Friday, September 16, 2005



DISCUSS: 'MessagesInBottles'

StarGate-SG1 is one of the best shows on television. I love it, I really do, and all the care, discipline, love and nurture that each and every person involved with it's delivery PERFORM to bring it to my home are simply wonderful. Hands down. Do YOU watch it? It's on the Sci-Fi Channel here. The cast is oustanding, as is the screen-writing and directing. The parallels between REAL LIFE and BEYOND are striking, inspiring, and I adore inspiration.

Besides, they have some of the best ACTORS -- they really do -- and I'm wondering what happened to Richard Dean Anderson? I love him -- everybody does. Where'd he go? And they are combining character-actors from sci-fi and other genre' HERE, and that's something very SPECIAL you normally do NOT see. Like the hologram-doctor from VOYAGER ; the holographic-computer/SHIP, errrr, 'Remy?' from ANDROMEDA (CrotchPsychology actually applies HERE!) ; and, Beau Bridges now as a COMMANDER. Excellent cast -- but still missing ANDERSON and I'd like to know why. The story-line/screen-writing just gets better and better.

(Don't worry, errrr, 'Remy,' I'm always a gentleman).

Did you see Bruce Campbell's "The Man With The Screaming Brain?" Do you know who Bruce Campbell is? A HERO, hands-down. This guy has something IMPORTANT to SHARE. Valuable MESSAGES that you may overlook, merely by getting distracted with a single-scene, by 'microscopically-zooming' in on trivial 'fact's while the entire UNIVERSE slides on by.

And this reminds me again of that home-video SHARED on LINK-TV or FreeSpeechTV: the two guys making a 'PEACE SIGN.' By NO MEANS am I being facetious when I tell you quite honestly and up front that this particular video is one of the ALL TIME BEST EVER MADE. Someday, I'd like to see them re-do it, with better funding: the scene where he's 'drawing the techno-details.' I'd like to see calendar-pages flying, while dollars fly out the window, with the sun rising and setting, and dozens of trips to the store, night-school and various places, maybe a trip to the seat of government to lobby for a law or two, declaring WAR against non-peace-sign-makers by a 'formingPositiveKingdom,' sped-up and shown in about two-minutes. WE GOT THE MESSAGE AND IT WAS THE BEST TIME I'VE HAD IN A VERY LONG WHILE! Thank you! Laughed my ass off, I really did, and most certainly NOT at the acting/set/people or anything like that.

I'm watching BATTLESTAR GALACTICA now, the re-make from the 70's, only BETTER. Those with hostile-intent are making PEACE and UNITING the dispersed StarClusterFamily (my words, not theirs). It's really a good story-line, acting, sets, design, delivery, etc. I LOVE CREATIVITY, and EDWARD JAMES ALMOS and MARY McDONNELL are showing YOU how to behave while entertaining us at the same time. LEADERSHIP, for REAL, even with all the blunders and fuckups, HUMAN_BEHAVIOR_101, and we LOVE THEM FOR SHARING.

So, why are 'tv-shows,' that are NOT real, that are NOT representative of YOU or YOUR FAMILY, so IMPORTANT? Is it the 'entertainment' value? The CrotchPsychology (because you happen to find a particular character 'appealling?') WHY EXACTLY?

While you were NOT PAYING ATTENTION, these folks were telling you something IMPORTANT; meanwhile, sharing with you the DISCIPLINE/LOVE/BEAUTY/NURTURE of LIFE/LIVING/LIGHT made manifest by the NONDISCRIMINATORY nature of their BEINGS, inclusive of the sets/lights/cameras/etc.

While you were NOT PAYING ATTENTION, pretending to be something you are NOT, like a 'millionaire' or 'BeverlyHillsWannaBe' or 'PrivateEye' or 'GetRichGamblingAddict' or 'GetRicherQuickerGenius' the entire UNIVERSE of LESSONS passed by your HUMANITY.

This SYSTEM is broke and in decline and there is NO NEW INDUSTRY to UPLIFT HUMANITY, only promotions of FalseGods/hate. MEANWHILE, REAL CREATIVITY is reminding us of LIFE/LOVE/NURTURE/LIGHT.

It can't go IGNORED -- it's RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF OUR FACES, and it's beautiful.

What happened to all those 'reality' shows? Geeee, not very 'real' at all, were they. Set-ups, where REAL PEOPLE were setup, entrapped, framed or purposely DECEIVED to create an illusion of life, not LIFE/LIGHT/NURTURE.

Fascinating, isn't it?

So, am I 'declaring war' on a particular genre' or 'aspect' of 'hollywood?' Nope. YOU ALREADY HAVE, and the REAL MESSAGES are CENSORED by INTOLERANCE/HATE/DEATH_WORSHIP. These kind, caring, SHARING folks need be LIBERATED from INTOLERANCE, TODAY.

Now, some of those 'reality-shows' were/are a lot of fun. Really. Some of the game-shows are fun, too. It's all fun -- and it should be kept within the REAL UNIVERSE OF REALITY. Meanwhile, the VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGES are ALSO being SHARED in MYSTERIOUS WAYS.


Did you miss some while NOT PAYING ATTENTION, or what?


Where's YOUR FreeSpeechTV? Where's YOUR WorldLinkTV?


I'm wondering where KENDIS GIBSON is -- STILL. Huh?
And what's KEVIN SORBO doing NOW?


FIRE STORM! Yipes! And is it just YOU or something in the forest? "I will lift thine WATER to thy neighbors lips, even the shit I hate."


So, there are times when I make statements like the above and everybody wants to know what in HELL I'm getting at:


I'm NOT a spin-DOCTOR, but I can spin-DOCTOR, poorly. There are those with TALENT at doing this and I'm wishing for ONCE it would be 'spun' for PeaceOnEarthOnEarthOnEarth instead of the usual 'same-'ole, same-'ole.'

FeetOnGround, eventually, it just takes awhile getting there, sometimes. So I asked AllOfYou/AllOfUs/AllThings to be friends and stop hating each other. Simple request. And dangled a carrot, a REAL PRIZE, VALID_TRUTHS that DO NOT DECEIVE NOR LIE. Beauty is SIMPLE, and TrueBeauty is the NURTURE of the DISCIPLINE and ARTISTRY required to enhance it's inherent simplicities.

Still not making sense to YOU, personally? That's ok -- really, because, eventually, we communicate in:



-- and there IS. Do NO HARM -- and harm nothing. Our family-borders entertwine and we need each other. Ni-night, HumanityFamily. The LifeRing is tucked under your arms. Until TOMORROW. PeaceOnEarth.

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