"They hate you for having one -- then hate you for changing your mind!"
Is Evolving Opinion "Insanity?"
(OpEd – Priest River, ID, Sunday, April 23, 2006)
The term “9/11” is mentioned countless times daily. Opinion polls suggest dwindling support for the war in Iraq and the Bush Administration's global counter-terrorism initiatives. Many whom have always supported President Bush refer to non-support as a form of mental-illness.
“Winning Hearts And Minds” is the campaign of unity, uniting diverse schools-of-thought. Professional marketers and behaviorists have used blatant ridicule as a form of persuasion, which can only be described as “irrational exuberance,” to borrow Alan Greenspans famous words. In psychology, this is often referred to as “Group Think,” where all other opinions are ridiculed by those residing inside of self-made bell-chambers, congratulating themselves on fictional success, while the building burns down around them, unawares. It is proved-out by dipping poll numbers.
Learning by example, those not supportive of the Bush Administration's global counter-terrorism initiatives, return the same ridicule, furthering divides. This is exactly why “Winning Hearts And Minds” has failed.
Having an opinion is considered, “signs of instability,” yet changing your opinion is considered to be “more signs of instability.” This is the direct result of the failed logic of the advanced-degree holding experts working for the Bush Administration and corporate-media, undermining the Presidency, and bringing the world closer to war, instead of uniting in peace, as the President has ordered.
By focusing on these logic-gap failures, the advanced-degree holding experts manipulate public and government opinion, subtly, promoting and profiting from their own gains and stability, while the remainder of the world suffers from instability. This undermines the initiative to win hearts and minds, and the public opinion polls reflect exactly that. No other opinions are heard, and no other analysis is considered credible.
“I am the war President!” said President Bush during his first elected term in office. At that time, the advance-degree holding experts were called in to prove themselves and unite the country, the entire world. Instead of winning hearts and minds, they undermined the unity of global cooperation in defending against the war that nobody asked for, waged against the people of every government by hateful religious supremacists.
“I am a uniter, not a divider!” said President Bush. And the advanced-degree holding experts have divided, not united. The poll numbers prove this fact.
Past failed presidencies have asked for war. The shame on the country has resulted in everything from the napalm use on innocent citizens in South-east Asia, to the Iran-Contra scandals, and more. The so-called 'experts' did that. President Bush has been entrapped by exercising the same failed logic, undermining his purpose, his mission, the mission-critical assignment of uniting, not dividing. This was done in self-importance, inside self-made bell-chambers, while the building burns around them, at the President's expense.
Meanwhile, those same self-important experts profit from atop the rubble, debris, misery and grief. After the fact, their own opinions are the only voices heard. And that is the exact reason why hateful religious supremacy exists in the world at all.
Nobody supports dividing and the killing of innocents, relegating the importance of innocent life as being “collateral damage.” Everybody is important. Everybody. Hateful Religious Supremacists waged war against the world, and it has been the leadership of President Bush that has been trying defend against it, with the brave and courageous men and women that serve and protect all families, here and abroad.
He thought it would be an easier task, as we all do before beginning difficult accomplishments. “I am the war President!” he stated, because he knew our excellent defenders in uniform could accomplish assigned duties and liberate the world from war waged against it by hateful religious supremacy, globally. In hind-sight, perhaps the words, “I am the defender, President!” would have been better words. When given the opportunity to run to the aide of people and governments, all defenders, police, emergency-response personnel, rescuers and fire-fighters get excited. Saving someone, feels good. No “thank yous” required, the accomplishment itself rewarding enough.
Hateful Religious Supremacy divides, rotting states, countries and continents from the inside out. The “Winning Hearts And Minds” campaign, therefore, undermined itself, infested with the same mindset that promises divisions, not unity. And that's the “best of the best” the so-called 'best' could do, proving a whole new world of grief in today's society.
No one supports wars, but everybody supports defending against the hateful religious supremacy mindset that causes them. The campaign to win hearts and minds is not lost yet, but at it's current pace, it has promised a 'legacy of shame.' Those genius-experts that undermined peace, prolonging defensive action against war waged on the world, are directly responsible for countless unnecessary deaths, past, present and future, focused on self-importance instead of global unity, and therefore should be reassigned immediately. And the only 'no's heard will be theirs, as usual.
In order to counter the damage done by infectious supremacy that promises a legacy of shame, a new method in uniting differences must take top priority. Instead of the double-standard of ridicule -- lofting one's self supreme at the expense of Presidents, monarchs, governments, people and family -- defense against hateful religious supremacy, regardless of name or function, in a new legacy of liberation, must be met head-on.
copyright2006 - Clayton Winton
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Day207-RCH (Hang-up Calls)
Hang-up calls -- 'dead air' ... no one speaking on the other end of the phone after I answer it.
I'm sick of it. Knock it off. Whomever/whatever you are. It's harrassment. Period.
Diversity/Sensitivity training at the Whitehouse (White House) ... last year. Remember?
What are staff doing recently?
Now you know what the 'shake up' is all about. Ya' think? Hmmm?
Okay, well, remember, this is The Peoples' union, " ... of the people, by the people," even 'not your kind of people,' like it or NOT.
Job search: one phone-interview for a factory-trawler position at sea. They said 'no.' My apps to DLA and the Admin have not been confirmed, let alone responded to. Meanwhile, I received a letter from a Temp Employment Service saying, "we won't find work for you." Interpret it as you will. I just want a job.
Strange thing, I filled out apps at the State Job Service. The processing date was the 'next day.' Although I printed the screen and the time/date I entered it was the day before. I emailed the HR at DLA to ask why. Haven't heard back yet.
Again, I just want a job ... an opportunity to feed myself, so I can feed others, and help out in whatever way possible, economy/country/earth.
My 'paranoia alarm' is chirping. Frustration does that. So does hunger. Meanwhile, I'm doing the least physical activities to conserve on caloric consumption. Survival. I spent all my money looking for jobs. And that 'paranoia alarm' makes me wonder, again, if I'm isolated on an intrAnet, instead of the real IntErnet, my access to government blocked. No way to confirm it, see. No way to prove otherwise, see. And no call-backs, other than 'dead-air' silence is very strange.
My head hurts. I need a nap.
OnEdit to ADD: I'll be okay -- just my usual CrownOfThorns (worries).
I'm sick of it. Knock it off. Whomever/whatever you are. It's harrassment. Period.
Diversity/Sensitivity training at the Whitehouse (White House) ... last year. Remember?
What are staff doing recently?
Now you know what the 'shake up' is all about. Ya' think? Hmmm?
Okay, well, remember, this is The Peoples' union, " ... of the people, by the people," even 'not your kind of people,' like it or NOT.
Job search: one phone-interview for a factory-trawler position at sea. They said 'no.' My apps to DLA and the Admin have not been confirmed, let alone responded to. Meanwhile, I received a letter from a Temp Employment Service saying, "we won't find work for you." Interpret it as you will. I just want a job.
Strange thing, I filled out apps at the State Job Service. The processing date was the 'next day.' Although I printed the screen and the time/date I entered it was the day before. I emailed the HR at DLA to ask why. Haven't heard back yet.
Again, I just want a job ... an opportunity to feed myself, so I can feed others, and help out in whatever way possible, economy/country/earth.
My 'paranoia alarm' is chirping. Frustration does that. So does hunger. Meanwhile, I'm doing the least physical activities to conserve on caloric consumption. Survival. I spent all my money looking for jobs. And that 'paranoia alarm' makes me wonder, again, if I'm isolated on an intrAnet, instead of the real IntErnet, my access to government blocked. No way to confirm it, see. No way to prove otherwise, see. And no call-backs, other than 'dead-air' silence is very strange.
My head hurts. I need a nap.
OnEdit to ADD: I'll be okay -- just my usual CrownOfThorns (worries).
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Day231 "How To Be A Better President"
How To Be A Better President
(April 19, 2006)
Presidents of both companies and countries share a similar problem: enacting meaningful changes and making rational decisions based on reality, not the over-analysis of self-important 'genius-experts.'
For instance, in a company, if the President of that company has a vision, and calls a meeting of managers, those managers then analyze their respective divisions and propose cost-effective answers to benefit the company as a whole. Each manager must present their ideas to the employees, asking the employees how improvements can be made. The manager takes it upon themselves to decide which suggestions are conducive to the President's vision.
