Monday, April 03, 2006

Day212-RCH ( White House Changes )

White House Changes

What is needed to put a 'better face' on White House policy? Firstly, a better-looking face. I'm not talking about physical-beauty here, but a more unique-face, which is intriguing. Secondly, a less hostile exchange between the unique-face that affirms Press Releases and reporters.

It is time for "something completely different." A person with personal history from all walks of life that clearly distinguishes individual opinion from the position of the Administration. Somebody with intriguing ambiguities. Size, shape, color, sound-of-voice, mannerisms, history. Someone with enough 'baggage' to keep the whiners whining about the 'baggage' instead of knit-picking policy, thus proving their own prejudices and lack of acceptance for diversity.

It is indeed time for change. Something 'completely different.'

I would proudly volunteer to SERVE AND PROTECT the UNION in such a capacity.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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