Saturday, April 01, 2006

Day213-RCH (The Miracle Of Unity)

The 'Miracle Of Unity'

(Sunday, April 2, 2006)

The spotlight from the Goodyear Blimp projected from the night sky. Giant screens projected various camera-angles. Billions watched the live, televised event from home. All Three Kings raised open-palms, extended over the waters of life, a SeaOfHumnanity, 2-million to the East, 2-million to the West, 2-million to the South and 2-million to the North.

The "MiracleOfUnity" ("miracle of unity") is the marriage of all religions. Representatives of each stood before the Kings in a circle, hands held in unity, peace and love.

UNITE THESE TRIBES, and that commandment shall not be ignored. Only hateful religious supremacy has prevented this simple task, dividing, instead of uniting, hating instead of unconditionally loving. Until now, every religion has concocted their own PositiveKingdom ("positive kingdom") from where labels of hate have been projected toward all others, 'negatives,' hammered ruthlessly to self-made 'positive-signs,' 'positive-crosses,' to shame and blame all that is diverse and unique from themselves, in FigurativeCarpentry ("figurative carpentry").

The EXACT ROOT of all religions has been abandoned, FigurativeCarpentry being the result, globally, universally, DeathWorship. Since the beginning of all time, human-history that is, stories have been collected from the NegativePositive ThoughtSchool ("school of thought") to PROVE how horrid 'negative/positive-ism' truly is. This is THE FIRST LAW which all religions have PROMISED to uphold and protect, now abandoned, THE DECEPTION.

EquationOfLife: "(-)And(+)Equal Hate/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship" (so don't be that way).

Do the Math: +1-1=0, and do it every Sunday, SundayMaths, and every second in between.

Taken out-of-context, the "positive-only" portions of those ancient stories that were carefully prepared and promised to be protected, have been mimicked by deceived religions, entire societies modeled after it, to hatefully label 'negatives' as being 'not our kinds of people,' to shame them, blame them, cast them out, in so-called 'positive-goodness,' the epitome of FigurativeCarpentry, the exact definition of DeathWorship. This has been the root cause of all hate, all women domination, and, all war.

I have charged every religion on Earth with CrimesAgainstHumanity for this exact reason. The MiracleOfUnity is the UNITING OF TRIBES, all for once, and once and for all.

PeaceOnEarth ("peace on earth") is ON earth, not off-planet in a fictional, undisclosed location during a fictional life, but during this life, on this earth. Same with "heaven," by any name, built here, on earth, in peace.

Any excuse will do to perform FigurativeCarpentry against another, hammering them ruthlessly against one's self-made 'positive-sign' or 'positive-cross' in so-called 'positive-goodness' : words, speech, music, jobs, expressions, art, education, money, location, size, shape, color, and love itself.

The ancient stories, scriptures, are COMMANDED to be taken as a WHOLE, the message clear, "HowNotToBe" ("how not to be") in order to preserve equality, life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness.

Pope Benedict XVI, working with the Delai Lama, without delay, accepted representatives from Hindi, Islam, Christian, and pagan religions, including SCIENCE, uniting in the MiracleOfUnity, the marriage of all religions to THE FIRST LAW -- the EquationOfLife, returning religions to their ROOT, without holes, whole – uniting all tribes, WHOLE AGAIN.

I have commanded Gordon B. Hinckley (OnEdit: and William L. Van De Wall) to assist Cardinal Ratzinger and Tenzin Gyatso. Make it so.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (claytOnleOnwintOn) - HumanityFamilyAdvocate
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
see "HowToWalkOnWater" at:

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