And that is dangerous. Because managers become 'genius-experts,' and label employee suggestions as either 'disgruntled complaints' or 'brilliant suggestions.' The 'brilliant suggestions' are often plaigirized to make the manager 'look better.' Meanwhile, the employees with complaints are either dismissed or marginilized, replaced with 'yes-men.'
That is why better presidential leadership requires a 'plant' in the workforce, somebody listening to all the voices, doing the work, experiencing the life of the workers themselves. The individual 'plant' collects opinions, listening to the voices of reality, not hateful sound-bites, nor over-analyzed self-important wishful-thinking.
The worst form of management is that which puts through more requisitions for more equipment and staff to make themselves look 'self-important' while ignoring the workers' messages. This is the recipe for subtle-fraud, the fraudulent undermining of bottom-line profits.
That form of management bankrupts both companies and countries.
There is a form of 'gang-mentality' in that type of management style. The self-important managers practice gang-banger retaliations against all whom disagree or point out the obvious short-comings of such management methodologies. Since the managers themselves are the ONLY VOICES HEARD by the President, the danger and threat to the company or country is outstanding.
So, the managers put up a 'suggestion-box' and encourage all employees to offer ideas, but only if they have the 'solution,' otherwise, the employee is 'disgruntled,' dismissed, the complaint and message ignored. See the danger? An employee experiences the draw-backs within the tiny-corner of the company where they work, but is not aware of a 'company-wide' solution. Therefore, no meaningful company-wide solutions are ever offered, except the plaigirized, self-important re-revisionist theory of management.
But managers aren't doing the work. Managers are merely theorizing. Then, eliminating those with 'good ideas' or those whom pointed out short-comings -- in order to plaigirize the concept, re-vise it, and say it's their own in a pathetic attempt at making themselves, the manager, 'look better.' The President never hears any other voices.
It happens in every company, every country, and even in the Health care Systems, Social Services, various Infrastructure institutions, education too, and, the defensive departments, military itself. And that's how dangerous the 'old-school' mind-set of over-analysis truly is. This is the exact reason why the best generals FAIL.
So, set up an 'Internet-system' to monitor complaints? But only a few are polled, the percentage of those capable of expressing their complaints and concerns limited, the majority of Internet-users repeating sound-bites. And those same old-school managers are still 'filtering' the data, passing it off as 'their own' after slandering the creator of the messages, re-vising and re-interpreting, thus robbing the platform from beneath the employee/citizen.
Meanwhile, the old-school managers hire more staff, buy more equipment, spend more money, and the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation against all others continues unabated.
And the voices heard by the President are still those of self-important 'genius-experts,' undermining and defrauding unity and PROFITS.
This is a 'setup' for disaster, the deliberate and painful long-term destruction of family, company, industry, tax-base, citizenry and country.
In order to understand this better, I will briefly make a comparison between global affairs and my personal life:
I've been writing about it for YEARS, and nobody is PAYING ATTENTION. Meanwhile, infrastructures are endlessly expanding, defrauding investors and treasuries, while life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness for The People are withering away, losses uncontrolled, while the lives of 'just folks' are re-written, libeled, slandered, ignored, made more expensive, more miserable, then blamed for the destructive behaviors of 'genius-experts.'
It's all part of a vast multi-faceted GLOBAL CRISIS. This is just one tiny element. The end-results are strikes, walk-outs, violence, crime, bankruptcies, revolts, revolutions, war and TERRORISM.
I have applied for two positions within the federal government. One as a volunteer to the Bush Administration, although basic-expenses must be met. The other, as a mid-level manager/worker with the DLA. I need a job. Meanwhile, I've been hated for working, then not working, and now that I'm seeking work AGAIN, I'm hated for seeking work, my efforts undermined. It's ridiculous. I just want a job, a real one, that matches my extraordinary talents and capabilities, with room for advancement and self-growth for the benefit of all. I neither discriminate nor harass anybody. I don't care if the people I work with are happy or sad, as long as the work is accomplished. I just want an opportunity. Now, the slander and libel are 'inspiring' more 'genius-experts' to concoct fake 'positions' from where they will hire, then fire, claiming 'incompetence,' in the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation, the epitome of hate. I'm sick of it!
I have applied for various 'most dangerous jobs.' I am not suicidal AT ALL, nor concocting 'future law-suit' delusional fictions. I will return WHOLE, with successful experience, a better, stronger, healthier person, and thereby continue with my personal goals and dreams, and, proving the gang-banger retaliatory hateful 'genius-experts' WRONG.
Nobody will even interview me. Nobody will even help me find employment, in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' unless their idea of 'appropriate position' is concocted and matched as a setup to failure. Like this: "Well, do this simple task so we can request more staff and equipment, spend more money and waste more time, writing hateful things about you in a pathetic attempt at making our self-importance 'look better,' 'justifying' our MEANness."
I've never been involved in violence. I've never struck, hit, kicked, spit, forced myself at/on nor threatened anyone. I've never 'freaked-out' and harmed anything nor anyone, nor been involved in theft or fraud. I do not have a drug history or alcohol-abuse history. I have never been convicted of a crime other than a few traffic tickets, if that can be construed as 'criminal,' which it certainly is not. Do you consider yourself a 'criminal' for traffic tickets? The slander and libel of gang-banging 'genius-experts,' and their minions whom are all-too-quick to thrive on hateful rumor-mongering in their so-called 'positive-goodness' is nothing less than figurative cricifixtion.
Like this: "we're so 'positive,' we are going to hatefully label you as being 'negative,' and we're going to hammer you ruthlessly to our self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame/Hate, in our 'positive-goodness,' slandering and libeling YOU forever, in order to make ourselves 'look better.' You will never do anything, but 'prove' how 'positive-good' we are, and we're going to make sure of it, by any MEANs."
I applied to the White House and to the DLA because I want a job! I didn't apply for a job with government, including the DLA, in order to be a 'plant' or 'mole' or 'defector' or 'complainer' or anything ELSE. I just want a job. I want to help out. And I'll do exactly that. I need the opportunity. A good one, to help serve and protect while simultaneously advancing my own personal goals of self-improvement while giving back to community, locally and globally, mentoring, helping and sharing ON MY OWN TIME, clearly distinguished between that of any prospective employer. And I can't even get a call-back or acknowledgement. Why? I have an excellent memory, obviously, as the length of my blogs and internet forum-posts, including the CONSISTENCY of my thoughts, PROVES. It is not a delusional test of 'the system.' It is not a delusional plan to undermine or harm, nor an effort at self-destruction, 'whistle-blowing,' or a health-insurance issue or scam. I AM NONE OF THAT, nor have I ever been. I have a beautiful piece of property on a nearly pristine river in the mountains to enjoy and to keep me busy in my off-time for the remainder of my life, share with friends and family, and much writing and concert piano performance to share.
Now, back to "How To Be A Better President" : the above situation, including my personal life, mirrors that of the country and globe and is the exact ROOT of economic distress, retardation of progress, low profit margins, over-extended treasuries and DEFENSE.
All Presidents, even generals, managers, supervisors, parents and coaches are made better in their duties at serving and protecting by hearing and processing all voices.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(April 19, 2006)
Presidents of both companies and countries share a similar problem: enacting meaningful changes and making rational decisions based on reality, not the over-analysis of self-important 'genius-experts.'
For instance, in a company, if the President of that company has a vision, and calls a meeting of managers, those managers then analyze their respective divisions and propose cost-effective answers to benefit the company as a whole. Each manager must present their ideas to the employees, asking the employees how improvements can be made. The manager takes it upon themselves to decide which suggestions are conducive to the President's vision.
And that is dangerous. Because managers become 'genius-experts,' and label employee suggestions as either 'disgruntled complaints' or 'brilliant suggestions.' The 'brilliant suggestions' are often plaigirized to make the manager 'look better.' Meanwhile, the employees with complaints are either dismissed or marginilized, replaced with 'yes-men.'
That is why better presidential leadership requires a 'plant' in the workforce, somebody listening to all the voices, doing the work, experiencing the life of the workers themselves. The individual 'plant' collects opinions, listening to the voices of reality, not hateful sound-bites, nor over-analyzed self-important wishful-thinking.
