Thursday, September 15, 2005


Ignore typos/misspellings/insults/'offensive'/LABELS - or PROVE YOUR INTOLERANCE:



DISCUSS: 'Anger'; "ClaytonAndTheMoneyChangers"

This is a difficult topic. We all have our 'PositiveKingdoms' from whence we dictate ABSOLUTES. We draw our figurative 'universe' and anything that 'seemingly' violates our BORDERS becomes THREATS, and we REACT, often spontaneously, thoughtlessly.

So I ranted and raved and it was all MY fault, see. Stupid. Shameful. Then I was upset by being so stupid and acting so shameful. See how that works? Isn't it SIMPLE?

I went to get a loan and it turned out there was ONE tiny piece of paperwork that was REQUIRED RECENTLY BY LAW. So, after a long drive, I ended up returning home NOT KNOWING if I had enough money for gas, or enough to even get home. So I left pissed. And said stupid things. Mostly ranted and raved all the way home at the people who CONCOCTED complications that THOUGHTLESSLY DISCRIMINATED against ME, who has ALWAYS had a much more simplified financial transaction.

Who's to BLAME? Who get's 'lashed' by my anger? And why the HELL didn't I make sure all my paperwork was in order before driving all that way???

Phew! All that BLAME for NOTHING.

See how that works? Fascinating, isn't it?

Meanwhile, I learned important VulgarLessons:

1) If something pisses me off, I'm looking for someone to HAMMER on a CrossOfShame.
-- because my PositiveKingdom's BORDERS have been violated, see.
-- because I did NOT PAY ATTENTION, thus avoiding the situation, see.

2) Complications by other PositiveKingdoms FORCED upon my person is DISCRIMINATION.
-- because NURTURE is denied me, see.
-- because those 'stones' cast from another 'border-violating' PositiveKingdom were thrown by those whom have NEVER WALKED WITH ME, see. (they don't know how difficult they've made my life).

3) After the FACTS, I reflect and learn a VulgarLesson.
-- because my HUMAN_BEHAVIOR_101 is used against me NOW by INTOLERANT PositiveKingdoms, to be used AGAINST me through HATE.

Bottom-line? Nobody is PAYING ATTENTION. The REAL NEEDS of our BelovedNeighbors are IGNORED while we create a TowerOfBabble we have to climb in order to communicate with one another.

See how that works? Fascinating, ins't it?

At the time, on the drive back, I yelled, "And those Lawmakers, whom have NEVER used a LoanShop, sit on their THROWNS and fuckup MY life. Assholes!"

Not very nice, is it? Of course not. It's not THEIR FAULT. It's the SYSTEM, where a group of INTOLERANTS wage WAR against BelovedNeighbors WITHOUT THINKING, WITHOUT PAYING ATTENTION to the REAL PEOPLE these 'stones' cast from their PositiveKingdoms are HURTING/INJURING/WAGING WAR AGAINST.

It really IS that SIMPLE.

I'm sorry, Lawmakers, for yelling insults. I'm ashamed of my behavior. The POINT IS: even with stupid behavior, stupid words, stupid actions, I AM PAYING ATTENTION. Further, it doesn't matter how much you HATE me, or how STUPID you think I am, or how INSANE you may think I am -- I still hold UltimateIntegrity, and am PROVING IT. No shit. Every word you find 'offensive,' and every thought you find 'gross,' you are PROVING it for ME. See how that works? So, we need FIX IT.

READ ON: "BlunderOfWords"

I drove to my friends house today, after paying a bill and saying 'Thank you!' to a special person, and had a conversation. A tragic conversation, where I pissed off a good friend. A rather fuckedup day, indeed. In the process, I PROVED ALL OF THE BELOW:
1) I'm a ______________ (fill in the blank, it doesn't matter, see. ANY LABEL WILL DO!)
2) When EVALUATED, the words we communicate with INVALIDATE themselves, thus INTEGRITY.
3) I PROVED I hold UltimateIntegrity, and it sucks. HELL sucks, see. It really does.

In the course of a 'nice afternoon,' I learned that "Sticks and stones can break bones, but words WILL MAKE YOU go ballistic.' And it's STUPID. We INVALIDATE our own words, then go ballistic when shown our own words invalidate our integrity.

