Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Day231 "How To Be A Better President"

How To Be A Better President

(April 19, 2006)

Presidents of both companies and countries share a similar problem: enacting meaningful changes and making rational decisions based on reality, not the over-analysis of self-important 'genius-experts.'

For instance, in a company, if the President of that company has a vision, and calls a meeting of managers, those managers then analyze their respective divisions and propose cost-effective answers to benefit the company as a whole. Each manager must present their ideas to the employees, asking the employees how improvements can be made. The manager takes it upon themselves to decide which suggestions are conducive to the President's vision.

And that is dangerous. Because managers become 'genius-experts,' and label employee suggestions as either 'disgruntled complaints' or 'brilliant suggestions.' The 'brilliant suggestions' are often plaigirized to make the manager 'look better.' Meanwhile, the employees with complaints are either dismissed or marginilized, replaced with 'yes-men.'

That is why better presidential leadership requires a 'plant' in the workforce, somebody listening to all the voices, doing the work, experiencing the life of the workers themselves. The individual 'plant' collects opinions, listening to the voices of reality, not hateful sound-bites, nor over-analyzed self-important wishful-thinking.

The worst form of management is that which puts through more requisitions for more equipment and staff to make themselves look 'self-important' while ignoring the workers' messages. This is the recipe for subtle-fraud, the fraudulent undermining of bottom-line profits.

That form of management bankrupts both companies and countries.

There is a form of 'gang-mentality' in that type of management style. The self-important managers practice gang-banger retaliations against all whom disagree or point out the obvious short-comings of such management methodologies. Since the managers themselves are the ONLY VOICES HEARD by the President, the danger and threat to the company or country is outstanding.

So, the managers put up a 'suggestion-box' and encourage all employees to offer ideas, but only if they have the 'solution,' otherwise, the employee is 'disgruntled,' dismissed, the complaint and message ignored. See the danger? An employee experiences the draw-backs within the tiny-corner of the company where they work, but is not aware of a 'company-wide' solution. Therefore, no meaningful company-wide solutions are ever offered, except the plaigirized, self-important re-revisionist theory of management.

But managers aren't doing the work. Managers are merely theorizing. Then, eliminating those with 'good ideas' or those whom pointed out short-comings -- in order to plaigirize the concept, re-vise it, and say it's their own in a pathetic attempt at making themselves, the manager, 'look better.' The President never hears any other voices.

It happens in every company, every country, and even in the Health care Systems, Social Services, various Infrastructure institutions, education too, and, the defensive departments, military itself. And that's how dangerous the 'old-school' mind-set of over-analysis truly is. This is the exact reason why the best generals FAIL.

So, set up an 'Internet-system' to monitor complaints? But only a few are polled, the percentage of those capable of expressing their complaints and concerns limited, the majority of Internet-users repeating sound-bites. And those same old-school managers are still 'filtering' the data, passing it off as 'their own' after slandering the creator of the messages, re-vising and re-interpreting, thus robbing the platform from beneath the employee/citizen.

Meanwhile, the old-school managers hire more staff, buy more equipment, spend more money, and the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation against all others continues unabated.

And the voices heard by the President are still those of self-important 'genius-experts,' undermining and defrauding unity and PROFITS.

This is a 'setup' for disaster, the deliberate and painful long-term destruction of family, company, industry, tax-base, citizenry and country.

In order to understand this better, I will briefly make a comparison between global affairs and my personal life:

I've been writing about it for YEARS, and nobody is PAYING ATTENTION. Meanwhile, infrastructures are endlessly expanding, defrauding investors and treasuries, while life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness for The People are withering away, losses uncontrolled, while the lives of 'just folks' are re-written, libeled, slandered, ignored, made more expensive, more miserable, then blamed for the destructive behaviors of 'genius-experts.'

It's all part of a vast multi-faceted GLOBAL CRISIS. This is just one tiny element. The end-results are strikes, walk-outs, violence, crime, bankruptcies, revolts, revolutions, war and TERRORISM.