The worst form of management is that which puts through more requisitions for more equipment and staff to make themselves look 'self-important' while ignoring the workers' messages. This is the recipe for subtle-fraud, the fraudulent undermining of bottom-line profits.
That form of management bankrupts both companies and countries.
There is a form of 'gang-mentality' in that type of management style. The self-important managers practice gang-banger retaliations against all whom disagree or point out the obvious short-comings of such management methodologies. Since the managers themselves are the ONLY VOICES HEARD by the President, the danger and threat to the company or country is outstanding.
So, the managers put up a 'suggestion-box' and encourage all employees to offer ideas, but only if they have the 'solution,' otherwise, the employee is 'disgruntled,' dismissed, the complaint and message ignored. See the danger? An employee experiences the draw-backs within the tiny-corner of the company where they work, but is not aware of a 'company-wide' solution. Therefore, no meaningful company-wide solutions are ever offered, except the plaigirized, self-important re-revisionist theory of management.
But managers aren't doing the work. Managers are merely theorizing. Then, eliminating those with 'good ideas' or those whom pointed out short-comings -- in order to plaigirize the concept, re-vise it, and say it's their own in a pathetic attempt at making themselves, the manager, 'look better.' The President never hears any other voices.
It happens in every company, every country, and even in the Health care Systems, Social Services, various Infrastructure institutions, education too, and, the defensive departments, military itself. And that's how dangerous the 'old-school' mind-set of over-analysis truly is. This is the exact reason why the best generals FAIL.
So, set up an 'Internet-system' to monitor complaints? But only a few are polled, the percentage of those capable of expressing their complaints and concerns limited, the majority of Internet-users repeating sound-bites. And those same old-school managers are still 'filtering' the data, passing it off as 'their own' after slandering the creator of the messages, re-vising and re-interpreting, thus robbing the platform from beneath the employee/citizen.
Meanwhile, the old-school managers hire more staff, buy more equipment, spend more money, and the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation against all others continues unabated.
And the voices heard by the President are still those of self-important 'genius-experts,' undermining and defrauding unity and PROFITS.
This is a 'setup' for disaster, the deliberate and painful long-term destruction of family, company, industry, tax-base, citizenry and country.
In order to understand this better, I will briefly make a comparison between global affairs and my personal life:
I've been writing about it for YEARS, and nobody is PAYING ATTENTION. Meanwhile, infrastructures are endlessly expanding, defrauding investors and treasuries, while life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness for The People are withering away, losses uncontrolled, while the lives of 'just folks' are re-written, libeled, slandered, ignored, made more expensive, more miserable, then blamed for the destructive behaviors of 'genius-experts.'
It's all part of a vast multi-faceted GLOBAL CRISIS. This is just one tiny element. The end-results are strikes, walk-outs, violence, crime, bankruptcies, revolts, revolutions, war and TERRORISM.
I have applied for two positions within the federal government. One as a volunteer to the Bush Administration, although basic-expenses must be met. The other, as a mid-level manager/worker with the DLA. I need a job. Meanwhile, I've been hated for working, then not working, and now that I'm seeking work AGAIN, I'm hated for seeking work, my efforts undermined. It's ridiculous. I just want a job, a real one, that matches my extraordinary talents and capabilities, with room for advancement and self-growth for the benefit of all. I neither discriminate nor harass anybody. I don't care if the people I work with are happy or sad, as long as the work is accomplished. I just want an opportunity. Now, the slander and libel are 'inspiring' more 'genius-experts' to concoct fake 'positions' from where they will hire, then fire, claiming 'incompetence,' in the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation, the epitome of hate. I'm sick of it!
I have applied for various 'most dangerous jobs.' I am not suicidal AT ALL, nor concocting 'future law-suit' delusional fictions. I will return WHOLE, with successful experience, a better, stronger, healthier person, and thereby continue with my personal goals and dreams, and, proving the gang-banger retaliatory hateful 'genius-experts' WRONG.
Nobody will even interview me. Nobody will even help me find employment, in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' unless their idea of 'appropriate position' is concocted and matched as a setup to failure. Like this: "Well, do this simple task so we can request more staff and equipment, spend more money and waste more time, writing hateful things about you in a pathetic attempt at making our self-importance 'look better,' 'justifying' our MEANness."
I've never been involved in violence. I've never struck, hit, kicked, spit, forced myself at/on nor threatened anyone. I've never 'freaked-out' and harmed anything nor anyone, nor been involved in theft or fraud. I do not have a drug history or alcohol-abuse history. I have never been convicted of a crime other than a few traffic tickets, if that can be construed as 'criminal,' which it certainly is not. Do you consider yourself a 'criminal' for traffic tickets? The slander and libel of gang-banging 'genius-experts,' and their minions whom are all-too-quick to thrive on hateful rumor-mongering in their so-called 'positive-goodness' is nothing less than figurative cricifixtion.
Like this: "we're so 'positive,' we are going to hatefully label you as being 'negative,' and we're going to hammer you ruthlessly to our self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame/Hate, in our 'positive-goodness,' slandering and libeling YOU forever, in order to make ourselves 'look better.' You will never do anything, but 'prove' how 'positive-good' we are, and we're going to make sure of it, by any MEANs."
I applied to the White House and to the DLA because I want a job! I didn't apply for a job with government, including the DLA, in order to be a 'plant' or 'mole' or 'defector' or 'complainer' or anything ELSE. I just want a job. I want to help out. And I'll do exactly that. I need the opportunity. A good one, to help serve and protect while simultaneously advancing my own personal goals of self-improvement while giving back to community, locally and globally, mentoring, helping and sharing ON MY OWN TIME, clearly distinguished between that of any prospective employer. And I can't even get a call-back or acknowledgement. Why? I have an excellent memory, obviously, as the length of my blogs and internet forum-posts, including the CONSISTENCY of my thoughts, PROVES. It is not a delusional test of 'the system.' It is not a delusional plan to undermine or harm, nor an effort at self-destruction, 'whistle-blowing,' or a health-insurance issue or scam. I AM NONE OF THAT, nor have I ever been. I have a beautiful piece of property on a nearly pristine river in the mountains to enjoy and to keep me busy in my off-time for the remainder of my life, share with friends and family, and much writing and concert piano performance to share.
Now, back to "How To Be A Better President" : the above situation, including my personal life, mirrors that of the country and globe and is the exact ROOT of economic distress, retardation of progress, low profit margins, over-extended treasuries and DEFENSE.
All Presidents, even generals, managers, supervisors, parents and coaches are made better in their duties at serving and protecting by hearing and processing all voices.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Monday, April 17, 2006
Day229-RCH (Winning Elections)
The System failed during Hurricane Katrina. Not The People.
Toll-road proposals HURT families, and persecute the poor.
Do real carpentry -- not figurative hammering 'negatives' to 'positive-cross-signs' in so-called 'positive-goodness.
Build bridges ... do not demolish them (figuratively, but build some new ones, too, suspended 3MegLev Technology -- not 'huge, super-massive, 10-years to talk about preliminary study crap').
11WondersOfTheWorld -- don't forget.
NewIndustry=NewTaxes=UpliftOrleans and the world, in peace.
Mayor Nagin is the foremost expert in the world on metropolitan disaster and RECOVERY -- NOW. Any new person will not have that experience.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
OnEdit: adding this comment to re-publish as this entry is not posting after publishing. Unknown error. 2-nd attempt to publish.
3rd attempt to publish.
Toll-road proposals HURT families, and persecute the poor.
Do real carpentry -- not figurative hammering 'negatives' to 'positive-cross-signs' in so-called 'positive-goodness.
Build bridges ... do not demolish them (figuratively, but build some new ones, too, suspended 3MegLev Technology -- not 'huge, super-massive, 10-years to talk about preliminary study crap').
11WondersOfTheWorld -- don't forget.
NewIndustry=NewTaxes=UpliftOrleans and the world, in peace.
Mayor Nagin is the foremost expert in the world on metropolitan disaster and RECOVERY -- NOW. Any new person will not have that experience.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
OnEdit: adding this comment to re-publish as this entry is not posting after publishing. Unknown error. 2-nd attempt to publish.