So, no matter how 'stupid' you think I am ... or how 'insane' ... or 'whathaveyou' ... doesn't matter. Invinciable, see. Even if a few knit-picky 'facts' are wrong, 'screwed-up,' or 'complete LIES' -- no shit -- doesn't matter at all -- WHY EXACTLY?

After YOU have PROVEN the BORDERS of your PositiveKingdom, and INVALIDATED YOUR OWN INTEGRITY, all else is a moot-point, PROVING I HAVE ULTIMATE_INTEGRITY.

And it sucks. Because a good friend, who LOVES ARGUEING, when confronted with a complete REVERSAL of LOGIC (his own), made the remark, 'you've offended/offensive, never talk to me.' And that's the EXAMPLE that I'm suppossed to 'look upward to?' The 'ShiningExample' cast-forth as being 'worthy' of 'worship?'

DeathWorship, see. DeathWorship. HOW EXACTLY?

Because every child on the planet knows words are harmless. Because the TOPIC was lost in a blizzard of microcosmic 'universes.' The FOCUS was reduced to ONE WORD, which had NOTHING to do with the discussion, AT ALL. But from that point forward, it's WAR.

See how STUPID it REALLY IS? That's the United States and every person in it. That's where we are TODAY. That's why we have to FIX IT and it's so SIMPLE, the fact we are NOT is stupid.

Even after apologizing, ON THE GROUND, AT HIS FEET, the 'microcosmic-universe,' his ENTIRE FOCUS, was over ONE WORD: 'integrity,' PROVING EVERY POINT I'VE ESTABLISHED IN THE PROCESS.

And that's the USA, to the WORLD, and we just don't 'get it.' We pay 'lip-service' to HumanRights. We pay 'lip-service' to TOLERANCE. We pay 'lip-service' to EQUALITY. We pay 'lip-service' to 'prosperity.' We pay lip-service to LOVE.

Meanwhile, every single 'neighbor' is INTOLERANT of YOU, too, within your own borders, USA.

Look at my misspellings, my typos, my 'stupid shit,' and everything that goes along with it. The end-result? WAR/DEATH_WORSHIP. Every time, see. Every flippin' time.


We need LawMakers reviewing ALL LAWS, with ALL legal assistance possible, removing the CrossOfShame crap that declares BelovedNeighbors 'enemies.' ALL LAW. ALL ATTORNEYS. And even MORE OF THEM. And it will take a decade. Maybe longer. And then we can focus on protecting BelovedNeighbors, instead of waging war against them, censoring their FREEDOMS by discriminating against them, made manifest by OUR OWN INTOLERANCES.

And I just made Financing/Loans/PawnShops/TitleBrokers/Banks/CreditCardCompanies a flippin' fortune, and fed thousands more attorney's family's mouths. HOW EXACTLY?

If you have not been PAYING ATTENTION, let's review: The UniversalTheorem teaches us all very important lessons. VulgarLessons, that are meaningless unless we examine them in the PACIFYING_MIRROR with 'BrutalHonesty.' It takes COURAGE -- not crap -- COURAGE. NOT LIP_SERVICE, COURAGE.

Meanwhile, we FIX LAWS and STOP WARRING against BolovedNeighbors, LIBERATING COPS from having to WAR against BelovedNeighbors, and LIBERATING HUMANITY from INTOLERANCE/HATE.

PeaceOnEarth.PeaceOnEarth.PeaceOnEarth. Right NOW! It really IS simple.

Not 'off' earth -- in some fictional-reality that has NOTHING TO DO WITH NOW. Today. Big difference, see. While you spout your hateful soundbites to promote WAR/DeathWorship, I have THE SOLUTION to real PEACE and it could happen NOW, and we could all make allot more PROSPERITY in the process.

So, lawyers, MY INVINCIABLE RIGHTS have been VIOLATED by INTOLERANCE. So has all businesses; banks; financial institutions; communication companies/media; pharmaceuticals; petro-chemicals; educational institutions; entertainment and travel industry ... the list is practically ENDLESS. All forms of FREEDOM have been CENSORED by the CrossOfShame, WAGING WAR ON ECONOMY, and I'm the ONLY ONE with THE SOLUTION.