I have applied for two positions within the federal government. One as a volunteer to the Bush Administration, although basic-expenses must be met. The other, as a mid-level manager/worker with the DLA. I need a job. Meanwhile, I've been hated for working, then not working, and now that I'm seeking work AGAIN, I'm hated for seeking work, my efforts undermined. It's ridiculous. I just want a job, a real one, that matches my extraordinary talents and capabilities, with room for advancement and self-growth for the benefit of all. I neither discriminate nor harass anybody. I don't care if the people I work with are happy or sad, as long as the work is accomplished. I just want an opportunity. Now, the slander and libel are 'inspiring' more 'genius-experts' to concoct fake 'positions' from where they will hire, then fire, claiming 'incompetence,' in the gang-banger mind-set of retaliation, the epitome of hate. I'm sick of it!


I have applied for various 'most dangerous jobs.' I am not suicidal AT ALL, nor concocting 'future law-suit' delusional fictions. I will return WHOLE, with successful experience, a better, stronger, healthier person, and thereby continue with my personal goals and dreams, and, proving the gang-banger retaliatory hateful 'genius-experts' WRONG.

Nobody will even interview me. Nobody will even help me find employment, in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' unless their idea of 'appropriate position' is concocted and matched as a setup to failure. Like this: "Well, do this simple task so we can request more staff and equipment, spend more money and waste more time, writing hateful things about you in a pathetic attempt at making our self-importance 'look better,' 'justifying' our MEANness."

I've never been involved in violence. I've never struck, hit, kicked, spit, forced myself at/on nor threatened anyone. I've never 'freaked-out' and harmed anything nor anyone, nor been involved in theft or fraud. I do not have a drug history or alcohol-abuse history. I have never been convicted of a crime other than a few traffic tickets, if that can be construed as 'criminal,' which it certainly is not. Do you consider yourself a 'criminal' for traffic tickets? The slander and libel of gang-banging 'genius-experts,' and their minions whom are all-too-quick to thrive on hateful rumor-mongering in their so-called 'positive-goodness' is nothing less than figurative cricifixtion.

Like this: "we're so 'positive,' we are going to hatefully label you as being 'negative,' and we're going to hammer you ruthlessly to our self-made 'positive-cross-signs,' the CrossOfShame/Hate, in our 'positive-goodness,' slandering and libeling YOU forever, in order to make ourselves 'look better.' You will never do anything, but 'prove' how 'positive-good' we are, and we're going to make sure of it, by any MEANs."

I applied to the White House and to the DLA because I want a job! I didn't apply for a job with government, including the DLA, in order to be a 'plant' or 'mole' or 'defector' or 'complainer' or anything ELSE. I just want a job. I want to help out. And I'll do exactly that. I need the opportunity. A good one, to help serve and protect while simultaneously advancing my own personal goals of self-improvement while giving back to community, locally and globally, mentoring, helping and sharing ON MY OWN TIME, clearly distinguished between that of any prospective employer. And I can't even get a call-back or acknowledgement. Why? I have an excellent memory, obviously, as the length of my blogs and internet forum-posts, including the CONSISTENCY of my thoughts, PROVES. It is not a delusional test of 'the system.' It is not a delusional plan to undermine or harm, nor an effort at self-destruction, 'whistle-blowing,' or a health-insurance issue or scam. I AM NONE OF THAT, nor have I ever been. I have a beautiful piece of property on a nearly pristine river in the mountains to enjoy and to keep me busy in my off-time for the remainder of my life, share with friends and family, and much writing and concert piano performance to share.

Now, back to "How To Be A Better President" : the above situation, including my personal life, mirrors that of the country and globe and is the exact ROOT of economic distress, retardation of progress, low profit margins, over-extended treasuries and DEFENSE.

All Presidents, even generals, managers, supervisors, parents and coaches are made better in their duties at serving and protecting by hearing and processing all voices.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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