3rd attempt to publish.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Day225-RCH (WalSmart {Walmart} And FRAUD)
Flexing Time
WalSmart (Walmart) Protects And Serves FRAUD
(no edits; Note: ignore typos/misspellings/sentence-structure/word-usage, as these are EXCUSES by the HATEFUL to IGNORE messages and HATE messengers in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' and ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' to their own self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame, in non-stop FigurativeCarpentry. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO: words, typos, sentences, looks, size, shape, color, opinions, thoughts, crotch, crotch-usage, income, living-arrangements, education, politics, smells, clothes, hair, sound-of-voice ... a practically endless list of concocted self-important excuses to HATE. I do not use spell-checkers to FAKE perfection for this EXACT REASON. Nobody is 'perfect.' Nobody! Pretending is FRAUD.)
At work, it is often called 'flex-time.' Employees have a certain amount of hours per week to perform their jobs, usually 40-hours. Do they have a doctor-appointment for a rash on their posterior? I don't want to know! Did they go to Happy-hour, meet someone, had bedroom-activities until 3am, therefore came in to work at 11? I don't want to know! It's about performance. These people know their responsibilities and are reviewed weekly based on maximum-business volumes during peak-hours for specific customer-related contact functions.
Some businesses are open during certain hours only, usually because a self-important boss puts their own control-issues above maximized company investor profits. Working 9-5 is inconvenient for customers, unless you are selling or supporting products for kids on holiday, or, retired persons with vision-problems that can only drive during the day, limiting your overall customer-base. Since most people work during the day, it is unreasonable to force working-customers to take time-off from their own jobs in order to patronize your business.
Why are medical clinics only open during the day? This forces higher-expenses to businesses by reducing availability of their employees to serve customers. All businesses are about supporting customers. Never forget that.
As for the person that is responsible for unlocking the doors in the morning, or bringing the cash-registers online, well, that is NOT a flex-time job, obviously, unless that individual is available at that specific time every day, and can flex the remaining hours in a day's schedule.
Call-centers are notorious for self-important bosses, 'genius-experts,' that rotate employee schedules, then complain about those same employees having scheduling conflicts. It's not about the business, maximizing customer-contacts at all; it's about control-issues with the 'genius-expert' bosses. This is a formula that promises high employee turnover ratios and an overall less-happy workforce. Call-center bosses are oftentimes more concerned with employees leaving messages on answering machines and regarding that as 'customer-contact,' than actually contacting customers at convenient times to either sell, promote, collect or arrange transactions.
Collectors, for example, have the lowest customer-contacts on past-due accounts during typical 9-5 business-hours. A collector is often reviewed on 'call-volumes.' This is deceptive. Leaving messages is not collecting money, nor reducing losses to the company at all. It takes customer-contact and making arrangements on past-due accounts. The Collector knows which hours are productive for customer-contacts, and which hours are conducive for skip-tracing or doing paperwork. The paperwork can be done day or night. Customer-contacts, by law, can only be done between 8am-8pm in most locations. Meanwhile, 'genius-expert' bosses are more concerned with their own schedules and self-important so-called 'business-meetings' and computer issues than a happy-workforce freely controlling their own time and lives.
The more computer-related 'meetings,' reports and employees, the higher the expenses of the company, regardless of tele-marketing results. A typical bank has entire buildings filled with nothing more than report-generating self-important employees whom complain nonstop about the schedules and results of the customer-contacting workforce, yet have zero if any relations with that workforce at all, strutting around projecting the attitude of, "I'm important and you, sub-human, are not." This is exactly why stock holders see low returns on their investments. From my standpoint, it's fraudulant business. It makes the customer banking-fees higher, and investor returns lower.
Just mentioning the obvious results in the certain and swift gang-retaliation of the 'genius-experts' in so-called 'positive-goodness,' labeling the 'mentioner of the obvious' as being 'negative,' therefore ruthlessly hammering that individual to a 'positive-cross-sign,' the CrossOfShame, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'
I know personally.
Gang-retaliation. And that's exactly what it is. Mind-set. The cost of all those NOT contacting customers in their self-made, self-importance, is 300-times higher than all the customer-contacting employees combined.
This is why WallSmart wants it's own banking-system. This is why the current banking 'genius-experts' are against WallSmart and having daily hate-group 'business-meetings' to stop it. You see, those same self-important 'genius-experts,' whom pat each other on the backs in self-made Bell-Chambers of false 'perfection,' are the only voices heard.
And that's the danger in today's economy. It's more than danger -- because it's fraudulent business. The 'genius-expert' that puts through requisitional requests for more computers and more staff to produce more reports, therefore claiming, "I'm important because I oversee all these important people," is defrauding investors. PERIOD.
And it's rampant. And current typical 'americanized-business' models are based on exactly that mind-set, pricing the American workforce right out of jobs, customers, and the meaning of life itself, "nurture." There can be no nurture without economy, and 'genius-experts' in self-made 'importance,' are ruining it. FACT.
And that is the ONLY VOICE you hear. And that is why immigration is VITAL to economy. But the only VOICE YOU HEAR are the 'genius-experts' gang-mindset of HATE, protecting and serving THEMSELVES, not you, your family, nor the nation.
Have you called the telephone company? After wasting several minutes working through the maze of automated voices, you will ultimately connect with a live person. What's the point? And the computers and self-important 'genius-experts' fill entire floors of the phone-company's buildings, generating more and more reports, hiring more and more 'important-people' that help no customers at all, increasing costs and reducing customer satisfaction. Congratulations, you've just defrauded your investors, 'genius-experts.'
This is why I ask you vote for me, as a write-in, on all future ballots. It's not about winning elections, it's about sending a message. Write-in "3Ons," and stop the FRAUD, public government and private business, THAT IS RUINING ECONOMY.
Meanwhile, I'm hungry and need a job. I'm NOT 'TOO PROUD' TO DO ANY WORK. Only the so-called 'positive-good-people' look down their figurative long-noses to say hateful things about working, in their gang-mindset of HATE. Example: "reduced to that -- I'm so much better than you!" is nothing more than HATE.
And that's why WallSmart (Wallmart) banking is going to put your bank, your call-centers and your collections loss-control departments out of business, and frankly, you deserve it. Please, WallSmart, buy Call-Centers and Telecommunications next.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
WalSmart (Walmart) Protects And Serves FRAUD
(no edits; Note: ignore typos/misspellings/sentence-structure/word-usage, as these are EXCUSES by the HATEFUL to IGNORE messages and HATE messengers in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' and ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' to their own self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame, in non-stop FigurativeCarpentry. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO: words, typos, sentences, looks, size, shape, color, opinions, thoughts, crotch, crotch-usage, income, living-arrangements, education, politics, smells, clothes, hair, sound-of-voice ... a practically endless list of concocted self-important excuses to HATE. I do not use spell-checkers to FAKE perfection for this EXACT REASON. Nobody is 'perfect.' Nobody! Pretending is FRAUD.)
At work, it is often called 'flex-time.' Employees have a certain amount of hours per week to perform their jobs, usually 40-hours. Do they have a doctor-appointment for a rash on their posterior? I don't want to know! Did they go to Happy-hour, meet someone, had bedroom-activities until 3am, therefore came in to work at 11? I don't want to know! It's about performance. These people know their responsibilities and are reviewed weekly based on maximum-business volumes during peak-hours for specific customer-related contact functions.
Some businesses are open during certain hours only, usually because a self-important boss puts their own control-issues above maximized company investor profits. Working 9-5 is inconvenient for customers, unless you are selling or supporting products for kids on holiday, or, retired persons with vision-problems that can only drive during the day, limiting your overall customer-base. Since most people work during the day, it is unreasonable to force working-customers to take time-off from their own jobs in order to patronize your business.
Why are medical clinics only open during the day? This forces higher-expenses to businesses by reducing availability of their employees to serve customers. All businesses are about supporting customers. Never forget that.
As for the person that is responsible for unlocking the doors in the morning, or bringing the cash-registers online, well, that is NOT a flex-time job, obviously, unless that individual is available at that specific time every day, and can flex the remaining hours in a day's schedule.