Meanwhile, others LABEL and PROVE INTOLERANCE with every utterance toward my person with their damnable CrotchPsychology, PROVING THE CASE BEFORE IT EVEN GOES TO COURT.


HERE: 'Rathdrum Aquifer Train Refueling Station.'

What in HELL has that to do with ME? It's SIMPLE, let's review:

1) oil and water do NOT mix
2) no matter how much is spilled, it will NEVER end up in the water.
3) even if a LAKE were spilled ONCE, it would float on the ground-water, and could be scooped-out and cleaned-up for 1/300th the cost of CENSORING THIS COMPANY AND FORCING THEM TO CONCOCT STUPID 'PROTECTIONS' THAT WILL NEVER BE NECESSARY.

And the cost of bread goes to $6/loaf and it's these 'PositivePeople' that just made my family starve over stupid shit. And the cost of transport grain went up because YOU joined a HATE-GROUP to WAGE WAR on a BUSINESS, thus HURTING REAL PEOPLE. THOUGHTLESSLY. Because you were not PAYING ATTENTION.

It would take a jet-pump of CONTINUOUS RELEASE of diesel-fuel to contaminate the aquifer. It's ridiculous and you know it. Meanwhile, we've spent YEARS and countless MILLIONS concocting report after report after report to argue about the same stupid shit, and charging HIGHER TAXES and WASTING EVERYBODY's TIME IN THE PROCESS. Now, we have Positive-GroupA waging war on BelovedNeighbors who 'just happen' to be 'positive-groupB' TODAY -- meanwhile, having to buy the same BREAD and BUTTER.

It COSTS LESS to clean-up ONE SPILL, which may never happen at all -- than it does to go through this process: (-)AND(+)EQUAL HATE/DEATHWORSHIP.

Now, look at the 'other stuff': I can't see things on TV because it's been waged war against by some 'PositiveGroup' of CrossOfShamers. If they don't want a TV, WHY DID THEY BUY ONE? By what right do they have to CENSOR ME AND VIOLATE MY ABSORPTION OF KNOWLEDGE? Huh?

Same for radio, books, magazines, internet, education-in-general, all media, all clothes, fashions, even electronics. It's ridiculous and YOU KNOW IT.

Meanwhile, LawMakers and Cops are WAGED WAR AGAINST and FORCED into the IMPOSSIBLE POSITION of having to play 'nursury-mom' to YOUR RIDICULOUS INTOLERANCE AND DISCRIMINATION by putting them in the middle of your CrotchPsychology.

And it hurts all of us, in the pockets, and a whole lot deeper than THAT.

And we're BROKE. Don't you get it? We have to 'magically-concoct' money WE DO NOT HAVE to perform Human Services, like RECONSTRUCTING IRAQ -- RECONSTRUCTING AFGHANISTAN -- RECONSTRUCTING THE GULF-COAST -- and that 'reconstruction' list is practically ENDLESS as well.

And interest rates go up, up, up EVENTUALLY, and the interest on the NationalDebt is gonna screw us -- and ALREADY HAS BECAUSE YOU DID NOT PAY ATTENTION.

We were so focused on 'petty-inconsequential-microcosmic-universes-of-hate' that the entire UNIVERSE went by when we were NOT PAYING ATTENTION. And that's where we are at NOW.

This fall, there's going to be an ELECTION in this region, of HATE, proving INTOLERANCE of a MAYOR over CrotchPsychology by CrossOfShamers. It's disgusting. Meanwhile, he 'may have' or 'allegedly' or 'was RUMORED' to have filled positions with 'friends.' Geeee, has that EVER happened in politics BEFORE? Huh? You want YOUR CHERRY-BOY in there to do the SAME DAMNED THING?

Because they will and YOU KNOW IT.


It's so simple a CHILD can understand it. It doesn't matter what you LABEL ME, personally, the platter it's on is golden and BULLET-PROOF.

And the UniversalTheorem treats us all EQUALLY and 'treats' us with PROSPERITY. Even if by only 1-percent, it's ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT MORE THAN THE CRAP YOU HAVE NOW.

And we all learn important lessons with it, even those who think I'm insane/stupid/satanic/whatever ... doesn't matter, see. It just doesn't matter, because they have PROVEN THEMSELVES to be DeathWorshipers, praying to FalseGods.


