless of language or location, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, equally. But explaining it takes some doing, eh?

So, it requires education. But control of credentialing-systems have been usurped to censor the education required to see it, with teachers and parents and everybody ELSE -- ultimately the Executive Branch of any/all governments -- taking the blame, as usual, as a long-term plan to usurp control of all Executive Branches of all governments, globally.


This is where the superstitionalization of "New World Orders," and the like comes from, exactly. Those whom fear it as some 'conspired tyranny,' are picking-up on the societal-level subliminal-messaging of the usurpation of all aspects of life, public and private. They turn to superstitionalized-religions, desperately looking for 'clues' in out-of-context phrases plagiarized from the opinions of others writing about the subject, then chanting, "I believe ..." falling in the ThoughtTraps that Einstein warned about in his Theory Of Relativity.

Relative to that, is the "New World Order" of defending all people equally against that intentional usurpation of all governments, globally, to the benefit of governments and religions and all people, equally.

See, the struggle against superstition has been going on longer than any current government has existed. Our country was founded on the liberation of all people equally from positive-people hating negative-people. "We find these truths to be self-evident," and the endless arguments about what 'truth' is exactly, continues to this very day, superstitionalized-religions being reinforced to wage subtle and not-so-sublte wars against governments by destabilizing complex economic models, globally. The harvested personality-types in the infected credentialing-systems are the only voices now being allowed to be heard. And that is unnacceptable, as the overall is literally the only imminent threat WMD in existence.

And, 'your sons and daughters,' are dieing because of it. Self-evident truth. Real wounds, not fake ones. Real blood-letting, not imagined 'blood-letting' from fake 'wounds' imagined within one's head as a result of a subtly-brainwashed Pavlovlian-response.

So what is self-evident truth? It is AlmightyTruth, because it is applicable to all people equally, verifiable with one's five-senses, or more or less 'senses' depending on the individual, regardless of location, or language, not just one's own population but all populations, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, equally, regardless of what time it is or how time is measured, as-it-unfolds, above time, TIMELESS, therefore OnTime.

OnTime, RU? And that is why I use that phrase.

Look, regardless of who or what you are, the very first time you touch fire, you learn all about self-evident truth, because it burns you. It doesn't require a 'degree' to learn that. And everybody does, eventually. It is verified with your own senses, AS IT UNFOLDS. That is AlmightyTruth, and there are no 'profane' words against TruthAlmighty, or it would be a very wimpy 'truth,' a fake 'truth,' unequal. Claiming otherwise is the only VALID use of the word 'profanity' and 'obscenity' by those that don't know the difference between a REAL WOUND, and those whom FAKE 'wounds' from WORDS as excuses to censor dissenting-opinion thereby stifling innovation, the progress of humanity, literally obscene before the entire HumanityFamily.

Did I explain that 'clear-enough'? I know it may take some pondering, as it may be the first 'exposure' to three-dimensional reasoning-processes. We are three-dimensional entities, existing within a three-dimensional universe, therefore our reasoning-processes, including credentialing-systems, math, science, language, economy, must be LIBERATED from two-dimensional credentialing and reasoning-processes.

And this is merely an 'over-view' -- I am the only expert in this field, the only one qualified to heal populations/world(s) infected with the ThoughtVirus of two-dimensional ThoughtTraps. It is my Mission. It is my Calling. There is no 'perfect' way of going about it. There are no 'manuals' to worship. It must always be INNOVATED, AS IT UNFOLDS before self-evident AlmightyTruth, verifiable with one's five-senses (or more or less 'senses' depending on the individual(s)).

Typos/misspellings/grammar/wording/phraseology/details/fact-checking -- do not matter, but are part of the HEALING, and those whom knit-pick such petty details only prove MY WORDS as LITERAL PROPHECY, for that exact reason. Those infected with the ThoughtVirus infinitely fascinate over those types of details, undermining EXECUTIVES and GOVERNMENTS, all LEADERS globally.