Call-centers are notorious for self-important bosses, 'genius-experts,' that rotate employee schedules, then complain about those same employees having scheduling conflicts. It's not about the business, maximizing customer-contacts at all; it's about control-issues with the 'genius-expert' bosses. This is a formula that promises high employee turnover ratios and an overall less-happy workforce. Call-center bosses are oftentimes more concerned with employees leaving messages on answering machines and regarding that as 'customer-contact,' than actually contacting customers at convenient times to either sell, promote, collect or arrange transactions.
Collectors, for example, have the lowest customer-contacts on past-due accounts during typical 9-5 business-hours. A collector is often reviewed on 'call-volumes.' This is deceptive. Leaving messages is not collecting money, nor reducing losses to the company at all. It takes customer-contact and making arrangements on past-due accounts. The Collector knows which hours are productive for customer-contacts, and which hours are conducive for skip-tracing or doing paperwork. The paperwork can be done day or night. Customer-contacts, by law, can only be done between 8am-8pm in most locations. Meanwhile, 'genius-expert' bosses are more concerned with their own schedules and self-important so-called 'business-meetings' and computer issues than a happy-workforce freely controlling their own time and lives.
The more computer-related 'meetings,' reports and employees, the higher the expenses of the company, regardless of tele-marketing results. A typical bank has entire buildings filled with nothing more than report-generating self-important employees whom complain nonstop about the schedules and results of the customer-contacting workforce, yet have zero if any relations with that workforce at all, strutting around projecting the attitude of, "I'm important and you, sub-human, are not." This is exactly why stock holders see low returns on their investments. From my standpoint, it's fraudulant business. It makes the customer banking-fees higher, and investor returns lower.
Just mentioning the obvious results in the certain and swift gang-retaliation of the 'genius-experts' in so-called 'positive-goodness,' labeling the 'mentioner of the obvious' as being 'negative,' therefore ruthlessly hammering that individual to a 'positive-cross-sign,' the CrossOfShame, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'
I know personally.
Gang-retaliation. And that's exactly what it is. Mind-set. The cost of all those NOT contacting customers in their self-made, self-importance, is 300-times higher than all the customer-contacting employees combined.
This is why WallSmart wants it's own banking-system. This is why the current banking 'genius-experts' are against WallSmart and having daily hate-group 'business-meetings' to stop it. You see, those same self-important 'genius-experts,' whom pat each other on the backs in self-made Bell-Chambers of false 'perfection,' are the only voices heard.
And that's the danger in today's economy. It's more than danger -- because it's fraudulent business. The 'genius-expert' that puts through requisitional requests for more computers and more staff to produce more reports, therefore claiming, "I'm important because I oversee all these important people," is defrauding investors. PERIOD.
And it's rampant. And current typical 'americanized-business' models are based on exactly that mind-set, pricing the American workforce right out of jobs, customers, and the meaning of life itself, "nurture." There can be no nurture without economy, and 'genius-experts' in self-made 'importance,' are ruining it. FACT.
And that is the ONLY VOICE you hear. And that is why immigration is VITAL to economy. But the only VOICE YOU HEAR are the 'genius-experts' gang-mindset of HATE, protecting and serving THEMSELVES, not you, your family, nor the nation.
Have you called the telephone company? After wasting several minutes working through the maze of automated voices, you will ultimately connect with a live person. What's the point? And the computers and self-important 'genius-experts' fill entire floors of the phone-company's buildings, generating more and more reports, hiring more and more 'important-people' that help no customers at all, increasing costs and reducing customer satisfaction. Congratulations, you've just defrauded your investors, 'genius-experts.'
This is why I ask you vote for me, as a write-in, on all future ballots. It's not about winning elections, it's about sending a message. Write-in "3Ons," and stop the FRAUD, public government and private business, THAT IS RUINING ECONOMY.
Meanwhile, I'm hungry and need a job. I'm NOT 'TOO PROUD' TO DO ANY WORK. Only the so-called 'positive-good-people' look down their figurative long-noses to say hateful things about working, in their gang-mindset of HATE. Example: "reduced to that -- I'm so much better than you!" is nothing more than HATE.
And that's why WallSmart (Wallmart) banking is going to put your bank, your call-centers and your collections loss-control departments out of business, and frankly, you deserve it. Please, WallSmart, buy Call-Centers and Telecommunications next.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
World's Most Dangerous Jobs
Give them to me. I do not want you doing it.
Every year, a few 'young-and-dumb' are killed crabbing during the fishing season in the ocean. I do not want you losing your loved one. I do not want you grieving. I'll go instead.
The hateful laugh at my efforts, then laugh at my non-efforts. They laugh at my offers, then laugh because my offers were rejected by themselves, claiming, "he never offered me anything." They laugh in scorn, addicted to hate.
Nobody cares about me, unless it's for a photo-op. But they do have those they care about. Spare them ... send me instead. If I don't return, it will 'make your day.' But I will return, unharmed, mission accomplished, merely to spite you, only to be hatefully scorned again, as usual.
I roll up my sleeves and do what needs be done, regardless of weather, location, stench, filth or difficulty. And because I accomplish, I am hated. And because I do not complain, my efforts are scorned and I am made miserable. Now that, I do complain about, and then I am hated for complaining about complaints.
Because I work faster and am more productive than all others. Even the most mentally challenging tasks, the 'genius-experts' laugh in scorn, undermining objectives and outcomes with nonstop complaints over knit-picked inconsequencials. "Dot out of place." "Typo." "Smell." "Word." "Early." "Late." "Weather." "Clothes." "Sounds." "Not enough talk." "Too much talk." "Laughs." "Doesn't laugh." "Humor." "No humor." "Thoughts." "Mannerisms." "Opinions." "Paperwork." Any excuse will do, and production comes to a complete and utter halt, while the hate-campaign against me becomes 'top-priority' instead.
In labored tasks, I have to slow-down, or co-workers hate me. "You're showing us up. Knock it off!" I've heard it all my life. I want to get the job done, not fart around. I want productivity, not intentional delays. I don't care how hard it is, I want to get it done and go enjoy other things. Cuts, scrapes and a few bruises are not life-threatening nor a reason to be paid to stand around seeking pity. I learned long ago to be careful. To not get injured. And to limit injury. There are people that won't hike in shorts on a hot day because of the possibility of a 'scrape' or bug-bite. This attitude prevents enjoyment, entertainment and on-the-job work-ethics. Meanwhile, they wear baggy-clothing around machines in their so-called 'infinite-wisdoms.'
Scratches and bug-bites are inconsequential to accomplishment. There are chemicals to reduce confrontations between bugs and humans, and these same people claim the chemicals are too 'caustic,' preventing action, limiting production -- a drain instead of a gain on family, friends, businesses and society as a whole.
I am always concerned about safety, but I'm not going to putz-around with ridiculous safety-equipment for simple tasks that are completed in less time than it takes to learn how to adorn the safety equipment, work with it and put it away. The task itself could be accomplished with zero additional expense and a fraction of the time, with time left over to do ten other things. It depends on the situation, obviously. I have enough common-sense to SENSE the obvious.
-- time's the enemy, it's ticking evermore;
-- time's the enemy, it's knocking at your door;
-- ticking ever more; knocking at your door ...
(from a song I wrote years ago)
"What about the one time you need it?" (safety-equipment) What about it? I got a simple scratch? A scrape? A bruise? A burn? A bug-bite? Coughed once or twice? Got something on my clothes? A stain? Dry skin? A twig in my hair? Smelled something briefly? So what? I'm not talking about high-wire acts. I'm not talking about radiation-burns. I'm not talking about acid spills. I'm not talking about bio-weapons exposures. I'm not talking about the Ebola virus or hemmoragic fevers. I'm not talking about explosives. I'm not talking about race-car driving. I'm not talking about flying a kite on a metal wire in a lightening storm. I'm talking about common-sense. I'm talking serving and protecting.
Do you hate me now?
"More than ever," say those addicted to hate. Any excuse will do. "No, we're concerned -- errrr, now, and don't want you to go, errrr, now." Sure. Whatever. Save your fellow-haters from the dangerous assignments and send me instead. I don't want anybody grieving. I'll perform Chopin later. I'll go. I'll save somebody grief. I'll save the company money, make more myself, by saving the life of one of your cloned haters in the process. I'll run there. Although a completely alien-concept to you, it's called unconditional-love for a reason.
Iran2danger, so you don't have to, night and day.
Give them to me. I do not want you doing it.