UpliftOrleans: to rebuild the city NOW and make it BETTER NOW.
ProtectCOPS: from your typical INTOLERANCE that puts them at RISK.
ProtectPEOPLE: from the same intolerance/hatred that makes BelovedNeighbors WAR with BelovedNeighbors.
CREATESJOBS: by LIBERATING those INDUSTRIES that have been waged WAR AGAINST by CrossOfShamers.
HigherWages: the economic stimuls results in higher-profits and higher-wages for ALL.
LiberatesGovernment: to start the vital HumanFamilyNurture that is YEARNED for and LACKING.
LiberatesCOURTS: from the incessent INTOLERANT petty-suits, allowing them the EXAMINATION TIME necessary to PROTECT THE PEOPLE, instead of WAGE WAR AGAINST THEM.
PaysNationalDebt: by creating NewIndustry, NewJobs, NewTaxes, NewEducational opportunities.
LiberatesMEDIA: to SHARE BEAUTY, free from INTOLERANT CrossOfShamers HAMMERING.
LiberatesEducation: to RE-EXAMINE the texts, and provide NEW SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT to the YEARNING.
FILLS POTHOLES! : for REAL, and puts food in mouths of those doing it.
PROTECTS ENVIRONMENT: by shattering previously-impermiable BOUNDARIES, thus LIBERATING those who are CONCERNED to work hand-in-hand with those who MAY impact the environment, making life BETTER for ALL, instead of the USELESS endless_sufferage of WAGING WAR AGAINST EACH OTHER.
NewScience: the 'Universal Field Theorem' is a combination of ALL FIELDS, SumOfAllThings, see. The HumanityFamily is VITAL for the science to THRIVE. And it's BEAUTIFUL, the possibilities ENDLESS. So, it's the 'UniversalTheorem,' as 'field' becomes superfluous, once again.

And NOBODY IS PAYING ATTENTION. Instead, you have chosen to babble something at the 'air' while REAL PEOPLE SUFFER, PROVING YOU HAVE NO INTEGRITY, as you 'excuse' yourself from LIFE while REAL MOUTHS STARVE and REAL PEOPLE DROWN, thus PROVING YOU WORSHIP DEATH.

The only time anybody 'gives' IS IF they are SHAMED into it, nonstop, 24/7 after some 'horrible tragedy.' After a few days/weeks/months, we're back to WAGING WAR ON BELOVED NEIGHBORS.

It's ridiculous and YOU know it.

Real HOPE is in REAL SOLUTIONS, not endless-sufferage, and most certainly NOT 'wishful-thinking' about fictional people/places that will NEVER HAPPEN except in your dreams or some 'fictional-place' that cannot EVER BE PROVEN, NOR REALIZED.


Your pitiful-blaming 'answers' perpetuate the same INTOLERANT WARS.

HEAVEN DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE -- only your FalseGods discriminate by HATRED and YOU promote it through DeathWorship.

You KNOW it and I KNOW it and it's RIDICULOUS.

So, I gave you a multi-hundred-TRILLION-DOLLAR-SOLUTION-FOR-FREE.



HeavenOnEarth -- not 'off' -- OnEarthOnEarthOnEarth. PeaceOnEarthOnEarthOnEarthOnEarth.

'ON' -- not 'off' -- what part of 'ON' don't YOU get? And it's got NOTHING to do with RELIGION. This is NOT a club, religion, cult, group, book-writing-proposal, fictional-crap, hoax, joke, or even the ramblings of a 'madman,' because even if YOU think so, DO THE MATH and it does NOT LIE.



It really IS that SIMPLE. And no matter what you LABEL me, personally, we all LEARN SOMETHING VALUABLE IN THE PROCESS AND MAKE MONEY DOING IT. Bullet-proof, see. It's bullet-proof.

Rebuild New Orleans NOW: 'UpliftOrleans' is a REAL SOLUTION you could do TODAY instead of spending YEARS argueing over petty-crap.

Oh, let me PROVE how stupid things have become AGAIN: 'bosom' 'suckling.' If YOU think a 'bosom' is a VALID_THREAT, then you have PROVEN YOU HATE LIFE, thus WorshipDeath.

It really IS THAT SIMPLE. Meanwhile, ECONOMY is censored, and suffers, and so do all the businesses and families NURTURED by it.

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