Thursday, September 22, 2005

Day22-ResusCitateHumanity-2.2 (Literalist?)

Literalist: one who perceives the sky as 'blue' and refuses to acknowledge it is NOT blue.

-- because they were TOLD/perceive these things when they are NOT true or there are underlying FACTS they REFUSE to acknowledge, address or even listen to (it 'looks' like it or 'sounds' like it, but it is NOT VALID).

Literalist: one who insists a building that NEVER contained bodies, is a TOMB.
Literalist: one who claims FreedomOfSpeech while censoring words/letters/scenes/music/magazines.
Literalist: one who claims FreeWill while refusing to recognize GENDER.
Literalist: one who claims 'wealth' while drowning in staggering National Debts.
Literalist: one who claims ECONOMY is 'good' when it's all borrowed 'bail-out' loans.
Literalist: one who claims EQUALITY while IGNORING 'those kinds of people.'
Literalist: one who claims CelebrateDiversity while waging war.
Literalist: one who claims 'peace' while supporting the mass-murder of 100,000,000 people per decade due to their own INACTION and IGNORANCE, excusing themselves by babbling shit at the air.
Literalist: one who claims CREATION while hating/censoring themselves, neighbors, or certain 'created' items.
Literalist: one who claims 'unconditional love' while sending/supporting sons and daughters of their own to die while waging war against foreign lands.
Literalist: one who claims 'peace' is only possible through genocide/FinalBattles/EndDays.
Literalist: one who claims 'killing is wrong' while supporting waging war against others.
Literalists are DeathWorshipers, whom say anything, do anything, 'rationalize' anything in their DECEPTION.

-- because they were TOLD these things when they are NOT true or there are underlying FACTS they REFUSE to acknowledge, address or even listen to (it 'looks' like it or 'sounds' like it, but it is NOT).

-- because even when the FACTS are clearly explained, they REFUSE to acknowledge REALITY.

-- because 'literalists' are hypocrites.

In Psychology, the term 'Literalist' is often used to describe a person that sees a 'blue' sky and therefore are incapable of even 'evaluating' whether the sky is actually blue or not. These types of individuals will argue incessently, patting themselves on the back in their 'rightness,' encouraged because they can clearly point to the sky and say, 'LOOK!' Unfortunately, they are pointing at air -- and the light is PERCEIVED as 'blue' by the brain, on a clear day ONLY. There is no explanation for 'night sky' nor 'cloudy days,' yet they will continue with their same arguements, devoid of ALL LOGIC.

As a result, these types of individuals are unpredictable, often violent, and therefore INSANE.

Look at the rest of the list of 'literalist' examples. WHERE DO YOU FIT IN?

ResusCitateHumanity is a LifeRing -- perhaps it's time to slip your arm around it?

(not a club; group; religion; revolt; revolution; politics; book; something to buy; NONE OF THAT).

PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off,' or some fictional fantasy unrelated to REAL LIVING BREATHING HUMANS.

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