Every year, a few 'young-and-dumb' are killed crabbing during the fishing season in the ocean. I do not want you losing your loved one. I do not want you grieving. I'll go instead.
The hateful laugh at my efforts, then laugh at my non-efforts. They laugh at my offers, then laugh because my offers were rejected by themselves, claiming, "he never offered me anything." They laugh in scorn, addicted to hate.
Nobody cares about me, unless it's for a photo-op. But they do have those they care about. Spare them ... send me instead. If I don't return, it will 'make your day.' But I will return, unharmed, mission accomplished, merely to spite you, only to be hatefully scorned again, as usual.
I roll up my sleeves and do what needs be done, regardless of weather, location, stench, filth or difficulty. And because I accomplish, I am hated. And because I do not complain, my efforts are scorned and I am made miserable. Now that, I do complain about, and then I am hated for complaining about complaints.
Because I work faster and am more productive than all others. Even the most mentally challenging tasks, the 'genius-experts' laugh in scorn, undermining objectives and outcomes with nonstop complaints over knit-picked inconsequencials. "Dot out of place." "Typo." "Smell." "Word." "Early." "Late." "Weather." "Clothes." "Sounds." "Not enough talk." "Too much talk." "Laughs." "Doesn't laugh." "Humor." "No humor." "Thoughts." "Mannerisms." "Opinions." "Paperwork." Any excuse will do, and production comes to a complete and utter halt, while the hate-campaign against me becomes 'top-priority' instead.
In labored tasks, I have to slow-down, or co-workers hate me. "You're showing us up. Knock it off!" I've heard it all my life. I want to get the job done, not fart around. I want productivity, not intentional delays. I don't care how hard it is, I want to get it done and go enjoy other things. Cuts, scrapes and a few bruises are not life-threatening nor a reason to be paid to stand around seeking pity. I learned long ago to be careful. To not get injured. And to limit injury. There are people that won't hike in shorts on a hot day because of the possibility of a 'scrape' or bug-bite. This attitude prevents enjoyment, entertainment and on-the-job work-ethics. Meanwhile, they wear baggy-clothing around machines in their so-called 'infinite-wisdoms.'
Scratches and bug-bites are inconsequential to accomplishment. There are chemicals to reduce confrontations between bugs and humans, and these same people claim the chemicals are too 'caustic,' preventing action, limiting production -- a drain instead of a gain on family, friends, businesses and society as a whole.
I am always concerned about safety, but I'm not going to putz-around with ridiculous safety-equipment for simple tasks that are completed in less time than it takes to learn how to adorn the safety equipment, work with it and put it away. The task itself could be accomplished with zero additional expense and a fraction of the time, with time left over to do ten other things. It depends on the situation, obviously. I have enough common-sense to SENSE the obvious.
-- time's the enemy, it's ticking evermore;
-- time's the enemy, it's knocking at your door;
-- ticking ever more; knocking at your door ...
(from a song I wrote years ago)
"What about the one time you need it?" (safety-equipment) What about it? I got a simple scratch? A scrape? A bruise? A burn? A bug-bite? Coughed once or twice? Got something on my clothes? A stain? Dry skin? A twig in my hair? Smelled something briefly? So what? I'm not talking about high-wire acts. I'm not talking about radiation-burns. I'm not talking about acid spills. I'm not talking about bio-weapons exposures. I'm not talking about the Ebola virus or hemmoragic fevers. I'm not talking about explosives. I'm not talking about race-car driving. I'm not talking about flying a kite on a metal wire in a lightening storm. I'm talking about common-sense. I'm talking serving and protecting.
Do you hate me now?
"More than ever," say those addicted to hate. Any excuse will do. "No, we're concerned -- errrr, now, and don't want you to go, errrr, now." Sure. Whatever. Save your fellow-haters from the dangerous assignments and send me instead. I don't want anybody grieving. I'll perform Chopin later. I'll go. I'll save somebody grief. I'll save the company money, make more myself, by saving the life of one of your cloned haters in the process. I'll run there. Although a completely alien-concept to you, it's called unconditional-love for a reason.
Iran2danger, so you don't have to, night and day.
Day223-RCH (Booking Jobs)
Booking Jobs
A child pulling weeds in a garden does not know which plants choke light and nourishment from food crops. We love them anyway. Later, taught to mow lawns, that child must be mentored not to wander to-and-fro, but follow the outline in one direction in decreasing circles. Simple economics. While caring for animals, pets or otherwise, a child learns through chores the consequences of neglect and the rewards of compassion.
It takes guidance, for all must learn to walk and nobody walks perfectly, from first step to last.
A paper-route re-establishes the lessons learned in gardens, landscapes and the delivery of nourishment. If late, customers' schedules are inconvenienced and they choose to either help another 'learn how to walk' or, hatefully complain, an attempt at robbing livelihoods and the vitally vulgarly-learned lessons of living.
Caring for the elderly, feeding those too fragile to lift spoons, cleaning and washing their dishes, re-enforces those vulgar-lessons learned while Booking Jobs: do not neglect and be compassionate, always. When older, busing tables in restaurants, those customers whom complain about everything, criticizing, overly-asking to harass instead of mentoring, offer nothing but abusive neglect and lack-of compassion. This is a reflection of those whom have failed the lessons of mentored chores themselves, Booking Laws instead of Jobs in order to hate others, projecting a supremacist's 'perfect-walk,' crying over spilt milk in fake 'perfection.'
For nobody is perfect, as all must learn to walk and nobody walks perfectly, from first step to last. And nobody walks on water. Nobody. For there are those whom 'aspire' to do the impossible, walk on water, and hate themselves for not. A different 'lesson' they learned. A different 'lesson' they were taught. A different 'lesson' they teach. The lesson of hate, abusive neglect, lack-of-compassion, and FigurativeCarpentry: how to fake a 'perfect-walk,' declaring themselves 'positive' while voodoo-projecting self-hate to ruthlessly hammer all others as 'negatives' to self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame/Hate in so-called 'positive-goodness.' The DECEPTION, for nobody walks perfectly. Nobody.
Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Mentor the deceived and do not engage in hateful FigurativeCarpentry with them. Resurrect their compassion instead. For these are the people that divide instead of unite. Any excuse will do: words; music; clothes; jobs; money; possessions; education; living arrangements; transportation; smells; entertainments; size; shape; color; thoughts; jobs; opinions; even love itself. Unite these tribal mindsets. Heal their ThoughtVirus, their addiction to hate. Resuscitate their humanity.
Door-to-door sales proves these vulgar-lessons, the “VulgarLessons.” The hateful will focus on delivery times and presentation, utilizing any excuse to declare themselves 'positive' a1nd the person earning a living 'negative' in order to perform FigurativeCarpentry against them, usually to abscond free-merchandise and defraud the salespersons' company, getting 'something for nothing' in so-called 'positive-goodness.' A telephone solicitor or representative knows this all too well. So do volunteers. These are beloved-neighbors, earning a living, paying taxes to serve and protect all, while being hated by so-called 'positive-good-people' in nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, dividing as usual, instead of uniting in forgiveness, compassion, unconditional love – peace on earth, (“PeaceOnEarth”), where there is no such things as NegativePositive-ism, which is the formula for Holocaust.
This is proved through the EquationOfLife (“Equation Of Life”): (-)And(+)Equals Hate/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship (so don't be that way). Translation: if you declare yourself 'positive' to cast-out 'negatives' then you are performing FigurativeCarpentry (“figurative carpentry”) in order to hate 'not your kind of people.' You use your forked-tongue of 'positiveness' to ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' to your self-made positive-cross-sign, the CrossOfShame. It's nothing more than DeathWorship (“death-worship”), because it is the formula for holocaust, war, the madness of violence, death and destruction instead of unity and peace. In simple-math, it is like this: “+1-1=0” or nothingness, war, death, DeathWorship, hate.
HatefulReligiousSupremacy (“hateful religious supremacy”) is the non-stop casting-out of all whom are different, denying life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- words, music, clothes, size, shape, color, income, thoughts, opinions, spelling, language, sound-of-voice, crotch, crotch-usage, love – nothing but the concoction of infinite excuses to hate 'not your kind of people.'
