Tuesday, September 27, 2005



(OnTime is variable, and sometimes we find time-capsules).

HowSecurityWorks - Liberation - by a REAL PeaceOfficer

I was driving with my window partially rolled down and a bumble-bee (Impossible to hover/levitate but they do) flew in. My dog, sitting on the passenger seat nearly licked up the bee.

I pulled over quickly, saying, "Had I thought of opening the other window, my dog would not have been endangered by a bee-sting in his mouth."

After pulling over, I walked to the other side of my vehicle and opened the door. The bumble-bee flew away -- LIBERATED.

========= HOLD THAT THOUGHT =========

I enter by a private-road. It follows a river-valley. A rock marks a clearing cut into the trees. On the opposite side of the valley is a structure. Security-equipment could watch to see who enters or exits along this private-road.

Now, this 'security-equipment' could be a camera-crew, filming, after being given a 'tip' that some type of 'event' was to take place and it was a matter of National Security that they watch closely, protecting all of us. The camera-angle acrossed the valley is 'safety,' right?

WRONG. Here's why: while the camera rolls, recording events as they unfold from afar, someone/someones enter the road and the vehicle slows. At that exact moment, from below or above where the camera is located, without the knowledge of the film-crew, a projectile is sent through the very 'security-cleared-line-of-sight.'

The film-crew gets the 'footage' of some 'event' and we see it on the NationalNews -- but the 'someone/someones' that entered the road and slowed the vehicle for the 'kill-shot' had nothing to do with it. Maybe neighbors, asked to be there, or 'inspired' by a little 'whisper' somehow, manage to be there at that precise moment/hour/day/week, thereby concocting the situation.

Those 'neighbors' get blamed for something they had nothing to do with and it's shown 'live' on National News as 'proof' of something that did not happen. You watched -- the news-crew filmed -- you see an 'attack' up close and it never happened. Subtle, see. Very subtle.

And we've seen it on the Global News Networks many times.

Spookey, isn't it? Literally.

And we've got 'spook' PLAYING spook' against 'spook' to DECEIVE the world, and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.

Meanwhile, merely mentioning the word 'wonder' and 'think' and 'question' is met with scorn, and a person gets labelled things they are not merely for opening their mouth and thinking about things other than the 'gospel-print' by the same people whom claim to be 'open-minded' and 'thinking outside of the box,' and 'celebrating freedom' and 'diversity.'

Now, relating to ME, personally, just mentioning the above will be PROOF of their HATRED for thinking, liberty, democracy, constitutional-evaluation, and LIFE ITSELF, literally being PLAYED as a PAWN OF WAR, behind their backs, without their knowledge or consent. Deceived by no fault of their own.

I use capitalization for emphasis, and some people claim it's some type of 'inner demons' speaking, or some psychobabblebullshit when it's most certainly just emphasis for key-words in a sentence. Don't string the capitalized words together and try and concoct something that isn't there. I DO NOT DECEIVE NOR MAKE EXCUSES FOR MISTAKES AT ALL.


Now, how do we fix THAT? Now, I've got the same situation on my own personal property, too.


Let's look at the above again, with some additional tangential-thoughts:

'Greek Tragedy' is? "Testicleas" (interesting to think about, don't assume much here).
'Windows' is? "GLASS!" (are you thinking? For REAL?)

I was driving with my window partially rolled down and a bumble-bee (Impossible to hover/levitate but they do) flew in. My dog, sitting on the passenger seat nearly licked up the bee.

I pulled over quickly, saying, "Had I thought of opening the other window, my dog would not have been endangered by a bee-sting in his mouth."

After pulling over, I walked to the other side of my vehicle and opened the door. The bumble-bee flew away -- LIBERATED.


I cut firewood to keep me warm when it's cold. It's totally recycled and totally replenishable. I used to cut it where it was at -- and have to pick up little pieces -- throw them in the truck -- throw them out of the truck -- carry them to the wood-pile -- carry them into the wood-shed -- carry them inside to a stack -- carry them into the wood-stove -- piece by piece. Lots of needlessly wasted ECONOMY.

How do you solve THAT? And I learned the hard way -- by rolling up my sleeves and doing it in the dirt -- over and over and over -- ignoring the OBVIOUS. What a dumbshit!

Why didn't I carry the logs to the wood-shed and cut them in-place?! Shit!


Now, take a look at this again: "After pulling over, I walked to the other side of my vehicle and opened the door. The bumble-bee flew away -- LIBERATED."

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