There is nobody authorized to speak 'on my behalf,' or claim they are 'qualified' to do this work, or 'ordained' into any 'order' that does this, or belongs to any 'group' claiming to do this. Nobody 'studied with me,' or was 'trained by me' to do this, or may claim to be my 'disciple,' or, 'acolyte' or 'student.' And I have never taken a dime for it, only funded it, while those whom fraudulently claim they are 'followers' or 'representatives' of myself or OperationResusCitateHumanity or anything written or organized by me, are charlatans whom prove zero integrity.

It had to be done this way. And it sure does hurt. Do you see it now?

The social-experiment by another loving scientist, Pavlov, using dogs to issue a loving WARNING to the masses, not just one's own population but all populations, is twisted into a study of 'animal-behavior.' It was none of that. The animal chosen, dogs, was deliberate, to send a message, a warning, out of love, unconditionally. Mysterious-ways, indeed. But in typing my thoughts and using that phrase, "Mysterious ways," does that not reinforce the superstitionalization of religions which I have repeatedly warned against? Only by those whom have been subtly-trained to superstitionalize-religions, into turning their 'god' into a CARTOON-CHARACTER to worship, an off-planet 'alien' hiding in undisclosed locations, sadistically gloating in the misery and suffering of the living, while meagerly rewarding for it's own selfish erotic pleasures, while the entire remainder of the universe, slides-on-by, unnoticed, which is the ultimate loving-message of BOTH the Einstein warning AND the Pavlov warning, written in different languages, one of two-dimensional-math, the other of two-dimensional-linguistics.

There is nothing 'eclectic' about this. Although at 'first-glance,' it may be interpreted that way, erroneously. This is all about self-evident truth, verifiable with one's five-senses (or more-or-less senses, regardless of how many senses), applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of time, a TIMELESS message therefore, OnTime, regardless of language or location, AllOfYou/AllOfMe/AllOfUs/AllOfThem/AllThings -- there is your 'god' to worship, by any definition. Can you, whomever you may be, imagine 'feeling' through the senses of ALL that? No, it's impossible, because you don't know 'all of them,' nor, 'all of us,' nor, 'all of me,' have no idea where 'we are,' or 'they are,' and possibly do not even sense 'all of you,' let alone 'all things,' and that is the only VALID use of the terms 'omniscient' and 'omnipresent.' Because somewhere, something/someone is 'sensing' -- somewhere, a sound is being heard -- somewhere else a cry is going ignored.

A TRUE LEADER, therefore, must HEAR THAT CRY, if at all possible.

Is it a, "Paul Revere cry?" Being ignored?

-- did you 'catch the nuance of that?' " -- a being, ignored?' AND 'Paul Revere cry,' ignored,' therefore IMMINENT THREAT WMD, ignored?

Before the faces of the people, during times of disaster, current or pending, a true leader must summon courage. The Leader sees the misery in the victims and survivors' faces, verified with the five-senses of that Leader as it unfolds, yet do not feel the wounds of the suffering, that which the victims and survivors experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, verifiable misery and grief of the victims' own five-senses (or more or less 'senses' depending on the individual).

Somehow, some way, that Leader must summon help for the victims. Must inspire self-reliance and the courage to carry-on. There are no 'rehearsals' for that. It must always be innovated, as it unfolds.

As with all innovations in the midst of struggle, some efforts prove less effective than others. That's why it must be innovated, as it unfolds. There are no manuals to worship. Only 'outlines' to prepare one's self for the emotional-trauma of the horror, the suffering, the grief. Before it begins, superstitions within populations needs be medicated, to ease that plague, otherwise superstition is reinforced and the suffering of the victims and survivors amplified by guilt and blame. That's the thing about "Brutal Honesty," there is no such thing, see. Honesty never hurts. People brutalize themselves and each other with honesty. And even if one honestly communicates erroneous data, the self-evident truth of whether or not the people are forgiving, or lack forgiveness is proved-out, as it unfolds.