Let me spell it out for you: Give me your poor, your ill, your aging, your ailing, your down-trodden, your dispossessed, your uneducated, your mothers, your daughters, your sons, your crippled, your blind ... give them to me, one and all, and I will take your strong and your brave too, serving and protecting one and all in equality, invigorating unity instead of dividing, strengthening and growing our UNION, celebrating uniqueness and welcoming UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
A good manager practices and ministers these lessons, proving the validity of the EquationOfLife to uplift production and economy while Booking Jobs, in love with unity, progress and peace.
I have commanded MY WORDS be shared with every entity in existence, a wave, uplifting the SeaOfHumanity, globally, to bring peace on earth, not off-planet in some fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but this life, on this earth, PeaceOnEarth. Walk with ME.
Kind Regards, ALWAYS.
Clayton Winton
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
A child pulling weeds in a garden does not know which plants choke light and nourishment from food crops. We love them anyway. Later, taught to mow lawns, that child must be mentored not to wander to-and-fro, but follow the outline in one direction in decreasing circles. Simple economics. While caring for animals, pets or otherwise, a child learns through chores the consequences of neglect and the rewards of compassion.
It takes guidance, for all must learn to walk and nobody walks perfectly, from first step to last.
A paper-route re-establishes the lessons learned in gardens, landscapes and the delivery of nourishment. If late, customers' schedules are inconvenienced and they choose to either help another 'learn how to walk' or, hatefully complain, an attempt at robbing livelihoods and the vitally vulgarly-learned lessons of living.
Caring for the elderly, feeding those too fragile to lift spoons, cleaning and washing their dishes, re-enforces those vulgar-lessons learned while Booking Jobs: do not neglect and be compassionate, always. When older, busing tables in restaurants, those customers whom complain about everything, criticizing, overly-asking to harass instead of mentoring, offer nothing but abusive neglect and lack-of compassion. This is a reflection of those whom have failed the lessons of mentored chores themselves, Booking Laws instead of Jobs in order to hate others, projecting a supremacist's 'perfect-walk,' crying over spilt milk in fake 'perfection.'
For nobody is perfect, as all must learn to walk and nobody walks perfectly, from first step to last. And nobody walks on water. Nobody. For there are those whom 'aspire' to do the impossible, walk on water, and hate themselves for not. A different 'lesson' they learned. A different 'lesson' they were taught. A different 'lesson' they teach. The lesson of hate, abusive neglect, lack-of-compassion, and FigurativeCarpentry: how to fake a 'perfect-walk,' declaring themselves 'positive' while voodoo-projecting self-hate to ruthlessly hammer all others as 'negatives' to self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame/Hate in so-called 'positive-goodness.' The DECEPTION, for nobody walks perfectly. Nobody.
Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Mentor the deceived and do not engage in hateful FigurativeCarpentry with them. Resurrect their compassion instead. For these are the people that divide instead of unite. Any excuse will do: words; music; clothes; jobs; money; possessions; education; living arrangements; transportation; smells; entertainments; size; shape; color; thoughts; jobs; opinions; even love itself. Unite these tribal mindsets. Heal their ThoughtVirus, their addiction to hate. Resuscitate their humanity.
Door-to-door sales proves these vulgar-lessons, the “VulgarLessons.” The hateful will focus on delivery times and presentation, utilizing any excuse to declare themselves 'positive' a1nd the person earning a living 'negative' in order to perform FigurativeCarpentry against them, usually to abscond free-merchandise and defraud the salespersons' company, getting 'something for nothing' in so-called 'positive-goodness.' A telephone solicitor or representative knows this all too well. So do volunteers. These are beloved-neighbors, earning a living, paying taxes to serve and protect all, while being hated by so-called 'positive-good-people' in nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, dividing as usual, instead of uniting in forgiveness, compassion, unconditional love – peace on earth, (“PeaceOnEarth”), where there is no such things as NegativePositive-ism, which is the formula for Holocaust.
This is proved through the EquationOfLife (“Equation Of Life”): (-)And(+)Equals Hate/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship (so don't be that way). Translation: if you declare yourself 'positive' to cast-out 'negatives' then you are performing FigurativeCarpentry (“figurative carpentry”) in order to hate 'not your kind of people.' You use your forked-tongue of 'positiveness' to ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' to your self-made positive-cross-sign, the CrossOfShame. It's nothing more than DeathWorship (“death-worship”), because it is the formula for holocaust, war, the madness of violence, death and destruction instead of unity and peace. In simple-math, it is like this: “+1-1=0” or nothingness, war, death, DeathWorship, hate.
HatefulReligiousSupremacy (“hateful religious supremacy”) is the non-stop casting-out of all whom are different, denying life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- words, music, clothes, size, shape, color, income, thoughts, opinions, spelling, language, sound-of-voice, crotch, crotch-usage, love – nothing but the concoction of infinite excuses to hate 'not your kind of people.'
Let me spell it out for you: Give me your poor, your ill, your aging, your ailing, your down-trodden, your dispossessed, your uneducated, your mothers, your daughters, your sons, your crippled, your blind ... give them to me, one and all, and I will take your strong and your brave too, serving and protecting one and all in equality, invigorating unity instead of dividing, strengthening and growing our UNION, celebrating uniqueness and welcoming UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
A good manager practices and ministers these lessons, proving the validity of the EquationOfLife to uplift production and economy while Booking Jobs, in love with unity, progress and peace.
I have commanded MY WORDS be shared with every entity in existence, a wave, uplifting the SeaOfHumanity, globally, to bring peace on earth, not off-planet in some fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but this life, on this earth, PeaceOnEarth. Walk with ME.
Kind Regards, ALWAYS.
Clayton Winton
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Where Is Marcus McKibben?
(OnEdit: adding pic links, click title for pics from 10-yrs ago)
(OnEdit: adding: please note, "10-yrs" as used here, has NOTHING TO DO with the UniversalTheorem and my statements, "ten years behind schedule.")
In an orange jump-suit in Abu Ghraib? He disappeared approximately the same time as 9/11.
I had not seen him in a couple of years, but had talked by phone. Then, nothing. All mutual friends claim they know nothing.
One 'friend' was very jealous of me about Marcus. I am left wondering if some hateful rumor-mongering somehow convinced mutual-friends and aquaintances to get together and tell each of us that the other is 'dead' or 'hates each other' or 'it's best they never know where each is,' or something like that, out of so-called 'concern,' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'
What sort of things were told to Marcus? "Guilt as a weapon?" and then a whole bunch of concocted, out-of-context crap to 'prove' their flimsy case? It had to be more, as Marcus is a too wonderful of a person to fall victim. He would NEVER knowingly play a part in that hateful crap.
KNOWINGLY ... and that is why I am so worried.
WHERE IS MARCUS? Where is he?
I love the man. Please help me find him. We were never involved in violence. There are no 'restraining orders' or 'money owed' or ANYTHING ELSE.
Contact me: cwinton@priestriver.com
or, write me : POB 2123, Priest River, ID 83856
Thank you.
(OnEdit: adding pic links, click title for pics from 10-yrs ago)
(OnEdit: adding: please note, "10-yrs" as used here, has NOTHING TO DO with the UniversalTheorem and my statements, "ten years behind schedule.")
In an orange jump-suit in Abu Ghraib? He disappeared approximately the same time as 9/11.
I had not seen him in a couple of years, but had talked by phone. Then, nothing. All mutual friends claim they know nothing.
One 'friend' was very jealous of me about Marcus. I am left wondering if some hateful rumor-mongering somehow convinced mutual-friends and aquaintances to get together and tell each of us that the other is 'dead' or 'hates each other' or 'it's best they never know where each is,' or something like that, out of so-called 'concern,' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'
What sort of things were told to Marcus? "Guilt as a weapon?" and then a whole bunch of concocted, out-of-context crap to 'prove' their flimsy case? It had to be more, as Marcus is a too wonderful of a person to fall victim. He would NEVER knowingly play a part in that hateful crap.
KNOWINGLY ... and that is why I am so worried.
WHERE IS MARCUS? Where is he?
I love the man. Please help me find him. We were never involved in violence. There are no 'restraining orders' or 'money owed' or ANYTHING ELSE.
Contact me: cwinton@priestriver.com
or, write me : POB 2123, Priest River, ID 83856
Thank you.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Day212-RCH ( White House Changes )
White House Changes
What is needed to put a 'better face' on White House policy? Firstly, a better-looking face. I'm not talking about physical-beauty here, but a more unique-face, which is intriguing. Secondly, a less hostile exchange between the unique-face that affirms Press Releases and reporters.
It is time for "something completely different." A person with personal history from all walks of life that clearly distinguishes individual opinion from the position of the Administration. Somebody with intriguing ambiguities. Size, shape, color, sound-of-voice, mannerisms, history. Someone with enough 'baggage' to keep the whiners whining about the 'baggage' instead of knit-picking policy, thus proving their own prejudices and lack of acceptance for diversity.
It is indeed time for change. Something 'completely different.'
I would proudly volunteer to SERVE AND PROTECT the UNION in such a capacity.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
What is needed to put a 'better face' on White House policy? Firstly, a better-looking face. I'm not talking about physical-beauty here, but a more unique-face, which is intriguing. Secondly, a less hostile exchange between the unique-face that affirms Press Releases and reporters.
It is time for "something completely different." A person with personal history from all walks of life that clearly distinguishes individual opinion from the position of the Administration. Somebody with intriguing ambiguities. Size, shape, color, sound-of-voice, mannerisms, history. Someone with enough 'baggage' to keep the whiners whining about the 'baggage' instead of knit-picking policy, thus proving their own prejudices and lack of acceptance for diversity.
It is indeed time for change. Something 'completely different.'
I would proudly volunteer to SERVE AND PROTECT the UNION in such a capacity.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Day213-RCH (The Miracle Of Unity)
The 'Miracle Of Unity'
(Sunday, April 2, 2006)
The spotlight from the Goodyear Blimp projected from the night sky. Giant screens projected various camera-angles. Billions watched the live, televised event from home. All Three Kings raised open-palms, extended over the waters of life, a SeaOfHumnanity, 2-million to the East, 2-million to the West, 2-million to the South and 2-million to the North.
The "MiracleOfUnity" ("miracle of unity") is the marriage of all religions. Representatives of each stood before the Kings in a circle, hands held in unity, peace and love.
UNITE THESE TRIBES, and that commandment shall not be ignored. Only hateful religious supremacy has prevented this simple task, dividing, instead of uniting, hating instead of unconditionally loving. Until now, every religion has concocted their own PositiveKingdom ("positive kingdom") from where labels of hate have been projected toward all others, 'negatives,' hammered ruthlessly to self-made 'positive-signs,' 'positive-crosses,' to shame and blame all that is diverse and unique from themselves, in FigurativeCarpentry ("figurative carpentry").
The EXACT ROOT of all religions has been abandoned, FigurativeCarpentry being the result, globally, universally, DeathWorship. Since the beginning of all time, human-history that is, stories have been collected from the NegativePositive ThoughtSchool ("school of thought") to PROVE how horrid 'negative/positive-ism' truly is. This is THE FIRST LAW which all religions have PROMISED to uphold and protect, now abandoned, THE DECEPTION.
EquationOfLife: "(-)And(+)Equal Hate/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship" (so don't be that way).
Do the Math: +1-1=0, and do it every Sunday, SundayMaths, and every second in between.
Taken out-of-context, the "positive-only" portions of those ancient stories that were carefully prepared and promised to be protected, have been mimicked by deceived religions, entire societies modeled after it, to hatefully label 'negatives' as being 'not our kinds of people,' to shame them, blame them, cast them out, in so-called 'positive-goodness,' the epitome of FigurativeCarpentry, the exact definition of DeathWorship. This has been the root cause of all hate, all women domination, and, all war.
I have charged every religion on Earth with CrimesAgainstHumanity for this exact reason. The MiracleOfUnity is the UNITING OF TRIBES, all for once, and once and for all.
PeaceOnEarth ("peace on earth") is ON earth, not off-planet in a fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but during this life, on this earth. Same with "heaven," by any name, built here, on earth, in peace.
Any excuse will do to perform FigurativeCarpentry against another, hammering them ruthlessly against one's self-made 'positive-sign' or 'positive-cross' in so-called 'positive-goodness' : words, speech, music, jobs, expressions, art, education, money, location, size, shape, color, and love itself.
The ancient stories, scriptures, are COMMANDED to be taken as a WHOLE, the message clear, "HowNotToBe" ("how not to be") in order to preserve equality, life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness.
Pope Benedict XVI, working with the Delai Lama, without delay, accepted representatives from Hindi, Islam, Christian, and pagan religions, including SCIENCE, uniting in the MiracleOfUnity, the marriage of all religions to THE FIRST LAW -- the EquationOfLife, returning religions to their ROOT, without holes, whole – uniting all tribes, WHOLE AGAIN.
I have commanded Gordon B. Hinckley (OnEdit: and William L. Van De Wall) to assist Cardinal Ratzinger and Tenzin Gyatso. Make it so.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn) - HumanityFamilyAdvocate
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
see "HowToWalkOnWater" at: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/03/335756.shtml
(Sunday, April 2, 2006)
The spotlight from the Goodyear Blimp projected from the night sky. Giant screens projected various camera-angles. Billions watched the live, televised event from home. All Three Kings raised open-palms, extended over the waters of life, a SeaOfHumnanity, 2-million to the East, 2-million to the West, 2-million to the South and 2-million to the North.
The "MiracleOfUnity" ("miracle of unity") is the marriage of all religions. Representatives of each stood before the Kings in a circle, hands held in unity, peace and love.
UNITE THESE TRIBES, and that commandment shall not be ignored. Only hateful religious supremacy has prevented this simple task, dividing, instead of uniting, hating instead of unconditionally loving. Until now, every religion has concocted their own PositiveKingdom ("positive kingdom") from where labels of hate have been projected toward all others, 'negatives,' hammered ruthlessly to self-made 'positive-signs,' 'positive-crosses,' to shame and blame all that is diverse and unique from themselves, in FigurativeCarpentry ("figurative carpentry").
The EXACT ROOT of all religions has been abandoned, FigurativeCarpentry being the result, globally, universally, DeathWorship. Since the beginning of all time, human-history that is, stories have been collected from the NegativePositive ThoughtSchool ("school of thought") to PROVE how horrid 'negative/positive-ism' truly is. This is THE FIRST LAW which all religions have PROMISED to uphold and protect, now abandoned, THE DECEPTION.
EquationOfLife: "(-)And(+)Equal Hate/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship" (so don't be that way).
Do the Math: +1-1=0, and do it every Sunday, SundayMaths, and every second in between.
Taken out-of-context, the "positive-only" portions of those ancient stories that were carefully prepared and promised to be protected, have been mimicked by deceived religions, entire societies modeled after it, to hatefully label 'negatives' as being 'not our kinds of people,' to shame them, blame them, cast them out, in so-called 'positive-goodness,' the epitome of FigurativeCarpentry, the exact definition of DeathWorship. This has been the root cause of all hate, all women domination, and, all war.
I have charged every religion on Earth with CrimesAgainstHumanity for this exact reason. The MiracleOfUnity is the UNITING OF TRIBES, all for once, and once and for all.
PeaceOnEarth ("peace on earth") is ON earth, not off-planet in a fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but during this life, on this earth. Same with "heaven," by any name, built here, on earth, in peace.
Any excuse will do to perform FigurativeCarpentry against another, hammering them ruthlessly against one's self-made 'positive-sign' or 'positive-cross' in so-called 'positive-goodness' : words, speech, music, jobs, expressions, art, education, money, location, size, shape, color, and love itself.
The ancient stories, scriptures, are COMMANDED to be taken as a WHOLE, the message clear, "HowNotToBe" ("how not to be") in order to preserve equality, life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness.
Pope Benedict XVI, working with the Delai Lama, without delay, accepted representatives from Hindi, Islam, Christian, and pagan religions, including SCIENCE, uniting in the MiracleOfUnity, the marriage of all religions to THE FIRST LAW -- the EquationOfLife, returning religions to their ROOT, without holes, whole – uniting all tribes, WHOLE AGAIN.
I have commanded Gordon B. Hinckley (OnEdit: and William L. Van De Wall) to assist Cardinal Ratzinger and Tenzin Gyatso. Make it so.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn) - HumanityFamilyAdvocate
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
see "HowToWalkOnWater" at: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/03/335756.shtml
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