What are your Legislators doing? Proving zero-forgiveness, or intolerance? It must begin exactly there to cure that which plagues populations, turning neighbor against neighbor in endless divides.

Are those Legislators, parliaments, knessets, Dumas, by any name, proving zero-forgiveness to brainwash the masses to engage in unconditional-hate, shaming and blaming any/all? Then those branches of governments have rendered themselves enemies of the people, of government, of religions, of equality, of freedom, liberty itself, proving a lack of 'balance-of-power,' therefore the usurpation of it.

After the Wenchuan Earthquake, the legislators began the political wrangling to shame and blame each other, a molesting of 'shining-examples,' teaching the masses how to divide in hatreds, unconditional-hatreds, proving zero-forgiveness. It was learned from the so-called 'shining-example' of other legislators, primarily the USan version of lagislating intolerance. ("lagislating," intentional spelling). But in China, a very wise government warned not to engage in that behavior and all whom did were subtly working against the best-interests of the people, therefore would be punished and rightfully so.

Here, in the US Congress, it goes rewarded. In fact, those doing it get the highest rewards of all, at the expense of industry, government, economy, therefore all people, regardless of location. Endless setups-for-failure, to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle (and not-so-subtle) encouragement/instigation/HOPE.

I have provided the cure and proved it heals, written in the language of the ancients, ancestors, forebears, Forefathers, misspellings, typos, grammar, 'bad-language,' 'good-language,' alike, included for that exact reason. It is my gift to all people equally, regardless of language, location or time, OnTime, so that true leaders may prove compassion. Meanwhile, the fakers offer only 'reasonable-sounding' platitudes to fake it, proving zero-forgiveness, intolerance, therefore proving MY WORDS as literal prophecy, and the fakers hate me for it, hiding behind their FaleGods of embarrassments, casting stones of ridicule, derision and scorn in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' superior/more-equal (no such thing), proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, proving their credentialing-systems they cowar behind in the attempt to claim 'qualified' are invalid, proving zero forgiveness, proving zero compassion, proving zero justice, therefore proving zero equality, which always proves one's entire existence is the religion of hate, be they admittedly religious or not, and that their god is false/fake.

At one time, governments paid religions to help those in a 'spell-of-confusion' of the 'which-is-its,' and assist those victimized by it; to protect that covenant of self-evident truth almighty. Due to the superstitionizing of religions, legends, mythology, education and science, religionists declared governments their 'enemy,' teaching the non-religious to do their 'evil-doing' for them, taking the blame, then profiting, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle encouragement/HOPE. It was never intended to be that way. Religions molested into teaching the masses that off-planet undisclosed locations during imagined 'life' bowed before cartoonized-characterizations of alien imagined entities, after mass-murdering all the people they'd become intolerant of, therefore a Blandness King of imagined eternal sameness, promote the root ideology of terrorism. 99% of all terrorism is ideological. It's only the 1% ENDS seen on-tv. But it's the 99% subtle inspirations, the ideology, that concocts environments where the so-called 'moderates' profit, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the extremism they inspire themselves, knowingly or otherwise.

That is why governments at one time, paid religions to serve and protect all people equally from that mass-confusion, those double-standards which are killing us, the entire HumanityFamily, globally and BEYOND, in so many subtle ways, undiscussed, censored in subtle ways, all dissenting opinion and those whom have it pre-approved for FigurativeCarpentry, ideological crucifiXtion, cast-out until perished, equality, equal access to opportunities, goods and services, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness reduced if not outright denied.

We must help each other to return to such a system, for the benefit of all people, so that some day, some way, some how, at least one will be born free, liberated from the divides of NegativePositive-isms, that imminent threat WMD.

A true Leader has the courage to address it, in the same way a true leader has the courage to summon the ArmiesOfCompassion to defend against suffering by uplifting the miserable.

For those under the 'spell' of the 'which is its,' BE HEALED OF IT.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton
Priest River, ID, USA

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